9 Flowers
9 Flowers
9 Flowers
What is a flower?
● Other types:
● 1. Cyathium – consists of a cup-shaped involucre formed by
fused heads (Ex. Euphorbia sp.)
● Other types:
● 2. Verticillaster – with a cluster of sessile
flowers in the axil of a leaf forming a
false whorl at the node. (Ex. Coleus sp. or
● Other types:
● 3. Hypanthodium – fleshy
receptacle forms a hollow cavity
which is more or less pear-shaped
and has a narrow opening. Flowers
are borne on the inner wall of the
cavity (Ex. Ficus nitida)
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
● The floral organs essential for sexual reproduction are the stamen
(androecium) and pistil (gynoecium).
● The Stamen – the pollen producing part of the flower
- consists of an anther and a stalk called filament.
- the anther has four elongate and connected lobes called
pollen sacs
-each pollen sacs contains a mass of dividing cells called
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
● The Pistil
- consists of a single
carpel( making it a simple pistil) or a
group of fused carpels (making it a
compound pistil)