Picasso Breakdown

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Portrait of Mother
by Picasso, 1896 aged 16 years
Girl with Bare Feet & Beggar in a Cap by Picasso, 1895, aged 16 years
Dora Maar au chat, 1941 sold for $95.2
million in 2006
Science and charity by Picasso, 1897
aged 17 years
Still Life with Chair-Cane by
Picasso, 1912

Picasso once said I paint forms as I think them, not as I see them. Discuss this
Statement with reference to his Cubist work Still Life with Chair Cane 1912
techniques and materials used e.g oil paint, collage, printed oilcloth, real objects
I Paint:
forms Objects, subject matter
as I think them What are some of the explored in Analytical and Synthetic Cubism as seen in
this artwork?
not as I see them Rejection of Academic art as it no longer representing the world in realistic ways
Being innovative, and avant garde to express his modern world
Discuss HSC key words = instruction words, identify issues and provide evidence
Cubist art work Characteristics features of Cubism-ideas, theories, visual qualities
ideas ANALYTICAL: Reality V illusion, multiple viewpoints, truth in painting
SYNTHETIC: Mass production, newspaper (communications), technology, breakup of tradition
Still Life with Chair Cane
Analyse and interpret this artwork

Picasso once said I paint forms as I think them, not as I see them. Discuss this
Statement with reference to his Cubist work Still Life with Chair Cane 1912
1. Respond directly to the essay question by commenting on Picassos statement
In his statement I paint forms as I think them, not as I see them Picasso is saying..
2. Explain Picassos statement further
For Picasso Art is
3. Link it to the artwork
Picassos Cubist artwork Still Life with Chair Cane 1912 is a good example of Picassos attitudes to
4. Summarise the key points on how the artwork is an example.
In his artwork we can see evidence of Cubist ideas and theories of art, of Picasso's obsession with
being avant-garde, and how Picasso incorporates aspects of the Modern world in his work
NB: these key points will be elaborated on in the body paragraphs of the essay
Paragraphs 1 & 2-expand dot point #1 Cubist ideas and theories of art
Features of Analytical Cubism
Features of Synthetic cubism
Illusion V Reality
Ma Jolie (my pretty one)
by Picasso, 1911
Glass bottle of Suze
by Picasso, 1912
Paragraphs 3-expand dot point #2 Picassos obsession with being Avante
New ways of representing the world
Collage elements and found objects
Flat surfaces
Still Life with Bowl and Fruit,
Paragraphs 4-expand dot point #3 Aspects of the Modern world
Fragmentation of traditional social view
Multiple viewpoints city life
Mass Produced objects industrialised world, mechanical age, mechanisation and
factory production
Reference to newspapers JOU = Le Journal French newspaper.
Information/Mass Media, communication/changing world
Sentence #1 Statement/judgement about the dot point being expanded
Sentence #2 Explain opening statement/judgement
Sentence #3,4,5.. Examine aspects of the artwork that support the statement = evidence

Last Sentence link directly back to the essay question use the language of the question.
For example.
In this way we can see that Picasso is interpreting the world around him according to Cubist ideas
and theories rather than copying the objects he is looking at in a realistic way.

Picasso is reflecting on the nature of art- he is painting forms as he thinks them not as he sees

In this way artists claimed independence from the outside world, allowing art to exist in its own
world, the world of the artists inner reflection.
Restate the original point of view expressed in the introduction.
Summarise the dot points explored in the essay- you should paraphrase the introduction rather
than just copy it holus bolus.
1) Picasso once said, I paint forms as I think them, not as I see them. This
statement of Picassos indicates that he creates his works based on what he
dreams, imagines and visualises, not on what he sees through his eyes.
Picasso did not represent the world realistically, but rather captured the true
essence of his subjects by various means. The impact and meaning of
Picassos statement is evident in his Cubist work Still Life with Chair Cane
1912. Picasso once again draws away from reality in this work, implementing
techniques and materials that establish him as an avant garde artist, reflecting
his changing world and distinctive Cubist theories.
2) In this statement Picasso is making reference to the fact that he is not
interested in copying an illusion of reality onto the canvas as traditional artists
in the past have done. Instead, his paintings are about ideas, about how he
responds to the modern world around him. His Cubist work Still Life With
Chair cane 1912 is a good example of Picassos attitude. It is a work that
reflects the theories of Cubism, it seeks to integrate aspects of Modern life and
it reveals Picassos desire to be avante garde in his art-making practice.

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