Anatomi Sistem Reproduksi

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Sistem Reproduksi Pria.

Penis : Scrotum
1.Berhubungan seksual
Erectile Tissues
In the root, these tissues
are known as the left and
right crura, and the
 bulb of the penis.

The left and right crura-

corpora cavernosa
corpus spongiosum
Muscles The scrotum contains three major (paired) structures:
Bulbospongiosus (x2) Testis.
Ischiocavernosus (x2) Epididymis 
Spermatic cord 
• Dorsal arteries of the
•  the anterior and posterior scrotal arteries.
penis • the external pudendal veins
• Deep arteries of the
• Bulbourethral artery
Testes and Epididymis

Testes - site of sperm production and hormone synthesis

Epididymis -storage of sperm.
Cowper’s glands Seminal Glands

posterolaterally to the membranous urethra   located between the bladder fundus and the rectum

and superiorly to the bulb of the penis.
Vasculature The arteries to the seminal gland are derived from
Arteries to the bulb of the penis. the inferior vesicle, internal pudendal and middle rectal arteries,
all of which stem from the internal iliac artery

• Central zone
prostate is divided into anatomical lobes
 (inferoposterior, inferolateral, superomedial, and anteromedial) . • Peripheral zone
• Transitional zone
•  prostatic arteries, which are mainly derived from the internal iliac arteries.
• Venous drainage of the prostate is via the prostatic venous plexus,
draining into the internal iliac veins
Vas deferens:
The vas deferens is a long, muscular tube that
travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity,
to just behind the bladder. The vas deferens transports
mature sperm to the urethra in preparation for

Ejaculatory ducts: These ducts are formed by the fusion of

the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles. The ejaculatory
ducts empty into the urethra

Can be divided
anatomically into 3 parts:
• Prostatic urethra
• Membranous urethra
• Penile (bulbous)
• The urethra opens directly onto the perineum, in an
Neurovascular Supply area between the labia minora, known as the vestibule.
• Prostatic urethra – inferior vesical • The distal end of the urethra is marked by the presence
artery of two mucous glands
• Membranous urethra – Neurovascular Supply
bulbourethral artery • internal pudendal arteries
• Penile urethra –branches of the • vaginal arteries
internal pudendal artery. • inferior vesical branches
of the vaginal arteries.
nerve supply to the male urethra is derived
from the prostatic plexus The nerve supply to the female urethra
arises from the vesical plexus and the pudendal nerve.

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