ERS Capability Statement 2013r
ERS Capability Statement 2013r
ERS Capability Statement 2013r
Company Profile Personnel
Environmental Risk Solutions Pty Ltd ERS personnel have varied professional
(ERS) is an Australian owned and and technical backgrounds in engineering,
operated company. Since 1995, we have science and supporting disciplines that
been providing our clients with Health, establishes a solid foundation for providing
Safety, and Environment (HSE) risk our clients with effective and efficient
assessment, risk management and solutions.
training solutions.
Our personnel are efficient, energetic and
We assist our clients in meeting their personable. We excel at finding solutions
industry and statutory HSE obligations, that fulfil our clients’ needs.
mitigate and help manage risks in relation
to all company, employee, and contractor Value Adding for Clients
activities by providing customised, At ERS, we provide our services using the
integrated and cost effective solutions. following principles:
Working with clients to clearly identify
Company Philosophy needs, define objectives and outcomes
ERS is dedicated to contributing to the
economic growth of Australian and Assisting with strategic planning and
overseas projects and ongoing operations project feasibility planning
by enhancing the HSE and quality aspects Delivering integrated, streamlined and
of these developments for our clients.
continuing solutions
Industry Experience Using extensive experience of
Our client base includes national and qualified, competent and professional
multinational companies operating in personnel
Australia, New Zealand, United States, the
Pacific Rim, Southern Africa, Middle East, Scoping and managing work in the
and Europe. most technically correct, cost effective
and efficient manner
From large major hazard facilities (MHF)
Supporting clients with an ethical,
to smaller operations, our clients conduct
business across a wide variety of industry reliable, amiable and flexible service
sectors: offshore and onshore oil and gas, Exercising confidentiality, professional
chemical, mining, refining, water, power
care and judgment
and transport industries, government
Maintaining our corporate, regulatory
agencies, ports and private commercial
companies. and best practice knowledge
Supplying suitable specialist services
Qualitative Risk Assessment • Fire and Explosion Risk Analysis
Businesses are required to continually (FERA)
identify hazards, assess risks and • Occupied Building Risk Analysis
implement measures to reduce those (OBRA)
risks. We undertake a wide range of risk Such assessments ensure our clients
assessments on a regular basis and use have the information they need to
the results to develop safety performance effectively manage their facilities’ risks.
monitoring systems, action plans and
databases to track correctional and Environmental Assessment
compliance actions. ERS has comprehensive environmental
management experience on a range of
The risk assessment services provided by projects for our clients’ industries, such as:
ERS include all aspects of preparation,
facilitation, scribing (minute taking), report • Work Approvals
preparation and, where requested, • Environmental Impact Assessment
recommended action tracking and (EIA)
closeout. These studies include: • Public Environmental Report (PER)
• Environmental Aspect Register
• HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP) • Environmental Protection Authority
• HAZard IDentification (HAZID) Referral
• Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) • National Pollutant Inventory (NPI)
• Bow Tie Analysis
We also work with clients to develop a risk
• Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
management system that includes
• Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
databases to record findings from
• Failure Mode and Effect Analyses
Environmental Licence Audits.
• Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) We consult and negotiate with regulatory
We use risk assessment templates authorities throughout the project lifecycle
customised to meet specific customer to ensure all relevant statutory obligations
needs. We also use commercially are met. Where necessary, community
available risk assessment software when consultation and information dissemination
directed by our clients. is undertaken as part of the Environmental
Impact Assessment process.
Quantitative Risk Assessment
ERS also conducts various types of Modelling
consequence assessments: ERS uses a suite of modelling software to
assess the impact of odour emissions,
• Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) dust deposition, nuisance noise sources
• Layers of Protection (LOPA) and wastewater discharges on the
• Safety Integrity Level (SIL) environment.
Tel: +61 8 9364 4832 Tel: +61 7 3217 8433
Fax: +61 8 9364 3737 Fax: +61 7 3217 8533
3 / 16 Moreau Mews 8 / 621 Coronation Drive
Applecross WA 6153 Toowong QLD 4066
Australia Australia