Charts ? How To ..: Rapat Indikator TIK Bandung, 4-5 September 2007

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Charts ? How to ..

Rapat Indikator TIK

Bandung, 4-5 September 2007

Fungsi & Tipe Chart
 To display data in ways that are meaningful to your audience.

 Type of charts : (dari Microsoft Charts)

◦ Column charts
◦ Line charts
◦ Pie charts
◦ Bar charts
◦ Area charts
◦ XY (scatter) charts
◦ Stock charts
◦ Surface charts
◦ Doughnut charts
◦ Bubble charts
◦ Radar charts

Column Charts

 Useful for :
◦ showing data changes over a period of time
◦ illustrating comparisons among items.

 In column charts :
◦ horizontal axis : for categories
◦ vertical axis : for values


Column Charts … [1]
Clustered column (2D/3D) charts Market
Market Distribution

compare values across categories.

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
 Use a clustered column chart type when
you have categories, that represent: 6
◦ Ranges of values
 for example item counts in a histogram
◦ Specific scale arrangements 4
 for example, a Likert scale with entries, such
as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree,
strongly disagree. 2
◦ Names that are not in any specific order
 for example, item names, geographic names, 1
or the names of people.
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
 1stst Year Sales Figures
1 Year Sales Figures

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3  Stacked column (2D/3D) charts show

the relationship of individual items to
12 the whole, comparing the contribution
of each value to a total across
 Use a stacked column chart when you
have multiple data series and when
0 you want to emphasize the total.
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Column Charts … [2] Market
Market Distribution

 100% stacked column (2D/3D ) charts

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
compare the percentage each value 100%
contributes to a total across categories.
 Use a 100% stacked column chart when
you have three or more data series, to
emphasize the contributions to the 40%
whole, especially if the total is the same 20%
for each category. 0%
Category Category Category Category
1 2 3 4

 1stst Year Sales Figures

1 Year Sales Figures

East West North

 3-D column  charts use three axes that
you can modify (a horizontal axis, a
vertical axis, and a depth axis)
 They compare data points along the
horizontal and the depth axes. You can
North use a 3-D column chart when you want
0 West
to compare data across the categories
1st Qtr 2nd
3rd Qtr 4th Qtr and across the series equally. 5
Line Charts

 To display continuous data over time, set against a common scale

 Ideal for showing trends in data at equal intervals

 In a line chart :
◦ category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis
◦ all value data is distributed evenly along the vertical axis

 Use a line chart if :

◦ your category labels are text, and are representing evenly spaced values such as
months, quarters, or fiscal years.
◦ if there are multiple series—for one series, you should consider using a category chart.
◦ if you have a few evenly spaced numerical labels, especially years.
◦ * If you have more than ten numerical labels, use a scatter chart instead

Line Charts … [1] Market
Market Distribution

Line and line with markers charts

displayed with or without markers, to East West North

indicate individual data values 6
 Line charts are useful to show trends 5
over time or ordered categories, 4
especially when there are many data 3
points and the order in which they are 2
presented is important.
 If there are many categories or the 0
values are approximate, you should use 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
a line chart without markers.
 1stst Year Sales Figures
1 Year Sales Figures
 Stacked line and stacked line with
markers  charts displayed with or without
East West North
markers, to indicate individual data values,
 Stacked line charts are useful to show the trend
12 of the contribution of each value over time or
ordered categories.
8  If there are many categories or the values are
approximate, you should use a stacked line
4 chart without markers.
 Tip  For a better presentation of this type of
0 data, you may want to consider using a stacked 7
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr area chart instead.
Line Charts … [2] Market
Market Distribution

100% stacked line and 100% stacked line with

markers  charts displayed with or without East West North

markers to indicate individual data values,
 100% stacked line charts are useful to show the
trend of the percentage each value contributes 80%
over time or ordered categories.
 If there are many categories or the values are
approximate, you should use a 100% stacked 40%
line chart without markers.
 Tip   For a better presentation of this type of
data, you may want to consider using a 100% 0%
stacked area chart instead. 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

 1stst Year Sales Figures

1 Year Sales Figures

East West North

3-D line  charts show each row or column
of data as a 3-D ribbon. A 3-D line chart
50 has horizontal, vertical, and depth axes that
you can modify.

0 North

1st Qtr East

2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr 8
4th Qtr
Pie Charts

 Data, that is arranged in one column or one row only on a worksheet,

can be plotted in a pie chart.

 Pie charts show the size of items in one data series, proportional to
the sum of the items, and displayed as a percentage of the whole pie.

