Chapter 5: Motion Study
Chapter 5: Motion Study
Chapter 5: Motion Study
Work study is a technique which is employed to
ensure the best possible use of men, machine,
materials and energy in carrying out a specific
activity. It deals with the techniques of method
study and work measurement.
Objectives of motion study The objectives of
motion study are:
3. 3. work sampling
4. 4. Analytical estimating
Selection of job for time study
1. Time study conducted on a job
1. Process allowance: This is an allowance provided to compensate for enforced idleness during
a process, this includes loss of time due to no work, power, failure, faculty material, faculty tool
or equipment.
Allowances are added to normal time in order to arrive at
standard time. The various allowances are:
2. Personal and rest allowances: This is allowed to compensate for the time spent by worker in
meeting the physical needs, for instance a periodic break in the production routine, the amount of
personal time required by operator varies with the individual more than with the kind of work,
though is seen that workers need more personal time when the work is heavy and done under
unfavorable conditions.
Allowances are added to normal time in order to arrive at
standard time. The various allowances are:
3. Special allowances: these allowances given under certain special circumstances. some of
these allowances and the conditions under which they are given are:
Policy allowance
Small Lot a allowance
Training allowance
Rework allowance
Allowances are added to normal time in order to arrive at
standard time. The various allowances are: