Community and Environmental Health
Community and Environmental Health
Community and Environmental Health
Thorough understanding of Followed the directions of Partially follows directions. Rarely follows directions.
mosaic artwork. Great how to create a mosaic most Incomplete or inconsistent Minimal attention to detail.
attention to detail throughout of the time. Artwork contains detail within artwork.
artwork. essential details.
Quality Work Excellent Good Fair Poor
Outstanding effort and Average effort and neatness. Satisfactory effort and Insufficient effort and
neatness. Mosaic is completed Mosaic is completed with neatness. Mosaic is not neatness. Mosaic is not
with no white showing. some white showing. completed with lots of white completed at all.
Skill Excellent Good Fair Poor
Exceptional skill and Average skill and techniques. Developing skill and Minimal skill and techniques.
techniques. Mosaic tiles were Mosaic tiles were cut with techniques. Most mosaic tiles It is unclear what the image is
cut with scissors and placed in scissors but were not placed were cut with scissors. Two or supposed to be.
an orderly manner. Each neatly. Some colors are more sections with the same
section is a different color. repeated in different sections. colour are next to each other.