 Consider using a pie chart when:

◦ You only have one data series that you want to plot.
◦ None of the values that you want to plot are negative.
◦ Almost none of the values that you want to plot are zero values.
◦ You don't have more than seven categories.
◦ The categories represent parts of the whole pie.

 Market
Market Distribution

Pie Charts … [1] Sales

 Pie and pie in 3-D  charts display the 1st Qtr

contribution of each value to a total in a 2nd Qtr

3rd Qtr

2-D or 3-D format. 4th Qtr

 Pull out the slices of a pie chart to

emphasize them.

Market Distribution
Distribution Exploded pie and exploded pie in 3-D  charts

Sales display the contribution of each value to a total

while emphasizing individual values.
1st Qtr

2nd Qtr
 In MS Chart, you cannot move the slices of an
3rd Qtr exploded pie individually, in that case
consider using a pie or pie in 3-D chart
4th Qtr

 Market
Market Distribution

 Pie of pie and bar of pie  charts display pie
charts with user-defined values extracted
from the main pie chart and combined into
1st Qtr

2nd Qtr

a second pie or into a stacked bar. 3rd Qtr

4th Qtr

 Useful when you want to make small slices

in the main pie easier to see.
Bar Charts

 Bar charts illustrate comparisons among

individual items.

 Consider using a bar chart when:

◦ The axis labels are long.
◦ The values that are shown are durations.

Bar Charts … [1]
 Market Distribution
 Market Distribution

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

 Clustered bar (2D/3D) charts compare values

across categories. Category 3
 The categories are typically organized along
the vertical axis, and the values along the Category 1
horizontal axis. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 1st Year Sales Figures
 1st Year Sales Figures

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3  Stacked bar (2D/3D) charts show the

relationship of individual items to the whole,
Category 3 comparing the contribution of each value to a
total across categories.
 Use a stacked column chart when you have
Category 1
multiple data series and when you want to
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
emphasize the total. 

Market Distribution
Market Distribution

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

 100% stacked bar (2D/3D ) charts
compare the percentage each value
contributes to a total across categories. Category 3

Category 1
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%100%
Area Charts

 Area charts emphasize the magnitude of change

over time, and can be used to draw attention to
the total value across a trend.
◦ For example, data that represents profit over time can be
plotted in an area chart to emphasize the total profit.

 By displaying the sum of the plotted values, an

area chart also shows the relationship of parts to
a whole.

XY (scatter) Charts
 Scatter charts :
◦ show relationships among the numeric values
in several data series
◦ plots two groups of numbers, as one series of xy coordinates.
◦ has two value axes that shows one set of numerical data
along the horizontal axis (x-axis) and another along the vertical
axis (y-axis).
◦ combines these values into single data points and displays them in
uneven intervals, or clusters.
◦ are commonly used for displaying and comparing numeric values,
such as scientific, statistical, and engineering data.
 Consider using a scatter chart when :
◦ You want to change the scale of the horizontal axis.
◦ You want to make that axis a logarithmic scale.
◦ Values for horizontal axis are not evenly spaced.
◦ There are many data points on the horizontal axis.
◦ You want to effectively display worksheet data that includes pairs or grouped sets of values and
adjust the independent scales of a scatter chart to reveal more information about the grouped
◦ You want to show similarities between large sets of data instead of differences between data
◦ You want to compare large numbers of data points without regard to time—the more data that
you include in a scatter chart, the better the comparisons that you can make. 14
Stock Charts

 Most often used to illustrate the fluctuation of

stock prices, nevertheless it may also be used for
scientific data.
◦ For example, you could use a stock chart to indicate the
fluctuation of daily or annual temperatures.

 Important : you must organize your data in the

correct order to create stock charts.
◦ For example, to create a simple high-low-close stock
chart, you should arrange your data with High, Low, and
Close entered as column headings, in that order.

Surface Charts

 Is useful when you want to

find optimum combinations between two sets
of data
◦ As in a topographic map, colors and patterns
indicate areas that are in the same range of values.

 Use a surface chart when both categories and

data series are numeric values.

Doughnut Charts

 Shows the relationship of parts to a whole

(like pie charts), but it can contain more than
one data series.
◦ Notes : Doughnut charts are not easy to read. Use a
stacked column or stacked bar chart instead.
 Market
Market Distribution

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Bubble Charts

 Data that is arranged in columns on a

worksheet so that x values are listed in the
first column and corresponding y values and
bubble size values are listed in adjacent
columns, can be plotted in a bubble chart.

Radar Charts

 Radar charts compare the aggregate values of

a number of data series.
COBIT Maturity

PTIK Ipteknet



So …

Which charts for which

indicators ?

… You decide !!!


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