Chart Element Description: Chart Area Data Series Gridlines

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There are several different elements to a chart. Each of the elements can be selected and
formatted separately. This document provides you with an illustration and explanation of each
of these elements.

Chart Area Gridlines

Value (Y) Data

Axis Series
Plot Area


Category Legend
(X) Axis

Chart Element Description

Category (X) This is the horizontal or X-axis of the grid. It explains what each of the data
Axis series on the chart represents. The bars in a column chart represent a data
series. It is possible to change the line, scale, font, number, and alignment
attributes of this axis.
Chart Area This is the entire area the chart covers. It is the background of the chart.
When a chart is created, this area is usually white. The pattern used for the
chart area can be changed, a border can be added, or a different font can be
Chart Title This is the explanatory heading at the top of the chart. The title identifies
the purpose of a chart.
Data Marker This is a chart object, such as a circle, dot, or square that denotes a data
point. In the chart in the illustration, the data points are the bars in the plot
area of the chart.
Data Series This element is a range of related data points in a chart, such as bars,
columns, or pie slices. Each data series is represented with a certain color,
identified in the legend. The outline and color used for each series, which
axis the data are plotted on, the labels used, the series order, and the
overlap and gap width between each series or point, can be changed.
Gridlines These are the vertical and horizontal lines that appear in a chart. They are
displayed in the plot area. A different line style, color, and weight can be
used. It is also possible to select a different scale.
Handles These are small circles that appear around the perimeter of a selected
object, indicating that the object can be moved, resized, copied, or deleted.
Chart Element Description
Legend This is the key to the chart, which shows by color plot what each series
represents. The outline and color of the legend can be changed, as well as
the font and place. For example, the legend can be moved to the top,
bottom, corner, or left of the chart.
Plot Area This is the area where the data series are plotted or graphed. It is the area
that appears directly behind the data series; the rectangular shapes that are
different colors. The pattern and color used can be changed, as well as the
border of the plot area.
Value (Y) Axis This is the vertical or Y-axis of the grid. This area represents the values that
are being plotted in the worksheet. The values are determined by the cells
selected in the worksheet when the chart is created. The pattern of the line,
the format of the tick marks, the tick mark labels, the scale, the font, the
number format, and the alignment of the axis labels can be changed.

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