Hydraulic Machines Textbook

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Historical Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 General Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Velocity Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Momentum Transfer Principles . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Energy Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Theories of Turbomachines . . . . . . . . . . 11
Euler Theory (Elementary) 11
Modern Theory 14
Necessity for flow unsteadiness 18
1.5.4 Approximate calculation of deviation 19
after Stodola
1.6 Some Practical Considerations (Actual
Machine Design) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Friction 20
Disk Friction 20
Leakage 21
Pre-rotation of the fluid 21
1.7 Coefficients and Efficiencies . . . . . . . . . 22
Circulatory Flow Coefficient 22
Manometric Efficiency 22
Mechanical Efficiency 23
Volumetric Efficiency 23
Hydraulic Efficiency (Turbine) 23



2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2 Dimensional Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3 Hydraulic Similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Application of Dimensional Analysis on

Turbomachines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.4.1 Discussion 27
2.4.2 Performance Curves 28
2.5 Scale Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Reynolds Number effect 29
Scale effects in Hydraulic Machines 30
Scale effects in compressible machines 35
2.6 Affinity Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.7 Specific Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Pumps 41
Compressors and Blowers 43
Hydraulic Turbines 43
2.8 Pressure and Flow Coefficients . . . . . . . . 44
2.9 Specific Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44



3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2 Cascade Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3 Analysis of Cascade Forces . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4 Lift and Drag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.5 Cascades in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.6 Cascade Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
General Approach 55
Fluid Deviation 57
Off-Design Performance 59
Turbine Cascade Performance 59
3.7 Mach Number Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.8 Ideal Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Zero Lift Angle 62
Impulse Flow Angle 63
3.9 The Head-Capacity Curve of Straight Cascade . 64
3.10 Radial Cascade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.11 Cascade Characteristics Analysis . . . . . . . 67
3.12 Singularity Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Method of Solution for Single Airfoil 69
Conformal Transformation Method 71


4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2 Centrifugal Pumps (Radial) . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2.1 General Considerations 78
a. Volute type pump 79
b. Diffuser type pump 79
4.2.2 Effect of Impeller Exit Angle β2 80
4.2.3 Efficiencies and Coefficients of Centrifugal Pumps 82
i. Efficiencies 82
ii. Coefficients 83
iii. Affinity Laws 83
iv. Specific Speed 83
4.2.4 Centrifugal Pump Actual Performance 83 Actual Head Capacity Curve 83 Brake Horsepower and Efficiency Curves 85 Analysis of Characteristic Curves 86 Influence of Physical
Properties on 87
Performance 87
i. Viscosity Effect 88
ii. Density 88
4.2.5 Some Design Features of Centrifugal Pumps 88 Leakage Calculation 89 Disk Friction 89 Diffuser Losses 90 Mechanical Seals 90
a. Single Seals 93
b. Tandem Seals 95
c. Double Seals 96 Bearing Losses 96 Axial Thrust 99 Impeller Design 100
a. Impeller Inlet Dimensions and 101
Angles 105
b. Impeller Exit Dimensions and 105
Angles 106

4.2.6 Centrifugal Pump Types 106 Fire Pump 106 Dredge Pumps 107 Slurry Pumps 107 Deep Well Pumps 108 Circulating Pumps Boiler Feed Pumps Pumping Liquid/Gas Mixtures
4.3 Axial Pumps (Propeller Pumps) . . . . . . . . 109
Degree of Reaction 110
Pressure and Flow Coefficients 110
Study of Flow Inside the Rotor (Radial
Equilibrium) 112
Performance of Axial Flow Propeller Pumps 113
p Selection and Applications . . . . . . . 116
Pumps in Parallel 117
Pumps in Series 117
Economic Considerations 118
Design of the Intake Chamber of Vertical Pumps 118 General 118 Open Intake Chambers 119 Covered Intake Chambers 122 Inlet Elbows 123
Pressure Surges (Water Hammer) in Piping
Systems 124
Pump Installation 126
Centrifugal Pump Trouble Shooting 134


TURBINES ( Hydraulic Turbines )

General Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

5.1 Impulse Turbines (Pelton Wheel) . . . . . . . 142
General Considerations 142
5.2 Reaction Turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.2.1 General 149
5.2.2 Francis Turbines (Radial and 150
Mixed) 150 General 152

D Power,
Efficiency and 153
Coefficients 156 Head 157
Delivered by 157
Turbine and 160
Draft Tube 161 Types of 162
Draft Tube 163 Net Head 163 Cavitation in
Turbines 164 Power and
Regulation Francis
5.2.3 Axial Flow Reaction Turbines
a. Propeller Turbine
b. Kaplan Turbine
5.2.4 Some Design Characteristics for Hydraulic
5.3 Some Turbines Installations . . . . . . . . . 165
a. Impulse Turbine 165
b. Francis Turbine 166
c. Axial Turbine 173
5.4 Fluid Coupling and Torque Converters . . . . 173
5.4.1 Fluid Coupling 174
5.4.2 Torque Converter 176
5.5 Pump-Turbine, Power Storage System . . . . 178


( Thermodynamic Principles )

6.1 Equation of state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

6.2 Specific Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6.3 Enthalpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

6.4 Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
6.5 Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
6.5.1 For a constant volume process 192
6.5.2 For a constant pressure process 192
6.5.3 For a constant temperature 193
process 193
6.5.4 For an adiabatic process 193
6.5.5 For polytropic process
6.6 First Law of Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . 194
6.7 Second Law of Thermodynamics . . . . . . . 194
6.8 Compression of Gases . . . . . . . . . . . 195
6.8.1 Adiabatic Compression 195
6.8.2 Isothermal Compression 196
6.8.3 Polytropic Compression 197
6.9 Plane Compressible Flow . . . . . . . . . . 198
6.10 Gothert's Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
6.11 Prandtl-Glauert Rule . . . . . . . . . . . 201



7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

7.1.1 Fans 202
7.1.2 Blowers 203
7.1.3 Turbo-compressors 203
7.2 Head and Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
7.3 Coefficients and Specific Speed . . . . . . . 205
7.3.1 Pressure Coefficient φ' 205
7.3.2 Slip Factor 205
7.3.3 Standard Air 206
7.4 Performance Characteristics . . . . . . . . 206
7.5 Mach Number Consideration . . . . . . . . 211
7.6 Pre-Whirl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
7.7 Surging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
7.8 Radial Type Impeller Design . . . . . . . . 212


8.1 Reciprocating Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

8.1.1 Piston Pumps 218
8.1.2 Instantaneous Rate of Flow 219
8.1.3 Diaphragm Pumps 222
8.1.4 Reciprocating Pump Trouble 224
8.2 Rotary Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
8.2.1 Rotating Cylinder Pump 225
8.2.2 Gear Wheel Pump 226
8.2.3 Rotary Pump Trouble Shooting 227
8.3 Performance of Positive Pumps . . . . . . . 228
8.4 Inertia Pressure in Delivery and Suction Pipes . 229

APPENDIX “I” Pressure Recovery Devices

1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
1.1 Calculation of Loss Coefficient 233
2 Diffuser Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
2.1 Vaneless Diffuser 237
2.2 Vaned Diffuser 239
2.3 Volute Type Diffuser 241
2.3.1 Parallel Walls 241
2.3.2 Tapering Side Walls 242
2.3.3 Rectangular Cross Section 244
References “Appendix I” . . . . . . . . . . . 245

APPENDIX “II” Theory of Cavitation in Centrifugal


1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
2 Inception of Cavitation . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
3 Signs of Cavitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

3.1 Noise and Vibration 250
3.2 Drop in Head-Capacity and Efficiency 250
Curves 253
3.3 Impeller Vane Pitting and Erosion
4 Mechanisms of Damage . . . . . . . . . . . 253
5 Thermodynamic Effects on Pump Cavitation . . 257
6 Net Positive Suction Head . . . . . . . . . . 260
7 Net Positive Suction Head Test . . . . . . . . 262
8 Thoma’s Cavitation Constant . . . . . . . . 263
9 Suction Specific Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
10 Some Discussions Concerning the NPSH . . . 266
11 Cavitation Noise in Centrifugal Pumps . . . . 268
12 Cavitation Detection by Digital Acoustic
Emission Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
13 How to Prevent Cavitation . . . . . . . . . 288
References “Appendix II” . . . . . . . . . 290

APPENDIX “III” Solved Examples and Problems

Chapter I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Solved Examples 294
Problems 301
Chapter II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Solved Examples 305
Problems 311
Chapter III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Solved Examples 314
Problems 319
Chapter IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Solved Examples 324
Problems 333
Chapter V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Solved Examples 338
Problems 347
Chapter VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Solved Examples 350
Problems 353
Chapter VIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

Solved Examples 356
Problems 359

APPENDIX “IV” Tables and Charts

Tables and Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

General References . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366

Types and shapes of turbomachines (adopted from Sayers)

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬




Turbomachines by definition are those class of machines in which

occurs a continuous energy transfer between a rigid body (Rotor) and a
deformable media (fluid). A large number of machinery is characterized
by this energy transfer process.

Historically, the first turbomachines can be traced back to hero of

Alexandria who lived since 2000 years ago, (Fig. A.1). The machine was
simply consists of a closed spherical vessel. The steam leaves the vessel
through two pipes facing tangentially at the vessel's periphery. The vessel
is then driven by the reaction of the steam jets.

The Romans introduced paddle-type water wheels, pure "impulse"

wheels in around 70 BC for grinding grain, it seems that they were the
true initiators, because Chinese writings set the first use of water wheels
there at several decades later (26). In the succeeding centuries, water
wheels of impulse type and windmills have been used.

In the 17th century Giovanni de Branca has suggested the idea of

impulse steam turbine, (Fig. A.2).

Fig. A.1 Hero’s rotating sphere Fig. A.2 Giovanni de Branca's
of 120 B.C. turbine of 1629

Through the eighteenth century, the mankind has acquired a

suitable knowledge in hydrodynamics and thermodynamics to permit a
real movement toward modern turbomachinery. In this time, the Swiss
mathematician Leonard Euler (1707-1783), has published his application
of Newton's law to turbomachinery which is known now as Euler's
equation, since that time the development of turbomachinery has not

Now, the utilization of turbomachines is in all engineering applications. It

is difficult to find any engineering construction without having a
turbomachine element. The wide application of turbomachines has
justified its important space in engineering curriculum.

1.1 General Introduction:

Every common turbomachine contains a rotor upon which blades

are mounted, only the detailed physical arrangements differ. Fluid flows
through the rotor from an entrance to an exit submit a change in
momentum during the process because of the torque exerted on or by
rotor blades.

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. A.3 Modern turbomachinery rotor

Throughout this text, the emphasize has put on the practical aspects
of the machines without going deep inside the mathematical formulation.
Some important applications are treated separately as; cavitation

phenomena, pressure recovery devices and maintenance of

The turbomachines can be classified by the energy transfer

principle, Figure 1.1:
1. Turbines, energy transfers from the fluid to the rotor.
2. Pumps, energy transfers from the wheel to the

The rotors also can be classified by the direction of flow in the wheel:
- Radial Wheel,
- Axial Wheel,
- Mixed Wheel.

Fig. 1.1 Flow direction in turbines and pumps

Hydraulic Turbomachinery Classification

Energy Conversion
Impulse Reaction
Energy transfer direction + ve + ve - ve + ve - ve
Flow Direction Radial Radial Axial Axial
Turbomachine Pelton Francis Centrifugal Kaplan Propeller
Wheel Turbine Pump Turbine Pump

+ ve means energy transfer from fluid to wheel.

- ve means energy transfer from wheel to fluid.

1.2 Velocity Diagram:

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Considering a fluid particle passing through the wheel, by
definition C is the absolute velocity tangential to the absolute path, W is
the relative velocity tangential to the blade or the relative path and U is
the blade velocity.

Every instant during the particle movement through the wheel we

have the following vectorial relationship:

→ → →
C =U+W

U =ω D/2
D : wheel diameter
→ →
α = angle between U, C
→ →
β = angle between U , W
Cu = C cos α
C r = C sin α
Fig. 1.2 Velocity triangle

Cu : tangential component of C

C r : radial component of C

The velocity symbols in this text follow the European system.

However, many authors used the American system wherein:
C designated by V, W designated by V,
C r designated by Vr , Cu designated by Vu ,
and sometimes β = 180° - β .

1.3 Momentum Transfer Principles:

Consider an open system with a volume V, if this volume is

subjected to external forces, the contained fluid will move inward
(contraction) or outward (expansion), the momentum at time t:

J = ∫∫∫ C.ρ .δ V ….................................………………........ (1.1)


At time t + d t the momentum in a unit volume could generally be written
as follows:

∂ (ρ C )
ρC + dt .................................………........................ (1.2)

Denoting the contracting

volume by ∂V ' , and the
expanding volume by ∂V " .
Considering the (+ve) sign for
the outward flow and the (–ve)
sign for the inward flow, thus
the total momentum at the
instant t + d t equal: Fig. 1.3 The considered control volume

∂ (ρ C )
J + d J = ∫∫∫ ρ C∂ V + ∫∫∫ dt. ∂ V
V V ∂t
∂ (ρ C )
+ ∫∫∫ ′′ ρ C∂ V ′′ + ∫∫∫ ′′ dt.∂ V ′′
δV δV ∂t
∂ (ρ C )
− ∫∫∫ ′ ρ C∂ V ′ − ∫∫∫ ′ dt.∂ V ′ ..........…….................. (1.3)
δV δV ∂t

We can convert the volume integral to a surface integral if we

consider the surface Σ.

The flow across an element of the surface dS will be:

δ V = d S.Cn . d t

Taking the (+ve) sign for

the outward flow and the (–ve)
sign for the inward flow in
such a way the last four
volume integrals of equation
(1.3) could be converted to two Fig. 1.4 The surface element
surface integrals as following:

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

∂ (ρ C ) 2
∫∫Σ C.ρ .d S .C n .d t + ∫∫Σ C n . ∂t
.d t .d S ……………….… (1.4)

The second term of relation (1.4) contains a second order integral

in t, thus we can neglect the second term compared to the first.

Now substitute in equation (1.3) to calculate d J only (The change

in momentum between the instant t and the instant t + d t )

∂ (ρ C )
i.e. d J = ∫∫∫ .d t.dV + ∫∫ C.ρ .d S .C n .d t
V ∂t Σ

 ∂ (ρ C ) 
= dt  ∫∫∫ .dV + ∫∫ C.ρ .C n .d S  …………............. (1.5)
dt Σ
 V

The above equation contains two terms, the first refers to the local change
in the control volume and the second refers to the connective change
through the boundary of the control volume. The mass flow rate element
is given by:

dQm = ρ . C n .d S ............…………......................................... (1.6)

Differentiating equation (1.1):

∂J ∂ (ρ C )
= ∫∫∫ d V .......................................................… (1.7)
∂t V ∂t

From equations (1.5), (1.6), and (1.7):

dJ ∂ J
d t ∂ t ∫∫Σ
= + C dQm …...............................................…..... (1.8)

Now we can apply Newton momentum theory:

Force = rate of change of momentum
F = d (mass x speed) / d t
= d J /d t

The torque equals the rate of change of angular momentum:

d J .r ∂ J .r
∂ t ∫∫Σ
T = F .r = = + C.r.dQm ................................. (1.9)

The above equation is the general equation of angular momentum.

Taking the time average of the above equation i.e. ∂ J.r/∂ t = 0, the
mean value of the local change of momentum vanishes and we have only
the average value

i.e. T = ∫∫ C .r .dQm ...........................………….....................…. (1.10)


1.4 Energy Equation:

In the previous paragraph, the principles of the conservation of

momentum were applied to study the transfer process between the fluid
and the rotor. In fact, in applying the momentum principles the internal
energy is canceled in pairs, this energy becomes important in some cases,
as in the explosion of a shell while the momentum is constant, the internal
energy transferred into kinetic energy. So, to present a more generalized
approach, the principles of conservation of energy shall be used, which is
a form of the first law of thermodynamics.

Consider a control volume V, the heat transfer through the system

during time d t :

d Q = d E + dW …………................................................. (1.11)

where d E is the change in energy per unit mass, this term includes
internal, kinetic and potential energy.

d E = d E n + C 2 / 2 + gZ ) ...................................……........ (1.12)

Similarly to the previous paragraph, consider the change in energy

consists of two parts, a local change and convective change:

∂ (E n + C 2 / 2 + gZ )
dE = dt ∫∫∫ ρ .dV +
V ∂t .....................…..... (1.13)
dt ∫∫ (E n + C 2 / 2 + gZ ).ρ .C n .dS

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

The work done dW through the boundary:

dW = d t ∫∫ C.σ .dS .................………................................... (1.14)


where σ denotes a stress and C.d t denotes a displacement, the stress σ

consists of two parts, a shear stress τ parallel to the wall, and a
hydrostatic pressure P normal to the wall, using the (+ve) sign for
outward and (–ve) sign for inward:

i.e. dW = dt ∫∫ τ .Cτ .dS − dt ∫∫ P.C n .dS .......…………..... (1.15)


In fact, one has to distinguish between three kinds of boundaries:

a) an open boundary where the flow occurs across the boundary,
b) a closed and stationary boundary,
c) a closed and moving boundary as a moving wing.

In the case of an open boundary, the term ∫∫S τ .Cτ .dS denotes a
friction energy E f which is sometimes can be neglected compared to the
other stresses involved, despite in the case of a closed but moving
boundary as a turbine rotor, this tangential stress delivers power E s .

E s = ∫∫ τ .Cτ .d S ........…..................................…....…......... (1.16)


One can combine the convective part of energy with the hydrostatic
pressure to give;

∫∫S [P.C n + (E n + C ) ]
/ 2 + gZ ρ .C n d S = ∫∫ io .d Qm
......... (1.17)

where d Qm = ρ .C n .d S and denotes the mass flow rate,

io denotes the stagnation enthalpy,
io = P / ρ + E n + C 2 / 2 + gZ = i + C 2 / 2 + gZ ..................... (1.18)

Usually in turbomachines, one can consider the heat transfer from

or to the working medium is negligible, i.e.
dQ = 0
From equations (1.11) to (1.18), one can write:


+ E s + ∫∫ io .d Qm = 0 ................……........……...…...... (1.19)
dt S

In many cases the change in energy E with time is constant, thus we can
write the energy equation as follows:

E s = − ∫∫ io .d Qm .................................….....................….... (1.20)

The above equations are for steady flow, the dimensions of E s is length
per unit mass. From equations (1.14) and (1.20):

C12 − C 22 W22 − W12 U 12 − U 22

(i1 + gZ1 + C / 2) − (i2 + gZ 2 + C / 2) =
2 2
2 + +
2 2 2
................ (1.21)

1.5 Theories of Turbomachines:

1.5.1 Euler Theory (Elementary)

The simplified theory is based on the following assumptions:

- The impeller has an infinite number of blades, which signifies a perfect

guidance of fluid, neglecting separation, circulation and turbulence.
- The fluid leaves the impeller tangentially to the blades.
- In the impeller passages, the fluid velocities at similar points on all the
flow lines are the same.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

a) radial rotor b) axial rotor

Fig. 1.5 Inlet and exit velocity triangles

Applying the general equation of momentum on the flow inside a

turbine, change the vector value of C by C cos α and by integration we

Torque T = Qm (R1C1 cos α1 − R2 C 2 cos α 2 ) ...…......................... (1.22)

where T torque
Qm mass flow rate = W / g
W weight flow rate = γ Q with Q the volume flow rate

we have:

C u1 = C1 cos α 1 , Cu 2 = C 2 cos α 2 ,
U = ω .R , Power = T .ω

Substituting those values in equation (1.22) we find:

Power = Qm .ω .(R1 .Cu1 − R2 .Cu 2 )

P = Qm (U 1 .Cu1 − U 2 .Cu 2 ) ........………......................….….... (1.23)

and virtual head or theoretical head H o

H o = U 1 .Cu1 − U 2 .Cu 2 per unit mass or


= (U 1 .Cu1 − U 2 .Cu 2 ) g per unit weight ………....... (1.24)

- From equation (1.22) we can see that the maximum power generated
by the turbine occurs when cos α 2 = 0 , i.e. when α 2 = 90° , radial
- Also, from equation (1.22) we see that Euler theory does not take into
consideration the geometric form of the blades, it considers the inlet
and outlet angles only.
- Applying the triangle relations to equation (1.24) we find another form
of equation (1.24):

W 2 = U 2 + C 2 − 2 U C. cos α
Ho =
(C12 − C 22 ) + (W22 − W12 ) + (U 12 + U 22 )
..……......…....... (1.25)

- It may be noted that equations (1.24) and (1.25) do not contain the
specific weight of the fluid handled, an impeller operating at a given
speed will develop the same head for any fluid handled.

- Analysis of the energy transferred, Degree of Reaction:

The change of head due to the fluid flow through the wheel can be
written as following:

 P * C2   P* C2 
H o = H1 − H 2 =  +  −  ρ g + 2 g  ...................... (1.26)
 ρ g 2 g 1  2


P * = P + ρ g h …....................................………................. (1.27)

After equations (1.25), (1.26) and (1.27), we have:

P1* − P2* C12 − C 22 C12 − C 22 W22 − W12 U 12 − U 22

+ = + +
ρg 2g 2g 2g 2g


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

From the above equation the total change in head can be divided
into the following three terms:
C12 − C22
a. represents the change in kinetic energy.
U12 − U 22
b. represents the change in energy due to centrifugal force.
W12 − W22
c. represents the change in relative kinetic energy.

The degree of reaction σ is the ratio of the change in static pressure to the
change in total pressure.

P1* − P2*
σ= Ho
............................... (1.28)
(U 1
) (
− U 22 + W22 − W12 )
C12 − C 22 ) + (U 2
1 ) (
− U 22 + W22 − W12 )
σ = 0.0 designate an impulse machine.
σ ≠ 0.0 designate a reaction machine.

1.5.2 Modern Theory

The basic equations just developed are based upon a certain

assumptions namely frictionless, non-turbulent flow in a plane and
complete guidance of the fluid.

To explain the actual flow inside the impeller we may consider the
case of a centrifugal pump impeller as follows:


Fig. 1.6 Pressure distribution Fig. 1.7 Exit flow shape in
between two blades radial blades

a. During the energy transfer process between the blades and the fluid, a
positive pressure acting on the driving face of blade and negative
pressure on the trilling face, (See Figures 1.6 and 1.7). If one consider
the total energy is constant, the increment of the static pressure energy
from the trailing edge to the driving edge is made on the dispense of
the dynamic pressure energy. The relative velocity magnitude, which is
a form of dynamic pressure energy, is inversely proportional to the
pressure difference. The relative velocity exit direction is tangential to
the high pressure side of the blade, and inclined opposite to the rotating
speed in the low pressure side of the blade. This fact has been observed
early in the 60’s by Dean et al., after a measurement of flow pattern at
the impeller exit, this flow pattern is known as jet-wake flow pattern.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 1.8 Development of the wake, secondary flow pattern
(obtained by Dean, Jr.)

Figure 1.8 shows the development of the Jet-Wake flow pattern

inside an impeller; the jet is corresponding to the driving edge with a
high static pressure energy. Consequently, the wake region
corresponds to the low static pressure region; extensive
measurements show clearly the existence of this deformed flow

b. Another secondary effect studied by Stodola is the inertia effect (See

Figures 1.9 and 1.10). The fluid particles tend to keep its primary
direction relative to absolute axis; this effect produces a relative
circular eddy adding another distortion to the relative velocity


Fig. 1.9 Inertial effect Fig. 1.10 The flow pattern inside
the impeller

From a, b we can see that for actual machine the relative velocity
mean exit angle does not equal to the ideal exit angle suggested by Euler
theory, usually this deviation is about 5 - 10°.
In practice the designer used empirical correction factor based on
test results and experiments, Figure 1.11.

Fig. 1.11 The velocity triangles after the modern theory

1.5.3 Necessity for flow unsteadiness

The energy transfer process between fluid and rotor will occur only
if E s not equals zero.

Thus, one can write the following substantial derivative:


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

D io ∂ i o ∂i
= + C o ............................................................. (1.29)
Dt ∂t ∂l

(Where C is the velocity and l is in the direction of the velocity). The

above substantial derivative must be different than zero.
Apply Euler's equation as following:

∂C ∂C 1 ∂ P ∂ ( gZ )
+C =− − ......................................... (1.30)
∂t ∂l ρ ∂l ∂l

∂C ∂ C2 P
=−  + gZ + 
∂t ∂ l 2 ρ
 d P
Isentropic process  di =  , and after equation (1.18) the following
 ρ 
relationship is reached:

∂C ∂  C2  ∂i
=−  + gZ + i  = − o ....................................... (1.31)
∂t ∂ l 2  ∂l

Introducing equation (1.31) in equation (1.29), and noting that ∂Z/∂ l = 0.

D io ∂ io ∂ C ∂i
= −C = .........…........................................ (1.32)
Dt ∂t ∂ t ∂t

The above equation indicates clearly that i or H must not equal zero
to extract or to supply energy from a turbomachine. In other words, the
flow must be unsteady to permit energy transfer. The physical meaning of
equation (1.32) is experimentally well presented by the jet-wake flow
pattern; a pressure measurement impeller's exit at a fixed point will show
the nature of the flow unsteadiness.

1.5.4 Approximate calculation of deviation after Stodola

Stodola assumes that the inertia effect and circulation can be

simulated to a rotation cylinder in the impeller passage, Figure 1.12. The
rotational speed of the cylinder about its axis equal to the angular velocity


of the impeller ω, and finally Stodola assumes that the deviation in the
tangential component of the absolute velocity ∆C u is proportional to the
channel width and the rotating speed.

∆Cu ∝ ω ............................................…........................... (1.33)

where a is the channel width and ω is the rotating speed.

Fig. 1.12 Stodola's model

The space between two successive blades at the outer radius is given by:

t = π D2 / Z n

where Z n is the number of blades, thus the deviation ∆Cu equal:

∆Cu = U 2 π sin β 2 / Z n ..............................…….................. (1.34)

Certainly, equation (1.34) gives an approximate value of the deviation.

1.6 Some Practical Considerations (Actual Machine Design):

Many other factors influence the actual machine design as follow:


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

1.6.1 Friction:

The actual fluid flow (viscous flow) through a channel or closed

conduit loses a part of its energy due to skin friction and turbulence
The loss increases with the roughness of the surface of the impeller, also
the amount of losses are proportional to the turbulence level, a machine
designed to operate at certain Reynolds number and certain ratio of
revolution per minute, when operating at other flows or speed the losses
will change, also the angles will not be correct.

1.6.2 Disk Friction:

The power required to rotate a disk in a fluid is known as the disk

friction. The disk friction loss is due to two actions which occur
simultaneously, namely (1) the actual friction of the fluid on the disk,
which is relatively minor, (2) a pumping action, the fluid which is in
contact with the disk or near it is thrown outward by the centrifugal action
and circulates back toward the shaft to be pumped again as shown in
Figure 1.13. The energy consumed by the disk friction depends upon the
mass of fluid coming into contact with the disk per unit of time and the
kinetic energy, which the fluid receives. Many formulas have been found
experimentally for liquid and gases, these will be discussed later.

Fig. 1.13 Disk friction Fig. 1.14 Circulation

- Mechanical losses: the term mechanical losses includes the friction

losses in bearing and seal, these losses are equal to 2 - 4 % of brake


1.6.3 Leakage:

Leakage occurs as seen from Figure 1.14 because of the pressure

difference between the fluid being compressed and the inlet pressure; this
amount of leakage recirculates and enters with the inlet flow. The leakage
has no effect on the theoretical head but it lowers the capacity and
increases the brake horsepower required.

1.6.4 Pre-Rotation of the Fluid:

The usual assumption made in

designing is that the fluid enters the
impeller vanes radially so that α 1 =
90°, as the fluid approaches the vane
inlet it becomes into contact with the
rotating shaft and impeller, this tends
to cause it to rotate the wheel. Pre- Fig. 1.15 Pre-rotation of the inlet
rotation reduces the theoretical head, velocity
as may be seen from equation (1.24).

1.7 Coefficients and Efficiencies:

1.7.1 Circulatory Flow Coefficient:

As shown previously in section 1.5.2, the effect of circulatory flow

is to reduce C 2 , this reduces the theoretical head H o which the impeller
is able to develop. If Cu 2 is the tangential component of C 2 based on a
finite number of vanes and C u 2 is the tangential component neglecting
circulatory flow, then the circulatory flow coefficient:

η ∞ = Cu 2 / Cu 2

It is important to note that the reduction in the head due to the

circulatory flow is not a loss. It is just an incompleteness, which has not
been taken into consideration in Euler theory, so the theoretical head H o
now equal:

U 2 Cu 2
Ho = .η ∞


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

for radial flow at inlet considering the case of a pump, in turbine case it
will be H o = η ∞ .U 1 Cu1 / g assuming radial flow at exit. The method of
calculating this coefficient from tests will be explained latter.

