Foundations of Curriculum
Foundations of Curriculum
Foundations of Curriculum
of education
Foundations of Curriculum
Historical Foundation
helps us to understand who we are, where we fit in the
world, and how we differ and relate to the past
Historical Foundation
Both modern and church education has its own purpose
and limitations
Foundations of Curriculum
Sociological Foundation
These are issues from the society that influences the
development of curriculum
The view of human existence as individual and social being
Foundations of Curriculum
Psychological Foundation
The view of how people learn and behave
These views are behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism
Foundations of Curriculum
Philosophical Foundation
Philosophy is an investigation of nature, causes and principles
of reality, knowledge, or values based on logical reasoning
Foundations of Curriculum
Philosophical Foundation
The three tools of philosophy are:
Metaphysics: Theory of reality
Axiology: Theory of value
Epistemology: Theory of knowledge
Foundations of Curriculum
Philosophical Foundation
The known educational philosophies
Idealism: reality is made of absolute truth, truth is perfect
and eternal and not found in the world matter. It is
characterized by wisdom of goodness, discipline, order
and self-control
Foundations of Curriculum
Philosophical Foundation
The known educational philosophies
Realism: reality is made of natural laws and facts. All
knowledge is derived from experience through sense
organs and reason.
The goal of education according to this view is to equip
students with knowledge and skill that will be used to
understand the environment
Foundations of Curriculum
Philosophical Foundation
The known educational philosophies
Existentialism: individuals make good judgement of their
Individuals can create their own meaning and themselves
Focusses on cognitive and affective needs of individuals
Foundations of Curriculum
Philosophical Foundation
The known educational philosophies
Pragmatism: individuals can adapt to the constantly
changing world
The focus of curriculum/ education is to solve
contemporary problem scientifically
Questions and Reflections
Questions for Discussion