Chapter 5: Motion Study

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Chapter 5: Motion

Work study is a technique which is employed to
ensure the best possible use of men, machine,
materials and energy in carrying out a specific
activity. It deals with the techniques of method
study and work measurement.
Objectives of motion study The objectives of
motion study are:

 To improve the procedure of doing a work.

 To improve the workplace layout (ultimately plant layout).
 To minimize the human motion for minimum fatigue of operators.
 To maximize the utility of resources (men, m/c, materials).
 To improve the overall working environment.
Principles of motion economy
Analysis of an operation when carried out in terms of
individual motion of a worker is known as Motion
 The purpose of motion analysis is to design an improved
method which would eliminate unnecessary motion and employs
human effort more productively. In doing so, the Principle of motion
economy is very much helpful. 
 It consists of a set of rules designed by Gilbreth and later rearranged
and amplified by others (Branes Lowry et al) to develop better
It is classified into following 04 categories: Rules
concerning human body, workplace layout and
material handling. Tools and equipment design and
time conservation.
Rules concerning human body:

 1. Both hands should be used for productive work.

 2. Both hands should start and finish their motion at the same time.
 3. Except for the rest period, the two hands should not be idle at one
 4. Motion of both the hands and arms are symmetrical, simultaneous
and opposite to each other.
Rules concerning human body:

 5. Motions should be simple and involve minimum number of limbs.

(The purpose-shortest duration and minimum fatigue) 6. Motion
should be smooth and continuous. There should not be sharp direction
change and frequent stop.
 7. It is desirable for a worker to employ momentum to assist him.
 8.A worker may use mechanical aids to assist him to overcome
muscular effort.
 5. Motions should be simple and involve minimum number of limbs.
(The purpose-shortest duration and minimum fatigue) 6. Motion
should be smooth and continuous. There should not be sharp direction
change and frequent stop.
 7. It is desirable for a worker to employ momentum to assist him.
 8.A worker may use mechanical aids to assist him to overcome
muscular effort.

Recording Techniques Information Recorded

1) Outline Process Chart - Principle Operation and inspection of the processes
2) Flow Process Chart - Activities of men, material or equipment are analyzed
into five event viz,, operation transport,inspection,delay and storage
3) Two-handed Process Chart - Movements of two hands or limbs of the operator
4) Multiple Activity Chart - Simultaneous/Interrelated activities of operators and/or machines on a
common time scale
5) simultaneous Motion Cycle Chart -Movements of a body member of the operator expressed in
terms of ther bligs on a common time scale

1. Flow diagram -Path of men, materials and equipments on a scale

2. String diagram-Same as above except for the variation that is uses
string to trace the path

1. Cyclegraph -Movement of hand obtained by exposing a

photographic platetl to the light emmited from small bulbs attached
to the operators fingers
2. Chrono-Cyclegraphs -Modification of cyclegraph in which recording
is made using flash light

1. Operation -Indicates the main steps in a process, method of

Procedure usually the part,material or product corncern which is
modified or changed during the ooperation
2. Transport -Indicates movement of workers, materials or equipment
from palce to place

1. Inspection -Indicates any type of inspection, check measurement

visual scrutiny for quality and/or quantity
2. Temporary storage or delay -Indicates a delay in the sequence of
3. Storage -Indicated a controlled storage in which material is received
into or issued from store under some form of authorization or an
item is retained for reference purposes.

1. it was proposed by Frederick taylor and later modified to include

a performance rating (PR) adjustment
2. Once the method is established, the next objectives is to set the
standard time for the work this aspect of the work study is called
time study (or Work measurement).

1. it was proposed by Frederick taylor and later modified to include

a performance rating (PR) adjustment
2. Once the method is established, the next objectives is to set the
standard time for the work this aspect of the work study is called
time study (or Work measurement).
1. To determined the standard time for various operation which helps in fixing wages rate and
2. To estimate the cost of product accurately
3. To predict accurately the duration for a particular work and customer is promised
4. To determine the number of machines an operator can run
5. To determine optimum number of men and machine
6. To provide information for planning and scheduling
7. To balance the work of all workers working in a group
8. To compare the work efficiency of different workers/operators

1. 1. Time study using stop watch

2. 2. Predetermined motion time system

3. 3. work sampling

4. 4. Analytical estimating
Selection of job for time study
1. Time study conducted on a job

2. which has not been previously time-studied

3. for which method change has taken place recently

4. for which worker(s)might have complained as having tight time standards.