1.7.2 Manometric Efficiency:

The actual head developed by the unit or energy generated in

turbine case is less than the theoretical head, owing to the turbulence,
friction and circulatory flow losses previously discussed. The ratio of the
actual head developed to the theoretical head for a finite number of vanes
is the hydraulic efficiency.

Actual measured head H

η man. = = a
Head imparted to fluid by impeller H o

1.7.3 Mechanical Efficiency:

The mechanical efficiency is the ratio of power supplied to (or generated

from) the shaft to the power supplied to the fluid by impeller (or delivered
by the fluid to impeller).

η mech. = Po / B.H .P.

where Po = γ Q H o Constant .

1.7.4 Volumetric Efficiency:

The volumetric efficiency is a measure of the amount of leakage.

delivered weight
η vol =
delivered weight + internal leakage
Q + QL

1.7.5 Hydraulic Efficiency (Turbine):


The hydraulic efficiency is the ratio of work done on the rotor to the
available head of water or (energy actually supplied to the turbine).

η hyd . = H o / H av


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬



2.1 Introduction:

The application of dimensional analysis and hydraulic similitude

enables the engineer to organize and simplify the experiments. Since the
beginning of the twentieth century the engineers involved in the design of
hydraulic machines such as turbomachine, started their procedure by
preparing a model and working backward by means of similitude to
predict the actual machine performance.

2.2 Dimensional Analysis:

All physical relationships can be reduced to the fundamental

quantities of force F, length L, and time T, (and temperature in case of
One important procedure usually used in dimensional analysis is
the Buckingham π theorem, any independent physical variable can be
represented mathematically as follows:

f (q1 , q 2 , q 3 , ........ , q n ) = 0 …...........…................................ (2.1)

This expression can be replaced by the equation:

φ (π 1 , π 2 , π 3 , ........ , π n −k ) = 0 ………...…...............…......... (2.2)

where n is the number of variables, k is the number of fundamental

dimensions. The π theorem procedure can be explained in the following
few steps:

a) Any equation could be reorganized by grouping the physical quantities
assumed in dimensionless groups.

b) If the number of fundamental dimensions is k, the number of terms will

be equal to (n-k).

c) The first π term can be expressed as the product of the chosen

quantities each to an unknown exponent and the other quantity to a
known power (usually taken as one).

d) For each term, solve for the unknown exponent by dimensional


e) Any term can be replaced by any power of that term π1 by π12, or by

1/π1, also any term can be multiplied by a numerical constant.

2.3 Hydraulic Similarity:

The similarity is known as hydraulic similitude or hydraulic

similarity. The main types of hydraulic similitude are:

a) Geometric Similitude, the geometric similitude exists between model

and prototype if the ratios of corresponding dimensions are equal.

Lmodel Amodel
= Lratio , = L2ratio
Lprototype Aprototype

b) Kinematic Similitude, the kinematic similitude exists between model

and prototype when the ratios of the corresponding velocities at
corresponding points are equal.

Velocity Vmodel / Vprototype = Vm / V p = Lr / Tr

Lm / Tm2
Acceleration am / a p = 2
= Lr / Tr2
L p / Tp
L3m / Tm
Discharge Qm / Q p = 3
= L3r / Tr
L p / Tp

c) Dynamic Similitude, the dynamic similitude exists between the model

and the prototype if both of them have identical forces.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Forcesmodel M .a
= m m
Forcesprototype M p .a p

2.4 Application of Dimensional Analysis on Turbomachines:

Consider a series of geometrically similar pumps or turbines of

different sizes but having similar flow patterns. The energy transferred E
is a function of wheel diameter D, volumetric discharge Qv , fluid density
ρ, kinematic viscosity ν and the rotating speed N. These variables could
be organized in mathematical form as following:

E = f ( D, N , Q v , ρ ,ν ) or
................................................... (2.3)
f ( E , D, N , Q v , ρ ,ν ) = 0

where E represents pressure energy = ρ g H o

Following π theorem, we have (6-3) = 3 π terms.

Select three independent variables, D, N, E.

π 1 = D, N , E , ρ
π 2 = D, N , E , Qv ..………..................................................... (2.4)
π 3 = D, N , E ,ν

π 1 = D x N y E z ρ = (L )x (T )− y (M z L− zT −2 z ) ML−3
x− z −3= 0
− y − 2z = 0
z +1 = 0
D2 N 2
i.e. π 1 = D 2 N 2 ( gH o )−1 =
gH o
and π 1′ = 1 / π
gH 0
i.e. π 1′ = .............................………....................... (2.5)
N 2D2

π 2 = D x N y E z Qv = Lx T − y M z T −2 z L3T −1 L− z
x− z+3= 0
− y − 2z − 1 = 0
∴ z = 0, x = −3, y = −1
i.e. π2 = ................................................................. (2.6)
ND 3

π 3 = D x N y E zν = LxT − y M z L− z T −2 z L2T −1
− y − 2z − 1 = 0
∴ z = 0, y = −1, x = −2
i.e. π 3′ = 1 / π 3 = ND 2 /ν .........................….................... (2.7)

2.4.1 Discussion

a) π 1′ = gH o / D 2 N 2 Manometric Coefficient
The head H o is directly proportional to ( N D) 2 , thus for similar
flows and the same efficiency, the proportionality factor for one
machine equals that for other machine.

b) π 2 = Q / ND 3 analogue to Discharge Coefficient ψ

Similarity factor π 2 also must be equal for similar machines.

c) π 3′ = ND 2 /ν Reynolds Number.
π 3′ is the ratio of inertia force to viscous force.

For a true similitude between a pair of turbomachines π 1′ , π 2 , π 3′ should

be equals for all operating points. This condition is hard to satisfy,
because if we increase size and speed for a given machine handling the
same fluids, π 1 , π 2 remain constant but the Reynolds number will
increase because the dominator will stay constant for the same fluid, so,
we neglect Reynolds number effect, considering that its effect on power
is minor. It is important to note the industrial practice of selecting some
constant quantities from the non-dimensional coefficients. For example,


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

the well-known practice of reducing gH to H in the non-dimensional
coefficients because it is constant, however, this practice leads to a
diversity in the value of the performance parameters, this could be easily
seen from the different dimensional specific speed used.

2.4.2 Performance Curves:

The performance curves usually correlate the relation between

power, flow, and head for pump, for example the relation between π 1 and
π 2 could be drawn as seen in Figure 2.1.

Fig. 2.1 Non-dimensional Head-Volume characteristics

For a geometrically similar pump of different sizes, the same curve

could be obtained, (approximately).
In the same manner, the relation between power and flow could be
Power P = ρ g H Q
g H ∝ N 2D2
Q ∝ N D3
i.e. P ∝ ρ N 3D5

So, in non-dimensional form, the relation between the power and the flow
will be a relation between P / ρ N 3 D 5 and Q / N D 3 , Figure 2.2, also for
a geometrically similar pump of different sizes, the same curve could be

Fig 2.2 Non-dimensional Power-Flow characteristics

2.5 Scale Effect

a) Reynolds Number Effect:

The change in scale certainly implicates change in Reynolds

number. As seen before, Reynolds Number is the ratio between the inertia
force and the viscous force. In the study of viscous fluid flow, Reynolds
Number is directly proportional to the mechanism of flow, consequently,
the losses of fluid flow origin is a function of Reynolds number. If the
variation in Reynolds number is small, its effect can be neglected
assuming that the mechanism of flow is similar and consequently the
losses. When there are a large variation in Reynolds number, its effect
must be taken into consideration because large variation in Reynolds
number may indicate a change in the flow regime as from laminar to
transition or from transition to fully developed turbulent flow.
Unfortunately, only experiences can provide available information about
its effect.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Generally, from the physical point of view, we can expect that
Reynolds number effect on the performance behaves similarly in all

Fig 2.3 Reynolds Number factor for head CH and efficiency Cη

As it could be seen from Figure 2.3 that over Re > 107 their is no
required correction because the flow would be fully-developed turbulent
flow and the effect of viscosity will be minor. With decreasing Reynolds
number, the correction factor Cη increases to take into account the excess
of losses.

b) Scale effects in hydraulic machines

The Reynolds number effect is clear particularly if there is a great

change in its value.

The use of models for predicting full size water turbine

performance is well established, but the same technique for pumps is
relatively recent. Significant differences in efficiency between model and
full size occur, suggesting departures from strict dynamic similarity. It is
argued by both turbine and pump authorities that losses differ, and that
work-capacity curves differ too. All are agreed that exact mathematical
treatment is difficult. The discussion here is based on examples of a
logical approach.

It may be suggested that departures from the scaling laws are due

Geometrical dissimilarities due to tolerances
Clearance variations
Surface finish
Hydrodynamic effects (skin friction)
Testing errors
Installation effects.

These were examined for the prototype and four models, three of
which were in aluminum and the other in fiberglass, but being one-eighth
scale for comparison with the aluminum surface produced. Figure 2.4
illustrates the variations observed from the prototype machine when the
three aluminum models were tested.

Fig. 2.4 Non-dimensional presentation of model and full size performance

for the Eggborough pump (adapted from Nixon and Cairney, 1972)

Geometrical dissimilarities and their effects were examined. For

example blade shape, as determined by blade angle, was compared. A
variation of ± 0.5° about a mean value which was 1.5° less than design
was found for the full size machine, and in the models the scatter was of
the same order, apart from the glass-fiber impeller in which it was much
worse. It must be commented that much higher variations are quite
common in commercial cast impellers. Since the small aluminum models
were shell moldings the area variations were small, but the larger one was


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

floor molded, giving at least a 10% variation in area from passage to
passage. Again, larger variations have been observed, particularly in cast
impellers. The volute throat is a most important area, and correction is
needed if variations occur.

Clearances tend to be of the same order in models as on the

prototype, so leakage losses tend to be larger, and model surface
roughness cannot be super smooth in scale without large cost. This is
therefore a significant problem because it affects boundary layers, as
discussed in the following section.

Hydrodynamic problems, Nixon and Cairney (1972), Osterwalder

(1978), and Osterwalder and Ettig (1977), suggest the following relation:

1 − ηY = δ T = δM + δL + δD + δF + δI
Total mechanical leakage disc skin inertia
loss loss loss friction friction loss

Here, δ M and δ I are unaffected by the Reynolds number and δ I is

usually assumed to remain the same. δ M is considered to vary as speed,
in contrast to the other hydrodynamic losses which tend to follow an N 3
law, and reduces with reducing speed at a lesser rate, thus being
proportionally more important at low speeds. Nixon and Cairney (1972)
present a method of finding δ M , and suggest that prediction from low
speed tests be limited to differential head readings.

The estimation of disc friction loss has been a subject for argument,
as the classical work was done on plain thin discs rotating in a close
fitting closed casing. Nixon used work by Necce and Daily (1960) and
Watabe (1958) for "smooth" and "rough" discs, and showed an error from
measured data of about 10%. Sutton (1968) studies this problem,
particularly the effect of leakage flow through wear rings and its relation
to disc friction. Osterwalder (1978) commented that there is little current
data of general applicability, but Kurokawa and Toyokura (1976) and
Wilson and Goulburn (1976) extended the database.

The same situation is attempting to correlate δ F . Both Nixon and

Osterwalder suggest the applicability of Nikuradse and Colebrook data
with a limiting Reynolds number criterion for "transition". Nixon
proposes a relatively simple approach, which is applicable and gives
reasonable accuracy. Osterwalder surveys the published material and does

not propose a general correlation, but indicates that a computer-based in-
house study is relevant.

Table 2.1 A selection of model scale formulae (as quoted for example
by Nixon, 1965). Subscript m denotes ‘model’
Moody (1942):
1 − η  Dm 
=  0 ≤ n ≤ 0.26
1−ηm  D 

1 − η  Re m 
or =  0 ≤ n ≤ 0 .2
1 − η m  Re 

0.01 0.25
1−η  H m   Dm 
=   
1−ηm  H   D 

1−η 0.94 − Q −0.32
1 − η m 0.94 − Qm−0.32

0.01 0.25
1 − η  Re m   D m 
=    valid between 1/12 < Re m / Re < 20
1 − η m  Re   D 

1−η  Re 
= 0 .3 + 0 .7  m 
1−ηm  Re 

1−η   Re  0.2 
= 0.5 1 +  m  
1−ηm   Re  

Usually, most of turbomachines operate at high Reynolds number

in the region of fully-developed turbulent flow, this problem arise when a
machine is originally designed at certain Reynolds number and tested in
the shop at different Reynolds numbers, so a correction must be taken
into consideration. Generally, a common empirical relation is used as


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

1 − η1  Re2 
=  ......................................………................... (2.8)
1 − η2  Re1 

when n varies from 0.1 to 0.25, the above relation is also used to take into
account the seal effect.

Fans and blowers

The prediction of fan performance from models was studied at the

National Engineering Laboratory (NEL), UK, resulting in a report by
Dalgleish and Whitaker (1971) in which work on three small fans was
used to predict the performance of fans at a scale of 1.5:1 and at a scale of
about 2.5:1. The report underlined Nixon’s comments on tolerancing and
proposed a formula for η A similar to the pump equations just discussed:

(1 − η A ) p  Re 

= 0 .3 + 0 .7  m  (2.9)
(1 − η A )m  Re 
 p

where η A is the air efficiency and Re = ρ ω D 2 / µ for a range

0.8 x 106 < Re < 6.5 x 106. They comment that clearances are important,
and that the best efficiency moved to higher flow coefficients than
suggested by scaling as size increased. It is of interest that improvement
in surface roughness does not give better efficiency except for small high-
speed fans.

c) Scale effects in compressible machines

The non-dimensional power given as P / ρ N 3D5 =

( )
f Q / ND 3 , gH / N 2 D 2 , ND 2 /ν was quoted as applying to compressible
machines, but limits of application apply, as for incompressible machines.
If single-stage machines are considered, the effect of compressibility may
be neglected for low Mach numbers (below about 0.5); the divergence
caused increases with Mach number. Work with compressors using
refrigerant and other "heavy" gases indicates that the effect of the
adiabatic exponent may be neglected for few stages. However, as the
overall pressure ratio and hence the number of stages increase, density
change particularly is important. As an example, if a pressure ratio of 8:1
is chosen, with air (K = 1.4) the density ratio is 4.41:1; if K is 1.05 this

becomes 7.23:1. This is clearly important in a multistage compressor
where the stages are designed assuming a constant flow coefficient for
air, but the machine used for a heavier gas (K = 1.05) even though use of
the gas reduces power demand for dynamically similar conditions since
acoustic velocity goes down. The only technique proved satisfactory is to
blend gases to give the right K, as Csanady (1964) showed.

The scaling problems in pumps, discussed in the previous section,

occur in compressors. For example, Henssler and Bhinder (1977) studied
the influence of size on a family of small turbocharger compressors; these
had 60 mm, 82 mm and 94 mm impeller diameters, and other dimensions
were scaled, but surface finishes had the same surface roughness. They
show how performance varied with flow coefficient and Reynolds
number based on peripheral speed. The authors comment that these
changes are not predicted by the similarity laws, but do not attempt to
suggest the correlation that different laws apply to different families of

A contribution by Miller (1977) surveyed earlier correlations of

scaling predictions for axial compressors. His approach was based on the
need to conserve rig power consumption by testing at reduced pressure
levels and dealing with the associated problems of correcting efficiency
pressure ratio and flow to normal operating level, and was also concerned
with scaling model tests to full size performance. Miller examined a
number of Reynolds number correction approaches and concluded that
although careful testing would yield effective prediction for one
compressor design, this could not be applied to another, and that pressure
level effects appear to be more pronounced than scale effects.

Others have contributed to the discussion as part of their study; for

example, McKenzie (1980) shows a scatter in his predictions. No
completely satisfactory general prediction appears to be available at the
moment, although individual companies and groups use their own
approaches and satisfy their own needs.

Illustrative examples

Similarity laws applied to a water turbine

The turbines in a river barrage hydroelectric plant are designed to

give 55 MW each when the level difference is 25 m and they are running


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

at 94.7 rpm. The designed overall efficiency is 93%, and the runner
diameter is 6 m. A model with a runner diameter of 300 mm is to be
tested under the same level difference. Suggest the probable rotational
speed, flow rate, efficiency and power produced when the model is
operating in dynamically similar conditions.

The full size flow rate is first calculated:

55 x 10 6
= 25 x 9.81 x 10 3 x Q


Q = 241 m3/s

Applying the scaling laws, equations (2.5) and (2.6),

= constant
ND 3
= constant
N 2D2

and substituting the known data, it is found that

Qmodel = 0.602 m/s
Nmodel = 1894 rpm

The model efficiency must now be found using one of the equations in
Table 2.1. The well-known turbine equation due to Hutton will be used:

1−η  1894 x 0.3 2 
= 0.3 + 0.7  
2 
1 − η model  94. 7 x 6 

from which the model efficiency is found to be:

ηmodel = 89.77%

The model power developed, assuming the same mechanical efficiency, is


Pmodel = 25 x 9.81 x 103 x 0.602 x 0.8977

= 132.54 kW

Compressor performance prediction problem

A compressor for hydrogen duty is to deliver 18 kg/s while

increasing the pressure from 1.01 x 105 N/m2 to16.5 x 105 N/m2. The inlet
temperature is expected to be 300 K, and the rotational speed 2900 rpm.

For development purposes a half-scale machine is to be tested

using air as the medium, with inlet conditions 105 N/m2 and 288 K.
Suggest the model mass flow rate, delivery pressure and rotational speed
for dynamical similarity.

The full size pressure ratio is 16.5/1.01 = 16.34:1.The model outlet

pressure will be 16.34 x 105 N/m2. For dynamical similarity,

m& (RT01 )
= constant
P01 D 2

= constant
(RT01 )

For hydrogen, R = 4.124 kJ/kg.K; for air, R= 0.287 kJ/kg.K. Thus:

18 4.124 x 10 3 x 300 m& 0.287 x 10 3 x 288

1.01 x 10 5 x D 2 10 5 x (0.5D) 2

m& = 17.24 kg / s


2900 D N x 0 .5 D
4.124 x 10 3 x 300 0.287 x 10 3 x 288

N = 1499.15 rpm


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

2.6 Affinity Laws:

Although the non-dimensional presentation is preferable from the

scientific point of view, the dimensional presentation is also important for
the practical use in a plant for example. The personnel need to know
directly the variation of performance under different operating conditions.
Figure 2.5 represents the relation between H and Q. It is enough
only to establish one curve and it is easy to predict the rest by the mean of
affinity laws.
For the same machine operating at different speeds and flow:

 gH o   gH o 
from π1 :  N 2 D 2  =  N 2 D 2 
1 2

H1 / H 2 = ( N1 / N 2 ) ........................….....................… (2.10)
 Q   Q 
from π2 :  ND 3  =  ND 3 
1 2
i.e. Q1 / Q2 = N1 / N 2 …..........................................….…... (2.11)
and Q1 / Q2 = H1 / H 2


The above relations are applicable only if we neglect Re number

effect, i.e. assuming small variation in Re number but if Re number
changes, for example, if different fluids are considered as water and oil,
the kinematic viscosity of oil is about 100 times that of water νoil = 100
νwater, in such case we have to take into consideration the third term and
the above relation will be Q1 / Q2 = N1 / N 2 = ν 1 /ν 2 .

Fig 2.5 Head-capacity curve for a pump at different speeds

2.7 Specific Speed:

Various factors or parameters are used in practice in correlating

data on performance and design, as we have seen before, but one of the
more common terms is specific speed.
We can make another combination of non-dimensional numbers as
(π 2
2 / π 13 )
1/ 4
which leads us to the following expression:

Ns = 3
(rad) N in r.p.s., .............…...…... (2.12)
( gH ) 4 Q in m3/s,
g in m/s2,
H in m.

where H and Q are measured at the point of maximum efficiency. N s is

not dependent upon the speed as one may suggest from the equation, it's a
parameter relates to the dimensions of the wheel, it provides an excellent
tool to enable the engineer to suggest which kind of wheel to use to meet
the required head and capacity.
Impellers for high total heads and low capacity usually have low
specific speeds, whereas impellers for low heads and large capacity
usually have high specific speeds.
As a general, radial machines have low specific speeds and axial
machines have high specific speeds.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

In the industrial practice, there are many forms of N s equation
depending upon the case of the machine considered if it's pump or turbine
…, etc.

2.7.1 Pumps:

In industrial practice, the following relation is usually used:

Ns = 3
(rpm) * N in r.p.m., ...........…...….... (2.13)
H 4 Q in G.P.M.,
H in feet.

N s for radial centrifugal impeller varies from 500 to 3000,

N s for mixed impeller varies from 3000 to 7000,
N s for axial impeller varies from 8000 to 15000.

[ Hint: The conversion between the different units of the specific speed is as follows:
gpm ft 3 /s l/s m 3 /s
rpm = 21 . 19 rpm = 1 . 633 rpm = 51 . 64 rpm ]
(ft ) 3 / 4 (ft ) 3 / 4 (m) 3 / 4 (m) 3 / 4

The dimensions of Ns is rpm.((gpm)1/2ft-3/4) in the English system or
rpm.((m3/s)1/2m-3/4) in the French system but it is common practice to
omit the units in brackets

Fig. 2.6 Approximate relative impeller shapes and good average efficiencies
obtained for commercial pump as a function of specific speed,
Ns = 3/ 4
where N in (rpm), Q in (m3/h) and H in (m)
60 H

Fig. 2.7 Approximate specific speed and turbomachine type


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Table 2.2 Conversion factors for specific speed

3/ 4 To obtain N s = N Q (gH ) 3 / 4
Ns = N Q H N Q H
(rad), divide by:
Pumps, Compressors, rpm G.P.M. ft 2730
Blowers, Ventilators rpm cfs (ft3/s) ft 129
rpm m3/s m 53
rpm lit/s m 1675
To obtain
N s = N B.H .P. H N B.H.P. H N s = N B .H .P . [ ρ 1 / 2 ( gH ) 5 / 4 ]
(rad), divide by:
Turbines rpm hp ft 42
rpm Metric hp m 187
rpm kW m 218

N s (rad) for centrifugal impellers varies from 0.0025 to 0.3 and reaches 1
for some axial impellers.

2.7.2 Compressors and Blowers:

Ns = 3
(rpm) N in r.p.m., ...........…...….... (2.14)
H 4 Q in C. F. M. (ft3/min),
H in feet.

N s for centrifugal impellers varies from 140 to 3000,

N s for axial machines varies from 4000 to 8000.

2.7.3 Hydraulic Turbines:

For turbines, it's more convenient to use power instead of Q. i.e.

N B.H .P.
Ns = (rpm) .………….….............…...….... (2.15)
H 5/ 4

N in r.p.m., H in (feet) in English system or in (m) in French. For radial

and mixed flow runners, N s varies from 10 to 100 in English system and
40 to 400 in French system. For axial flow turbines, N s varies from about
80 to 200 in English system and from 300 to 800 in French system.

2.8 Pressure and Flow Coefficients:
Pressure coefficient φ = H /(U 2 2 / g ) …..….............…...….... (2.16)
Flow coefficient ψ = (Q / A) / U ...….….............…...….... (2.17)
Each kind of machine has design values of ψ and φ those fall in a
somewhat range and thus those coefficients are characteristics of
machine's type. For example, considering axial flow compressors φ
values are from 0.2 to 0.6 and ψ from 0.3 to 0.9, for radial flow
compressors φ values are from 0.03 to 0.1 and ψ from 1.1 to 1.5.

2.9 Specific Diameter:

Another useful combination of non-dimensional groups is the

specific diameter, which is defined as follow:

D( gH ) 4
Dsp = .………….………………..............…...…... (2.18)

D sp and N s are important to the designer to predict the efficiency. Many

diagrams exist, the presented data in these diagrams are collected from
the field for the machines which they have been already build. For the
convenience of the application, a distinction is made between water
turbines, compressors and pumps. Figure 2.9 represents N s , D sp diagram
for single stage pumps at Reynolds number in the range of 108 with
constant geometric parameters. The left position of the curve with high
pressure coefficient more than unity is corresponding to volumetric
machines. It is evident that for dynamic machines φ does not exceed one.

Sometimes φ is known as speed factor 1 φ = U 2 gH . It's important to notice
that there are many other definitions to those coefficients so, every coefficient will
be redefined for every type of turbine.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 2.8 Notation for Fig. 2.9

A comparison of test data is shown in Fig. 2.9 where the solid line
shows the location of efficient turbomachine designs (optimum D sp
values), this line is frequently referred to as the "Cordier" line and the
diagram is known as the Cordier diagram. The diagram indicates that
axial machines dominate the high specific speed region, whereas radial
machines are more efficient in the low specific speed region. From the
diagram also it is clear that N s and D sp values of efficient turbomachines
are close to the Cordier line, thus Cordier diagram is a good tool to permit
the designer to reach the optimum efficiency. Certainly, the performance
of turbomachines depends to a large extent on the compromises made by
the designer regarding the various parameters involved.

Fig. 2.9 "Cordier" line in Ns, Dsp diagram


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬



3.1 Introduction:

In the previous chapters, the momentum transfer in turbomachines

was treated, considering the problem in one dimension. To go more
deeper insight, we may consider the details of the fluid motion inside the
The study of the flow in the surfaces generated by the rotation of a
streamline about the machine axis is called cascade mechanics or two-
dimensional approach. The study of flow in three dimensions is beyond
the scope of these notes.
The cascade consists of a number of identical blades equally
spaced, the flow submit a change in angular momentum due to its passage
through it.

There are two kinds of cascade:

a. Straight cascade: produced after the development of cylindrical surface

generated by the rotation of streamlines (case of axial machines).

b. Radial cascade: is the stream surface in the cross sectional planes, this
may be considered as plane flow from source or to a sink.

3.2 Cascade Nomenclature:

The profile of cascade consists of a curved line (camber line) upon

which a profile thickness is superimposed.

Fig. 3.1 Straight cascade

Blade inlet angle α 1′ Position of

Blade outlet angle α 2′ maximum camber a
Fluid inlet angle α 1 = α 1′ + i Chord l
Fluid outlet angle α 2 = α 2′ + δ Spacing t
Blade camber angle θ ′ = α 1′ − α 2′ Space-chord ratio t/l
Stagger angle ε Solidity l/t
Deflection θ = α1 −α 2
Incidence angle i = α 1 − α 1′
Deviation angle δ = α 2 − α 2′

The line connecting the two points of the intersection of the camber
line with the inlet and exit of the cascade is known as the chord, the
stagger angle ε is the angle which the chord forms with the perpendicular
to the cascade.

The camber line y and the profile thickness Z are expressed as a

function of the distance along the blade (X). t is the spacing between two


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

blades. α 1′ and α 2′ are the blade angles at inlet and exit from the cascade,
and θ ′ = α1′ − α 2′ .

Usually, the performance of the cascade is given in tables as a

function of y/l, Z/l and X/l. Also useful parameters used to define the
cascade are the maximum thickness to chord ratio, Zmax/l, maximum
camber to chord ratio, ymax/l, and the space-chord ratio t/l, (l/t is known as

3.3 Analysis of Cascade Forces:

Fig. 3.2 Forces on cascade

Consider a row of a cascade, the fluid reaches the cascade front

with a velocity C1 , pressure P1 , and leaves with a velocity C 2 , pressure
P2 . Assume the flow is steady which is only true in the case of an isolated
row of cascade. Also assume incompressible flow.

The flow in turbomachines is usually incompressible; the effect of

Mach number will be considered where compressibility becomes

Applying the principles of continuity on the control volume of a
unit blade depth, yields:

C1 . cosα1 = C 2 cosα 2 = C a ......….........................…................ (3.1)

Applying the momentum equation in X, and y directions gives:

Fx = t ( P2 − P1 ) ...............................................……................... (3.2)

Fy = ρ t Ca (C1 sin α1 − C2 sin α 2 )

= ρ t Ca2 (tan α1 − tan α 2 ) …….……..................….............. (3.3)

The forces in the above equation are forces per unit depth exerted
by the blade on the fluid.

To consider the energy losses due to skin friction and other losses
of fluid mechanics, Bernoulli’s equation will be applied neglecting
potential energy.

P1 / ρ + C12 / 2 = P2 / ρ + C 22 / 2 + E L .........……….................. (3.4)

where E L presents the energy dissipation due to friction, E L = g hL .

