Chapter 4 - Specific Static Rotor Work

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The specific Static Rotor Work Yp

Specific Static rotor work
YP   P3  P0 

Where P0, P3 = static pressures at points 0,3
(P0 – P3) = static pressure difference of the rotor
ρ = density, in case of a compressible medium average of
ρ0 and ρ3 .
Yp can be calculated from the energy difference of the flow medium
between o and 3
P3  P0 C32  C02
Yblade Z u  
 2
Yblade  U 2C3U  U1C0U  U 2C3 cos  3  U1C0 cos  0
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• Applying the cos-theorem of a triangle

b a C W
α α

2bc cos   b 2  c 2  a 2 2CU cos   C 2  U 2  W 2
Yblade  U 2C3U  U1C0U  U 2C3 cos  3  U1C0 cos  0

Yblade 
1 2

C 3  U 32  W32  C 02  U 02  W 02 

1 2

C 3  C 02  U 32  U 02  W 02  W32 
• It follows

C32  C02
YP  Yblade 

Z u  U 32  U 02  W 02  W 32 Z u

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Bernoulli Equation of the Relative Flow
• Neglecting the hydraulic loss, i.e. Zu = 0,

P3  P0  W 0 U 1   W32 U 22 
2 2

YP       
  
 2 2   2 2 

• It follows
P3 W32 U 22 P0 W02 U12
    
 2 2  2 2

• The above formula applies to any points along the flow line
passing the vane channel

P W2 U2 Bernoulli Equation of the

   const
 2 2 Relative Flow

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Impulse and Reaction Type of

• Considering YP, the turbomachine can be grouped into:

A. “Impulse” type of Turbomachines

B. Reaction type of Turbomachines

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Equal Pressure or Impulse Type of
• Example A. Single-Stage Steam Turbine P3  P0  0 and YP  0

Turbo machines without pressure difference in front of and beyond the rotor.
The entirely available pressure difference (P3-P0) is converted
into velocity in the stationary guide vanes
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Impulse Type

• The velocity existing in the clearance between the stationary

guide vanes and the rotor blades is the highest , i.e. C3 = C3max

• The absolute velocity is reduced from C3 to C0 ,While the flow

passes through the rotor.

• The specific2 static rotor2 work Yp is (for axial flow U1=U2 =

P3  P0  W U   W3 U 2  
1 2
3   Zu
2 2
  
0 1     YP  W  W 2

   2 0

 2 2   2 2 

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Impulse Type
• Neglecting the hydraulic lose Zu of the
rotor, it follows because Yp = 0.
YP 
 
W 02  W32  Z u W0  W3

• Considering the loss:

W0  W3
• Where the velocity coefficient  takes in to account the drop
in kinetic energy due to Zu;  <1.

• The condition Wo ≈W3 demands rotor blades of the ‘hook-

form’ type, i.e. β2 > 900.
Blades of a constant-pressure steam or Gas
turbine. ‘a’ is the channel width at all points
approximately equal

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Impulse Type

• If blade has uniform thickness, the flow while passing the

channel is first decelerated then accelerated.
• Such change in the flow velocity is undesirable as it leads to
unnecessary losses.
• In order to obtain W≈ const. along the vane channel the blade
must be designed with strong profiling; however, such blades
are costly

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• The specific work Yblade of an impulse steam turbine stage as for a
given velocity U2 proportional to the velocity C 3

Yblade  U 2C3U  U 2C3 cos  3  C3  C3 max  att. For α0 = 900

• Steam turbines are designed with approximately the same angle α3=15
to 20 degrees.
• As C3 of impulse steam turbines has highest possible value C 3max-att. The
spec. work Yblade of these turbines has highest value

Ybladeimpulse t .  Yblade max . att. for a given U 2

• The peripheral velocity U2 will be lowest for a given Yblade if the

turbine is designed as impulse turbine
• Impulse turbines are slow running turbines
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Over-Pressure or Reaction Type of
• Example B: Single-Stage Reaction Steam Turbine
Turbo-machines with pressure difference in front and beyond the
rotor, i.e. (P3-P0) ≠ 0 , Yp> 0

• Part of the pressure drop occurs across the guide vanes and part
occurs across the rotor,
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Comparison of Impulse and Reaction
• Thus C3<C3max-attainable and, hence, the spec. work Yblade =U2C3U
of the reaction turbine is smaller than that of the impulse
turbine if the same velocity U2 is assumed

• The velocity U of reaction turbines has to be higher than that

of impulse turbines if the same Yblade is to be obtained.

