ANATOMY: Pelvic 8

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Male genital organs

Scrotum—Testis—Epididymides—Spermatic cord—
Vas Deferns—Seminal vesicles—Ejaculatory duct—
Prostate—Prostatic urethra—Penis

• It is a pouch of lower part of anterior
abdominal wall

• It contains testis-epididymides-lower part of

spermatic cord

• Layers of scrotum

1-Skin : Wrinkled-pigmented skin

In the midline,there is a line of fusion of 2

lateral labioscrotal

Swellings (corresponding to labia majora)

2-Superficial fascia

Fatty superficial fascia in the abdomen is

replaced in the scrotum by dartos muscle

Membranous layer of superficial fascia in

scrotum is called (colles fascia)

3-Spermatic fascia

-External spermatic fascia is derived from

external oblique


-Cremastric fascia is derived from internal

oblique muscle

-Internal spermatic fascia is derived from

fascia transversalis


• Lymphatic drainage : Into superficial

inguinal lymph nodes


• Mobile organ lies within scrotum

• Left testis lies at lower level than right

• Each testis is surrounded by fibrous

capsule(Tunica albuginea)

• Tunica albuginea sends septa to divide the

testis into lobules

• Each lobule contains 1—3 coiled seminiferous


• Tubules open into network of channels called

rete testis

• Efferent ductules connect rete testis to upper

end of epididymis


• Lies posterior to testis

• Vas deferens lying on its medial side

• It consists of coiled tube (20 feet)

• It consists of 3 regions (head—body—tail)

• Sinus of epididymis lies on lateral side

• Tube emerges from tail of epididymis to form

(vas Deferens)

• Blood supply:

1-Testicular artery (from aorta)

2-Testicular vein emeges from testis &

epididymis to form venous network
(pampiniform plexus)

--Right testicular vein drains into inferior

vena cava

--Left testicular vein drains into left renal


• Lymphatic drainage :
Lymph from testis ascends in spermatic cord
& ends in para-aortic lymph nodes

Spermatic cord
• It is a collection of structures that pass
through inguinal canal
• It begins at deep inguinal ring & ends at
the testis
• It consists of

Testicular artery
3 vessels Testicular vein
Testicular lymph vessel

Genital branch of
genitofemoral nerve
2 nerves
Autonomic nerve

Vas deferens(ductus
2 other things
vaginalis(peritoneal diverticulum)

• Covering of spermatic cord


External spermatic fascia—Cremastric fascia—

Internal spermatic fascia
Vas Deferens
• Thick walled tube (45cm)
• It conveys sperm from epididymis to
ejaculatory duct & urethra
• It arises from tail of epididymis & passes
through inguinal canal
• It emerges from deep inguinal ring &
enters the pelvic cavity
• It crosses the ureter—then runs medially
& downward on posterior surface of bladder
• Terminal part of vas deferens is dilated
to form Ampulla of vas deferens
• Inferior end of ampulla joins the seminal
vesicle to form ejaculatory duct
Seminal vesicles
• Two lobulated organs about (5cm long) lie
on posterior surface of bladder
• Each seminal vesicle consists of coiled
tube embedded in connective tissue
• Blood supply :
1-Artery—Inferior vesicle
Middle rectal
2-Vein—drains into internal iliac vein
• Lymphatic drainage : into internal iliac
lymph nodes
• Function : it produces secretion to nourish
the sperms

Ejaculatory duct
• It is 2.5 cm long
• It pierces posterior surface of prostate &
opens into prostatic urethra


• It is fibromuscular glandular organ

• It surrounds prostatic urethra
• It is 3 cm long
• It lies between neck of bladder &
urogenital diaphragm
• It is surrounded by fibrous capsule
• It is conical in shape
• Its base lies nearer to bladder neck
• Its apex lies nearer to urogenital
• It consists of 5 lobes(Ant.—Post.—Median
—Right&Left lateral)
• Relation :
Superior : Neck of bladder
Inferior : Urogenital diaphragm
Anterior: Symphysis pubis—Extraperitoneal fat
—Puboprostatic ligament
Posterior:Ampulla of rectum—Rectovesical
septum(fascia of Denonvilliers)
Laterally : Levator ani muscle

• Function : It produces milky alkaline

secretion to neutralize acidity of vagina

• Blood supply :
1-inferior vesicle art.
2-Middle rectal art.

Prostatic urethra
• It is 3 cm long
• It is the widest part of male urethra
• On posterior wall, there is longitudinal
ridge called (urethral crest)
• On either sides of crest, there is groove
called prostatic sinus
• On the summit of urethral crest is a
depression called prostatic utricle

• Consists of root—body—glans
Root : Consists of 3 masses of erectile
tissues(bulb of penis—
Right&Left crura of Penis)

Bulb of penis is covered by

bulbospongiosus muscle
Crura of penis is covered by
ischiocavernosus muscle
Body : Free part of penis—consists of 3 masses
2 dorsal masses(corpora cavernosa)
1 ventral mass (corpus spongiosum)
Glans : Distal expanded part of corpus
Base of glans is called corona
Prepuce (foreskin)—fold of skin covers
the glans

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