Noting that:
C12 − C22 = (Ca2 + Cu21 ) − (Ca2 + Cu22 ) = (Cu1 + Cu 2 )(
. Cu1 − Cu 2 )
and tan α m = (tan α 1 + tan α 2 )
we find; ∆Po / ρ = E L = − Fx / ρ t + (Fy / ρ t ) tan α m ..…..........…..... (3.5)

The energy loss is usually expressed in a non-dimensional form. A

frequent quantity usually used is the through flow dynamic pressure
0.5 ρ C a . Now, the total pressure loss coefficient is defined as follows:

∆ Po
ζ = ...................………………..………………........ (3.6)
ρ Ca2

Also similarly, one can define the pressure rise coefficient and the
tangential force coefficient as follows:


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

∆P Fx
Cp = = ............…………..…………................ (3.7)
1 1
ρ C a2 tρ C a2
2 2

Cf = = 2(tan α 1 − tan α 2 ) ..….........……….............. (3.8)
ρ t C a2

After some manipulations, one can write the following relation between
C f , C p , and ζ :

ζ = C f tan α m − C p ............................……........................... (3.9)

3.4 Lift and Drag:

The resultant force acting on the fluid, F, can be resolved into two
components: one perpendicular to the blade Lift, L, and the other parallel
to the blade Drag, D, Figure 3.3. The lift and drag forces may be then
written in terms of tangential and axial forces as follows:

Fig. 3.3 Lift and Drag on cascade blade

L = Fx . sin α m + Fy . cos α m ..………………………….……... (3.10)

D = Fy . sin α m − Fx . cos α m ..........................……….............. (3.11)

From equation (3.5):

D = cosα m (Fy . tan α m − Fx ) = t ∆Po . cosα m ...............……....... (3.12)

From equations (3.10) and (3.5):

L = (Fy . tan α m − t ∆ Po ) sin α m + Fy . cos α m

= Fy . sec α m − t ∆ Po sin α m
= ρ t C a2 (tan α 1 − tan α 2 ) sec α m − t ∆ Po sin α m .....…......... (3.13)

The mean velocity is defined as follows:

C m = C a / cosα m

Lift and drag coefficients may then be introduced:

CL = , CD = .........……. (3.14)
ρ lC m2 / 2 ρ lC m2 / 2

From equations (3.12) and (3.6):

t ∆Po cos α m t
CD = =ζ cos 3 α m .....…................................ (3.15)
ρ lC m2 /2 l

From equation (3.13):

C L = 2 cos α m (tan α 1 − tan α 2 ) − C D tan α m .…..…….......... (3.16)

From equations (3.15) and (3.8):

cos α m (C f − 0.5 ζ sin 2α m ) .............…….................. (3.17)

CL =

From equation (3.16), the quantity C D tan α m is usually small. It may be

dropped to give the following equation:


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

L C L 2 sec 2 α m
= ≅ (tan α1 − tan α 2 )
D CD ζ
= f sec 2 α m ……………………………......................... (3.18)

Usually in turbomachines, D must be small and much less than lift.

Also, the lift may be expressed in terms of circulation. After Kutta-
Joukowski theorem:

L = ρ ΓC .................................................…….................... (3.19)

After equation (3.13) neglecting the total pressure loss and after
some manipulations, one can obtain the following relation:

L = ρ t Cm (Cu1 − Cu 2 ) ......................…......................…........ (3.20)

From equations (3.19) and (3.20):

Γ = t (Cu1 − Cu 2 )
and L = ρ ΓC m ...................................…................………....... (3.21)

3.5 Cascades in Motion:

Fig. 3.4 Velocity triangle

Consider a cascade row in motion, λ is the angle included between

the relative velocities and the cascade front. It is easy to show that the
change in the tangential absolute velocity and tangential relative velocity
is the same, hence ∆Cu = ∆Wu and consequently, the tangential
coefficient is written as follows:

C f = 2 (tan α1 − tan α 2 ) = 2 (tan λ2 − tan λ1 )

The shaft energy transferred per unit mass of fluid:

Fy .U C a .U
E= = .C f ............…………........................... (3.22)
ρ t Ca 2

From the definition of work coefficient φ which is analogue to

π 1 = gH / N 2 D 2 (see Chapter II, 2.4.1) and the discharge coefficient ψ .


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

φ= =
N 2 D 2 4U 2 ..........……………................................ (3.23)
ψ = Ca / U

Note that E has the dimension of energy per unit mass or = gH, from
equations (3.22) and (3.23):

φ = ψ C f / 8 .....................................................…….....…..... (3.24)

Now, it becomes easy to present the efficiency of a moving pump

cascade, which is similar to the hydraulic efficiency:

η = 1 − E L / E …...................................…….......................... (3.25)

∆ Po
where E L is the energy loss per unit mass and equals gH L = . From
equations (3.6) and (3.22) we may write:

η =1− ψ ........................................…............................ (3.26)

3.6 Cascade Performance:

3.6.1 General Approach:

As it may be noticed from the previous paragraphs, the cascade

performance may be determined by knowing the inlet, outlet flow angles
and the loss coefficient. For example, tangential force coefficient is a
function of flow angles, for a given cascade one of these variables is
usually known, the other two being fixed by the cascade geometry or
more precisely by the Mach number and Reynolds number of the flow.
The forgoing statements may be written mathematically on the following

ζ ,α 2 = f [α 1 , (lC m /ν ), (C m / a ) ] ..….................................. (3.27)

where a being the sound velocity, and ν the kinematic viscosity.

Actually, the performance of a cascade can not be completely
determined theoretically. Recourse to experiment is necessarily, there are
many data published in this field mainly extensive research undertaken by
the NACA.

Figure 3.5 shows the experimental results between lift and drag
coefficients, the deflection θ, and the lift-drag ratio as a function of the
stagger angle at constant fluid angle.

65 (27) 10 means a 65 series foil,

design lift coefficient = 2.7,
Zmax/l = 10%

Fig 3.5 NACA cascade data, θ = α1 - α2 , t/l = 1,

α1 = 45°, Section NACA 65 (27) 10,
(adapted from Csanady)

From equation (3.26) the smallest ζ / C f the highest the efficiency,

hence another useful correlation ζ and C f with the space-chord as


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

parameter which enable the designer to select the best ζ / C f ratio and
consequently the corresponding space-chord ratio, Figure 3.6.

Fig 3.6 Loss-coefficient versus tangential force coefficient

curves of cascades (adapted from Csanady)

Another important feature in the performance is to define a range

of operation where the losses are minimum. The optimum operation will
correspond to minimum loss coefficient ζ and drag coefficient C D .
Usually, this operating condition corresponds to an optimum inlet flow
angle α 1 , increasing α 1 increases losses and reduces the flow until the
stall point is reached and separation occur. On the other hand, decreasing
α 1 increases losses and also flow, in practice the working range is laying
between those two values of α 1 at which the losses equal twice the
minimum loss.

3.6.2 Fluid Deviation:

The difference between fluid and blade angles at exit is called the
deviation δ = α 2 − α 2′ where α 2 is the deviated flow angle at exit. The
deviation is usually positive.

The experimental results of Howell correlate the deflection to the outlet

angle α 2 , using the t / l as parameter, Figure 3.7.

Fig. 3.7 Variation of nominal deflection with nominal outlet angle
for several space-chord ratios (after Howell)

Howell used an empirical formula to relate the nominal deviation δ * to

the camber angle and the space-chord ratio:

δ * = mθ ′(t / l )n ...........................…................…..........…... (3.28)

where n depends on the kind of turbomachine, and equal 1/2 for

compressor cascades, l for compressor inlet guide vanes. The value of m
depends upon the shape of the camber line and the blade setting. For a
compressor cascade:

m = 0.23 (2a / l ) + α 2* / 500 .....….............................…....... (3.29)


where a is the distance of maximum camber from the leading edge,

Figure 3.1.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

3.6.3 Off-Design Performance:

Also exists a kind of correlation between the design point and the
off-design operating points. The off-design performance of a compressor
cascade is published by Howell and is shown in Figure 3.8.

Fig. 3.8 The off-design performance of a compressor cascade

(after Howell)

3.6.4 Turbine Cascade Performance:

Figure 3.9 shows some performances of turbine cascade obtained

by Ainley. The process of energy transfer in reaction and impulse
turbines has been explained in Chapter I, so in impulse blade row there is
no pressure change, despite in reaction blade row there are pressure and
velocity changes.

The performance as presented by Ainley is expressed in the form of

profile loss coefficient ∆ Po /( Po − P2 ) and α 2 against incidence i.

From Figure 3.9, we can remark that:
- The fluid outlet angle remains relatively constant over the whole
range of incidence.
- The reaction blades have a much wider range of low loss
performance than the impulse blades.

Fig. 3.9 Variation in profile loss with incidence for typical turbine
blades after Ainley (adapted from Dixon)

3.7 Mach Number Effect:

The performance of cascade described in section (3.6) has been

obtained with low speed neglecting the compressibility. When the Mach
number reaches 0.4, compressibility becomes important and consequently
the performance is altered. Usually in design, care should be paid to avoid
reaching sonic speed and exception is made for supersonic compressor.
When compressibility becomes important, we have to consider a so-called
an equivalent cascade. The dimensions of an equivalent cascade in
incompressible flow are changed by a factor B = 1 / 1 − M 2 to the real
cascade, in which compressible flow is investigated.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 3.10 Geometry of the real and the equivalent cascade, i denotes parameters
referring to equivalent cascade in incompressible flow

Hence, stagger angles become;

tan ε / tan ε i = yi / y = 1 − M 2 .....……................................ (3.30)

ti / t = 1 − M 2 . cos 2 ε ....................................…................... (3.31)

The Mach number at which the performance starts to change is

known as the critical Mach number.
Howell shows clearly the dependence of Mach number on the angle of
incidence, which can be characterized by the factor:

( M − M c ) /( M m − M c ) .......................................................... (3.32)

where M m denotes the maximum Mach number which can reach unity.

3.8 Ideal Characteristics:

The cascade performance laws are generally determined after the

perfect fluid theory, i.e. assuming inviscid flow, at least this will help the
calculation of pressure field, but the perfect fluid theory breaks down

when calculating velocity field. In real case, fluid particles adhere to the
walls resulting in zero velocity on the walls.

Consider equation (3.27) and neglect the effect of Mach number and
viscosity, thus;

α 2 = f (α1 ) ..............................................................…….…. (3.33)

With linearized Laplace's differential equations, using the superposition

principle after Ruden, the two extreme conditions exist with:

a. Zero-Lift Angle δ ; where the flow does not exert any force on the
blade. The inlet flow angle will be, Figure 3.11;

α1 = δ = α 2

Fig. 3.11 Zero-lift and impulse flow angles

b. Impulse Flow Angle σ ; in this case, pressure will remain constant,

velocity magnitude remains unchanged while the outlet angle = +σ if the
inlet angle = −σ.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Now, superpose the two flow patterns giving the unity value to the zero-
lift inlet velocity and q to the impulse flow. New values of C1 , C 2 , α 1 ,
and α 2 will be produced and expressed as follows;

tan δ − q. tan σ
tan α 1 = ..…...............................…….......... (3.34)
1+ q

tan δ + q. tan σ
tan α 2 = ..….……….................................... (3.35)
1+ q

Eliminate q from equations (3.34) and (3.35) to obtain:

tan α 2 − tan δ sin (δ − σ )

= .................................….…......... (3.36)
tan α1 − tan δ sin (δ + σ )

Put equation (3.36) on the form of performance equation (3.27) as


tan α 2 = Ao + A1 tan α1 ............................................……....... (3.37)


Ao Ao
tan δ = , tan σ =
1 − A1 1 + A1

In Euler approximation where t ≈ 0 (infinite number of blades) σ → δ

and tan α 2 = tan δ . In most cases where t / l ≈ 1 the constant Ao is small
and hence α 2 differs a little from the zero-lift angle δ. This means that
Euler approximation is acceptable in preliminary calculations.

3.9 The Head-Capacity Curve of a Straight Cascade:

a. Through Flow b. Circulatory Flow c. Displacement Flow

Fig. 3.12 Flow around a moving blade profile

Considering the flow around an isolate airfoil, the superimposed velocity

field is referred to the displacement flow, as shown in Figure 3.12. This
velocity field satisfies Kutta Condition, namely that the velocity at the
trailing edge is zero which requires a certain circulation. This will lead to
consider the circulatory flow field; the foregoing three fields can describe
any actual flow pattern at the trailing edge where the velocity is zero.

a.Γ − b.Q + c.U = 0 ...................................................…..….. (3.38)

where a, b, and c are constants determined from cascade geometry.

Introducing the definition of the tangential force;

Fy = Q.Γ ................................…...........................…….... (3.39)

Substituting in equation (3.39)

ρb c 
Fy =  Q − Q.U  ........................………..................... (3.40)

t a a 

Consider the input head E = F yU /( ρ Q ) , [Equation (3.22)], yields;

E = B.U 2 − A.U .Q ............................................…..…......... (3.41)

or a straight line head-capacity curve at constant speed, Figure 3.13.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 3.13 Head-capacity curve for straight and radial cascades

For a straight cascade, the Euler approximation λ 2 = α 2 , (outlet fluid

angle equals blade angle). For a pump straight cascades, the relative inlet
angle, from Figure 3.4: − tan λ1 = − tan α 1 . The tangential force
coefficient, C f

C f = 2 (tan λ1 − tan λ 2 ) =
ρ .t .C a2 / 2
and Q = t.Ca

The constants in the equation (3.41) can easily be determined:

A= (tan α1 − tan α 2 ) , B =1

3.10 Radial Cascade:

The plane flow in an impeller may be presented by a cascade, if a

straight cascade is wrapped it will form a radial cascade. The transfer of
the straight cascade to radial cascade is made using the conformal
mapping. From the geometry of the mapping, the connection between the
variables in straight cascade and radial cascade may be deduced. For
example l / t ratio is equivalent to r2 / r1 ratio and for a log spiral blade:

l Zn r
= ln 2 .............................................………..... (3.42)
t 2π cos ε r1

where Z n is the number of blades.

Fig. 3.14 Radial cascade

The evaluation of the constants A and B in equation (3.41) is difficult.

Considering the fact that the effects of the radius ratio become negligible
for l/t ratio about unity, i.e. equation (3.42), the following simplification
can be used:

≥ e ( 2π / Z n ) cos ε

The details of radial cascade are lying beyond the scope of these notes.
For further reading, the reader is invited to refer to Csanady.

3.11 Cascade Characteristics Analysis:

As described before, the perfect fluid theory can supply useful

information on the pressure field. If there is no separation, we have to
classify two kinds of problems:
1. Direct problem; the geometry of cascade is known, find the
corresponding pressure field.
2. Inverse problem; for a given velocity and pressure distribution, find
the required blade angle.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Two methods exist, the first is the singularity method and the second is
the conformal mapping method.

3.12 Singularity Method:

Fig. 3.15 An isolated thin airfoil

In this method, the airfoil is considered to be formed from a line of

a bound vortex (or a sheet in 3-directions). The velocity induced by the
vortex at any point is perpendicular to the radius vector drawn from the
vortex center ( xo , y o ) to the point considered ( x, y ) and is given by:

Γ y − yo
U= ................................................……............. (3.43)
2π r 2

Γ x − xo
V =− .............................................…….........….. (3.44)
2π r 2

If the local strength of the vorticity (circulation per unit length) is γ (s) ,
the circulation in an airfoil of chord 1, as shown in Figure 3.15;

Γ = ∫ γ ( s ) ds ................................................……................. (3.45)

If the airfoil is subjected to a wind speed of C o arriving at an incidence of

α , and if the camber is small, the velocity induced at a point P( x, y ) on

the mean camber line by a vortex at another point P(ξ ,η ) on this line is
approximately that which would be induced at the point on the X-axis
P(x,0) by the same vortex γ ( s ) ds = γ (ξ ) dξ at the point P(ξ ,0) .

The total induced velocity at P( x, y ) from equation (3.43) with r ≈ x − ξ ,

1 l γ (ξ )
2π ∫0 ξ − x
V = dξ ............…......................…...................... (3.46)

and the resultant velocity C tangential to the camber will be at an


dy V
= + α ......……............….…......................….......... (3.47)
dx C o

Equations (3.46) and (3.47) describe the complete solution of velocity

distribution for a given camber, or vice versa.

It should be pointed that the integral [Equation (3.46)] is improper, since

it tends to infinity. Practical profiles cannot be thin sheets because sharp
edges produce separation at almost all flow conditions.

Fig. 3.16 Allowance for profile thickness

The thickness is achieved by arranging sources and sinks in the fluid in

such a manner that the total strength of sources is equal to that of sinks.
The fluid coming from the sources displaces the main flow in such a
manner creating a closed contour, which of course is the shape of the


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Arranging a source σ (ξ ). dξ on the chord, the induced velocity will be;

1 σ (ξ ).dξ
dU = ......................…….................................. (3.48)
2π x − ξ

and the total induced velocity at P (x,0) by all the source and sink
elements is,

1 l σ (ξ )
U (x) =
2π ∫0 x − ξ
dξ .....….........................……................. (3.49)

For a mass balance of element d ξ , height Z and unit depth;

C o l d Z dξ
π ∫0 dξ x − ξ
U= ...……….……..........…......…............... (3.50)

3.12.1 Method of Solution for Single Airfoil:

The solution consists of introducing auxiliary variables as follows:

ξ= (1 − cosθ )
2 ..................................................………….. (3.51)
x = (1 − cos τ )

Substituting equation (3.51) into equation (3.47) and simplify using

trigonometry identities, one can reach;

dy 1 π sin θ
=α + ∫ γ (θ ) dθ .........……….....….. (3.52)
dx 2π .C o 0 cos τ − cosθ

The evaluation of the integral in equation (3.52) is presented by Glauert;

as follows;
cos(nθ ) sin (nτ )
∫ cosθ − cosτ dθ = π
0 sin τ
..............................…………. (3.53)

Then the lift coefficient is defined:

2Γ 2 l
γ ( x ).dx ............................…........…...... (3.54)
l C o l C o ∫0
CL = =

and the loading coefficient;

P2 − P1 γ
=4 ………......................................…......... (3.55)
( ρ / 2).C o2 2.C o

and finally the inclination equation can be written on the following form;

= α − A + ∑ An . cos (nτ ) .........….................................. (3.56)
dx 1

The coefficients of the Fourrier series A1 to An clearly depend on the

shape of the camber line and the infinite sums are referred to as the basic
vorticity and camber distributions.

γb ∞
= ∑ An . sin (nθ )
2.C o 1
.............…............…......................... (3.57)

dy b
= ∑ An . cos(nτ )
dx 1

The details of the solution could be found in Csanady.

3.12.2 Conformal Transformation Method:

Consider the continuity equation applied on a flat plate with

reference to Figure 3.17. The following relation is obtained for the
difference in the stream functions;

∆ψ = t c ∞ cos ε ..................................………………......... (3.58)

From Z-plane, the equipotential lines ( φ = Const.) are perpendicular to

the streamline ψ = 0, thus the following relation can be written;

∆φ = t c∞ sin ε ................…………………………............ (3.59)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

For the produced mass flow rate per spacing, a source of strength q = ∆ψ
should be placed at a point -R, i.e. q = ∆ψ. Similarly, the potential
difference could be established by introducing the circulation at the point
-R, we have;

Γ = ∆φ ..........................….................................................. (3.60)

Fig. 3.17 Conformal transformation of a flat plate cascade

Since the flow far upstream and downstream are parallel, a sink of the
same strength -q and circulation of the same magnitude but of opposite
sign of rotation should be introduced at a point +R as shown in Figure


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Since for transformation, the flat plate should be transformed to a unit
circle, it is necessary to put at the reflection point ± 1/R a sink and source
vortex of the same strength as before. The total potential at any point in
the ξ-η plane of the system of sink-source is then given by:

q q q q
φq = ln (ξ + R ) + ln(ξ + 1 / R ) − ln (ξ − 1 / R ) − ln(R − ξ )
2π 2π 2π 2π
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
source at source at sink at sink at
ξ=-R ξ = - 1/R ξ = + 1/R ξ=+R

Similarly, the total potential due to the system of vortex is given by;

φ Γ = −i ln (ξ + R ) + i ln (ξ + 1 / R )
2π 2π
− i ln(ξ − 1 / R ) + i ln(R − ξ ) ................................ (3.61)
2π 2π

The total complex potential of the flow is then given by;

W = φ q + φ Γ = φ + iψ = c∞ Z e −i ε

which leads to the following equation;

t.c∞ −iε  R + ξ ξ + 1/ R 
W = e ln + e 2iε . ln …………............ (3.62)
2π  R −ξ ξ − 1 / R 

For x-y plane, the complex velocity may be written as;

= c x − i c y = c ∞ (cos ε − i sin ε )

Putting c ∞ = 1 , we get;

W (Z ) = Z .e −iε ...…….…..........................................……..... (3.63)

Comparing equation (3.62) with (3.63), we can get the transformation


t  R +ξ 2 iε ξ + 1/ R 
2π ln R − ξ + e ln ξ − 1 / R  ....…...………............... (3.64)
 

The stagnation points E and A are located on the circle and the difference
in potential φ E − φ A gives a relation between t / l and R.

An actual flow plates (with circulation) is made of:

i. A uniform flow at zero incidence.
ii. A flow perpendicular to plates.
iii. A circulatory flow.

Weinig (1935) transforms three flows in ζ (ξ ,η ) plane into three

flows in Z ( x, y ) plane using transformation previously found. The
magnitude of the circulation is found by ensuring that the flow leaves the
trailing edge of the plane at the plate angle in the Z-plane. Weinig
expresses his results as the ratio:

Lift on plate in cascade C L

λ= =
Lift on isolated plate C L∞

Two simple approximations for λ may be obtained; for t / l → ∞, where

λ = 1 and for t / l → 0 (for small t / l ), the deviation is nearly zero and
λ = 0, (Figure 3.18).


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 3.18 Theoretical lift ratio for flat plate cascade versus
pitch chord ratio for different stagger angles

For flat plate cascade, using Eq. (3.16) with C D = 0 , it may be shown

2 4 sin i
CL = cos α m (tan α 1 − tan α 2 ) =
σ σ cos ε

where σ is the solidity ( σ = l / t ), and i is the angle of attack. Since

C L∞ = 2π . sin i
CL 2 1
λ= = ..................................…......……....... (3.65)
C L∞ π σ cos ε

Introducing the coefficient C t where

2 .m .σ . sin β v
Ct = ...…................................................ (3.66)
4 + m .σ . sin β v

C t is the ratio of the change in the tangential velocity by the cascade to

the change which would correspond to turning the inlet velocity vector
into the direction β v . In Eq. (3.66), m is a constant depending on the
airfoil shape and cascade geometry. For a general cascade, m and β v must
be found from experiments or estimated with the aid of a suitable theory.
However, when the solidity is less than about 0.35, m and β v are well
approximated by the values of the isolated airfoil. For a flat plate, for
example, m = 2π and β v = 90° - ε. Theoretical results can be shown in
Figure 3.19 which gives the coefficient C t as a function of σ and ε.

Fig. 3.19 Coefficient Ct versus solidity for various

stagger angles of a cascade of flat plates

This analysis has been extended to find the potential flow through
logarithmic spiral blades of radial cascade. The analysis of the rotor in
this case differs from that of the stator. Considering, first, the stationary
radial cascade as shown in Figure 3.10, the equation of a logarithmic
spiral is θ = A. log r , from which it can be seen that the angle β v between
the normal to the radius and the tangent to the curve is a constant all
along the curve. In this respect, the spiral blade in the radial cascade is
similar to the flat plate blade of a linear cascade and that the potential
flow through a cascade of flat plates can be transformed by conformal


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

transformation into that through a stationary radial cascade of logarithmic
spiral blades. The solidity σ for the radial cascade becomes; Eq. (3.42):

ln (r2 / r1 )
σ = Zn
2π . sin β v

with this definition of σ, the coefficient C t is equal to the one for linear
cascade of flat plates and these values of C t are applicable directly to the
stationary radial cascade. As for rotating cascade, neglecting friction, the
absolute flow may be still considered irrotational, in spite of the fact that
the cascade is rotating. This unsteady potential flow problem has been
solved by Busemann and the total pressure rise through a rotor of this
type may be written as;

ψ = ψ o − Ct φ (cot β v + cot α1 ) …..…................................... (3.67)

ψ o is given in Figure 3.20 in terms of β v and the number of blades Z n .

Fig. 3.20 Values of shut-off head coefficient ψo for various vane angles βv
and number of vanes for a radial cascade of logarithmic spiral blades



4.1 Introduction:

Pumps present a part of turbomachines in which the energy transfer

process occurs from the rotor to the fluid, in other words, in pump the
mechanical energy is converted to a fluid energy (head). Pumps are
classified according to their impeller type to radial, mixed, and axial.

4.2 Centrifugal Pumps (Radial):

4.2.1 General Considerations:
Centrifugal pumps, Figure 4.1, are used in a wide variety of applications.
These machines operate at high speeds and usually direct connected to the
driver so that the transmission losses are small. These types of pumps are
usually used when relatively high pressure and large capacity are desired.
There are minimum of moving parts which reduces the
maintenance and increase the working time, other advantages of
centrifugal pumps are:

1. its smaller size,

2. its low installation costs.
As discussed before the total energy gained by the fluid
H = P * / ρ g + C 2 / 2 g , a part of it comes from pressure energy P * / ρ g
and the other is a kinetic energy C 2 / 2 g . To increase the total pressure
energy at the pump exit, kinetic energy should be converted to pressure
energy. Volute casing and diffuser ring are usually used to convert kinetic
energy to pressure energy.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.1 Section at centrifugal pump

a. Volute type pump: (Figure 4.2.a) In this kind of pumps a volute type
diffuser is used. The volute diffuser is a spiral, which surround the
periphery of wheel having increasing cross-sectional area as it approaches
the discharge. The volute type is commonly used for single stage pumps,
and for the last stage of multistage pumps.

b. Diffuser type pump: (Figure 4.2.b) In this kind of pumps the diffuser
consists of a number of relatively short expanding passages surrounding
the periphery of the wheel. The diffuser is used usually in multistage
pumps and also in stages developing high heads.

a. Volute Type b. Diffuser Type

Fig. 4.2 Centrifugal pump types

To reduce the cost of making and storing patterns, manufacturers

generally adopt a "standard line" or set of casings which cover the usual
field of operating conditions. If a volute type diffuser is used, a new
design should be prepared for every new conditions but if diffuser ring
type is used, a standard design could be prepared and only vanes can
change to meet the required new conditions, keeping the same casing

4.2.2 Effect of Impeller Exit Angle β2 :

As shown from Figure 4.3 for forward blades impeller, the fluid
leaves the impeller with relatively high speed which means that the major
part of the energy gained is kinetic energy, this type of impeller requires a
very good diffuser to convert this kinetic energy to pressure energy. In
practice, it is difficult to construct this kind of diffuser, also it is usually
more efficient to convert pressure energy to kinetic energy rather than
converting kinetic energy to pressure energy.

In backward curved impeller the exit velocity is relatively low.

There is a small amount of kinetic energy to be converted through the
diffuser which does not require any special design of diffuser, but this
kind of impeller supplies a lower head than the forward impeller type.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

a. Forward curved b. Radial c. Backward curved
β2 < π/2 β2 = π/2 β2 > π/2

Fig. 4.3 Impeller exit angles

As a result, the more efficient impeller could be the radial type. In

practice, for pumps β 2 = 90° to 170°.

To study the effect of exit angle on performance, we have to draw

the H-Q curve as follows;

Fig. 4.4 Theoretical performance curve

From equation (1.24) we have;

H o = (U 1 .C1 . cosα1 − U 2 .C2 . cosα 2 ) / g

Assuming radial inlet and substitute C 2 . cosα 2 by U 2 + C r 2 / tan β 2 ,

U 22 U 2 .C r 2
i.e. Ho = +
g g . tan β 2
and Q = π .D2 .b2 .C r 2

U 22 U 2 .Q
i.e. Ho = + (4.1)
g g .π .D2 .b2 . tan β 2

For a constant speed N, Figure 4.4 represents the above relationship.

4.2.3 Efficiencies and Coefficients of Centrifugal Pumps:

i. Efficiencies:

The efficiency of a centrifugal pump depends upon a number of

factors, the more important of which are;

a. Hydraulic losses:
1- Friction and turbulence.
2- Disk friction.

b. Mechanical losses in bearings and packings, and the leakage losses.

All these efficiencies have been discussed. Here is a summary:

η m = Manometric efficiency (sometimes called hydraulic efficiency)

= H a (measured head) / H o

η mech . = Mechanical efficiency

= the ratio of the power supplied to the fluid by the impeller to
the power supplied to the machine
γ Q Ho
η mech . =
const . BHP

η = Overall efficiency or Gross efficiency

= Water horsepower / Brake horsepower
= W.H.P. / B.H.P.
B.H.P. = W.H.P. + H.P. to overcome disk friction + Hydraulic losses
(turbulence & friction) + Leakage losses + Mechanical
i.e. η = η m .η mech

The overall efficiency equal the hydraulic efficiency when η mech = 1.0.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

ii. Coefficients:

φ = Speed coefficient or speed factor = U 2 / 2 gH o and sometimes

called head factor.
ψ = Flow coefficient or discharge coefficient Q D 2 . 2 gH )
iii. Affinity Laws:

For the same machine operating at variable speeds;

Q1 N H 1  N1 
= 1 & = 
Q2 N2 H 2  N 2 

Generally speaking, it is important to note that the overall pump

efficiency depends mainly upon capacity and specific speed.

iv. Specific Speed:

N s = N Q / H 3/ 4 Q in gpm, H in ft.
N s = N Q / ( gH ) Q in m3/s, H in m.
3/ 4

See section 2.7.1 for details.

