Our Choice Makes A Difference: Responsible Banking at MTB
Our Choice Makes A Difference: Responsible Banking at MTB
Our Choice Makes A Difference: Responsible Banking at MTB
The unmanaged environmental, social and health & Safety risks of the customers also impacting the Bank
financially. With the increased global awareness on Corporate social responsibility (CSR) & Sustainable
Business, it is going to be impacted further in the future.
Associated Risks of Banks for unmonitored risk of Customers
Customer Bank
Unmanaged EHSS Risk in operation
A. Operational Risk
• Business discontinuation- Immediate and/or
permanent .
• Ceasing of operation for long term.
• Ceasing of operation for short term.
B. Legal Risk
• Criminal cases
• Civil Cases
• Fines and Penalties
C. Financial Risk
Insured loss Uninsured loss
Proposed customer
Evaluating the EHSS risk that can cause operational risk in long term business
Discuss and try to manage the risk. if not possible, exit strategy identified.
Existing Customer
Evaluating the EHSS risk and manage the strategy to monitor and mitigate the risk
If the risk is such that is not manageable identify the exit strategy
Process flow diagram of Review the
EHSSRM project’s
compliance with
of risk
respect to the Key
Initial Visit to indicators Risk
the assessment Initial report for
Generate Risk and
Prospect’s Data Collection Internal project
Documentation of Rating categorization
/Existing Screening
all provided
Project information Risk Rating
including any (Red, Amber,
permit, license, Yellow,
clearance etc. Green)
Screened out (Not limited to
out plan only EHSS risk)
Monitor and
On-site follow-up Preparing report
review the
visit and preparing Loan approval and with a time bound
progress on
of report on disbursal (For action plan and
proposed Action
progress made prospects) relevant covenants
Process Repeat
A SOP has been developed with the relevant
programs, process & Procedures
Key Performance
Indicators on EHSSRM
Occupational and
Environmental Safety Community Health & Social Risk
Increased Global LDC graduation impact Increased foreign Opportunities to work Growing heavy
Awareness • With the preferential donation with foreign investors industries in the
• If communicated and treatment will be no longer • With the increased foreign • Having a strong EHSSRM
applicable, Environmental, country
advised properly, helping donation in the country, policy and strategy will •With the country
the export oriented Health & safety, Social there will be a growing open up the opportunities
issues will be one of the growing towards heavy
business with the EHSSRM scope of implementing the to work with the growing industries,
will be greatly appreciated. key aspects of getting EHSSRM, if such number of foreign
export preference. environmental, health &
organizations are attracted investors safety and social issues
to channel the finances will be part of their
through us with our strong operational risk.
EHSSRM policy.
Strategies to overcome the Key Challenges