• Reaction turbines may be classified as fast running


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Comparison of Impulse and Reaction Turbines

• β1 should be small but not too small as leads to strong

whirls in the discharge flow.
• The angle β2 of reaction turbines is β2≤900 and, thus, differs
from that of impulse turbines.
• The blade of reaction turbine does not have the hook form.
• As the relative velocity increases from W3 to W0, the
channel width decreases and no profile is necessary in
order to obtain equal channel width.
• Reaction turbine has more stages because of the lower Yblade
of its single stage.

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Comparison of Impulse and Reaction
– Impulse turbines: High-head, low
flow rate devices.
– Moving blade row changes only the
direction of the steam.
– Reaction turbines: Low-head, high-
flow rate devices.
• Moving blade row changes both the
speed and direction of the steam
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Degree of Reaction

Spec. Static rotor work Y

Degree of reaction   P
Spec. work between inlet and outlet (of the stage ) Y

impulse machine : YP  0 and R  0

reaction machine : YP  0 and 0  R  1 ( R  1in some special cases )

The reaction effect exists also in case of radial or mixed flow rotors
where U1≠U2 even for |W0| =|W3| as shown by the equation
P3  P0  W 0 U 1   W32 U 22 
2 2

YP       
  
 2 2   2 2 

1 2
 
U 2  U 12  W 02  W32 Z u
1 2

U 2  U 12 Z u 
R 2  2 0
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Blade Speed Ratio
• The blade speed ratio as defined below is widely used in the
calculation of turbines especially of steam turbines.
Blade Speed Ratio  

• CY  2Y is the velocity which could be obtained if the spec.

work Y is converted without losses completely into velocity.

CY 
C2 Where  is velocity coefficient of guide vanes
 1 R (referring to velocity losses)

U h 1

CY 2 cos  2 1  R
After some derivation
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• Assuming the following data: ηh = 0.85;  =0.98; α2= 300.
2 cos  2
U  1
   for R  0
• The blade speed ratio has the value  CY  R 0 2
U  1
   for R  0.5
 CY  R 0.5 2

• The following values of the blade speed ratio are obtained for
actual machines:
U 
impuse steam turbines    0
.35 to 0
.47  k'
 CY  R  0 Cheap Design. small power high qualitydesign l arg e power

U  k' 0.35 to 0.47

reaction steam turbines    
 CY  R 0 1 R 1 R
U 
Pelton Turbines    0.44 to 0.47
 CY  R 0
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(Page 57, Scheer, Text) Calculation of Mean Diameter and
Peripheral Velocity using the Blade Speed Ratio

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The Vane Angle β2

• Three different axial-flow vanes, namely form A, B, C for which

U2, C2m and β1 are the same but the angle β2 differ

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• A similar sketch for three different radial-flow vanes with
β2<900 (form a), β2=900 (form b) and β2>900 (form c) is given

• Vanes form b, c as ‘forward-curved’ vanes

Vane form a as ‘backward-curved’ vanes

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The following relation exists between β2 and U2
 Case:α0=900
Yblade  U 2C3U and Yblade  U 2C2u
where, C2u  U 2  W2U  U 2  C2 m cot  2 , then
Yblade  U 2 U 2  C2 m cot  2  and it follows
C2 m  C2 m 
U2      Yblade
2 tan  2  2 tan  2 

 Case:α0≠900

C2 m  C2 m 
U2      Yblade  U1COU
2 tan  2  2 tan  2 

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C2 m  C2 m 
U2      Yblade  U1COU
2 tan  2  2 tan  2 
• The necessary peripheral velocity U2 for a given Yblade∞ can be
determined by these equation if the vane angle β2 is assumed.
• A large β2 , decreases U2 and the size of the rotor decreases,
too, if the speed n is not altered:

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Shape Number
• The rotor shape is a function of n, V and Y.