4.2.4 Centrifugal Pump Actual Performance: Actual Head Capacity Curve:

As seen in section 4.2.2, the theoretical head capacity curve is a

straight line, H decreases when Q increases for β 2 > 90°, and H increases
when Q increases for β 2 < 90°.

To study the actual head capacity curve, Figure 4.5, we may

consider a backward curved impeller, for the actual flow of the fluid in
the impeller the circulation (discussed in section 1.5.2) will reduce the
theoretical head, this reduction is practically constant. It should be
remembered that this effect is not a loss but a discrepancy not accounted
for by the basic assumptions.

The friction losses are proportional to the capacity Q and it will be

minimum at no discharge.

The third type of losses is turbulence losses. The losses due to
turbulence will be a minimum at design flow, for reduced or increased
capacity the turbulence losses increase.

The actual head at no flow condition will be:

H a = U 22 / 2 g

Fig. 4.5 Actual head-capacity curve

Remark: to obtain the value of the actual head we may consider that even
at no flow conditions exists a small amount of fluid in the impeller, and it
will rotate with the impeller creating a forced vortex.

Applying Bernoulli's equation on the flow we have;

 P2* C 22   P1* C 12  U 22
   
 γ + 2g  −  γ + 2g  = g
   

P2* − P1* U 22 U 22
i.e. + = (4.2)
γ 2g g

From the above equation we can see that the gained energy consists of
two equal parts of energy;

i. Pressure energy,
ii. Kinetic energy.

The kinetic energy could not be converted to pressure energy because

there is no flow through the diffuser, this energy will dissipate and the

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

actual head H a = U 22 / 2 g . This equation is a convenient mean to
calculate the approximate impeller diameter required for specific
conditions of operation. Brake Horsepower and Efficiency Curves:

In similar manner to the head capacity curve, we can draw the

brake horsepower curve and efficiency.
The leakage, disk friction, and bearing losses for a machine
operating at constant speed are all practically independent of the capacity
and remain approximately constant for all flows as shown in Figure 4.6.
The efficiency will be maximum at design flow.

Fig. 4.6 Actual power-capacity curve Analysis of Characteristic Curves:

The characteristic curves shown in Figure 4.7 were obtained for a

constant speed, to deduce the general characteristic curve for a pump we
may use the affinity laws discussed in Chapter II.

H1 / H 2 = N12 / N 22 , Q1 / Q2 = N1 / N 2

and thus we can deduce H and Q for different speeds.

η B.H.P. H
% (hp) (m w)
50 2 20
45 1.8 18 η
40 1.6 16 H

35 1.4 14
30 1.2 12
25 1 10
20 0.8 8 B.H.P.

15 0.6 6
10 0.4 4
5 0.2 2
0 0 0
0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 1200.1 140 0.01
160 180

Q (lit/min)

(Mansoura University, Hydraulic Laboratory)

Fig 4.7 Pump characteristic curve for a constant speed (N = 2920 rpm)

To obtain the iso-efficiency curves, Figure 4.8, Q/N must be

constant for every constant efficiency line. The similarity ratio means that
the viscous friction losses are constant, as discussed in section 1.5.1. As it
could be seen from dimensional analysis:

H ∝ N2
Power ∝ H .Q ∝ N 3

It could be said that if, instead of plotting values of H, Q and power P for
various speeds we may plot values of Q/N, H/N2 and P/N3, Figure 4.9,
then all the points would fall on a single set of curves representing the
performance of the pump at a speed of 1 rpm.


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Fig. 4.8 Iso-efficiency curves Fig. 4.9 Non-dimensional performance
curves Influence of Physical Properties on Performance:

i. Viscosity Effect:

The great majority of pumps handle water, however in chemical

industries many pumps handle oil which is more viscous than water, the
increase in viscosity increases friction losses and hence decreases the
generated head and increases the consumed horsepower, Figure 4.10.

Fig. 4.10 Effect of viscosity and density on pump performance

ii. Density:

Changes in the density of the liquid will not affect the head
discharge characteristics but they will affect the pressure generated
( P = ρ g H ), Figure 4.10. In steam power stations, centrifugal pump may
have to handle water at higher temperatures, which mean low density, as
for feed pump, which required to deliver a specified weight of water per
hour against a stipulated boiler pressure. The power input to the pump
increases as the temperature rises, for this reason it is more economical to
place the feed heaters on the delivery rather than on the suction side of
feed pump.

4.2.5 Some Design Features of Centrifugal Pumps:

There are many design procedures used by the pump manufactures.

In practice, every pump manufacturer has his own design procedure. All
of them contain the same outlines, here only the general outlines will be
considered. Leakage Calculation:

As seen before in section 1.6.3, leakage depends on clearance area

and pressure difference between inlet and exit, labyrinth may be used on
the impeller hub to reduce leakage.

To calculate the amount of leakage, consider the flow through an orifice;

Q = V . A = Cv . A 2 gh1 (4.3)

Cv = velocity coefficient
A = clearance area
U 22 − U 12
h1 = head across the orifice = 0 . 75

Leakage will cause efficiency drop and increase the required B.H.P. Disk Friction:

Also as seen in section 1.6.2, the energy dissipated in disk friction

depends on speed, disk area, and specific density. The value of losses
could be written as following:

Disk friction losses = K .D 2 .U 2 .ρ (4.4)

where K is a constant. Diffuser Losses:


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The kinetic energy of the fluid leaving the impeller should be
converted to pressure energy; diffusers are used to achieve this
conversion, which is called static regain. The loss mechanism and the
design of pressure recovery will be treated more in details in Appendix I.
Providing the enlargement of the guide channel is small, so that
separation of flow does not occur, the pressure losses can be given by:

C 32 − C 42 ) (0.2 to 0.3) (4.5)

where C 3 is the velocity at the inlet of the diffuser and C 4 is the velocity
at the exit of the diffuser. C 4 is related to C 3 by continuity equation. The
last equation may be written as a function of C 3 only:

∆P C 32
= (0.15 to 0.25 ) (4.6)
γ 2g

Now if we introduce the pressure coefficient and consider that

C 3 = C a because α is generally small 15° to 20°; so the ratio of the losses
in the diffuser to the total losses could be written:

∆ H loss 1  C 3u 
=   (0.15 to 0.25 ) (4.7)
H 2φ  U 

C 3u U is proportional to η, so the losses is directly proportional to the

pressure coefficient, with the large values of φ generally met in
engineering applications, it is important to ensure the correct shape of the
diffuser. Mechanical Seals:

Mechanical seals are used for shaft sealing in centrifugal pumps.
The types employed are mainly standardized according to DIN 24 960.
The standard distinguishes two types: type U (unbalanced) for sealing
pressures up to 10 bar, and type B (requires a shaft sleeve with balancing
step) for sealing pressures up to 50 bar.

a. Single Seals

For centrifugal pumps with overhung impeller, preference is given

to the short standard mechanical seal shown in Figure 4.11 at the top. In
this way the unavoidable combination of multiple seal, stuffing box and
pump ring can be achieved without problems, and the disadvantage of
short spring displacements entailing narrow fitting tolerances is less

Where the impeller is supported at both sides, however, the long

standard mechanical seal (Figure 4.11, bottom) finds favor, because
bigger spring displacements allow longitudinal tolerances up to + 4 mm,
while combinations are less common. If combinations are necessary none
the less, then resort must be had to short seals. Adoption of the cartridge
type is then advisable, because all pump tolerances can thus be eliminated
(Figure 4.12).

Fig. 4.11 Single mechanical seals, type B:

(top) short variant with flow-inducing ring and stuffing box;
(bottom) standard variant with stuffing box


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Fig. 4.12 Bellows seal, type U, cartridge variant. The seal is located
exactly with the assembly washer

In cases where high-viscosity liquids (from about 120 mm2/s have
to be pumped, a large spring or metal bellows must always be employed
and the elbows must be relieved of torque transmission by suitable
design. Auxiliary measures are often necessary with single seals too
(Figure 4.13, Table 4.1).


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.13 Pipe work for auxiliary circuits to mechanical seals

Table 4.1 Auxiliary measures with single seals

Measure Purpose
Pumping liquid circulation to Plan 11 Leading off frictional heat and flushing out
Cyclone separator to Plan 31 Separating solid particles up to 10%
Requirement: solids heavier than fluid
fluid viscosity ≤ 20 mm2/s
Cooling jacket round shaft seal Lowering the product temperature in the
(neck bush between pump and seal chamber to improve the lubricant film
seal chamber) to Plan C on the contact faces, increasing ∆ t
Pumping liquid circulation via
flow-inducing ring and
water/air cooler to Plan 23

b. Tandem Seals
The tandem seal, functioning analogously to the single type, is employed where
the pumped liquid must be isolated from the atmosphere on account of safety or
environmental considerations. In the principal application area, the secondary seal
should be able to take over the sealing function in full if the primary seal fails. In
subordinate cases, however, the secondary seal serves merely to contain a sealing
fluid. As a general rule the secondary seal ought to have a flow-inducing ring to
initiate and boost the thermosiphon system usually employed. For pumping
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), intermediate degassing is often provided as well
(Figure 4.14). More recent investigations have shown that this can be omitted if a
liquid seal at about 35% of the shaft sealing pressure is provided instead of the
pressureless seal. It is necessary to establish in situ the exact pressure at which no
leakage takes place on the primary seal. In this way, the flaring-off of liquefied
petroleum gases with its attendant environmental offence is eliminated.
Nevertheless the pressureless seal will remain the commonest method by far,
because providing overpressure always entails higher investments and ongoing
costs. At all events the seal containers must be tested and satisfy the regulations
governing pressure vessels. Non-pressurized sealing fluids do not have to meet any
special requirements except good lubricity (low viscosity, wide margin to boiling
point and explosion-proof). In principle the sealing fluids described under double
seals are applicable.


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Fig. 4.14 Tandem mechanical seal, type B, with degassing chamber
and flow-inducing ring at the secondary seal

The auxiliary facilities for the primary seal are largely analogous to
those described for single seals. Prime consideration is given to self-
circulation in accordance with Plan 11, or to outside jacket cooling as in
Plan C (Figure 4.13).

Principle auxiliary systems for the secondary seal are:

External non-pressurized sealing tank as in Plan 52, with and
without cooling jacket, or pressurized in accordance with Plan 53
(Figure 4.13).

A half-way solution between single and tandem seals is the single seal
with stuffing box, which normally consists of two packing rings and an
adjustable gland and is supplied with quenching liquid at a minimum rate
of 40 1/h. Gland leakage is adjusted to 0.25 1/h. With this provision the
leakage can be led off for certain, and there is an assurance that the
function of the main seal can be taken over for a short time in the event of
failure, until the installation has run down to a stop.

A special variant repeatedly specified is the dry-running stuffing

box, likewise with two packing rings and a non-adjustable gland. To
prevent heating at the running point, a diametrical clearance of 0.5 mm
must be maintained between packing and shaft sleeve, and the packing
rings must be of asbestos-free material like Teflon silk with graphite.
Because this kind of auxiliary stuffing box cannot take over the sealing
function even for a short time in the event of failure, it must be rejected
for technical reasons (Figure 4.11).

c. Double Seals

This term denotes the previously usual combination of two single

seals arranged back-to-back. In order to save space, the flexible and
moving parts of the single seals may also be combined into one assembly,
though this no longer conforms to DIN 24 960 (Figure 4.15).

Fig. 4.15 Double mechanical seal comprising two single seals, type B
(axially-located seat ring on product side and seal with
flow-inducing ring on atmosphere side)

In any case recourse is had to double sealing only if all other

possibilities are ruled out, as for example where the viscosity of the
pumped liquid is too low to assure a stable lubricant film in the sealing
clearance, where there is a negative overpressure less than -0.5 bar, where
the minimum temperature is not assured or where toxic or otherwise
hazardous fluids are to be sealed.

What makes the operation of a double seal so costly is the sealing

pressure system demanding constant attention and the need for a suitable
sealing liquid. Often though is given to this sealing product, which must
be pumpable as well as compatible with the mechanical seal, only when it
is too late. Minor problems arise only where process water can be used
for sealing, which occurs at the most in wastewater, paper and sugar
plants. For chemical, petrochemical and refrigerating plants what matters
is that the sealing liquid should have a viscosity between 1 and 12 mm2/s,
with limits of 0.5 to 20 mm2/s still acceptable. It must not be prone to
carbonization and must stand up well to high or low temperatures
depending on the duty. Typical products are:
Heat transfer oils (like Mobiltherm 603) for high
Refrigeration oil or methyl alcohol for cryogenic pumps.

Sealing pressure systems may be divided roughly into two classes:

Sealing pressure vessel pressurized with nitrogen (up to 10 bar)
or pressure transmitter with pulse line from discharge branch to


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

thermosiphon circuit and refilling arrangements under sealing
Sealing pressure systems with forced circulation by gear or
plunger pump and pressureless refilling.

For the first class, the mechanical seals should be equipped with a
pumping system to assist the thermosiphon action. Flow-inducing rings
give satisfactory delivery only at a speed of N = 2900 rev/min and seal
sizes of 40 mm. Bearing Losses:

Bearing losses are calculated after the following formula:

Losses in HP = µ G U / 75
where G is the weight of the rotor, U its peripheral velocity at the shaft
journal µ is the coefficient of friction (0.0015 for ball bearing, 0.005 for
sleeve or plain bearing, and 0.003 for Michell self-aligning bearing). Axial Thrust:

Due to leakage from the impeller tip, Figure 4.16, the fluid with a
pressure P2 will act on the disk, the same pressure will act on the cover.
As the disk area is larger than the cover, the resultant will be an axial
thrust opposite to the inlet.

Fig. 4.16 Hydrodynamic pressures

Axial Thrust = (P2 − P1 ).

− D s2 ) (4.8)

In multistage machines, thrust is very important and should be kept into

consideration in the machine design.

Figure 4.17 shows the different methods to eliminate the axial thrust:
a. A double suction impeller type.
b. Balance holes on the disk, but this method may increase the
c. Balance disk connected to the suction pressure, the disk area
depends on the amount of the axial thrust and the pressure


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a.1 Natural balancing achievement in single-stage pumps by means of two-back-
to-back single-admission types of impellers (left) and one double-admission
type of impeller (right)

a.2 Natural balancing achievement in a six-stage centrifugal pump,

four impellers back-to-back and one double suction

a.3. Double Suction Impeller a.4. Two-Stage Back-to-Back Impeller
Arrangement Arrangement

c. Balance Device with Balance Piston

b. Single Stage Centrifugal Pump and Thrust Bearing
with Balance Holes

Fig. 4.17 Different ways to eliminate axial thrust Impeller Design:

The first step in designing the impeller is the selection of the speed;
the speed relation depends on the driver type mainly; specially for small
units. In large units, the speed should be calculated to meet the optimum
hydraulic efficiency.

Once the speed is selected, the design procedure could be started.


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a. Impeller Inlet Dimensions and Angles:

The shaft approximate diameter should be calculated first to

calculate the hub diameter, Figure 4.18. The calculation is related to
machine design and strength of material science, here a short review will
be presented.

Fig. 4.18 Impeller dimensions

Shaft diameter depends on power transmitted, the calculation of the

shear stress, torsional stress should be done, the bending moment is
difficult to determine, so an adequate safety margin should be handled
after completing the design to be sure that the machine is running at about
15 % away from its critical speeds. As a first approximation shaft
diameter could be found by using the following formula:

16 T
Ds = 3 (4.9)

where T is the torque, S s is the allowable shear stress. The hub diameter
is usually larger than the shaft diameter by 0.8 to 1.5 cm. The inlet
velocity to the impeller eye V o should be kept as low as possible, and
slightly higher than that of the suction flange. V o varies between 3 - 5

To obtain the eye diameter D o the continuity equation may be


Q /Vo = (D 2
o − D H2 ) (4.10)

where D H = hub diameter,

Q = total discharge including leakage.

The inlet blade diameter D 1 is usually made about the same as the eye
diameter D o to ensure smooth flow. C r 1 is usually 10 - 15 % higher than
Vo .

b1 = (4.11)
π D 1ε 1 C r 1

where ε 1 is the contraction ratio which takes into consideration the blade
thickness, for preliminary calculations this could be taken equal to 0.8 -

α1 assumed always equal 90° to increase the head

i.e. tan (180 − β 1 ) = C r1 U 1 ,
U 1 = π .D1 .N / 60

In case of electric motor drive, speeds are constant; 1700 rpm or

3600 rpm.
β1 usually equals 155° - 170°.

b. Impeller Exit Dimensions and Angles:

As seen before, there is no uniform idea about how to predict the

actual velocity diagram due to actual flow inside the impeller channel.
Many investigations have been carried on all results show that even (in
some cases) the fluid flow does not fill the entire impeller channels. Many
formulas had been introduced, all of them are based mainly on factors
calculated from tests.

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

A useful formula to calculate the dimensions is the speed factor
formula using the following relationship,

φ = U 2 / 2 gH act (4.12)

where the value of φ could include all necessary corrections. φ usually

varies between 0.9 - 1.2 and taken unity for preliminary calculations.
The outlet vane angle β2 may be selected within fairly wide limits.
The relationship between it and the characteristic curve was discussed in
section 4.2.2. Usually backward impeller is used and β 2 = 140° - 170°
(slightly lower than β 1 ). C r 2 is ordinarily made equal or slightly less
than C r 1 , thus b 2 (impeller tip width) could be found by the following

b2 = (4.13)
π D 2 .C r 2 .ε 2

ε 2 is the contraction ratio and taken for preliminary calculations from 0.9
to 0.95.

Blade Shape:

There is no published information concerning the effect of the vane

curvature on the flow, this is usually determined by every pump
manufacturer according to test results. Generally, there are two methods;
the first consists of drawing series of tangential circular arcs, the second
uses polar coordinates. The number of blades Z n is based upon
experience, large number of blades provides a complete guidance of the
fluid, but friction losses will increase. Many empirical formulas exist to
calculate Z n one of them is Pfleiderer formula;

D 2 + D1
Z n = 6 .5 sin (180 − β n ) (4.14)
D 2 − D1

where β n = ( β 1 + β 2 ) / 2

Hence, the contraction ratio could be calculated:

π D − t .Z n
ε = (4.15)

where t is the thickness.


It is required to design a pump impeller to develop a head of 50 m

and discharge of 10000 lit/min of water. The pump will be direct
connected to an electric motor at a speed of 1700 rpm.


γ .Q.H 1000 × 10 × 50
Water horsepower = = = 111 hp
75 60 × 75

1700 10 / 60
Ns = = 6 .658 French system
(9 .81 * 50 )3 / 4
or = 2245 English system

The corresponding overall efficiency η = 0.75

BHP = 111/0.75=148 hp
Power = Torque x ω
i.e. Torque = 148*75*60/(2π *1700) =62 kp.m

1. Impeller inlet diameter and angles:

Assuming a maximum allowable shear stress of 280 kp/cm2

i.e. Shaft diameter = 3 16 × 62 × 100 / (π × 280 )
= 4.8 cm

It's difficult to predict the bending moment at this time but to care
of it and to keep the critical speed above the running speed, a safety factor
of 1.25 will be introduced.
i.e. Ds =1.25 * 4.8 = 6 cm
The hub diameter DH could be 1 cm larger, i.e. DH = 7 cm. Vo, the suction
velocity (inlet velocity to the impeller eye) will be taken equal to 4 m/s.

Q /Vo = (D 2
o − D H2 )

4.Q 4 × 10
+ (0.07 ) = 24 cm
i.e. Do = + DH2 =
π .Vo π × 4 × 60

Assume Do = D1

i.e. U 1 = π .D1 .N / 60 = 21.1 m/s


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

C r 1 should be slightly higher than Vo
C r 1 = 4.3 m/s

** Inlet blade width b1

Q 10
b1 = =
π .D1 .ε 1 .C r 1 60 * π * 0 .9 * 0 .24 * 4 .3
= 0.057 m
where ε 1 is taken = 0.9

** Inlet blade angle β1

tan −1 (180 − β 1 ) = C r1 / U 1 ∴ 180 ° − β 1 = 11 °3 0 ′

i.e. β1 = 168° 30′

2. Impeller exit diameter and angles:

** Outlet diameter D2

U 2 = π .D 2 . N / 60 = φ . 2. g .H , φ = 1.0
D2 = 2 × 9.81 × 50.60 / (π × 1700)
= 35.2 cm

U 2 = π .D 2 .N / 60 = 31 .33 m/s

** Outlet blade width b2

Assume C r 2 = C r 1

Q 10
b2 = =
π . D 2 .ε 2 .C r 2 60 * π * 0 . 351 * 0 . 9 * 4 . 3
= 0 . 039 m
= 3 .9 cm

Assume β 2 = 160°

C u 2 = U 2 + C r 2 / tan β 2 = 19 . 5 m/s
H o = U 2 .C u 2 / g = ( 31 . 33 ) (19 . 5 ) / 9 . 81 = 62 . 28 m

η hyd or η overall = 50 / 62.28 = 0.8 (which is not equal to the assumed
efficiency and seems to be relatively high).
To reach the assumed efficiency, the theoretical head must be
increased. The theoretical head could be increased by means of the
following methods:

i. Increasing U 2 , assuming higher value of φ and hence larger

ii. Decreasing C r 2 .
iii. Decreasing β 2 .

As first approximation, assume β 2 = 158°

i.e. C u 2 = 20 . 7 m/s
H o = 66 m and η hyd = 0.756 (which is suitable)

D 2 + D1 35 .2 + 24
Z n = 6 .5 sin β n = 6 .5 sin 163 ° = 10
D 2 − D1 35 .2 − 24

i.e. Number of blades = 10 blades.

4.2.6 Centrifugal Pump Types: Fire Pumps:

Usually, single stage type or two stages with double suction. They
develop a pressure of 100 psia, and have standard capacities of 500, 750,
1000, and 1500 G.P.M. The efficiency is not particularly important as
they are used only occasionally and the flows are not large. Dredge Pumps:

These kind of pumps are usually used to handle fluids containing

sand and gravel, so they are made very rugged and simple with large
clearances, this generally results in sacrifice in efficiency. Care must be
paid to packing box design to prevent sand from getting in it. Slurry Pumps:

These pumps handle liquids containing solid suspended materials,

as sand. These solid materials can attack the packing box and cause rapid
wear, so they are continuously flushed with clean water. The back shroud


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has series of radial ribs to prevent the slurry from packing in back on the
impeller. Deep Well Pumps:

Deep well pumps are used in

pumping water from deep wells, Figure
4.19. The pump impellers are close to
the water surface in the well, and motor
is connected through a long
transmission shaft. Bearings are spaced
along the shaft to prevent excessive
vibrations. The outside diameter of the
pump must be small to reduce the size
of the well. This necessitates the use of
small diameter impellers and multi-

Fig. 4.19 Deep-well pump Circulating Pumps:

These pumps operate at particularly constant head and capacity,

Figure 4.20. The flow required could be calculated by the following

W ( xL + t 1 − t 2 )
Flow (GPM) =
500 (T1 − T 2 )

W = pounds of steam per hour

t1 = temperature of steam entering condenser, °F
t2 = temperature of steam leaving condenser, °F
L = latent heat at condenser pressure, B.T.U.
x = quality of steam entering condenser, percent.
T1 = circulatory water temperature at inlet, °F
T2 = circulatory water temperature at outlet, °F

Fig. 4.20 Circulating pump arrangement Boiler Feed Pumps:

These pumps are placed before the boiler. Special care must be
paid to prevent cavitation hence water temperature could be increased.
These pumps are usually driven at a speed of 5500 rpm; the flow through
the pump is generally regulated by water level control that throttles the
flow to the boiler. A check valve is placed in the discharge line to prevent
back flow into the pump. Pumping Liquid/Gas Mixtures:

Whilst centrifugal pumps are primarily used for pumping liquids,

the pumping of undissolved gases and vapors cannot be excluded. Air
entrainment can occur, for example, with inadequate bellmouth
submergence when pumps draw from open chambers. Air can also be
drawn in due to leakage between suction pipe flanges, down suction valve
spindles and possibly through the pump stuffing box. This air generally
cannot be controlled and it is undesirable. In special cases where pumps
have to be operated in the cavitation range, the harmful effects of
cavitation can sometimes be reduced by injecting air into the pump inlet

Different conditions apply in process plant. Here the pump is

required, from time to time, to pump gases and vapors originating from
the process in hand without interrupting operation. Special requirements
are set by liquids which are being pumped close to the vapor pressure
(condensate, liquid gases etc.). The generation and increase of gas or
vapor bubbles from the liquid pumped are to be expected, when large

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

static suction lifts have to be overcome; when several fittings in the
suction inlet pipe are arranged in series and cause a severe restriction, or
when faulty insulation of the suction pipe allows the liquid pumped to
become warmer.

It is therefore important to take into consideration the operational

characteristics and the limits of application, of centrifugal pump types
when liquid/gas mixtures are pumped. The influence of the mixture on
the pump characteristics is a function of the percentage of gas qGs in the

qGs = QG = gas flowrate referred to suction conditions
QF = liquid flowrate

4.3 Axial Pumps (Propeller Pumps):

In this type of pumps the flow is axial, Figure 4.21. The axial
pumps are usually used in irrigation purposes. It develops relatively low
head with large discharge. It has large specific speed.

Fig. 4.21 Propeller pump

Fig. 4.22 Velocity triangles

From the velocity triangles, Figure 4.22:

U U .∆ C u
H o = (C 2 . cos α 2 − C1 . cos α 1 ) =
g g

(C 2
2 ) (
− C12 + W12 − W 22 )

It is important to note that H is a function of the radius r and to keep H o

constant along the same ratio, ∆ C u must vary as 1/r.

4.3.1 Degree of Reaction:

As defined before, we shall use the following expression;

σ = (P2* − P1* ) ( ρ.g.Ho ) = (W12 −W22 ) 2.U.∆Cu (*)

From the velocity triangles, Figure 4.22; W12 − W22 = 2.∆C u .W∞u
i.e. σ = W ∞ u / U

(*) This relation could be found by applying Bernoulli's equation on the flow inside
the rotor, and then between the inlet and exit as follows;
( )
P2* − P1* = ρ / 2 W 1 2 − W 22
P − P = ρ / 2 (C − C )
* 2

(**) W 12 − W = (C + W ) − (C + W )
2 2

= (W u 1 + W u 2 )(W u 1 − W u 2 ) = 2W ∞ u .∆ C u


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4.3.2 Pressure and Flow Coefficients:

The definition is as section 2.8 and using the notations of Figure 4.23:
Pressure coefficient ( )
φ = P3* − P1* / ρ U 2
Flow coefficient ψ = Ca / U

Fig. 4.23 Pressure and flow coefficients

Assume that: θ 1 = θ 3 , C1 = C3
i.e. P3* − P1* = ρ .U .∆ C u
∆C u C a
φ= = (tan θ 2 − tan θ 1 )
= 1 − a (tan θ 1 + tan γ 2 )
φ = 1 −ψ .(tanθ1 + tanγ 2 ) (4.16)

Figure 4.24 shows this relation.

Fig. 4.24 φ - ψ relation

4.3.3 Study of Flow Inside the Rotor (Radial Equilibrium):

For the study of the particle motion inside the axial machine, we
can consider the particle trajectory as a co-axial cylinder as shown in
Figure 4.25. So we can write:

C 2
= C a2 + C u2 (4.17)

Generally, when there is a curved trajectory a transversal pressure

gradient is produced, and given by the following relation;

∂P * C u2
= ρ (4.18)
∂r r


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.25 The trajectory of fluid particles could be co-axial cylinder

Consider that H o is constant for every particle and keep it

constant along a plane perpendicular on the axis:

H o = P * / γ + C a2 / 2 g + C u2 / 2 g = Constant (4.19)

∂ P* ∂ Ca ∂ Cu
or + ρ Ca + ρ Cu =0 (4.20)
∂r ∂r ∂r

From equations (4.18) and (4.20) we can write the following equation;

∂ C a2 ∂ C u2 2 C u2
+ + =0 (4.21)
∂r ∂r r

The last equation could also be written on the following forms:

∂ C a2 C ∂
+2 u. (r .C u ) = 0 (4.22)
∂r r ∂ r

(C a2 ) + 12 . ∂ (r.C u )2 = 0 (4.23)
∂r r ∂r

The equations (4.18), (4.20), and (4.21) are not sufficient to determine the
flow, another relation could be written as following;

C u = f (r ) (4.24)

Integrating equation (4.21)

2 Cu2
C a2 = Constant − Cu2 −∫ dr (4.25)

In the case of free vortex flow, the last equation could be simplified;

C u .r = Constant
∂ C a2
or = 0 i.e. C a = Constant
∂ r

which gives that the axial velocity is constant along the axis.
From the last four equations the flow could be determined to keep
H o = Constant .

