Flower Dissection
Flower Dissection
Flower Dissection
• Beneath the petals, there should be smooth, leaf-like projections called sepals.
• The male part of the flower is called the stamen; there are usually multiple
stamens on each flower. The long stalk of the stamen is called the filament. At
the top of the filament is the anther, which holds pollen.
• The female part of the flower is called the carpel At the top of the pistil is
the stigma, which collects pollen and carries it down though its hollow body,
called the style, to the ovary, where the pollen fertilizes the flower’s eggs.
• Some flowers have all male or all female parts (melons and pumpkins for
example), and are called imperfect. Most flowers are perfect: they have both
male and female flowers.
• The first step in this dissection is to remove the sepals and petals, by
pulling them down toward the stem. If you have a microscope, look
at the tip of the petal on a low magnification. If you don’t have a
microscope, use your magnifying glass to examine the petal. What is
the petal’s texture like?
• Next, remove the flower’s stamens; break or cut them off of the
stem. Examine the pollen with your magnifying glass or microscope.
Can you see what shape each pollen grain is? Make a drawing of the
• As you dissect the flower, you should be able to identify the plant as either
a monocot or a dicot. Almost all grasses are monocots, as are irises, lilies, and
some other flowering plants. Monocots have petals in multiples of three and
usually have parallel veins in their leaves. Most woody and common
flowering plants are dicots. They have petals in multiples of four or five and
have branched veins in their leaves.
• After you have finished with the pollen, remove all parts except the carpel so
that it remains alone on the stem. Carefully cut the carpel in half lengthwise,
making sure that your fingers are out of the way. Use your magnifying glass
to look at the inside of it. You should be able to see that the style is a long,
hollow tube that carries pollen from the stigma to the ovary. You might be
able to see tiny eggs, or ovules, in the carpel’s ovary.
• If there are any buds or half-opened flowers that were on the same
stalk as your flower, pull them open and identify any of the parts
that you can find. Do any look different than on the opened flower?
• Please note that sometimes a part of the flower, such as the anther
on top of the stamen, will be broken off, so you might not be able to
observe all parts. If this happens, try using another flower.