Git MCQ Valume C
Git MCQ Valume C
Git MCQ Valume C
Investigations showed:
CT scan of thorax
Glucose tolerance test
Knee aspiration
Liver biopsy
Serum gonadotrophin levels
(Please select 1 option)
CT scan of thorax
Glucose tolerance test
Knee aspiration
Liver biopsy Correct
Serum gonadotrophin levels
(Please select 1 option)
CREON Correct
Investigations revealed:
This lady given her age and co-morbidity would be at high risk
(Rockall score) if she re-bled. Ideally we would stop Aspirin but it
carries significant benefit for her. The fact that she is Hpylori +ve
allows us to address an important risk factor for peptic ulcer
H pylori eradication is >90%successful however in her case you
may want to re-check, Serology remains + ve for many years,
repeat endoscopy is un-necessary. You could just restart ASA but
a simple breath test would give the best answer (or faecal antigen)
NICE recommends PPI cover if NSAIDs cannot be avoided
Question: 32 of 83
This 21-year-old female presents with weight loss, weakness and
Question: 33 of 83
A 19 year-old student presents to Casualty with a seven-day
history of fever, sore throat and malaise. He has not managed to
eat food for several days: partly because of the severity of the
pharyngitis, but also because of a loss of appetite. On
examination, it is noted that he is jaundiced.
Investigations reveal
Autoimmune hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis C virus infection
Gilbert’s syndrome
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Recurrent cholecystitis
(Please select 1 option)
Autoimmune hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis C virus infection
Gilbert’s syndrome Correct
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Recurrent cholecystitis
Question: 34 of 83
A 16-year-old mentally handicapped boy is brought to clinic by his
parents who are concerned that he has lost 3 kg over the last six
weeks and has had some problems with lower abdominal pain. He
has attended day centres for the last one year and has a long
history of severe epilepsy for which he takes lamotrigine and
carbamazepine. He had one fit two weeks ago.
Mebendazole Correct
Other drugs that are used include piperazine but this drug is not
recommended for use in epilepsy. Therefore mebendazole is most
Question: 35 of 83
An 18 year-old female was admitted under the surgical team with
right upper quadrant discomfort, mild jaundice and nausea. She
had a history of headaches which were not sinister in character.
She admitted to drinking heavily on 4 nights of the week. The
surgical registrar requested a review.
On examination she was generally well but jaundiced there were no signs of chronic
liver disease. There was no organomegaly; she had a mildly tender right upper
quadrant. She stated that she was feeling much better than she had the previous day.
Alcoholic hepatitis
Hepatitis A
Paracetamol poisoning Correct
The history of headache and the age of the patient are important
here. The ALT is very high far in excess of that seen in alcoholic
hepatitis or gallstone/ pancreatic disease, the history would fit a
little with HAV but is not typical The combination of coagulopathy
renal impairment and marked hepatitis strongly suggests
accidental or deliberate paracetamol toxicity. This lady was
drinking heavily (enzyme inducer) and taking daily maximum
!paracetamol for her headaches and hang over
Question: 36 of 83
Question: 37 of 83
Investigations revealed:
Question: 38 of 83
Gallstone ileus.
Ischaemic colitis
Large bowel obstruction
Sigmoid volvulus.
Small bowel obstruction
Gallstone ileus.
Ischaemic colitis
Large bowel obstruction
Sigmoid volvulus. Correct
Small bowel obstruction
Question: 39 of 83
On examination he was clearly jaundiced, there were no signs of chronic liver disease;
he had a mildly tender liver edge but no other organomegaly.
Alcoholic hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis
Drug induced hepatitis
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis C
Alcoholic hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis
Drug induced hepatitis
Hepatitis A Correct
Hepatitis C
Question: 40 of 83
Nine ate a mixture of dishes except one female who ate vegetarian
dishes with her rice.
Bacillus cereus
Clostridium perfringens
Escherichia coli
Salmonella enteriditis
Staphylococcus aureus
In this case it is likely that the rice itself had been infected.
CT scan of abdomen
Daily abdominal x rays
Double-contrast barium enema
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Question: 42 of 83
A 55-year-old male previously diagnosed with alcoholic liver
disease was admitted with increasing confusion. He consumed at
least 40 units of alcohol weekly.
Investigations revealed:
Vitamin K
(Please select 1 option)
Flumazenil Correct
Vitamin K