4.3.4 Performance of Axial Flow Propeller Pumps:

As seen from Figure 4.26, the head-discharge curve falls steeply

with increasing discharge. The working head corresponding to maximum
overall efficiency being hardly more than one third of the head
corresponding to zero discharge.

Fig. 4.26 Performance of axial pumps

Also from the power-discharge curve, Figure 4.26, it could be seen

that P increases when decreasing Q, which means that the machine
consumes more power at part load than at full load. The airfoil theory is
particularly helpful in explaining the part load performance of propeller
pump. When velocity and force diagrams are plotted both for normal
discharge and reduced discharge, Figure 4.27, it's clearly to be seen that
reducing the flow is equivalent to bringing the airfoil element into the
stalled position.

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.27 Velocity triangles for axial flow pumps;
i. at full load,
ii. at part load.

As a consequence, the tangential component of the total dynamic thrust

on the element increases from T to T ' which helps to account for the
trend of the power characteristics. At the same time, C u 2 increases which
result in increasing H. To overcome these tendencies a variable pitch
propeller could be used, Figure 4.28.

Fig. 4.28 Performance curves for variable pitch axial pump

4.4 Pump Selection and Applications:
For any application, selecting the proper pump type from the
available different styles and sizes can be a difficult task.

A practical approach is to make preliminary calculations using the

fundamental coefficients φ, ψ and Ns. For this preliminary decision,
Figure 4.29 is useful in determining the range of size and type with the
expected efficiency. Then the second step is to discuss the application
with the pump supplier. The key to making the correct pump selection
lies in understanding the system in which the pump must operate.

Fig. 4.29 Specific speed chart for the preliminary selection of single speed
centrifugal pumps

If the flow is variable, it is better to select a number of individual

units in parallel rather than a single unit. This will enable the inspection
and maintenance of some units during the part load operation; also this
prevents plant shutdowns which would be required with single unit.

4.4.1 Pumps in Parallel:

Usually used when large capacities are required in such the total
capacity could be divided to two or more identical units. Figure 4.30
shows two pumps in parallel.

‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.30 Pumps in parallel

4.4.2 Pumps in Series:

When a high head is required, the required total head could be

divided on two or more units. These arrangements are called pumps in
series as shown in Figure 4.31.

Fig. 4.31 Pumps in series

4.4.3 Economic Considerations:

The final selection of the pumping arrangement depends upon an

economic study of various alternatives available. Such a study may also
dictate the replacement of an existing pump or pumping arrangement,
which appears to be giving satisfactory service. An intelligent selection
must be based on economic basis.

The unit total cost is made up of the initial purchase price plus the
annual charges required to keep them in operation. The annual charges
include; insurance, power cost, taxes, interest on the investment,
depreciation, and maintenance. For comparison between different bids the
initial purchase price should be divided by the expected lifetime in years.
The running annual cost except the power cost could be taken as
percentage of the initial purchase price.

Usually in preparing proposal, a penalty should include this to be

added to the bids price in case when the machine fall to operate with the
guarantied efficiency.

The penalty values may be found by equating the increased annual

power costs for each point to the annual percentage fixed charge times the
penalty. This will make the annual charge the same as if the pump had the
guarantied efficiency.

4.4.4 Design of the Intake Chamber of Vertical Pumps: General

The intake chamber of a vertically installed pump should be

designed so that undisturbed flow to the pump is ensured for each
operating condition and for all inlet water levels. This is particularly
important for pumps of high specific speed (mixed flow and axial flow
pumps), as they are more sensitive to inlet flow conditions than
centrifugal pumps.

Operation of the pump will be trouble-free if flow to the pump

impeller inlet is swirl-free and if there is a uniform velocity profile across
the entire impeller entry area. Additionally, the formation of air
entraining vortices in the intake chamber must be prevented, when
operating at minimum liquid levels. If these conditions are not met, the
performance of the pump, in terms of flow rate and efficiency, will be
impaired. In the worst cases, damage due to vibrations and cavitation
could occur.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬ Open Intake Chambers

If a single pump is installed in an intake chamber,

recommendations for the principal dimensions may be taken from Figure
4.32. A uniform channel cross-sectional area over a length of at least 5 D
upstream of the pump should be provided. The flow velocity in the intake
channel should not exceed 0.5 m/s.

The reference dimension “D” corresponds to the outside diameter

of the suction bellmouth of vertical SIHI-HAL-BERG pumps.

Fig. 4.32

The minimum submergence M req is defined as the distance from

the bottom edge of the suction bellmouth to the lowest inlet water level
(NNW). For the installation of vertical pumps no general standard values
can be given, but must be determined by the pump manufacturer in each
individual case; see Figure 4.33.

Fig. 4.33 Minimum submergence Mreq as a function of the flowrate

In the flow range I, the minimum submergence of pumps in wet

installations, with bearings which are lubricated by the pumped liquid,
ensures that the lowest bearing is lubricated during start-up. Here M req is
a function of the mechanical design of the pump.

In the flow range II, the minimum submergence must prevent the
formation of air vortices, which could continue into the pump and be
interrupted by the impeller vanes causing severe vibrations, which could
damage the pump. Here M req is a function of the flow velocity at the
pump inlet.

In the flow range III, the pump NPSH (NPSHreq) is the determining
parameter. The minimum submergence must ensure that cavitation does
not occur at any point inside the pump. If several pumps have to be
installed in one intake chamber, separate bays for the individual pumps
provide the best solution, Figure 4.34.

Fig. 4.34

If this solution is not possible, an arrangement similar to Figure

4.35 should be used. The distances quoted should be considered as
nominal values. In very difficult cases guide walls (baffles) may have to


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

be provided (Figure 4.36), the siting of such walls should be agreed with
the pump manufacturer.

Fig. 4.35 Fig. 4.36

Avoidable mistakes in the design of intake chambers

In the arrangements shown in Figures 4.37 and 4.38, the liquid

enters at one end of the intake chamber. The flow to the individual
pumps is non-uniform and the pumps will affect each other.

Fig. 4.37 Fig. 4.38

Several pumps arranged asymmetrically in one intake chamber.

Sudden expansion or contraction of the supply channel.
The length of supply channel with a uniform cross-sectional area
is too short.
Beams, steps or pipes at the bottom of the intake chamber
immediately before the pump.
Suction bellmouth too close to the bottom of the suction
The liquid supplied to the intake chamber is discharged above the
level of the pumped liquid. Covered Intake Chambers

If, for any reason, the extended supply channel length (1 ≥ 5 D),
which is required for trouble-free pump operation cannot be provided, an
alternative consists in fitting a sloping cover to the intake chamber. These
covers are very effective in reducing swirl. Approximate
recommendations for the principal dimensions can be taken from Figure
4.38. However, in each case the dimensions should be determined by the
pump manufacturer.

Fig. 4.39

If, due to the particular site conditions, widening of the intake

chamber (oblique side walls, sloping bottom ending before the suction
bellmouth) cannot be avoided, the use of a cover can provide the
necessary acceleration of the inlet flow to achieve a more uniform
velocity profile. Inlet Elbows

Minimum dimensions are obtained with inlet elbows, which –

similar to the well-known turbine elbows – are shaped as ‘accelerating
elbows’ (Figures 4.40 and 4.41). If the flow velocity is accelerated by a
factor of 4 or 5, the length of the elbow (= distance between the inlet area
and the center of the pump), l Kr ≈ 4 x impeller inlet diameter, is sufficient
to achieve a uniform velocity distribution at impeller entry.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.40 Fig. 4.41

The inlet cross-sectional area A1 of the elbow should be large so that the
velocity at entry to the elbow is insufficient to allow formation of air
entraining vortices or to allow air to be drawn into the pump. In each
individual case an economic assessment of the design has to be made to
determine whether the higher construction costs of an inlet elbow are
acceptable compared to the lower costs of a single intake chamber. The
design and construction of an inlet elbow is more complex than that of an
intake chamber, and in some cases deeper excavations may be necessary.

4.4.5 Pressure Surges (Water Hammer) in Piping Systems

If in systems with long discharge lines, (e.g. in industrial and

municipal water supply systems, in refineries and power stations) the
pumped fluid is accelerated or decelerated, pressure fluctuations occur
owing to the changes in velocity. If these velocity changes occur rapidly,
they propagate a pressure surge in the piping system, originating from the
point of disturbance; propagation takes place in both directions (direct
waves), and these waves are reflected (indirect waves) at points of
discontinuity, e.g. changes of the cross-sectional area, pipe branches,
control or isolating valves, pumps or reservoirs. The boundary conditions
decide whether these reflections cause negative or positive surges. The
summation of all direct and indirect waves at a given point at a given time
produces the conditions present at this point.

These pressure surges, in addition to the normal working pressure,

can lead to excessive pressure and stresses in components of the
installation. In severe cases such pressure surges may lead to failure of
pipework, of fittings or of the pump casings. The minimum pressure
surge may, particularly at the highest point of the installation, reach the
vapor pressure of the pumped liquid and cause vaporization leading to
separation of the liquid column. The ensuing pressure increase and
collision of the separated liquid columns can lead to considerable water
hammer. The pressure surges occurring under these conditions can also
lead to the failure or collapse of components in the installation.

For the maximum pressure fluctuation, the Joukowski pressure surge

formula can be used:

∆ p = ρ . a . ∆v

where ρ = density of the pumped liquid

a = velocity of wave propagation
∆v = change of velocity of the flow in the pipe

The full pressure fluctuation corresponding to the change of velocity ∆v

occurs only if the change of velocity ∆v takes place during the period:

t ≤ reflection time t r =

where l = distance between the nearest discontinuity (point of reflection)

and the point of disturbance.

The velocity of wave propagation is mainly a function of:

The density and the modulus of elasticity of the pumped liquid,
The dimensions (diameter, wall thickness) of the pipe and the pipe
The modulus of elasticity of the pipe material.
As a mean value a = 1000 to 1200 m/s can be assumed for water as the
liquid and for steel pipes.

An accurate knowledge of the rate of change of velocity ∆v is also

important in the evaluation of pressure changes, of the maximum surge
pressure and of possible oscillations.

As an example, the closing of gate or throttle valves is interesting.

It can be seen that the effective throttling process only takes place during
the final 10 to 20% of the valve movement. This means that such valves
can be closed up to 80 or 90% in an arbitrary time without any dangerous
pressure increase occurring. However, the last part of the valve
movement has to be effected more slowly depending upon the given
parameters of the piping system.

Calculation of pressure surges can be very elaborate in complex

networks. It is, however, essential, with long piping systems in particular,
to carry out these calculations in order to determine if surge suppression


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

equipment is necessary. As an approximation the following formula can
be used:


where 1 = length of the piping system in m between the point of

disturbance (pump, fittings) and the nearest discontinuity
v = flow velocity in m/s
H = total head in m
A detailed calculation for pressure surges is recommended for cases
where K > 70.

In unfavorable piping systems, e.g. where there is a high point; the

danger of pressure surge may be present at values of K < 70. In such
cases it is therefore advisable to make a detailed calculation for pressure

4.4.6 Pump Installation:

An actual pump installation is shown in Figure 4.42. The pump is

motor driven, direct connected. Two pressure gauges are installed, the
first on the pump suction, the second on the pump discharge.
A check valve and gate valve are usually placed on the discharge
line, the check valve is used is used to prevent backflow into the pump
which might cause it to operate like a turbine. Before the pump will
operate, the eye of the impeller must be submerged and the suction line
filled. The pump should never be started unless the impeller is filled with
liquid because the wearing rings may rub. Some pumps are designed with
a self-priming system.

Fig. 4.42 Actual pump installation

EXAMPLE: (From Sulzer Technical Review 4/1985)

Pipeline Layout in the Pumping Station

The disposition and the drive of the pumps can have a significant
influence of the pipeline layout. Figure 4.43 shows a comparison between
several arrangements using multi-stage, horizontal pumps to obtain the
same delivery rate. Table 4.2 lists the advantages and disadvantages
individually and balances them against each other.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

a. Two standard pumps in series (each pump driven by its own individual motor)

b. Two standard pumps in series (each two pumps have one motor in common)

c. Instead of two standard pumps, one special pump per leg

Fig. 4.43 Various pump arrangements

Table 4.2 Advantages and disadvantages of various pipeline layouts (Fig. 4.43)

Arrangement a Arrangement b Arrangement c

Required per 4 seals 4 seals 2 seals
pipe leg 4 bearings 4 bearings 2 bearings
4 motors 2 motors 2 motors
comprehensive usual
instrumentation instrumentation
Pipeline layout good poor good
Efficiency lower lower higher
Space greater greater less
Drive more expensive less expensive less expensive
(e.g. 2 motors of
1500 kW are more
expensive than 1
motor of 3000 kW
for same speed (4
Starting current Half, when one full
motor switched on
only when previous
fully up to speed
less expensive
Crane less expensive more expensive more expensive
(where maximum
load is weight of

Evaluation of the Pump Efficiency

The energy penalties for several large pumps are calculated below for the
evaluation of the pump efficiency, or for the additional consumption of energy
brought about by a lower efficiency. The following basic conditions/assumptions are
used for this evaluation.


Single- and multi-stage, double-flow water transport pumps with the same
delivery head and nq = 30 (specific speed) approximately are used as basis. The
efficiency rises with increasing impeller size. This is brought about by the fact that
greater pumping capacity is achieved by increased impeller diameter, which in turn
requires a greater flow cross section and reduce the effect of the boundary layer.

Number of Operation Hours:

It was assumed that the average operating time per year of the pumps
amounted to 4000 h. The standby pump; which is not normally functioning was
included in the calculation.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

1% drop in efficiency:

When, for example, 84 % instead of 85 % efficiency is reached at 500 kW

rating, the pump power consumption is 85/84 x 500 = 505.95 kW (i.e. the power loss,
which is subject to a penalty, amounts to 5.95 kW).

The price per kWh is obtained from the following factors:

- Price of crude oil 27 US/barrel (June 1985)
- Calorific value of crude oil 43.6 MJ/kg
- Overall efficiency of steam power station 33%
- Crude oil density (Saudi Arabian Oil) 0.85 kg/dm3
- Currency parity (June '85) Sfr. 2.60 = 1 US$

Hence, the price is 0.13 Sfr./kWh

Price for 1% full in efficiency:

G = Increased power consumption x operating hours per year x operating life x price
per kWh.

Value of penalty:

Where 1% efficiency drop occurs, higher operating costs have to be paid

during the whole operating life of the pump (n). These costs have to be covered by a
suitable financial provision at the time of commissioning. Assuming the rate of
interest to be 10% per year (interest multiplication factor R = 1.1), a capital provision
(C) has to be made at the time of pump commissioning in order to pay for the
efficiency loss of the pump per year.

G (Sfr. / pump )  R n − 1 
K=  
n. Rn  R − 1 

Table 4.3 shows that the power penalty for larger pumps has to be set higher,
since such pumps have a longer operating life. Statistics concerning power penalties
assuming life. Statistics concerning power penalties assembled over a long period of
time from international invitations to tender confirm that nowadays a mean value of
Sfr. 3500/kW is assumed (Fig. 4.44). The pumping station designer can influence to
some extent the type of pump required by distributing the total delivery flow over
several pumps. The highest possible efficiency is to be obtained by suitable choice of
specific speed; i.e. by variation of the number of stages, of the number of flows and of
the speed of rotation. Figure 4.45 provides information regarding this. It is an
illustration of the peak efficiencies for several types of water transport pumps as a
function of the specific speed of rotation.

Table 4.3 Calculation of power penalties

Pump ratings, (kW) 500 1000 5000 10 000

Efficiency, (%) 85 86 89 90
Power loss at 1% drop in efficiency, 5.9 11.8 56.8 112.4
Operating life at 4000 h running per year, 15 16 19 20
1% drop in efficiency equivalent to G 38 860 82 210 469 900 979 000
(Sfr./pump), (Sfr.)
Value of penalty (Capital provision at 19 705 40 200 206 900 416 750
time of commissioning), (Sfr.)
Price per additional kW consumption, 3311 3400 3642 3700

nq = n.Q1/2/H3/4 where Q (m3/s), H (m), and n (min-1)

η/η00 = for η = 90% ( at nq = 70 )
Drawn for Hstage = 100 m, impeller diameter 0.5 m
s single-flow + single-stage + single-volute
ms + ns single-flow + multi-stage back-to-back arrangement
d double-flow + single-stage + single-volute
2d double-flow + two-stage

Fig. 4.44 Hydraulic efficiency as a function of the specific speed and the pump
design. Valid for cold water


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.45 Power penalties, summarized from some international
invitations to tender

Polishing the impeller blades has an influence on the efficiency of pipeline

pumps. The costs of improving the efficiency are low in comparison with those of the
complete plant.

An example of the approximate make-up for a water transport system in Saudi

Arabia is given here. It has to be noted that the specific energy requirement in
kWh/m3 is ten times the value applying for a normal European installation, since the
pipeline lengths are greater in Saudi Arabia:

- Costs of pipeline 37.0%

- Costs of pumping station and connecting lines/valves 20.5%
- Operating costs of pump for 20 years, with capital
provision made at time of commissioning 42.0%
- Costs of pumps and base plates 0.5%

Evaluation of the drive:

Variable speed drives are often used for water transport pumps, since the
consumption of drinking water varies according to the season, month, day and time of


G Calculated capital value of power loss for 1 % drop in efficiency (Sfr.

per pump)
H Head (m)
P Power (kW)
C Capital (Sfr.)
n Speed of rotation (min-1)
Q Flow rate (m3/h, m3/s)
NPSHplant Total energy level present in front of the impeller
nq Specific speed, where Q (m3/s), H (m), and n (min-1)
R Interest multiplication factor (-)
S Suction specific speed, where Q (m3/s), H (m), and n (min-1)
Swa Safety factor, dependent on the nature of the liquid pumped,
circumferential speed, impeller material, size and design of machine
η Efficiency (%)
Index 00 Value referred to pump best point
Side Flow rate per hydraulic channel.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

4.4.7 Centrifugal Pump Trouble Shooting :

Trouble Possible Causes Trouble Possible Causes

Liquid * Pump not Primed. Pump * Speed too high.
not * Air or vapor pocket in suction overloads * Sp. gravity or viscosity
delivered line. driver too high.
* Pump not up to rated speed. * Packing too tight.
* Wrong rotation. * Misalignment.
* Impeller or passages clogged. * Total head lower than
rated head.
*Low voltage or other
electrical troubles.
* Trouble with engine
turbine, gear or other
allied equipment.
* Available NPSH not sufficient. * Available NPSH not
* Pump not up to rated speed. sufficient.
* Wrong rotation. * Air or gases in liquid.
* Impeller or passages partially Pump * Misalignment.
Failure to plugged. vibration * Wrong bearings.
deliver * Wear rings worn or impeller * Damaged rotating
rated damaged. element.
capacity * Air or gasses in liquid. * Foundation not rigid.
& * Viscosity or sp. gravity not as * Pump operating
pressure specified. below minimum
* Air or vapor pocket in suction recommended capacity.
line. * Impeller clogged.
* Air leak in stuffing box.
* Total head greater than head for
which pump designed.
* Injection of low vapor pressure
oil in lantern ring of hot pump.
Pump * Air leak in suction line. Stuffing * Packing too tight.
loses * Air leak in stuffing box. box * Packing not lubricated.
head * Air or gas in liquid. overheat * Gland packed.
after * Incorrect oil level.
starting * Misalignment of piping
* Insufficient cooling
Bearings * Bearings too tight or preload.
overheat * Oil rings not functioning.
or wear * Suction pressure appreciably
rapidly different than specified.
* Improper lubrication.
* Vibration.
* Dirties or water in bearings.

Fig. 4.46 Example for auxiliary and main piping of a centrifugal pump
(Worthington Corp.)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.47 Example of centrifugal pump installation in sewage service


Fig. 4.48 Irrigation system using axial pumps (Courtesy of Sulzer Brothers)

Fig. 4.49 A section in a radial centrifugal pump (Courtesy of Sulzer Brothers)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.50 Multistage boiler feed pump (Courtesy of Sulzer Brothers)

Fig. 4.51 Vertical axial pump (Courtesy of Sulzer Brothers)


Fig. 4.52 Vertical motor-mount type of a centrifugal pump

Fig. 4.53 Open–type (left) and enclosed-type (right) impellers


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 4.54 Enclosed-type double-inlet impeller and wearing ring. Some liquids
require the impeller be made of special metals, such as chrome, monel, nickel, or
a suitable alloy

Fig. 4.55 An offset-volute design of casing (left) and cover (right). The casing is
designed for top centerline discharge, self-venting, and back pull-out


Fig. 4.56 Centrifugal pump and motor placed on a large sub-base
and connected by a suitable coupling for direct-drive

Fig. 4.57 Disassembly view showing parts of a belt-driven single-stage

centrifugal pump. The parts shown are: (A) shaft; (B) shaft collar; (C) hub
gland; (D) hub (lower half); (E) hub (upper half); (F) hub, brass; (G) hub, brass
shim; (H) hub, brass adjusting screw; (I) bearing stand; (J) pillow block; (K)
pillow-block cap; (L) pulley; (M) pump shell; (N) impeller; (O) pump disk; (P)
bed plate


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬


( Hydraulic Turbines )

General Introduction:

Turbines present a part of turbomachines in which the energy

transfer process occurs from the fluid to the rotor, in other words, in
turbines, the fluid energy is converted to a mechanical energy.

At the inlet of any hydraulic turbine the water speed is relatively

small and its energy is essentially a pressure energy. This energy is totally
transferred to kinetic energy (in case of impulse turbines) or partially
transferred to kinetic energy (in case of reaction turbines).

5.1 Impulse Turbines (Pelton Wheel):

5.1.1 General Considerations:

By definition, the impulse turbine is a machine in which the total

drop in pressure of the fluid takes place in one or more stationary nozzles
and there is no change in the pressure of fluid as it flows through the
rotating wheel.

Many designs has existed but only one has been currently used
named by man who designed it first in California at 1810 Mr. A. Pelton.
Usually, Pelton Wheel, Figure 5.1, is used for high head about more than
300 m.

Fig. 5.1 Pelton wheel

Torque and Power Calculation:

From the velocity triangles, Figure 5.2, it can be seen that W1 = W2 ,

this can be easily shown by applying Bernoulli's equation on relative
path. The power as given by equation (1.23);

Fig. 5.2 Velocity diagrams

γ Q
Power = (U 1 .C u1 − U 2 .C u 2 ) (5.1)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

C u1 = C1 . cos α 1 = C1 (5.2)

C u 2 = C 2 . cos α 2 = U 2 − W2 . cos(180 − β ) (5.3)

and W2 = W1 = C1 − U 1 and U 1 = U 2 = U
i.e. C u 2 = U 2 + (C1 − U 1 ) cos β (5.4)

Substitute the values of Cu1 and C u 2 in equation (5.1):

Power = {U [ C1 − (U + (C1 − U ). cos β ) ] } (5.5)

{U C (1 − cos β ) − U
(1 − cos β ) } (5.6)

The expression (5.6) shows that the power equal zero when U = 0
or when U = C1 , the maximum value of the power occurs at some
intermediate ratio of U to C1 which can be found by differentiating and
equating to zero;

d ( Power )
= 0 = C1 (1 − cos β ) − 2U (1 − cos β )

then; U = C1 / 2
Thus, the maximum power generated from the Pelton wheel equals:

(C1 / 4).(1 − cos β )
Pmax =

and the corresponding ideal efficiency

(γ Q / g ).(C1 / 4).(1 − cos β )


η ideal =
(γ Q / g ).(C1 / 2)

= (1 − cos β )

which equals unity when β = 180° .

Figure 5.3 shows the theoretical efficiency as a function of velocity ratio.

Fig. 5.3 Pelton wheel efficiency versus velocity ratio

Some Practical Considerations:

The ideal equations found previously need to be modified in

practice to compensate the friction losses in the nozzle and in the buckets.

a. Nozzle Losses:

The flow rate must vary in proportion to the required power for
impulse wheel. This is done by the size of the jet, with a little change in
jet velocity as possible. This can be done by varying the position of the
needle. The velocity of the jet could be given by the following relation:
C1 = C v 2 gh .
At full load, when the nozzle is fully opened, C v is about 0.98 - 0.99, as
the needle is moved to decrease the nozzle opening, the C v coefficient
decreases but it is still above 0.9, Figure 5.4.


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Fig. 5.4 Variation of Cv with jet opening

b. Bucket Losses:

The losses in bucket due to friction could be given in a form of

friction coefficient applying to the relative velocity W;
i.e. W2 = W1 x Constant
and this constant equals 1 1 + k . Then, the power equation becomes:

γQ cos β cos β 

Power =  U C1 (1 − ) − U 2 (1 − ) (5.7)
g  1+ k 1+ k 

Usually β equals 165°.

The number of buckets could be determined approximately from the
following equation;
No. of buckets = ( + 15) (5.8)
where D = diameter of wheel,
d = jet diameter.

c. Wheel Diameter:

The ratio D/d varies and there is no upper limit, but usually in
practice the ratio is varying between 6-12.

Speed Regulation:

The speed regulation is done by the needle displacement, Figure

5.5. The speed regulation is necessary to protect the wheel from over
speed, which could cause mechanical damage at part load operation. As
impulse wheels are usually installed only in high head plants, there is
necessary a long pipe and dangerous water hammer would result if there
were a rapid reduction of velocity within it. To avoid this, a jet deflector
is used, as seen in Figure 5.5. The deflector deviates the jet at part load
within the necessary time to regulate the needle position to meet the new
load requirement.

a. Full Load b. Part Load

(Normal operation) (The deflector deviates the flow)

Fig. 5.5 Speed and power regulation

Efficiency and Coefficients:

a. Overall efficiency: η = B.H .P. W .H .P.

b. Pressure coefficient: φ = U 2 gh
c. Specific speed: N s = N B.H .P. H

Performance of Pelton Wheel:

Figures 5.6 to 5.8 show the performance of Pelton wheel at

different load operations.


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Fig. 5.6 Relation between torque and speed at constant head

Fig. 5.7 Relation between power and speed at constant head

Fig. 5.8 Relation between φ, Ns and D/d

5.2 Reaction Turbines:

5.2.1 General:

Reaction turbines are those kind of turbines which the degree of

reaction does not equal zero, and the major of pressure drop takes place in
the rotating wheel (in impulse turbine, the pressure drop takes place in the

The reaction turbines are classified into three types according to the
flow direction, Figure 5.9:
- Radial: (Francis), low specific speed, usually used for medium and
high head installations.
- Mixed: (Francis), medium specific speed, usually used for medium
head installations.
- Axial: high specific speed, usually used for low head installations
(Aswan Dam).


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

a. Radial b. Mixed c. Axial

Fig. 5.9 Reaction turbine runners

5.2.2 Francis Turbines (Radial and Mixed): General:

The Francis turbine original design was inward radial flow with
high flow to make a more compact runner, Figures 5.10 - 5.12. The
diameter was reduced and the water was discharged with a velocity
having an axial component as well as a radial one. This type of runners is
called a mixed flow runner.

Fig. 5.10 Francis center vent (radial-inward flow) turbine

Fig. 5.11 Typical radial inward flow turbine profile

Fig. 5.12 Early Francis type turbine wheel

The inward flow turbine, Figure 5.13, permits a better mechanical

construction since the rotor and shaft form a compact unit in the center
while the stationary guide vanes are on the outside.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

a. Inward-Flow b. Outward-Flow

Fig. 5.13 Francis turbine types Power, Efficiency and Coefficients:

Using the notations in Figures 5.14 and 5.15, the following expressions
could be written:

γ Q
Power = (U 1 .Cu1 − U 2 .Cu 2 )
φ : Pressure coefficient = U 1 2 g h
ψ : Flow coefficient = C r1 2gh
N s = N B.H .P. H 5 / 4
η hyd . = H o H available
η mech. = B.H .P. (γ Q H o / Const.) = H H o
η over . = η hyd . .η mech. = ( H o H av. )( B.H .P. (γ Q H o / Const.))
= B.H .P. (γ Q H av. / Const.) = B.H .P. W .H .P.

For ideal case where η mech. = 1, the hydraulic efficiency equals the overall

Discharge Q = B1 .π D1C r1
= B2 .π D2 C r 2

Fig. 5.14 Velocity triangles (inward turbine)

Fig. 5.15 Runner dimensions Head Delivered by Turbine and Draft Tube:

To enable the turbine to be set above the water level, Figure 5.16, a
kind of diffuser is provided and connected between the water exit and the
tail race level. This is called a draft tube.

A partial vacuum is produced at the upper end of the draft tube,

which compensates for the height at which the turbine runner is set within
certain limits. The turbine rotor could be set at different elevations
without altering the available head.

Another function to draft tube is to reduce the exit velocity from

the turbine in such a way that the kinetic energy rejected in tail race could
be reduced.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 5.16 Schematic diagram of reaction turbine installation

Ht = the geometric difference between the upstream and the downstream.