Selection of workers for time study
1. The worker on which time study should be conducted must
2. have necessary skill for the job
3. have sufficient experience with the given method on the job( that is, he should have crossed
the learning stages).
4. be an averages worker as regard the speed of working
5. be temperamentally suited to the study (those who cant work in normal fashion when
watched, are not suitable for the study).
6. have knowledge about the purpose of studyt
Allowances are added to normal time in order to arrive at
standard time. The various allowances are:

1. Process allowance: This is an allowance provided to compensate for enforced idleness during
a process, this includes loss of time due to no work, power, failure, faculty material, faculty tool
or equipment.
Allowances are added to normal time in order to arrive at
standard time. The various allowances are:

2. Personal and rest allowances: This is allowed to compensate for the time spent by worker in
meeting the physical needs, for instance a periodic break in the production routine, the amount of
personal time required by operator varies with the individual more than with the kind of work,
though is seen that workers need more personal time when the work is heavy and done under
unfavorable conditions.
Allowances are added to normal time in order to arrive at
standard time. The various allowances are:

3. Special allowances: these allowances given under certain special circumstances. some of
these allowances and the conditions under which they are given are:
 Policy allowance
 Small Lot a allowance
 Training allowance
 Rework allowance
Allowances are added to normal time in order to arrive at
standard time. The various allowances are:

4. Policy allowances: it depends on the policy of an organization controlled by workers union.

Time study equipment
Time device-the stop watch is the most widely used timing device used for time study, although
electronic timer is also sometimes used.
Time study observation sheet-it is printed form with spaces provided for nothing down the
necessary information about the operation being studied, like name of operation, drawing
number, and name of the worker, name of time study person, and the date and place of study.
Time study board- it is a light-weigth board use for holding the observation sheet and stopwatch
in position
Other equipment- this includes pencil, eraser, device like tachometer for checking the speed, ect.
Why dividing works into short
elements is essential?
For the purpose of time study, the task is normally broken into short
elements and each element is timed separately for the following
reasons: * To separate unproductive part of task from the productive
one. * To improve accuracy in rating. The worker may not work at
the same speed throughout the cycle. * To identify the element
causing high fatigue. * To have detailed job specifications. * To
prepare standard data for repeatedly occuring elements.
Number of cycles to be timed.
Greater the accuracy desired in the results, larger
should be the number of cycles observed.
The study should be continued through sufficient number of
cycles so that occasional elements such as setting-up
machine, cleaning of machine or sharpening of tool are
observed for a good number of times.
Where more than one operator is doing the same job, short
study (say 10 to 15 cycles) should be conducted on each of
the several operators than one long study on a single
Take note:

It is important that enough cycles are timed so that

reliable average is obtained.
Following TECHNIQUES are used
to determine the number of cycles
to be timed.
Use of Tables: On the consideration of the cost of obtaining
the data and the desired accuracy in results, most companies
have prepared their own tables for the use of time study,
which indicate the number of cycles to be timed as a function
of the cycle time and the frequency of occurrence of the job
in the company.
 Statistical methods: On the basis of the requirements of the particular
situation involved, accuracy and confidence level are decided (An
accuracy of a confidence level of 95% is considered reasonable in
most cases). A preliminary study is conducted in which some(say N)
cycles are timed. Standard deviation o of these (N) observations is
calculated as
Where t = each watch reading T average of N watch readtng n = number of
watch readings in the preliminary study.
Now. to find M the number of cycles to time the followtng gatistical method can
be used. calculated standard error of meant from the equation X £ = AT mere
A— accuracy desired t = average of N watch reading X = a factor
correspondtng to confidence level desiedL Its valuesis 1 for 68%.2 for 95%.
and 3 for confidence Determine the requited sample Size M from the equation
Performance Rating
It is a process of comparing the performance rate of a worker
against standard performance. The standard performance is
different for different jobs. Te rating factor is used to convert
the observed time into normal time.
Normal time = Observed time x Performance level of worker
Standard performance level
Other Equipment. This includes pencil, eraser, device like
tachometer for checking the speed.

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