• Shape number (Nshape) is a dimensionless number

and is used to define the shape of the rotor by relating n, V
and Y.  3  2 
 1  m   m 
N shape1  n  V  Y 2  , assume   1;
 s  s   s 
1  
1  m   m 
3 2
1       2   m0 s 0
s  s   s 
• It follows
m: 3  2  0
n V
S:  1    2  0
Thus, N shape1  n1V 1 / 2Y 3 / 4 
1  2  0 or 
thus , 2  
or  
3 nsh  1000 N shape
2 4
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Shape Number N shape1  n1V 1 / 2Y 3 / 4 
n V

1. Effect of Increase in speed n on the shape

of the rotor (with unchanged β2,V and Y)
 The unchanged Y demands the same velocity triangle at 2.

Y  Yblade  Yblade  U 2C2U

 The unchanged velocity triangle can be obtained for

increased speed n but same velocity U as demanded by the
unchanged velocity triangle only at a smaller outer diam.

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2. Effect of Increase in speed n on the shape
of the rotor
(with unchanged β2,V and Y)
n V
N shape1  n1V 1 / 2Y 3 / 4 

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3. Effect of Increase in V on the shape of the
slow running rotor N 1  n V Y 1 1/ 2 3 / 4

n V
(with unchanged β2,n ,D2,and Y)
V  2r1b1Com  2r3b3C3m
 The larger volume V can be obtained only by increasing the
channel width (b) and the eye dia. Ds
 The meridian component of the velocity must remain
unchanged because of the unchanged Y with same n and D2
 Demanding unchanged velocity triangle at 2.

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Specific Speed
• A relation which is based on the head H instead on the spec. work
Y is called Specific Speed.

n V
nq 

• Where the values has a unit of n(rpm), V(m 3/s) and H(m).
• nq is not dimensionless for metric system n q has the following
m 60 s  m3 4 
nq  9.813 4  2  N shape  333 N shape  
s  1 min  s . min 

• For water turbines a specific speed derived from n, H and N is

often used. n N
ns 
H5 4
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Comparison of pump profile

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Best specific Speed Range for Different Type of
Hydraulic Turbines

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Table of design evaluation
Number of criteria 1 2 3 4
pole pairs
n(sync) Rpm 2950 1450 950 730
1/s 49.2 24.2 15.3 12.2
Nshape 10-3 219 108 71 54

Efficiency 10 10 9 6 3
size 10 10 9 6 4

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Values of Shape Number and Specific

Values of Nshape, nq and ns:

1000Nshape nq (water turbine)ns

Slow- running rotor 33 to 120 11 to 38 40 to 140

Medium-running rotor 120 to 250 38 to 82 140 to 300

Fast –running rotor 250 to 500 82 to 164 300 to 600

axial-flow rotor 330 to 1500 110 to 500 400 to 1800

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• The quantity of water available for a hydro
electric power is Q=260 m3/sec under a head of
H=1.73 m. Assuming the speed of the turbine to
be n=50 rpm & there efficiency to be 82.5%.
Find the number of turbines required.

Assume for the example , ns = 890 (metric units).

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We have:
n N 50 N
ns  5 4 890 
H 5
1.73 4

N = 1247.255MHP = 917356.05W

Ntotal=ηρQY=ηρQgH = .825*1000*260*9.81*1.73

Ntotal=3640343.85 W

Number of turbines = Ntotal/N

= 3640343.85 / 917356.05 =3.9 = 4 (Answer) 33
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• At a location, the head available was 50 m. The
power estimated is 40,000 kW. The speed
chosen is 600 rpm. Determine the specific
speed and indicate the suitable type of turbine.

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Example of Application of Nshape, in the design
of Turbomachinery
• Given, design radial blower for V=1.5m 3/s,
Y=5000m2/s2 with good efficiency. Determine
the shape of the rotor.
• Solution
• The speed n should be selected so that n = n
(synchronous speed motor should be used to
drive) n V Y 594 1 1 3/ 4

N shape1  n1V 1 / 2Y 3 / 4 
nN  (33 to 120) 10  16 to 58.5  966 to 3305 rpm
V 1.22 s s

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• To get a good efficiency, n=2950 rpm is

selected from table.
• Therefore, the designed impeller has a shape
n V 1.22
N shape1  n1V 1/ 2Y 3 / 4  34
 49. 2  101 . 10 3
or 333.N shape  34
Y 594

• Which is in the range of a slow-running rotor.

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• End of CH-4

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