Work Study 1
Work Study 1
Work Study 1
Importance of work study
Advantage of work study
Steps involved in work study
Objectives of Method study
Steps involved in Method study
Charts and diagram
Work study
Work study is a generic term for those
techniques, method study and work
measurement which are used in the
examination of human work in all its
Which lead systematically to the
investigation of all the factors which
affect the efficiency and economy of the
situation being reviewed, in order to
effect improvement.
Importance of work
1. Work-study is a means of enhancing the
production efficiency (productivity) of the firm by
elimination of waste and unnecessary operations.
2. It is a technique to identify non-value adding
operations by investigation of all the factors
affecting the job.
3. It is the only accurate and systematic
procedure oriented technique to establish time
4. It is going to contribute to the profit as the
savings will start immediately and continue
throughout the life of the product.
5. It has got universal application.
Method study
Method study is the systematic
recording and critical examination of
existing and proposed ways of doing
work as a means of developing and
applying easier and more effective
methods and reducing cost.
1. Economic Aspects
2. Technical Aspects
The method study man should be careful enough to
select a job in which he has the technical knowledge
and expertise. A person selecting a job in his area of
expertise is going to do full justice
1. Job having in consistent quality.
2. Operations generating lot of scraps.
3. Frequent complaints from workers regarding the job.
3. Human Considerations
Method study means a change as it is going to affect
the way in which the job is done presently and is not
fully accepted by workman and the union.
1. Workers complaining about unnecessary and tiring
2. More frequency of accidents.
3. In consistent earnings.
Recording techniques
1. Charts
2. Diagrams
3. Templates and models
Operation process chart
Flow process chart type
2.material type type
Multiple activity chart
Two handed process chart
Travel chart
Simo chart
1. Flow and string diagram
2. Models and materials
3. Cycle graph and chronocycle graph
Operation chart
The flow process chart
shows the sequence and nature of
movement but it does not clearly show the
path of movements. In the paths of
movements, there are often undesirable
features such as congestion, back tracking
and unnecessary long movements.
(i) To study the different layout plans and
thereby select the most optimal layout.
(ii) To study traffic and frequency over
different routes of the plant.
(iii) Identification of back tracking and
obstacles during movements
Diagrams are of two types:
1. Flow Diagram and 2. String Diagram.
Simultaneous motion cycle chart (SIMO
chart) is a recording technique for micromotion study.
It is the micro-motion form of the man
type flow process chart. To prepare simo
chart, an elaborate procedure and use of
expensive equipment are required and
this study is justified when the saving
resulting from study will be very high.