H1 = the losses in the tunnel between the turbine and the U.S.
Ve / 2 g = kinetic energy rejected in the tail race where Ve is the water exit
Vo / 2 g = kinetic energy at inlet.

Applying energy equation (Bernoulli's) between points 1 and 2 (the

turbine exit and the draft tube exit);
2 2
P1 V P V
+ 1 + Z = 2 + 2 − Z 1 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
P2 P
but − Z1 = a
γ γ
2 2
P1 Pa V V
i.e. = − Z − 1 + ( hL + e )
γ γ 2g 2g

The term (hL + e ) represents the tail losses; hL represents the
hydraulic losses due to friction and enlargement and e represents the
losses due to the kinetic energy rejected in the tail race.

The losses could be presented as follows:
H L = ( hL + )
(V1 − Ve ) 2 Ve
= K' +
2g 2g
2 2 2
 A  V V
= K ' 1 − 1  . 1 + e
 A2  2 g 2 g
  A1   A1   V1
2 2 2

=  K ' 1 −  +   .
  A2   A2   2 g

= K. 1

i.e. H L = K. 1
The absolute pressure head at point 1 (turbine exit) could be presented as
P1 Pa V
= − Z − (1 − K ). 1
γ γ 2g

When K equals zero, there will be no energy losses and hence the
efficiency of the draft tube could be written as;

η D.T . = 1 − K

The theoretical regain in head in draft tube due to kinetic energy hg ,

Figure 5.17, is;

hg = V1 − Ve
2 2
) 2g
Introducing the draft tube efficiency η D.T . , the above expression will be;

hg =
(V 1
− Ve

D.T .


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

η D.T . = hg
− Ve
) = 1− K (5.9)

Fig. 5.17 Draft tube function Types of Draft Tube:

Many different designs of the draft tube have been developed.

Naturally, the most efficient type will be I and III in Figure 5.18. Both are
straight which reduce losses. Type II has a bell-mouthed outlet and an
internal conical core. In some cases, the control cone is extended up to
meet the runner so as to form a solid core.

Fig. 5.18 Draft tube types

The water leaves the turbine with a whirl velocity forming a free vortex.
According to physical laws when the radial velocity of vortex equals to
zero, whirl approaches infinity, which is physically impossible. The

control core of a free vortex cannot follow the free vortex laws and this is
conductive to eddy losses, which are avoided by the solid core.
Unfortunately, for low head installations, the spaces between the turbine
and the water tail race are rarely large enough to permit a draft tube of
types II and III. In these cases, draft tube like type I is usually used. To
assure a complete guidance of the water which help in reducing hydraulic
losses a splitter is used. Net Head:

By definition the net head is the difference in elevation between

headwater and tail water levels minus the pipe friction losses and the
velocity head in the tail race at the point of discharge from the draft tube
(the rejected kinetic energy).

H net = H av − h f − Ve 2 g Cavitation in Turbines:

The cavitation phenomenon occurs when, at any point, the water

pressure drops below its corresponding vapour pressure. This will create
bubbles and the fluid will rush into the cavities left by the bubbles
causing a species of water hammer.

The resulting cavitation that occurs in the turbine not only impairs
the turbine performance but it may also damage the machine itself.

The signs of cavitation are:

i. Milky appearance of the water at the exit of draft tube.
ii. Vibrations and noise.

It is convenient to define a dimensionless pressure coefficient that

denotes the cavitation tendency of the flow. This expression could be
written as the following form;

K = ( P / γ − Pv / γ ) (V 2 / 2 g )

where P and V are the pressure and velocity of flow at any point. The
velocity and pressure of the flow are not easily measured and cannot be


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

computed. Another parameter could be easily used which is K , similar to
K, and is defined as;

P / γ + V2 / 2 g − Pv / γ
K = 2

This coefficient is applied on the turbine exit on the top of the draft tube
or preferably to the highest point in the runner where cavitation might
occur and where H is the net head on the turbine as defined before.

The above expression is also not practical because of difficulties of

measuring the pressure and velocity at the top of the draft tube.

Applying energy equation between the section (2) and the tail race,
Figure 5.16;
P2 V2 P
+ + Z = a + hL
γ 2g γ

hL is the head losses between section (2) and the water tail race level.
These losses include the kinetic energy rejected to the water and the
hydraulic losses.

However, the draft tube is considered an integral part of the

turbine, hence the term head loss is omitted and the resulting parameter
then covers the combination of runner and its draft tube.

This parameter is known by Thoma cavitation factor;

P P 
σ =  a − v − Z  H (5.10)
γ γ 

The value of σ at which cavitation occurred is called the critical value of

Thoma cavitation factor σ c . This value could be determined by
experiments. This can be done by varying Z 2 and noting the value of σ
at which the power and efficiency are started to change, Figure 5.19.

Fig. 5.19 Critical cavitation factor

The above expression is usually used to determine the maximum

elevation above the tail water surface at which a turbine can be set
without resultant cavitation as following;

Pa Pv
Z= − − σ c .H
γ γ

A given turbine running at given N s is to work under increased

head, the turbine must be lowered, i.e. the greater the total head the less
the suction head must be.

Some limiting safe values of σ c are given by Moody for rated

specific speeds;

Francis Turbine Propeller Turbine

(Axial Flow)
Ns 20 40 60 80 100 100 150 200
σc 0.025 0.1 0.23 0.4 0.64 0.43 0.73 1.5

N B.H .P.
Ns = English Units
H 5/4

The critical cavitation number depends upon the type of turbine and is a
function of the specific speed. For Francis turbine, it is given by:

N  N B.H .P.
σ c = 0.625  s  , ( Ns = metric units)
 444  H 5/ 4


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

N  N B.H .P.
or σ c = 0.0317  s  , ( Ns = metric units)
 100  H 5/ 4

For propeller turbine, it is given by:

N  N B.H .P.
σ c = 0.3 + 0.0024  s  , ( Ns = metric units)
 100  H 5/ 4

For Kaplan turbine, σ c is 10% higher than that for a similar propeller
turbine. Power and Speed Regulation:

The normal method of regulating the quantity of water admitted to

the turbine is by controlling the guide vanes opening, Figure 5.20. This is
done by pivoting the guide vanes about an axis parallel to the turbine axis
so that by turning them, the water passage will change to admit the
required flow and speed.

a. Opened Guide Vanes b. Closed Guide Vanes

Fig. 5.20 Francis turbine speed and power regulation Francis Turbine Performance:

Figure 5.21 shows the relation between the head and the specific
speed for different types of turbines. The data has been taken from
installations successfully at work.

Fig. 5.21 Turbine classification according to specific speed and head

Fig. 5.22 Performance at constant speed and variable gate opening

Figure 5.22 shows the performance of a certain reaction turbine at

constant speed.

Performance of Francis Turbine running at 1 m Head:

The flow is no longer independent of the runner speed as in Pelton

wheel because of the unbroken flow from head water and any change
within the runner will affect the flow, Figure 5.23.


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The values of φ for maximum efficiency is in general ranges
between 0.7 - 0.85.

Also, the maximum value φ is greater than one for the performance
at constant speed. The efficiency curve is not as flat as that for impulse
wheel. In the impulse wheel (turbine), the velocity triangles are
independent of the quantity of the flow and so theoretically the hydraulic
efficiency should be constant at all loads at constant speed.

Fig. 5.23 Performance of Francis turbine running at 1 m head

5.2.3 Axial Flow Reaction Turbines:

The axial flow turbine is the development and the completion of

the process began when once the radial flow was found to be inadequate
for relating high flow and medium and low heads. Mixed flow turbine
was found to meet these requirements for high flow and low head. The
axial flow turbines are classified to:

A. Propeller Turbine:

The blades are fixed on the rotor and the number of the blades is
from 3 to 8. In the simplest form of axial flow propeller turbine, the
blades are cast integrally with the hub. The propeller turbine is used in the
measurement of the flow, especially in petroleum industry to measure the
flow rate.

B. Kaplan Turbine:

Although the propeller turbine is almost adequate for high flow and
low head operation, it has one quite serious disadvantage is its part load
efficiency is unsatisfactory. In Kaplan turbine, this problem is overcome
by using movable blades, so that their angles of inclination may be
adjusted while the turbine is in motion in such a way that the turbine can
operate continuously at its maximum efficiency.

Normally, a kind of servo-motor is used to adequate the inclination

of blades.


Figure 5.24 represents the relation between the maximum

efficiency and specific speed for different types of turbines. It is
important to note that these figures of efficiency are very high and
applicable to large turbines. For small turbines, the efficiency is lower
mainly because of leakage, which is more important in proportion to the
flow in small turbine than larger turbine.

Fig. 5.24 Maximum efficiency versus specific speed for different

types of turbines

The effect of size on turbine efficiency is of importance in

transferring test results on small models to their prototypes. Moody has
presented the following formula, Table 2.1;

1/ 5
1 − η  Dm 
= 
1 − ηm  D 


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5.2.4 Some Design Characteristics for Hydraulic Turbines:

For Francis and propeller turbines, Figure 5.25 shows the average values
of the ratios φ , ψ and D / d suited for various specific speeds.

Fig. 5.25 Design characteristics for Francis and propeller turbines

5.3 Some Turbines Installations:

a. Impulse Turbine:

Specially designed for high head above 180 m. Among some

interesting installations, Figure 5.26, are the following:
The fully plant in Valois Switzerland operates under a gross head
of 5410 ft (1650 m) and a net head of 4830 ft (1473 m). There are four
wheels of 3000 hp each running at 500 rpm. The jets are 1.5 inches in
diameter and the wheels are 11.67 ft in diameter.

Fig. 5.26 Pelton wheel installation

b. Francis Turbine:

An example of Francis turbine installation is the High Dam of

Aswan, The total power generated is 2.1x106 kW. The head varies from
57 to 35 m. The power is supplied by 12 units rotating at 100 rpm. The
design discharge per unit equals 346 m3/s. The runner outside diameter is
6.3 m. Another example of the Francis turbine installation is the Brazilian
Itaipu Dam at Itaipu on the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay,
Figure 5.27. This is considered as the world’s largest hydroelectric power
generating complex. Itaipu dam is expected to have an installed capacity
of 12,600 MW, delivered by eighteen turbine generators. The runner inlet
diameter is 42.6 ft and height is 17 ft, the exit diameter is 28.2 ft and
height is 14.7 ft.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

1. Upstream road 10. Battery room 19. Draft tube
2. Vertical access 11. Local unit control 20. Drainage gallery
3. Transmission line 12. Generator hall 21. Mechanical
takeoffs equipment gallery
4. Downstream road 13. Transformer gallery 22. Pump
5. Upstream 14. Penstock 23. Antiflooding gallery
6. Gas insulated (SF6) 15. Upstream electro- 24. Draft tube gates
switch gear mechanical strong
substation equipment gallery
7. Electrical equipment 16. Generator 25. Main powerhouse
gallery dam
8. Cable gallery 17. Turbine 26. Gantry cranes
9. Ventilation 18. Spiral case

Fig. 5.27 A sectional view of the powerhouse of Itaipu Dam

Cedillo, Spain: Kaplan turbines on the Tagus river

The Cedillo hydroelectric power station on the Tagus River is fitted with
four ESCHER WYSS Kaplan turbines and governors, together with
electricity generators supplied by General Electrica Espaňola, Figures
5.28 to 5.30. The main data of the turbine installation are:

Four vertical Kaplan turbines, runner diameter 7600 mm, six

runner blades made from CrNi 13 4 steel, fixed to the blade disks
by screws.
Runner blades can be dismantled via the draft tube doors without
dismantling turbine and generator rotors.
Position of runner blades adjustable by means of servomotor in the
runner hub.
Oil feed located above the generator.
Machine set carried by three self-lubricating radial bearings.
Axial bearing (maximum loading 28,000 kN) is supported directly
on the turbine cover.
Turbine shaft forged from one piece of steel with a borehole for
the oil pipes to the runner servomotor passing completely through
the shaft.
Axial shaft sealing, hydraulically balanced.
Welded spiral casing, not machined, weight 408 t, inlet diameter 10 m.
Guide vanes adjustable by means of individual servomotors.
Governor fitted with electronic control and oil pressure reservoir.

Head 43 m
Output per turbine 110 MW
Speed 93.8 rev/min
Runner diameter 7600 mm


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 5.28 Sit assembly of the spiral Fig. 5.29 Fitting of the turbine rotor
casing (inlet diameter 10000mm) with cover and half discharge ring
(weight 570 t)

Fig. 5.30 Turbine unit supported on three bearings.
The runner blades can be dismantled via a port in the draft tube


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Largest bulb turbine in the world: Racine, USA

The Racine installation on the Ohio River, near Charleston, USA, is

equipped with two ESCHER WYSS bulb turbines, Woodward governors
and ELIN generators, Figures 5.31 and 5.32. Particular design features

a Horizontal axis bulb turbines, runner diameter 7700 mm, runner

blades made from cast stainless steel of grade CrNi 13 4 and
located in a hub fabricated by welding.
a Welded, stainless, discharge ring.
a Guide vane system with adjustable blades, welded construction.
a Access shaft to the generator and access shaft to the turbine side
both located in the bulb.
a Centralized lubrication system for turbine bearings as well as
thrust and generator guide bearing.
a Oil head for the runner servomotor at the turbine bearing.
a Concreted-in turbine case reinforced with two tie bands round the
turbine shaft.
a Bulb nose anchored into the concrete pier by means of tie rods
and pegs.
a Generator stator screwed to the cooling support ring; closed
cooling system.
a Thermal expansions and deformations caused by axial forces are
taken up via two expansion connections, one located between the
generator stator and cooling support ring and the other between
the discharge ring and the draft tube flange.
a Governor fitted with compressed air tank and additional
emergency shutdown system in case of governor failure.

Head 6.2 m
Output per turbine 24.6 MW
Speed 62.1 rev/min
Runner diameter 7700 mm
Weight per turbine 1130 t

Fig. 5.31 Workshop assembly of complete guide vane apparatus (two-part guide
vane casing, 18 adjustable guide vanes in closed position) and of the runner

Fig. 5.32 Sectional drawing of the Racine bulb turbine, which has a runner
diameter of 7700 mm. The bulb nose is fastened into the concrete pier of the inlet


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

c. Axial Turbine:

An example of the axial turbine installations, Figure 5.33, is the

Aswan dam in which the turbines are of Kaplan type. The total generated
power is 344,000 kW supplied by 9 turbines. The head varies from 8 to
24 m. The rotating speed is 100 rpm. The runner diameter is 5.6 m and
the hub diameter is 2.8 m.

Fig. 5.33 Axial turbine installation

5.4 Fluid Coupling and Torque Converters:

Fluid coupling and torque converters are direct applications on the

pump-turbine joint operation. In fluid coupling, for example, the energy
transferred through the pump to the fluid is recuperated through the
turbine. The principles of coupling and torque converter are the same as
shown in Figure 5.34.

Fig. 5.34 The principles of hydraulic transmission

If the pump, which is connected to the driver, transmits a power P1 to the

fluid, the turbine recuperates a power P2 on the output shaft. So, the
hydraulic efficiency could be defined as:

P2 T2 .N 2
η= =
P1 T1 .N 1

5.4.1 Fluid Coupling:

The fluid coupling, Figure 5.35, transmits the power between the
driver and the driven unit. The power transmission could be at the same
speed but it permits also a variation in the speed. This is very practically
in the starting of a large machine. Thus, it could be act as a slipping


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

1- Input Shaft,
2- Output shaft,
3- Pump Impeller,
4- Turbine Runner.

Fig. 5.35 Fluid coupling

The efficiency, as defined before, is;

P2 T2 .N 2
η= =
P1 T1 .N 1

The efficiency equals N 2 N 1 if the torque is constant, Figure 5.36.

Fig. 5.36 Fluid coupling efficiency curve

The applications of fluid coupling are numerous. It has the advantage of

damping out any torsional or lateral vibrations. This problem of
vibrations arises usually in large machines operating at high speed such
as large centrifugal compressors.

5.4.2 Torque Converter:

The difference between torque converter, Figure 5.37, and fluid

coupling, Figure 5.35, is that in torque converter, the torque is multiplied
and the change of the torque is obtained by fixed vane changing the
direction of flow to the pump acting as an inlet guide vane.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

1- Input Shaft,
2- Output shaft,
3- Pump Impeller,
4- Turbine Runner.
5- Inlet Guide Vanes.

Fig. 5.37 Torque converter

The stator or guide vanes, Figure 5.38, are so shaped as to change the
direction of flow and thus it could increase the angular momentum and
the fluid flowing through the turbine given up an angular momentum
equal to the sum of that from the stator and the pump. So, the torque of
the turbine, which is delivered to the output shaft, is the sum of the pump
torque and the stator torque. This could be easily seen from Figure 5.39.

Fig. 5.38 Velocity triangles

Fig. 5.39 Torque converter performance

5.5 Pump-Turbine, Power Storage System:

Usually, the electricity consumption is not constant through out the

day. The consumption is minimum during the day time, this consumption
is increased to reach its maximum level at night-time. This peak level is
not continuous. In order to meet this peak load, the power station must
use a power storage system. There are different types of power storage
systems, the system which currently used is the Pump-Turbine power
storage system. The system is consisted of pump working during the low
power demand period (day time). The water is pumped to a reservoir at a
high altitude. At night-time, the water in the reservoir will come back to
rotate a turbine producing the additional power required for the utility
during the peak hours. Figure 5.40 shows an example of this type.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 5.40 Relative efficiency as a function of relative pressure coefficient. In the
operating range, the turbine and the pump efficiencies are at approximately
equally high levels. The optimum turbine efficiency of the system is however
lower than that of a conventional Francis turbine (Courtesy of Escher Wyss)

Fig. 5.41 Application ranges of different types of water turbines


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 5.42 Section through the 51 m high cavern of the pumped-storage power
station at Villa Gargnano (Italy). The intake sections of the pumps and the outlet
sections of the turbines are connected to the Lake of Garda. The delivery pipes of
the individual pump are combined with the pressure pipe of the turbine into
single pipeline after the closing devices. The schedule provides for 3000 hours of
running time. (Courtesy of Escher Wyss)

Fig. 5.43 Horizontal section in the plane of the annular duct, through one of the
two vertical-shaft four-nozzle impulse turbines for the power station El-Salto II
(Colombia). Short nozzles, in conjunction with a close-fitting turbine casing and
internally situated servomotors, result in small machine dimensions and a
correspondingly reduced distance between centres. The nozzles are bolted
simultaneously to the pressure pipe and to the turbine casing by means of a
common flanged section and can be removed, in the same way as the runner,
through the discharge pit. P = 37,000 kW, H = 415.5 m, N = 400 rpm


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 5.44 Comparison of amounts of space required by conventionally arranged
Kaplan turbines (left) and tubular turbines with the same output (right). Less
excavation work is required with tubular turbines, and the powerhouse can be
made much lower and shorter, in view of the smaller distances between centres.
The saving in volume of building space is therefore considerable

‫‪Fig. 5.45 Francis turbine runner‬‬


‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ ‪ -‬ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬

Fig. 5.46 The six bulb turbines at Vienna’s Freudenau power plant
belong to the largest one world-wide

Fig. 5.47 Four 260 MW Pelton turbine runners under a head of 1140 m
with the model runner inside one of them

Fig. 5.48 Kaplan runner for a bulb turbine (diameter 3.8 m,
output 11.3 MW, head 14 m)

Fig. 5.49 The Freudenau Kaplan bulb-turbine runners

have a diameter of 7500 mm


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 5.50 Francis runner at Niagara Falls. Diameter = 176 in,
H = 214 ft, N = 107 rpm

‫‪Fig. 5.51 Pelton wheel‬‬


‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ ‪ -‬ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬


( Thermodynamic Principles )

Some thermodynamic principles, which apply to the compressors

and blowers, will be reviewed briefly in this chapter.

6.1 Equation of state:

The equation of state is a mathematical relationship of the state

variables; pressure, volume, density, and temperature as follows:

f ( P, v, T ) = 0
P = the pressure,
v = specific volume = V/M,
T = absolute temperature.

If the function f could be calculated for a given substance, then any

two of the variables P, v, or T will define the state.

The function f for a real gas is complicated, so it is more convenient to

use ideal gas and in this case the equation of the state could be easily
written as;

P.v = R.T (6.1)

R = the gas constant = R / MW (6.2)
R is the universal gas constant.
R =1545 lb.ft/lbmole.°R or
R = 848 kp.m/kgmole .K
or in thermal units:

R = 1.9875 BTU/(lbmole .°R), kcal/ (kgmole .K)

The ideal gas obeys the above equation, for the real gases the
above equation could be applied with good approximation at low
pressures. There are other equations of state, which deal with real gases;
this equation lay out of scope of this text. This could be easily found in
any textbook on thermodynamics.

6.2 Specific Heat:

The specific heat is defined as the amount of heat required to raise

the temperature of a unit weight of gas one degree. The value of the
specific heat depends on the method by witch the heat is added. If it is
added at constant pressure it is called C p , and if it is added at constant
volume it is called C v .

The ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure C p to the specific

heat at constant volume C v is denoted by K (isentropic coefficient).
K = C p / Cv (6.3)
The relation between C p , Cv and R could be found easily;
C p − Cv = R
where R is in thermal units, ( R = 1.9875 )
Also, Cv = , Cp = (6.4)
K −1 K −1

6.3 Enthalpy:

Applying the energy equation in the case of steady permanent flow

we have:

 C2   C2 
 H 2 + gZ 2 + 2  −  H 1 + gZ 1 + 1  = WT + QT (6.5)
 2   2 

QT represents the heat added or removed.

H = E + P.dv (6.6)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

where E is the internal energy and H is the enthalpy per unit mass.
The total enthalpy H T is defined as

H T = H + gZ + C 2 / 2 (6.7)
H T 2 − H T 1 = WT + QT (6.8)

From Joule's experiments, the change in internal energy of gas

depends only on its temperature if the gas is subjected to a constant
volume process. Thus,

∆H = ∆E = C v .∆T (6.9)

6.4 Entropy:

This important property of gas could not be measured like heat, it

has no definite value. The change of entropy in a process is important and
is given by:

ds = ∫ kcal / K (6.10)
1 T

6.5 Work:

Consider a system surrounded by arbitrary boundaries, Figure 6.1,

if these boundaries are displaced due to energy transfer, the force:
F = P. A and the work done:

∆W .D = F .ds = P. A.ds = P.dv (6.11)

If the process is defined, the work done equation over boundary

could be integrated;


W .D = ∫ P.dv (6.12)

Fig. 6.1 System displacement

6.5.1 For a constant volume process,

W .D = P.dv = 0

6.5.2 For a constant pressure process,

W .D = P ∫ dv = P (V2 − V1 ) (6.13)

Fig. 6.2 Pressure volume diagram


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

6.5.3 For a constant temperature process (Isothermal process),

W .D = ∫ dv = R.T . ln(V2 / V1 ) (6.14)
v1 v

6.5.4 For an adiabatic process,

No heat is added or removed from the system. During the process

entropy remains constant so it is called isentropic process.

P.V k = Constant (6.15)

W .D = ∫ P dv

 k −1
 (6.16)
k  P 
P1 .V1  2  − 1
k −1  P  
 1 

The classical alternative forms of the above equation could be

written as follows;

 k −1

k  P2  k
W .D = R.T1   − 1

k −1  P1  
 
= (P2 .V2 − P1 .V1 )
k −1

6.5.5 For polytropic process,

For real gases, the adiabatic process exponent is greater than k

because that the heat used in real gas is greater than that for ideal gas.

P.V n = Constant
 n −1

n P 
P1 .V1  2 − 1
W .D =  (6.17)
n −1  P 
 1  

ln (P2 / P1 )
ln (V1 / V2 )

6.6 First Law of Thermodynamics:

This law states that the energy change in a system is exactly equal
to the resultant energy transfer across its boundary. Resultant energy
transfer means the difference in energy transfer in and out of the system.

i.e. E 2 − E1 = Q − W (6.18)

where E1 = internal energy at start of process.

E 2 = internal energy at end of process.
Q = resultant heat transfer into the system.
W = resultant work done by the system.

So, the first law could be expressed as follows;

dU = dQ − dW (6.19)

Since dU is an exact differential, it is clear that for a cyclic change:

∫ dU = U 2 − U 1 = 0
It follows that for a cycle: dQ = dW

This is very important result of the first law of thermodynamics

and it is obvious for machine operating in a complete cycle. The machine
could not supply more than the energy received.

6.7 Second Law of Thermodynamics:

The second law of thermodynamics is stated in many ways, the

most fundamental and general definition is given in terms of the property
known as entropy. The second law is stated in terms of entropy as
The entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease but must increase to a
maximum in all real processes. In other words, we can say that the


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

conversion of heat to work is limited by the temperature at which
conversion occurs. It may be shown that:

1- No cycle can be more efficient than a reversible cycle operating

between given limits.

2- The cycle efficiency of all reversible cycles absorbing heat only at

a single constant higher temperature T1 and rejecting heat only at
a single constant lower temperature T2 must be the same.

3- For all such cycles the efficiency is;

W T1 − T2
η= = (6.20)
Q T1

which is usually known as Carnot efficiency.

6.8 Compression of Gases:

6.8.1 Adiabatic Compression:

If there is no heat added or removed from the fluid during the

compression, the compression is called adiabatic.

There are two possible cases of adiabatic process: reversible and

irreversible. In reversible process, the entropy remains constant, and the
process is called isentropic process. The adiabatic efficiency is defined as
the ratio of isentropic work to real work, Figure 6.3.

W .Disen H 2 − H 1
η ad = = (6.21)
W .Dreal H 2 '− H 1

and H = C p .∆ T , i.e.

η ad = (6.22)
∆Treal '

Fig. 6.3 Adiabatic compression

The process is defined by the equation P.V k = Constant and the

work done,

 k −1

k  P2  k
W .Dad = P1 .V1   − 1

k −1  P1  
 

6.8.2 Isothermal Compression:

Fig. 6.4 Isothermal compression


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Usually in cooled machine, the isothermal efficiency is the ratio of
the isothermal reversible work to the real work, Figure 6.4.

W .Diso
η iso =
W .Dreal
W .Diso = R.T1 . ln (P2 / P1 )
W .Dreal = H 2 − H 1 − Q = C p (T2 − T1 ) − Q
R.T1 . ln( P2 / P1 )
ηiso = (6.23)
C p (T2 − T1 ) − Q

6.8.3 Polytropic Compression:

The polytropic efficiency is defined as the ratio of the reversible

polytropic work done to the real work done, Figure 6.5.

W .D poly
η poly = or
W .Dreal
η poly =
(k − 1) / k (6.24)
(n − 1) / n

Fig. 6.5 Polytropic compression

6.9 Plane Compressible Flow:

To go deeper insight, we may consider the treatment of isentropic
flow in two dimensions. Since this treatment is highly complicated, the
so-called linearised compressible flow theory will be considered.

It is assumed that there are only small deviations in the flow field
from an undisturbed parallel flow of high speed. For a stream of mean
velocity C, with perturbation velocities u and v, the vorticity is
everywhere zero.

∂v ∂u
− =0 (6.25)
∂x ∂ y

Then, the equation of continuity;

∂ ( ρ .C + ρ .u ) ( ρ .v )
+ =0 (6.26)
∂x ∂ y

Introducing the velocity potential φ (x, y)

∂φ ∂φ
u= , v= (6.27)
∂x ∂ y

Using the small perturbation hypothesis, the density and the speed of
sound can be written as:

ρ = ρ + ρ'
a = a + a'

Substituting in equation (6.26), ignoring products of small quantities;

∂u ∂v ∂ ρ'
ρ +ρ +C =0 (6.28)
∂x ∂ y ∂x

Introducing Euler's equation;

1 dP
dC2 + =0 (6.29)
2 ρ

Then Euler's equation becomes;


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

C. du + =0 (6.30)

Knowing that a 2 = dP / dρ , equation (6.30) could be written as follows;

− ρ .C
dρ= du (6.31)

After equations (6.28) and (6.31), one can obtain the following;

∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ
(1 − M 2 ) + =0 (6.32)
∂ x2 ∂ y2

Equation (6.32) is similar to Laplace's equation. The quantity

(1 − M 2 ) is important to describe the extent of the effect of Mach
Number on the flow. For M < 1, the equation is of elliptic type and then
reduced to Laplace's equation by the transformation;

ξ = x, η = y 1− M 2 , φ * = K .φ

K is an arbitrary constant and φ * is the transformed potential. For M > 1,

the solution is said to be hyperbolic.

