Photo Ionization Detector

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6TH I.C.
 What is a detector?
 Types of detectors
 Photo Ionization
 Why to use a PID?
 Construction of PID
 Principle & Working
 Features
 Characteristics
 Applications
 Limitations
 Conclusion
What is a Detector?

A gas detector is a device which detects the

presence of various gases within an area, usually
as part of a safety system.
It is used to detect a gas leak and interface with a
control system so a process can be automatically
shut down.
A gas detector can also sound an alarm to
operators in the area where the leak is occurring.
Gas detectors can be used to detect combustible,
flammable and toxic gases and oxygen depletion.
Types of Detectors:
Thermal Conductivity Detector
Flame Ionization Detector
Photo Ionization Detector
Helium Ionization Detector
Electron Capture Detector
Flame Photometric Detector
Ultrasonic Detector
Catalytic Detector
Semiconductor Detector
What is Photo-Ionization?
Photo ionization is the physical process in which an incident
photon ejects one or more electrons from an atom, ion or
The ejected electrons, known as photoelectrons, carry
information about their pre-ionized states.


Where mv2/2 = K.E. of free electron, 13.6 eV is the binding energy of an electron, h is Planck's constant and ν
is the frequency of the photon.

This formula defines the photoelectric effect.

Why to use a PID?
PID's are primarily screening devices.
They will detect any VOC.
 Simply put, a PID tells you that something is there,
never what it is (besides that it is a voc), and only
sometimes how much.
VOCs are typically not acutely toxic but have chronic
Because the concentrations are usually low and the
symptoms slow to develop, analysis of VOCs and
their effects is a demanding area.
PID Technology

Technology uses an ultraviolet (UV) lamp to

ionize any contaminants in the air.
When contaminant particles become ionized,
they carry an electrical charge which can be
Gas that is sampled must have ionization
potential (IP) less than that of the UV bulb.
The PID is comprised of an ultraviolet lamp (which is
the “heart” of a PID) that emits photons.
Ions produced during this process are collected by
The current generated provides a measure of the
analyte concentration.
Because only a small fraction of the analyte molecules
are actually ionized, this method is considered
nondestructive, allowing it to be used in conjunction
with another detector to confirm analytical results.
Construction Diagram:
Different models of PIDs:
Principle & Working: (1/2)

A PID is an ion detector which uses high-energy

photons, typically in the ultraviolet (UV) range, to
break molecules into positively charged ions.
As compounds emerge from the GC's column they are
bombarded by high-energy photons and are ionized
when molecules absorb high energy UV light.
UV light excites the molecules, resulting in temporary
loss of electrons in the molecules and the formation of
positively charged ions.

The gas becomes electrically charged and the ions

produce an electric current, which is the signal
output of the detector.
The greater the concentration of the component, the
more ions are produced, and the greater the current.
The current is amplified and displayed on an
The ions recombine after passing the detector to
reform their original molecules.
Working Diagram:
What Does a PID Measure? (1 of 2)

Carbon monoxide 14.01

Oxygen 12.1
Carbon tetrachloride 11.41
Methylene Chloride 11.32
Acetic acid 10.66
Ethylene 10.5
IPA 10.1
Vinyl Chloride 9.99
MEK 9.54
Benzene 9.24
Styrene 8.4

0 10.6
What Does a PID Measure? (2 of 2)
 Organic:  Sulfur compounds
 Mercaptans
 Aromatics  Carbon disulfide
 Benzene  Unsaturated
 Ethyl benzene
 Toluene  Butadiene
 Xylene  Isobutylene
 Ketones & aldehydes  Alcohols
 Acetone  Ethanol
 MEK  Saturated hydrocarbons
 Acetaldehyde  Butane
 Amines & amides  Octane
 Diethyl amine
 Inorganic
 Chlorinated
hydrocarbons  Ammonia
 Trichloroethylene (TCE)  Arsine
What PIDs Do Not Measure
Radiation Natural gas
Air  Methane
 Nitrogen  Ethane
 Oxygen
 Carbon monoxide
 Water vapor
 Hydrochloric acid
 Hydrofluoric acid
 Nitric acid
 Carbon monoxide
 Hydrogen cyanide
 Sulfur dioxide  Freon
 Ozone
Calibration of PIDs:
PIDs are typically calibrated with isobutylene as
this gas is stable, easy to handle and can be stored at
high pressure, allowing calibration bottles to provide
many calibrations.
Also the responsiveness of isobutylene is about at the
mid-point in the range of sensitivity of PIDs.
Readings for other gases are obtained by multiplying
the reading by a correction factor.
Examples of CF:
Benzene = 0.53
Toluene = 0.5
Acetone = 1.1
Nitrobenzene = 1.9
Diesel fuel = 0.7
CF Example: Toluene
Toluene CF with 10.6eV lamp is 0.5
 IfPID calibrated to isobutylene reads 100 ppm in a
Toluene atmosphere, then the actual concentration is
50 ppm Toluene units.
 0.5 x 100 ppm= 50 ppm
Typical Specifications:
Advantages and Applications: (1/2)

The photoionizaton detector is the most efficient and

inexpensive type of gas detector.
They are capable of giving instantaneous readings and
monitoring continuously.
They are widely used in military, industrial, and
confined working facilities for safety.
PIDs are non-destructive detectors. They do not
destroy/consume the components they detect.
Therefore they can be used before other detectors in
multiple-detector configurations.

Nonspecific gas and vapor detection for organics and

some inorganic
Sensitivity is related to the ionization potential of
Portable with remote sensing capabilities
Response time of 90% in less than 3 seconds
Sensitivity from 0.1 - 2,000 PPM
Part per billion unit available
More sensitive to aromatic and unsaturated
compounds than the FID.
 Willnot indicate what materials are present
 Does not monitor for specific gases or vapors

 Cannot detect Hydrogen cyanide or methane

 Cannot detect some chlorinated organics

 High humidity and precipitate will negatively affect

meter response
 Photo ionization detectors are calibrated to a single
 UV lamps are expensive.

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