6.10 Gothert's Rule:

Gothert's rule concerning the transformation between an

incompressible flow field and the corresponding compressible flow field,
Figure 6.6. This rule is useful since there are large information on the
incompressible flow field. If u * and v * are the perturbation velocities in
incompressible flow field, and u and v are the perturbation velocities in
the compressible flow field, thus;

u* = K u
v* = v (6.33)
v* K
tan θ * = = . tan θ

with B = 1 − M 2

Fig. 6.6 Gothert's rule

Now transforming the coordinates,

dy v v
= ≈ ≈ tan θ (6.34)
dx C + u C

dη v* v*
= ≈ ≈ tan θ * (6.35)
dξ C + u * C

dη dy
=B (6.36)
dξ dx

and tan θ * = B tan θ (6.37)

with K = B 2 resulting in:

ξ = x, η = B y, φ * = B 2 .φ (6.38)

and for pressure:

P' = ρ .C.u
P* = B 2 .P'

It arises from the above analysis that the lift is 1 / B 2 times greater
for the profile in compressible flow than for the corresponding profile in
incompressible flow.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

6.11 Prandtl-Glauert Rule:

It is found that the pressure on an airfoil in compressible flow field

increases in linear proportions to the coordinates by a factor 1 / B .

Surface pressures in compressible flow about an airfoil are greater

by 1 / B than in incompressible flow about the same airfoil, or P = P * .




7.1 General:

The compressible flow turbomachines could be classified into three

main types; fans, blowers, and compressors. As we have seen previously
for pumps and turbines there are no definite differences between the
utilization of the three types. There is a common region between every
two types.

7.1.1 Fans:

Fans are usually used to circulate air and usually axial flow type.
The pressure does not increase, one can assume it constant during the
process. So, the problem could be simplified to an incompressible flow
problem. The energy supplied by fan to fluid is mainly a kinetic energy.

Fig.7.1 Fan with the driving motor


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Figure 7.1 shows a schematic drawing for a duct type fan. The used head
and capacity coefficients are φ' = 0.2 to 0.3 and ψ = 0.15 with peripheral
velocities up to 120 m/s. But at this velocity, the air velocity generates
noise. To reduce the noise, peripheral velocity must be kept below 70

7.1.2 Blowers:
Usually used when large capacity is required. It is also used to
circulate gases. The pressure is slightly increased but not more than
2 kp/cm2. The blowers could be axial or mixed flow. If the pressure
increment is not sensible, the problem could be treated as incompressible
flow problem. The blowers have other names according to the service in
which it operates. For example, in gas service blower used to remove
gasses from a coke oven is known as an exhauster.

7.1.3 Turbo-compressors:
Usually used when a compressed gas is required, the exhaust
pressure is not less than 2 kp/cm2. Centrifugal compressors, Figure 7.2,
are used when high pressure is used and relatively low volumetric flow is

The axial flow compressors are used when large volumetric flow
and low exhaust pressures are required. In this chapter, we shall deal with
centrifugal compressors.

Fig. 7.2 Three-stages turbo-compressor


7.2 Head and Power:

From the work done equation, we can write the head equation if we
divide by the weight flow rate.
 n −1

n  P2  n 
H = R.T1   − 1 ...................................(7.1)
n − 1  P1  
 

Also, the head could be calculated by the classical turbomachines

formula (see Chapter I and Figure 7.3).

U 2 .Cu 2 − U1.Cu1
HO =

Fig. 7.3 Velocity triangles

Also, we can calculate the required head by the pressure coefficient


φ = U 2 / 2 g .H

The pressure coefficient equation for compressors usually written

on the following form;

φ ′ = g.H / U 2 .....................................(7.2)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

i.e. H = φ ′.U 2 / g = U 2 /(2 g .φ 2 ) .....................................(7.3)
φ ′ = 1 /(2φ 2 ) or φ = 1 / 2.φ ′
φ ′ varies from 0.5 to 0.7

γ QH
Power P = which usually called the gas h.p.
Const.η pol
η pol : the polytropic efficiency, sometimes called the hydraulic efficiency.

7.3 Coefficients and Specific Speed:

7.3.1. Pressure Coefficient φ' :

The pressure coefficient generally is a ratio between the kinetic

energy and the head developed. For compressible flow machine, this
definition could also be used. The pressure coefficient is the isentropic
work required to raise the static pressure of the fluid to the actual level
achieved in the compressor divided by the isentropic work required to
raise the static pressure of the fluid to the maximum level prescribed by
the impeller tip speed.

H Isentropic work to reach P2

φ′ = =
U /g (
Theoretical work U 2 /g )
k −1
 
 P2  k
W .D. = C p .T1   − 1

 P1  
 

C p .T1 (P2 / P1 ) k − 1

k −1

φ′ =   ……................... (7.4)

7.3.2 Slip Factor:

A quantitative evaluation of the influence of secondary flow is

difficult to make and predicted results are rarely substantiated on test. It is
customary therefore to assess this aspect of the flow problem in terms of a
slip factor defined as follows:


φ s = Cu 2 /U 2 ...............................................(7.5)

7.3.3 Standard Air:

This expression is usually used in calculating the compressible

fluid flow. The standard volume is a kind of weight flow rate because it is
measured at a constant temperature and pressure. The standard cubic feet
per minute SCFM is the volume of a gas at 60°F (520 °R) and 14.7 PSIA.
The nominal meter cube (NM3) is the volume of a gas at 0°C and 760 mm

7.4 Performance Characteristics:

The ideal (theoretical) performance of compressor is the same as

shown before in Chapter (IV) for pump; the theoretical relation is a
straight line between the head and capacity also, the same procedure as in
Chapter (IV) could be used to deduce the theoretical power capacity

As discussed before, the actual performance curve will change due

to losses. The internal losses in a compressor are manifested by an
increase in the enthalpy of the fluid with an increase in entropy. Thus, the
required pressure is achieved by doing more work on the fluid to offset
the effect of the irreversibilities and it is clear that the temperature of the
fluid leaving the compressor must be higher than if an isentropic
compression is occurred.

The performance curve of compressor could be presented on many

ways; in dimensional form as head-capacity, Figure 7.4, and power-
capacity, Figure 7.5, or in dimensionless forms as relative head, Figure
7.6, power, and capacity. In constructing the performance curves one
must take into consideration that the volume flow rate is not constant
through the machine, thus it must be specified where the volume is
measured (normally at the entrance of the 1st stage) and the
accompanying temperature and pressure.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 7.5 Typical power-capacity curve
Fig. 7.4 Typical H-Q curve for a for a centrifugal compressor
centrifugal compressor

Another practice usually used also is the substitution of actual flow

rate by the standard flow rate, which has been defined latter (NM3,

The Polytropic head is given by:

n  n −1

H poly = R.T1 (P2 / P1 ) n − 1 ...........................(7.6)
n −1 

The Polytropic head H poly is an imaginary head corresponding to

the effective head H in the case of incompressible fluids but has no
measurable physical counterpart.

Figure 7.7 shows a typical centrifugal compressor performance

curve with its related terminology.


Fig. 7.6 Performance curve for centrifugal compressor. Solid lines are
characteristics at various speeds; dotted lines are corresponding efficiencies

In the general sense, the shape of the head-capacity curve, Figure

7.7, refers to the extent of its stable flow rise as flow decreases. The full
extent is defined at the low end by the flow rate at which surge begins,
“surge flow” and at the high end by the maximum amount of flow in
machine can pass and still be a contributor of positive head, “stone wall”.
The high flow region of the curve for compressor designed for air and
lighter gases tends to fall smoothly and continuously to the zero head
line. The high flow region of the head curve for compressors handling
heavier gases than air tends to decrease more sharply because sonic
velocity shock disrupts head generation at flow rates not far above rated.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 7.7 Centrifugal compressor performance curve

The surge flow and maximum flow rates for multistage machine
reflect the surge flow and maximum flow rates of the particular stages in
the series which reach unstable flow (as flow decreases) and maximum
flow (as flow increases) first.

The “steepness” of the head-capacity curve refers to the rise in

head or pressure ratio or discharge pressure from a designated operating
point to the point at which surge begins, since the location of the
particular operating point on the overall curve is arbitrary.

The “steepness” tends to be influenced as much by the location of

the operating point as it is by the absolute shape of the curve. If the
operating point of interest is very close to the surge point the steepness is
very low. If the operating point is beyond the peak efficiency flow rate
near the stone wall region, the useful position of the curve tends to be
very steep.

The form of the compressor characteristic, which best describes

how “steepness” affects surge sensitivity in a practical system, is the
pressure ratio versus capacity curve, rather than head versus capacity
curve. The pressure ratio curve gives a quick indication of the magnitude
of change in either suction or discharge pressure will send the compressor
into surge. The pressure ratio curve differs from the head-capacity curve
from which it is derived by virtue that it is directly affected by the gas
molecular weight. Those gases with high molecular weight tend to make


the pressure ratio-capacity curve steep while the low molecular weight
gases tend to flatten the curve.

Fig. 7.8 Performance curves w. r. t. B.E.P.

The term stability means the stable flow range between surge and
normal flow. Stability with respect to normal flow is defined as the
percent of change in capacity between normal and surge point at normal
speed; this equals 100 % minus the percent ratio of the actual volume
flow rate of which surge begins (at normal speed) to the normal volume
flow rate. The term “turndown” means the mass flow reduction, which is
possible before encountering surge, recognizing the effects of the control
method. “Turndown” with respect to normal flow is defined as the
percent of change in capacity between normal and the surge point at rated
head when operating at design inlet temperature and gas composition; it
equal 100 % minus the percent ratio of the surge point mass flow at
normal head to normal mass flow.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

7.5 Mach Number Consideration:

Shock and flow separation are distinct possibilities even when the
Mach number is less than unity.
Consider now the problem at the impeller eye;

i.e. M1 = ...............................................(7.7)
g .K .R.T1

It could be seen that the maximum Mach number occurs at the outer
radius of the eye at which W has its maximum value. To avoid shock and
separation, Mach number at inlet must be about 0.85. Thus even if it
reaches unity at impeller tip, diffuser will decelerate the flow.

7.6 Pre-Whirl:

When the absolute velocity of approach is high enough or the static

absolute temperature is low, this will increase the Mach number as
discussed before. The pre-whirl offers an opportunity to reduce the Mach
number at eye entrance. The pre-whirl is obtained by bending the inlet
guide vane in such a way as seen in Figure 7.9 to reduce the relative

i. No pre-whirl ii. Pre-whirl

Fig. 7.9 The pre-whirl tends to reduce the relative velocity W


7.7 Surging:

Surging occurs when the losses are equal to the energy gained, this
will cause the flow to stagnate causing backward pressure waves and will
then move backward. This will cause the damaging of the machine.
It is difficult to predict the surge point, only experience could
determine exactly the surge point. Usually, any operating point should lay
10 to 15 % away from the surge point.

7.8 Radial Type Impeller Design:

As stated in Chapter (IV), there is no standard procedure but every

manufacturer has his own design procedure. All of them contain the same
outlines. Here, only the general outline will be considered.

The design procedure used before in Chapter (IV) could be applied

except that we take into consideration the compressibility effect. Many of
design aspects have been discussed in Chapter (IV). This will not be
regarded here. It should be referred to Chapter (IV) for details.

The speed is usually specified by the purchaser and depends on the

kind of the driver, if it is a gas turbine or steam turbine or motor. This
machine operates at high speed and thus the stress problem is very

As a first approximation, shaft diameter, Figure 7.10, could be

found by using the following formula:

Ds = 3 …............................................(7.8)
π .S s

The hub diameter DH is varied from 2 to 5 cm greater than the shaft

diameter. The eye diameter Do is obtained from the continuity equation:

Q1 / V = (D 2
o − DH2 ) ...............................................(7.9)

The inlet diameter D1 is equal or slightly larger than the eye



‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

The impeller inlet width b1 is found from the expression;

b1 = Q1 (π .D1 .C r1 .ε 1 ) ..............................................(7.10)

Then tan β 1 = C r1 / U 1 , U 1 = π .D1 .N / 60

Fig. 7.10 Impeller Dimensions

To calculate the outlet dimensions, assume φ' varies from 0.4 to


H = φ ′.U 22 / g
k −1
k  
and H = R.T1  ( P / P )
1 .η p − 1
k ......…................(7.11)
(k − 1) η p  2

The polytropic efficiency varies from 0.65 to 0.75 and

U 2 = π .D2 .N / 60

β 2 could be assumed between 90 to 135°. From stress standpoint a 90°

angle is more satisfactory because the bending stresses are then
eliminated. C r 2 is slightly less than C r1 . The outlet width:
b2 = Q2 (π .D2 .C r 2 .ε 2 ) .


Now, the outlet velocity triangle could be drawn. The circulatory
flow effect reduces the tangential component C u 2 by an amount equal to
X, which could be calculated by the following formula;

π . sin (180 − β 2 )
X = ....................................(7.12)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 7.11 Typical multistage process centrifugal compressor showing the flow-
path layout (courtesy of Nuovo Pignone)

Fig. 7.12 Welding of an impeller for centrifugal compressor

(courtesy Dresser Industries, Clark Division)


Fig. 7.13 Sectional view in a centrifugal compressor showing one stage for test
purposes (courtesy Nuovo Pignone)

Fig. 7.14 Two vertically split centrifugal compressors on performance test

(courtesy Dresser Industries, Clark Division)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬


Foreign objects centrifuge toward heavy blade root
No blade clearance problem
High pressure ratio provided with 2 stage compressor
Blade fineness ratio-low (Higher relative strength and greater shock
Efficiency not materially affected by film build-up or coating of foreign
Large foreign objects rejected at compressor face without significant
performance degradation
Foreign objects centrifuge and mass toward and against delicate blade tips
Minute clearances between blades and stators increases sensitivity to fod
Exposure to fod is high due to number of stages required for a given
pressure ratio
Blade fineness ratio-high (lower relative strength and shock resistance)
Significant performance degradation due to foreign material filming
Rotating clearances and design geometry will not accept ingestion of large
foreign objects without possibility of total compressor failure

Fig. 7.15 Compressor air flow patterns

(courtesy Dresser Industries, Clark Division)



Volumetric machines are those kind of machines which the energy

transfer occurs due to the displacement of a certain volume which is
alternately filled with the fluid and then emptied again.

This displacement could be linear as in the case of the

reciprocating pump and compressors, or angular displacement as in the
case of the rotary pumps.

The discharge of this kind of machines depends almost wholly on

the speed of rotation and hardly at all upon the working pressure.

8.1 Reciprocating Pumps:

8.1.1 Piston Pumps:

Fig. 8.1 Piston pump

The reciprocating pump, Figure 8.1, consists of a hollow cylinder

and a moving piston or ram, the rotary motion of the shaft is converted to
linear motion by means of the classical method of crankshaft and


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

connecting rod. This is the classical method used in petrol engines to
convert linear motion to angular one.

The volumetric rate could be easily calculated from the following


π 2r n
Q= D2 (8.1)
4 60

where: D = diameter of ram

r = crank radius
n = speed in r.p.m.
The swept volume = D 2 .2 r

The actual volumetric flow rate is lower than the theoretical because of

The volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the actual discharge to the

theoretical discharge.

η v = Qa / Q (8.2)

The volumetric efficiency could be written on the following form,

(Q − Qa ) / Q which is called the slip.

8.1.2 Instantaneous Rate of Flow:

The calculated discharge is the mean discharge but normally due to

the ram motion, the discharge is varied with the time. This variation
which occurs in a time interval (the revolution) repeats itself every
revolution as simple harmonic motion.

Figure 8.2 shows the discharge fluctuation. The discharge reaches a

maximum value at the middle of the stroke, then discharge becomes zero
during the suction stroke.

Fig. 8.2 The instantaneous velocity in delivery pipe

To find the shape of the relation between VP and θ (or time),

assume that the volume displaced by the piston at time t equal to that
passing through the delivery pipe at the same time.
π π
VP d2 = v D2
4 4
where: d = the delivery pipe diameter
v = the piston velocity
2π n r
v = u sin θ = sin θ (8.3)
where u is the crank pin velocity.

2π .n.r D 2
VP = . sin θ (8.4)
60 d 2

So, the relation between VP and θ is a kind of a sinusoidal curve.

To overcome this fluctuation in the flow, air vessel is used, Figure 8.3.
The air vessel is a container filled with compressed air at a certain
pressure. The container is placed on the delivery pipe, during the delivery
stroke all fluid in excess of the mean discharge will be stored in the air
vessel, this will be replaced during the suction stroke.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 8.3 Air vessel

Some slight change in the air pressure must naturally take place as
the fluid surface in the vessel rises and falls. At high pressure, air is
slowly dissolved in liquid, the dissolved air must be replaced in large
units and air compressor is used.

Another way to overcome the fluctuations in the discharge is the use of

multi-cylinder pump. It is preferably to use two or more cylinders of
smaller sizes to supply the required discharge. As much as the cylinders
number increased the fluctuation decreased. This fact will be noticed
from Figure 8.4.

Fig. 8.4 The damping of fluctuation

8.1.3 Diaphragm Pumps:

It is a kind of reciprocating pumps provided by flexible diaphragm

instead of the piston. The motion of the diaphragm is provided by means
of a lever adjacent to a cam as seen in Figure 8.5.

Diaphragm pumps are particularly advantageous in handling dirty

or corrosive fluid. Also, this kind of pumps is usually used in petrol
engines as fuel pump.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 8.5 Diaphragm pump

** Pressure and Discharge Regulation of Reciprocating Pump:

The reciprocating pump could deliver an infinite pressure. It

depends on the power supply and system design. So usually a control
valve could be used to control the pressure and recirculating the excess
fluid again into the sump, Figure 8.6.

The discharge regulation is also provided by means of a by-pass

system, which could be opened during the starting until we reach the
normal operation.

Fig. 8.6 Typical positive pump installation

8.1.4 Reciprocating Pump Trouble Shooting:

Trouble Possible Reasons Trouble Possible Reasons

Pump does * Suction lift too high. Discharge * Speed higher than
not * Pump not primed. pressure rated.
discharge * Suction air-bound. fluctuates * Tight packing.
* Suction line vapor * Pump not primed.
bound. * Pump not aligned.
* Obstructions in * Suction lift too high.
suction line. * Suction air bound.
* Worn parts.
Pump * Wrong lubricant. Low * Packing tight.
short * Packing too tight. discharge * Back pressure high.
strokes * Gas or air in liquid. pressure * Valves or rings worn.
* Incorrectly set valves
Piston hits * Excess in last motion. Pump runs * Suction-line troubles.
head * Piston rings worn. too fast * Liquid-piston
* Leaky liquid valves. packing worn.
Pump * Valve trouble. Excess in * Piston-rod defects
stops packing * Rod lift.

8.2 Rotary Pumps:

There are many types of rotary pumps, as rotary cylinder pumps,

gear pumps.... etc.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

8.2.1 Rotating Cylinder Pump:

The radial rotary pump consists of the illustrated mechanism in

Figure 8.7. The rotation of the shaft makes the ram moves in and out of
the cylinder, compressing the liquid in between. The suction and delivery
holes are located longitudinally on the outer cylinder.

Fig. 8.7 Radial cylinder rotary pump

The parallel cylinder rotary pump consists of a rotating cylinder

block and a fixed plate. The pistons are connected to a ring mounted on
the rotating shaft, Figure 8.8. The ring is inclined with a certain angle to
the shaft. Due to this inclination the pump operates.

Fig. 8.8 Parallel cylinder rotary pump

8.2.2 Gear Wheel Pump:

The gear pump consists of two identical intermeshing gears, Figure

8.9. For a small pump, only one gear is connected to the driver and the
other is turning idly.

Fig. 8.9 Gear wheel pump

The discharge could be calculated by the following formula;

Q= (8.5)
a = area enclosed between any two adjacent teeth and the casing.
l = axial length of teeth.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

n = number of teeth in each gear.
N = speed in rpm.

The last formula is not of great practical use because of the

difficulty of measuring the area between two teeth. An approximate
formula could be used, easily, as follows:

Q = K C (D − C) l (8.6)

K is a constant = 2.983
D is the gear diameter.
C is the distance between the two gear centers.

The gear pump is usually used in the lubrication of petrol engines, as lube
oil pump.

8.2.3. Rotary Pump Trouble Shooting:

Trouble Possible Reasons Trouble Possible Reasons

Pump does * Suction line troubles. Reduced * Suction line troubles.
not * Pump not primed. capacity * Air in pump casing.
discharge * Pump worn excessively. * Driver troubles.
* Driver troubles. * Excessive wear.
* Open or leaking relief * Discharge
valve or by-pass. misdirected.
* Excessive suction lift.
Excessive * Liquid troubles. Excessive * Excessive discharge
noise * Misalignment. power pressure.
* Discharge pressure too consumption * Shaft troubles.
high. * Liquid too thick.
* Pump speed higher
than rated.
Excessive * Liquid troubles. Pump loses * Suction line troubles.
wear * Discharge pressure too its suction

8.3 Performance of Positive Pumps:

The performances of positive pumps are generally the same for all
kinds of this pump, Figures 8.10 and 8.11. This kind of pumps discharge

a definite quantity of liquid for each revolution, provided their suction is
flooded and the discharge head is zero.

(a) constant speed (b) constant pressure (c) constant speed

Fig. 8.10 Ideal performance of positive pumps


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 8.11 Actual performance of positive pumps

As it could be seen from performance curves, the positive pumps

are sensible to the speed variation and the discharge depends almost on
the speed.

8.4 Inertia Pressure in Delivery and Suction Pipes:

Due to the fact of the discontinuity of the discharge from a

reciprocating pump, inertia pressure will result. The inertia pressure is
defined as follows; Pi = γ l V p / g. t .

Consider a short time interval, thus substitute dV p / dt for V p / t , the
acceleration of the water in the horizontal pipe = dV p / dt ;
dV p / dt = (dV p / dθ )(dθ / dt ) = ω .r.( D 2 / d 2 ). cos θ .(dθ / dt )
and dθ / dt is the angular speed of crank shaft (ω), thus;
dV p / dt = ω 2 .r.( D 2 / d 2 ). cos θ

Substitute in the inertia equation by this value;

Pi / γ = (l / g ).ω 2 .r.( D 2 / d 2 ). cos θ (8.7)

The maximum value of Pi will occur at θ = 0° and 180°, or the ends of

the stroke. The consequence of the pressure inertia rise in the delivery is
the reduction in the pressure in the suction side. If the pressure in suction
side is increased until it reaches the corresponding vapor pressure,
cavitation will occur. The sign of cavitation will be the high noise and
milky appearance of the water.

Fig. 8.12 Pressure in delivery line

It is clear from Figure 8.12 that the mean pressure in the delivery line is
AD. If fd is smaller than the vapor pressure, cavitation will occur. It is
important to notice that the work done is constant, hence the area fADg
equals the area fBCg.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬



1. General:

The energy of the fluid leaving the blade consists of kinetic energy
C2 P
and pressure energy ( + ). Usually, any pump or blower is used to
2g γ
raise the fluid pressure, so the efficiency of the machine will be increased
as much as one could convert the kinetic energy to pressure energy. The
pressure recovery devices, as a general, consist of gradually expanded
passages, which provide a gradual deceleration to the fluid motion. As a
general, the ratio of the kinetic energy with reference to static pressure
energy is higher in forward curved impeller than backward. This process
of pressure recovery could be responsible of fairly high losses.

According to Bernoulli’s equation, if (1) denotes the condition at

the inlet of the diffuser and (2) denotes the condition at the exit of the
diffuser, so:

γ C12 (1 − A12 / A22 )

∆ P = P2 − P1 = ............................. (1)

where A1 and A2 are the inlet and exit areas, respectively. The efficiency
of the diffuser is defined as the ratio of the static pressure gain to the
kinetic energy.

(∆P) actual
ηd = ............................. (2)
C12 (1 − A12 / A22 )(γ / 2 g )


Fig. 1 Diffuser. (a) Boundary-layer increase in diffuser. (b) and (c) Stall zones.
(d) Short vane dividers. (e) Boundary-layer absorption.
(f) Diffuser with standing vortices.

Figure 1 shows some different diffuser types. A larger angle of

divergence could lead to separation of flow from walls. The roughness of
the internal wall of the diffuser is an important factor in determining
losses as the creation and the development of boundary layer could be
accelerated by higher degree of roughness.

Figure 2 shows some results of experiments on the relation

between the angle of divergence θ, the diffuser length to width ratio, and
the efficiency of the diffuser. Since the losses are mostly connected with
the formation of boundary layers. Some particular behavior of boundary
layers will be discussed in this Appendix.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 2 Angle of divergence θ of diffusers versus l/D (at stall limits)
and recovery value η. (Based on test result reported by Kline)

1.1 Calculation of Loss Coefficient:

Consider a straight cascade, as shown in Figure 3. The velocity

distribution at the trailing edge will be deformed due to the deceleration
of the flow adjacent to the blade, this will manifest by a depression right
on the trailing edge, this depression will gradually disappear with
increasing distance, this equalization process results in energy dissipation.


Fig. 3 Boundary layer effects at the exit of a cascade

This loss may be related to the boundary layer parameters. If W denotes

the relative velocity in the cascade channel, due to the formation of
boundary layer the velocity W1 in the core region will be higher than the
ideal W1 * . Denote the condition at the exit of the cascade by (1) and
further downstream in the diffuser by (2). The boundary layer at the
trailing edge is characterized by its displacement thickness:

W1 − W
δd = ∫ W
dn ................................................. (3)
−∞ 1

and momentum thickness:

W W1 − W
δm = ∫ W1 .W
dn ................................................ (4)
−∞ 1

The through flow velocity C a can be found after the continuity as


1 t/2
C a = ∫ W cos α 1 .dy ................................................ (5)
t −t / 2

From equation (3) and substituting dn by cos α 1 .dy and integrating

equation (5):


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

 δd 
C a = W1 cos α1 1 −  ….............................................. (6)
 t cos α1 

Consider the momentum balance between (1) and (2) in tangential


ρ sin α 1 cos α 1 ∫ W 2 dy = ρ C a C r t …………………............ (7)
−t / 2
W 2 = W12 − (WW1 − W 2 ) − W1 (W1 − W ) ….......................... (8)

Introducing the dimensionless displacement and momentum thickness;

δd δm
∆= , θ = ................................................. (9)
t cos α 1 t cos α 1
W1 cos α 1 = ............................................... (10)
1− ∆

The physical meaning of equation (10) is that the through flow velocity is
increased by 1 /(1 − ∆) . After equations (7), (8), (9), and (10), one can

C a C r = W12 sin α 1 cos α 1 (1 − θ − ∆ ) ................................….... (11)


1− ∆
W1 sin α 1 = C r .....................................................….. (12)
1−θ − ∆

The physical meaning of equation (12) is that the flow velocity is

 1− ∆ 
increased by  .
1 − θ − ∆ 

Apply now the momentum balance in X-direction between (1) and (2);


P2 − P1 cos 2 α 1 t 2

= W dy − C a ...........................…......…… (13)
ρ t 0

and similarly one can reach;

P2 − P1 1 −θ − ∆ 
= C a2  − 1 ..................................…...…....... (13*)
ρ  (1 − ∆ ) 2

Apply Bernoulli's equation between (1) and (2):

W12 P2 W22
EL = + − − ......................................……......... (14)
ρ 2 ρ 2
C r2 (1 − ∆ )
C a2
W =2
(1 − ∆ )2 (1 − θ − ∆ )2
W22 = C a2 + C r2

then equation (13*) becomes:

E L = θ C a2 + θ C r2 = θ W22 ..................................................... (14*)

Now introducing the total energy loss coefficient, Eq. (3.6):

ζ = or
C a2 / 2
2θ 2δ m
ζ = = ..........................…........................... (15)
cos 2 α 2 t cos 3 α 2

2. Diffuser Types:

A brief information will be presented concerning the three main

types of diffusers used in pumps, blowers, and compressors:
1. Vaneless Diffuser,
2. Vaned Diffuser,
3. Volute Type Diffuser.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

2.1 Vaneless Diffuser

A vaneless diffuser is formed by two parallel circular surfaces as

shown in Figure 4. This kind of diffusers is usually used in single stage
blower. It has the advantage of a flatter efficiency curve, also the same
diffuser could be used for different impellers, no need to new design as in
the case of vaned diffuser. In the case of blowers and compressors, it has
lower surge limit, on the other hand, the peak efficiency of the blowers
with vaneless diffusers is about 3 to 4 points lower than with the vaned

The vaneless diffuser has been extensively treated early by Snootal,

Johnston, and Jansen. The stability limits of vaneless diffuser are strongly
dependent on diffuser radius ratio if the conditions at diffuser inlet are
such that low speed rotating stall patterns are generated in the diffuser. At
high speed rotating patterns, the stability is more affected by the coupling
conditions between the impeller and the diffuser than by the diffuser
radius ratio.


Fig. 4 Vaneless diffuser

Fig. 5 Velocity triangle at diffuser inlet


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

The flow in the vaneless diffuser is assumed to be two-
dimensional, incompressible, and inviscid. The equations governing the
flow, Figure 5, are:

1) Continuity equation:

∂ (r.C a ) / ∂ r + ∂ C u / ∂ θ = 0 ..................................... (16)

2) Equation of motion in the radial direction:

 ∂ Ca ∂ C a Cu ∂ C a Cu2  ∂P
. + Ca + . − =− .......................... (17)
 ∂ t ∂ r r ∂ θ r  ∂ r

3) Equation of motion in the tangential direction:

 ∂ Cu ∂ Cu Cu ∂ Cu C a Cu  1 ∂P
ρ . + Ca + . + =− . ................. (18)
 ∂t ∂r r ∂θ r  r ∂θ

The main dimensions of the vaneless diffuser are its outer diameter D4 ,
impeller diameter D2 , the distance between the two parallel walls b3 , and
the impeller width b2 . Following are the ratio between these dimensions:
D4 / D2 = 1.8 , b3 / b2 = 0.8

2.2 Vaned Diffuser:

For this type of diffusers, the pressure recovery process occurs in

vaned radial ring, Figure 6. To assure complete guidance of flow through
the diffuser a guide vane is used. The angle of guide vanes is equal to α 2
or slightly lower (the absolute exit velocity angle).


Fig. 6 Vaned diffuser

From continuity equation, one could easily write:

Cu 3 .r2 C r 2 .r2
Cu = , Cr = ……………....... (19)
r r

where Cu and C r are the tangential and the radial velocities of fluid,
respectively. Consequently:

C r Cr 2
tan α = = = Const. ..................................... (20)
Cu Cu 3

Since the motion of fluid leaving the impeller is a logarithmic spiral, so

the form of the vane could be found from the following equation:

φ tan α = ln (r / r ') ............................................ (21)

where φ corresponds to the blade log spiral pitch. φ = where Z is
equal to number of blades. Z should not be equal to the number of
impeller blades.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 7 Logarithmic spiral and its radius of curvature as guide blade inlet

The point B, Figure 7, should be previously calculated according to

equation (21) and radius of curvature ρ = r ' / cos α .
The passage width can easily calculated with AB = r − r ' , a + s = (r − r ' ).
r r − r' 2π a+s 1
cos α . For an approximation ln = or . tan α = .
r' r' Z r ' cos α
from which we can get:

a + s = r' sin α = t sin α ..................................... (22)
then other point B. t is the blade pitch. A straight form of diffuser could
be used of angle from 10° to 16°. To consider the blade thickness, one
can use the following formula to calculate α 4 :
t3 s
tan α 4 = tan α 3 , σ3 = .…………. (23)
t3 − σ 3 sin α 3

2.3 Volute Type Diffuser

Many geometries exist, and the design procedure is applicable to

all of them.


2.3.1 Parallel Walls:

The governing equation of motion is the free vortex

C u .r = Const. ......................................................… (24)

and the continuity equation:

C r .2π rb = C ro .2π ro bo ..................................... (25)

where b is the width of the impeller at any radius r, bo is the diffuser

width at entry, and C r is the radial velocity. o denotes the condition at
inlet, Figure 8.
Thus we have;

Cr = Cro .................................................................. (26)

Fig. 8 Spiral space with parallel side walls

α should be constant throughout the diffuser.

C r C ro
i.e. tan α = = = Const. .........................………......... (27)
Cu Cuo

The equation of the logarithmic spiral as defined before;


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

d r C ro
tan α = tan α o = = ......................………............ (28)
rdφ Cuo

r C
ln = φ . ro = φ . tan α o ..…...………......................... (29)
ro C uo

The above equation is the outside boundary curve for the volute. For the
outline curvature, the following equation could be used;

R= ...............................………...……............ (30)
cos α

The last solution is for constant width diffuser. In some cases, bo does not
equal b. This would result in an additional factor bo / b , resulted from the
continuity equation as follows:

ro bo
C r = C ro ....................................................... (31)

and thus, the equation of the spiral becomes:

r b
ln = φ . tan α o . o .................……….…........... (32)
ro b

2.3.2 Tapering Side Walls:

This type is shown in Figure 9. The principle as before could be applied


C ro ro bo
Cr = ..........................……... (33)
[bo + 2 (r − ro ) tan δ ] r

Cr dr C ro bo
tan α = = = ................ (34)
C u r dφ C uo [bo + 2 (r − ro ) tan δ ]

The solution to this differential equation is given by:


1  ro  r ro  r  
φ= 
 1 − 2 tan δ  ln
 r + 2  − 1 tan δ  ...... (35)
tan α o  bo  o bo  ro 
 
φ = f (r ) ..................................... (36)

Fig. 9 Tapering side wall diffuser

The equation consists of a logarithmic and a linear term, the former

disappears for;

1− 2 tan δ = 0 ............................................... (37)

which means:
tan δ =
2 ro
δ is usually from 8° to 15°.

2.3.3 Rectangular Cross Section:

This type consists of gradually increasing rectangles, Figure 10. Thus, the
area expands in axial and radial directions. We can put h/b = Const. At
C r
position x, C u = uo o . Thus, we can consider a deviation from the line
ro + x


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

C u .r = Const. with the angle φ, the volume (φ°/360) V flows through the
section bφ hφ, thus:

φo h
Cuo ro h
V =∫ dx .............................................. (38)
360 o ro + x c

which gives the equation

360 Cuo ro h  h 
φ= ln 1 +  ..................................... (39)
Vc  ro 

Fig. 10 Rectangular cross section diffuser



1. ABDEL-HAMID, A.N., “Analysis of Rotating Stall in Vaneless Diffusers

of Centrifugal Compressors”, ASME PAPER 80-GT-184.
2. CSANADY, G.T., “Theory of Turbomachines”, McGraw-Hill, 1964.
3. DEAN, R.C., “The Fluid Dynamic Design of Advanced Centrifugal
Compressors”, Creare Technical Notes, TN-185, July 1974.
4. ECK, B., “Fans: Design and Operation of Centrifugal, Axial Flow and
Cross-Flow Fans”, Pergamon Press, 1973.
5. JANSEN, W., “Rotating Stall in Radial Vaneless Diffusers”, ASME
Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 86, December 1964, pp. 750 – 758.
6. JOHNSTON, J.P., and DEAN, R.C., “Losses in Vaneless Diffusers of
Centrifugal Compressors and Pumps: Analysis, Experiments, and Design”,
Journal of Engineering for Power, Trans. ASME, Series A, Vol. 88, No. 1,
January 1966, pp. 49 – 62.
7. KOVATS, A., “Theory and Design of Steam and Gas Turbines”, McGraw-
Hill, 1954.
8. RAYAN, M.A., and YANG, T.T., “An Investigation of Vane- Island
Diffusers at High Spiral”, ASME Paper 80-GT-148, March 1980.
9. RUNSTADLER, P.W., and DEAN, R.C., “Straight Channel Diffusers
Performance at High Inlet Mach Numbers”, Journal of Basic Engineering,
Trans. ASME, September 1969, pp. 397 – 422.
10. SCHLICHTING, H., “Boundary Layer Theory”, McGraw-Hill, 1964.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬




Cavitation is defined as the local vaporization of a liquid because

of local pressure reductions due to dynamic action. In fact no other phase
of hydraulic machinery design and operation has been given so much
attention in technical literatures as cavitation. The reason for this was the
use of higher specific speeds for both hydraulic turbines and centrifugal
pumps, with the increased danger of cavitation.

The cavity is formed due to a liquid “rupture” when the hydrostatic

pressure reduces to vapor pressure Pv . The liquid rupture is connected to
the liquid tensile strength. Thus, the dissolved gases contribute to the
reduction of the liquid tensile strength and its rupture allowing the
formation of cavities.

NUCLEI: Liquids are often contain some weak spots, resulted

from dissolved gasses or, the undissolved solids, immiscible liquids, and
free gas. These are known as Nuclei.

The tensile strength of the interface between a solid impurity and

the liquid depends upon the degree of wetting of the solid by the liquid.
With a high degree of wetting, the inter-facial force is very high and even
for a high degree of wetting (a “hydrophobic” particle) it is probably
higher than the effective tensile strength observed in normal liquids.
Figure 1 shows a very small gas bubble lodging in a crevice of a
hydrophobic particle will be on the convex side of the liquid-gas
interface, with the consequence that the pressure in the gas will be below
that in the liquid.


Fig. 1 A condition whereby an air bubble can remain stable
indefinitely, without solution on a hydrophobic particle
possessing a concave surface (after Liebermann)

The solid surfaces in contact with the liquid usually contain a

plentiful supply of nuclei, so that boiling or cavitation readily takes place
as soon as vapor pressure is reached, thus masking the fact that within the
body of the liquid no cavities are initiated.

Thus an abundant supply of nuclei is in practice almost invariably

ensured from the following potential sources:

1. Simple entrainment of relatively large air bubbles.

2. Hydrophobic particle possessing a concave surface.
3. Air bubbles attached to solid surfaces.

Some practically observed effects, which can be possibly explained by a

relative scarcity of nuclei, are:

a- In high-pressure boiler feed pumps, the effects of cavitation are less

serious than in the same pumps handling cold water under otherwise
identical conditions. Modern boilers operate on a closed cycle with
deaerated, distilled water, which is highly pressurized each time it
passes through the boiler.

b- In the petroleum industry there is much less trouble from cavitation in

hydraulic equipment than there is in comparable installations using
water. Most petroleum products have a high wetting ability which
would tend to decrease the number of available nuclei.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬


From the foregoing mentioned analysis, it is clear that the

reduction of the hydrostatic pressure will initiate the formation of
cavities. The vapor bubbles will grow until they reach a certain critical
radius. They will be carried on with the stream until a high-pressure
region reached where they will collapse producing a high-pressure chock
on the adjacent walls. Thus the cavitation phenomenon may be treated as
a bubble growth and collapse problem which has been treated
theoretically by Rayleigh.

A reduction of the liquid hydrostatic pressure may be due to the


a- An increase in the static suction lift of the centrifugal pump.

b- A decrease in the atmospheric pressure with a rise in the altitude.

c- A decrease in the absolute pressure on the system, as in the case of

pumping from vessels under vacuum.

d- An increase in the temperature of the pumping liquid, which will

decrease the liquid tensile strength.

e- From airfoil theory (Fig. 2), when a flow around an airfoil occurs a
region of low pressure is generated on the upper part and high
pressure on the lower part. The inlet edge of impeller vanes acts in
a manner similar to an airfoil, giving a local pressure rise on the
leading face and a pressure reduction on the trailing face.

The amount of the pressure drop in the low-pressure region is

function of the geometry and the speed ( α .W 2 / 2 g ). This fact was
observed experimentally and is known as jet-wake flow pattern. The jet is
corresponding to the driving edge with high static pressure energy. The
wake is corresponding to the trailing edge with low static pressure


Fig. 2 (a) Actual pressure distribution on the airfoil designed

Fig. 2 (b) Development of the wake, secondary flow pattern

(obtained by Dean, Jr.)

Figure 3 shows some of the locations in as pump susceptible to

cavitation. Cavitation occurs on blade surfaces, near the blunt trailing
edge, at corners (such as the intersection of the blade and the wall), near
the axial and radial gaps, in vortex regions such as the tip vortex, in the
secondary vortex, in the scraping vortex, and in the trailing edge vortex.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Under extreme breakdown condition the entire passage may be dominated
by cavitation bubbles.

(a) Centrifugal pump (b) Axial flow pump

Fig. 3 Location of cavitation in centrifugal and axial flow pumps


Cavitation is manifested by one or several of the following signs,

all of which adversely affect the pump performance and may damage
pump parts in severe cases.


This is owing to the collapse of the vapor bubbles as soon as they

reach the high-pressure zones within the impeller. Noise and
accompanying vibration are present in all pumps to a varying degree
when they are operated at points far removed from the best efficiency
point (b.e.p.) because of a bad angle of attack at the entrance to the
impeller. By admitting small amounts of air into the pump suction, noise
can be almost completely eliminated. In this way the air serves as a
cushion when the vapor bubbles collapse.


This appears in varying degrees with pumps of different specific

speeds. With low specific speed pumps, the head-capacity, the efficiency
and the brake horsepower curves drop off suddenly when Q is increased
to the point where cavitation is reached (Fig. 4). The degree of drop in the
head-capacity and efficiency curves depends on the specific speed and on


the suction pressure, increasing for higher specific speed and lower
suction pressure. The difference in the behavior of pumps of different
specific speeds results from the difference in the impeller design. Low
specific speed impeller vanes form a definite channel, the length of which
depends on the vane angles, the number of vanes, and the ratio of the
impeller eye diameter D1 to the impeller outside diameter D2 (Fig. 5 (a)).
When the pressure at the impeller eye reaches the vapor pressure, usually
on the backside of the vane entrance tips, it extends very rapidly across
the whole width of the channel, A-B, Fig. 5 (a)-(a), with a small increase
in capacity and decrease in head.

Fig. 4 Effect of speed and suction lift on cavitation of a single-suction

pump, Ns = 1000


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 5 (a) Low pressure zones on back side of impeller vanes:
(a) low specific speed; (b) medium specific speed;
(c) propeller pump

Fig. 5 (b) Cavitation characteristics at constant speed and capacity

A further drop in the discharge pressure does not produce any more
flow because the pressure differential moving water to the impeller eye
cannot be increased anymore. This differential is fixed by the suction
pressure outside the pump, and the vapor pressure across the whole
channel between any two vanes at the impeller entrance.

With high specific speed impellers, the channel between two vanes
is wider and shorter, Fig. 5 (a)-(b). More drop in head and a greater
increase in capacity are required to extend the vapor pressure zone across
the whole channel. Therefore, the drop in the head-capacity curve extends
through a wider range before the sudden break-off occurs. With propeller
pumps the vanes do not overlap, Fig. 5 (a)-(c).

The results of cavitation tests can be represented graphically by plotting

efficiency or head against cavitation factor σ or suction head at a


constant speed and capacity, Fig. 5 (b). The drop in efficiency and head
curves indicates the beginning of cavitation.


If a pump is operated under cavitation conditions for a sufficient

length of time, impeller vane pitting appears, the amount of metal lost
depending on the material in the impeller and the degree of cavitation.
This will be discussed latter in details. Figure 6 shows an example of the
weight loss rate versus time for a cavitating centrifugal pump impeller.

Fig. 6 Cumulative weight loss versus the pump running time


Surface damage is a serious consequence of cavitation in pumps

and turbines. Many studies have been made over the years of the causes
and of the ways in which damage can be reduced. If chemical and
corrosion effects are neglected, it seems reasonable to suppose that
material removal in the erosion process must be due to the imposition on
the surface of shear or normal stresses of sufficient magnitude to cause
material failure, either through single blows or through fatigue-type
effects. The existence of a microjet is proposed which, as the cavity
collapses, bursts across the void of the bubble to hit the opposite surface
at very high velocity (Fig. 7 (a)). The impact results in very high stresses,
which are equal to or higher than the ultimate strength of the material in


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

many cases. There is a debate about the mechanism that leads to surface

A combination of shock waves in the liquid, chemical, electrolytic

actions and liquid “microjet” impact upon the eroded surface seems to
represent, at this time, the most likely detailed mechanism for cavitation
erosion. Figure 7 (b) shows bubble collapse adjacent to a surface with
development of liquid microjet. The shock waves emitted during the
bubble rebound (Fig. 7 (b)), which often follows original collapse, are
believed to provide in many cases important assistance to the damaging
process originating from the microjet impact. A suggested mechanism,
based on the computed stresses being of the order of 2000 bar in some
cases, is that work hardening with attendant temperature rise occurs in the
material at the surface. This can lead to small changes in chemical
composition and a spongy subsurface that leads to cracking of the
hardened surface with subsequent penetration of the material. Eventually,
the molecular bonding breaks down and erosion and corrosion occurs.

Fig. 7 (a) The jet collapse model for damage due to cavitation


Fig. 7 (b) Schematic representation of successive stages of nonsymmetrical
cavity collapse with microjet impingement against a metallic surface

Fig. 8 Damaging mechanisms for liquid-impingement erosion [5]. (a) Solid

surface showing initial impact of a drop of liquid that produces circumferential
cracks in the area or impact, or produces shallow craters in very ductile
material. (b) High-velocity radial flow of liquid away from the impact area by a
nearby surface asperity, which cracks at its base. (c) Subsequent impact by
another drop of liquid breaks the asperity. (d) Direct hit on a deep pit results in
accelerated damage because shock waves bouncing off the sides of the pit cause
the formation of a high-energy microjet within the pit [5].

Tillner et al. (1990) and Pearsall (1978) who show ways that damage can
be produced in the laboratory for test and development purposes describe
typical damage. The extent of the damage suffered depends on the fluid,
the materials and the hydrodynamic system, and it has been found that
even with advanced material loss the machine has developed the duty


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

required and damage has only been found during routine maintenance. In
pumps, repair is usually by replacement, but in hydroelectric plant, it is a
routine procedure to deposit metal in damaged areas and then to return
the surface to the high finish required. Table 1 summarizes the resistance
of common materials used in hydraulic machines.

Table 1 Relative losses of material under comparable conditions

(obtained in a venturi test device using water at 20°C)

Material Relative
volumetric loss
Stellite 1
Cast stainless steel: 12.88% Cr, 0.17% Ni, 0.43% Mn, 0.38%Si 7
Stainless steel 18:8 Cr:Ni 5
Monel 16
0.33% carbon steel 37
14% Cr stainless steel (forged or drawn) 98
Manganese bronze 118
Gun metal 230
Cast iron (as cast without skin) 374
Typical cast aluminum alloy 1176

At least, the liquid pressures upon a neighboring wall during

bubble collapse appear to be considerably less than that during rebound
and appear to be of sufficient magnitude in fact to contribute to damage
for most materials, Fig. 9.


Fig. 9 (a) Schematic representation of successive ranges of growth, collapse,
and rebound of a single traveling cavity.
(b) Graph of cavity diameter as a function of time for the cavity in (a)


The cavitation performance of a pump varies with the fluid condition. For
example, when pumping water the required net positive suction energy
(NPSE) is highest when passing cold water and decreases as the
temperature rises. A similar effect is noted when other liquids are being
pumped. The change is too large to be explained by the so-called
Reynolds number effects. An empirical approach to this problem is
known as the B-factor or β-factor method outlined by Knapp and Daily
(1970) and Stahl and Stepannof (1956); the technique correlates suction
hydraulic behavior with vapor volume in the cavitating region.

When examining bubbles in cold water it has always been assumed with
some justification that all energy terms involving the vapor in the cavities
are negligible compared with those of the surrounding liquid. When the
temperature increases such an assumption may not be applied since the
latent heat required to supply vapor to the cavity can no longer be
ignored, and neither can the energy exchange during the expansion and
contraction of the bubble. If they are neglected and the NPSE calculated


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

using cold data, the resulting value will be very conservative. As a
consequence, boiler feed pumps in the 1950s began to be uneconomic in
size as both pressures and temperatures rose with turbine steam
conditions; eventually designers developed techniques to design for lower
cavitation numbers than those for cold duties.

The heat required by vaporization must come from the liquid surrounding
the cavity, thus casing a drop in temperature and vapor pressure in the
immediate vicinity of the bubble. This has the effect of reducing the
bubble size from that which would apply in cold liquid, thus reducing the
effect on the flow. This reasoning has led to the approach of Stahl and
Stepannof (1956). Figure 10 shows the conventional NPSE variation
curves for a cold and a hot liquid. The two critical points where the 3%
head drop applies are B and C. Point B is known for the cold test, and the
NPSE reduction can be found to estimate point C.

Fig. 10 The variation on NPSE required of liquid temperature

The volume ratio B or β is defined by Stahl and Stepannof as:

volume of vapor
B= (1)
volume of liquid

they showed that using the Claperyron-Clausius equation:


 v 
B = ∆( NPSE )C p T  v  (2)
v h 
 1 fg 
B  v 
B`= = C pT  v  (3)
∆ ( NPSE ) v h 
 1 fg 

Figure 11, taken from Stahl and Stepannof (1956), plots B` for a number
of fluids based on refinery pumps of the double suction design and a 3%
fall in gH. Also shown are lines of NPSE adjustment in the relation:

− NPSE adjustment
σ corrected = σ (4)
gH pump

The method is based on the assumptions that the cavities are uniformly
distributed across the flow cross-section and that there is the 3% drop
criterion. There are many other approaches but these indicate that there is
a considerable difference in opinion (see for example Hutton and Furness,

Fig. 11 Plot of thermodynamic adjustment factors

(from Stahl and Stepannof, 1956)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬


The next problem is that of relating the occurrence of cavitation to

other known hydraulic characteristics of the machine. Since cavitation is
a function of the head at the low-pressure side of the machine, it is
obvious that this “suction head” must be of paramount importance. This
suction head may be defined with reference to Figure 12.





Hms h1
Pat (1)
T.E.L. h3 Datum
H.G. hf


Fig. 12 Schematic Diagram of Pump Installation

H m = Manometric head
H ms = Manometric suction head
H md = Manometric delivery head
hss = Static suction head
h f = Friction head loss (included all losses such as entry losses
2 2
Vs / 2 g , so h f = h fs + Vs / 2 g ).

Apply Bernoulli’s equation between (1) and (2), (i.e. between the
suction pipe flange and pump center assuming that point (2) is on
impeller entrance).

P2 C2 Pat C1 2 C
+ + h1 = + + h3 − h f ( 1 =0)
γ 2g γ 2g 2g


P2 C2 P
+ = at − hss − h f (5)
γ 2g γ

hss could be positive or negative depending on pump location. If it is

above (+ve) or below (-ve) the suction reservoir. Cavitation occurs when
L.H.S. of equation (5) is below the vapor pressure, or:

 P2 C 2 2 
 +  − hv ≤ 0 (6)
γ 2 g 
 

The above term is called “Net Positive Suction Head” 'NPSH' or H sv , i.e.

H sv = ± hss − h f − hv (7)

Two types of suction heads or NPSH to be considered in designing

or purchasing a pump installation:
i- Available suction head.
ii- Required suction head.

The available suction head must be larger than the required suction head.

Available Suction Head:

This is determined by the plant designer and is based upon the

conditions of the liquid handled, the pump location, and altitude … etc.

Example: Find the available NPSH for pump pumping water, if the pump
is above the water surface by 3 m and h f = 0.7 m and the atmospheric
pressure is 1.03 kp/cm2, vapor pressure is 0.0355 kp/cm2 at 20°C,
γ = ρ g = 1000 kp/m 3 .

1.03 x 10 4 0.0355 x 10 4
H sv = − 0 .7 − 3 − = 6.24 m
1000 1000


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Required Suction Head:

Always calculated by pump manufacturer taking into consideration

all types of losses between the suction flange and impeller entrance.
Some of these losses will introduce as following:
1- Viscous friction losses h f ∝ C 2 / 2 g or W1 / 2 g .
2- By airfoil theory, when a flow around an airfoil occurs a region of
low pressure is generated on the upper part and high pressure on
the lower part.
The inlet edge of the impeller vanes acts in a manner similar to an
airfoil, giving a local pressure rise on the leading face and a
pressure reduction on the trailing face. The amount of pressure
drop in low-pressure region is function of speed ∝ W 2 / 2 g also.
3- A sudden change in direction at impeller entrance increases the

From the above points, all these losses occur between the pump
suction flange and impeller entrance and are proportional to W 2 and
could be equal to K .W 2 / 2 g where K is a coefficient. If the required
suction head is larger than the available suction head cavitation will


NPSH test must be conducted in the shop prior to shipment and

installation; this test may be witnessed or unwitnessed according to the
specification. Many standards exist to control this test; following is the
section concerning the NPSH test in API standard 610 entitled
“Centrifugal pumps for general refinery services”.

The NPSH test shall be conducted with water as the pumped

medium. The following formula shall be used to determine the vacuum to
be maintained at the pump suction for the suppression test:

 30( H − h) sg 
Ps = Pb −  Pv +  (8)
 34 

Ps vacuum to be maintained at pump suction flange, inches of


Pb barometric pressure, inches of mercury.
Pv absolute vapor pressure of water at the temperature of test
water, inches of mercury.
H NPSH, in feet of water as quoted by vendor.
h suction velocity head, feet of water at test conditions.
sg specific gravity of water at test temperature.


The experimental relationship between the impeller eye velocity at cut-off

capacity and the suction pressure gives a satisfactory means for predicting
cavitation for low specific speed pumps.

Thoma has suggested that the dynamic depression, including the velocity
head at the impeller eye, can be expressed as a fraction of the total head
H m or:

NPSH = σ H m (9)

The coefficient σ is determined experimentally. It may be also written

on the following form:

± hss − h f − hv
σ= (10)

The use of the cavitation constant σ is subject to a number of


1- The following relationship is given for the similarity regarding

cavitation when it has progressed beyond the incipient stage:

σ 1 − σ c H m2
σ 2 − σ c H m1

where σ c is the critical sigma coefficient which is constant for

both model and prototype σ c = σ c1 = σ c 2 .


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

σ1 = is sigma for the model
H m1
σ2 = is sigma for the prototype
H m2

H m1 and H m 2 are the operating heads of the model and

prototype, respectively.

2- To make the discussion of cavitation more definite, the criterion

of incipient cavitation should stated- whether it is the breaking
off of the head-capacity curve, or the drop in efficiency, or
noise and vibration, or the pitting of the impeller vane.
The drop in efficiency is more general because it applies to
pumps irrespective of the specific speed and may be found
while other signs of cavitation are not yet apparent.


Since cavitation is most likely to occur in the low-pressure regions

of the machine, e.g. at the inlet of a pump impeller, it is natural to use the
eye or throat diameter De of the runner as the representative dimension in
the fundamental similarity considerations. In this manner, the kinematic
condition for similarity of inlet flow and cavitation becomes:

= Const
De N

and the corresponding dynamic relations are:

= Const
= Const
N 2Q 2

By eliminating the dimension De in the same manner as that used

previously to determine the specific speed N s . The following equation is


S= (11)
NPSH 3 / 4

This cavitation parameter S is called "suction specific speed".

Since the two parameters σ and S are likely to have parallel use in
the same field of application, it becomes necessary to state an analytic
expression for the relation between them. This relation which may be
derived from the explicit expressions for S and N s , is:

N 
σ = s  (12)
 S 

if the values of σ corresponding to a suitably defined cavitation limit are

plotted against the specific speed (Figure 13), it is found that an average
curve through such empirical points can well be approximated by the

σ = Const.N s 4 / 3 (13)

This equation is the empirical demonstration of the fact that S is

practically independent of the specific speed.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 13 Cavitation limits of centrifugal and propeller pumps
(Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation)

The increase of the σ value in the diagram in the direction of

increasing specific speed demonstrates that, for the same form of
installation the head of the machine must decrease with increasing
specific speed. For this reason, machines for high heads must be of low
specific speed and machines of high heads may employ high specific


The net positive suction head problem is still very persistent. It is

now compounded for large high head pumps by a new need for erosion
avoidance at low flow rates. Admittedly, there have been few or rare
problems arising from centrifugal pumps failing to deliver rated capacity
and pressure in the field due to a NPSH shortcoming. Paradoxically,
while NPSH requirements of the average pumps have been so well
established, there are some new findings about cavitation effects on
larger, high-head pumps that need considerable further research.
Purchasers Users, and Contractors have all been “bearing down” on the
pump manufacturers to achieve lower NPSH requirements on larger
pumps to the point where other things are suffering, the pendulum has


sewing too far. This was resulted in large pumps operates at low speed.
Also one of the recommendations usually used to avoid cavitation is the
use of a larger pump than the size that would normally be chosen, one
merely offers a “4 inches” pump instead of “3 inches” or one offers a
double-suction impeller type pump instead of a single-suction, Figure 14.
This practice thereby reduces the required NPSH to a significantly lower
value and in this relatively painless manner pump application engineers
have been falling into a trap lately.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 14 Cavitation constant σ versus specific speed for best efficiency points

To understand the trap, it is necessary to show the shortcoming of

the present definition of NPSH (required). Here is the issuance of the
combined API and ASME definitions: “Net Positive Suction Head
Required is determined by the vendor and is the total absolute head at the
pump inlet less the vapor pressure head corresponding to the liquid
temperature at the inlet required for the specified capacity” also “a drop


in head of 3 percent is usually accepted as evidence that cavitation is
present”. It is important to note that 3 percent head drop point is not
always the start-of-cavitation point, neither is a 1 percent head drop point.
At these head drop points, cavitation has already progressed sufficiently
to affect the flow in the impeller passages.

The aforementioned “trap” is the excessive cavitation that can

occur at low flows on high-energy pumps. Also the dangers of pulsation
or surges due to rotating stall or unstable H-Q curve, the oversizing may
cause the rated capacity to be below 60% the b.e.p. capacity for that size

What should pump application engineers do to avoid partial-flow

cavitation on high head pumps? If it becomes necessary to use an
oversized pump for NPSH reasons, give more thought to the provisions to
assure a higher minimum flow than usual. Table 2 gives approximate
figures for minimum flows.

Table 2 Recommended minimum flows for high-energy pumps


HYDROCARBON, 1.1 and higher 25 %, or Manufacturer’s
Single-Suction or recommendation if higher
Double-Suction Impeller
WATER OR 2.0 or less 35 ,, ,,
WATER SOLUTION,  2 .5 30 ,, ,,
Single-Suction 3.0 or more 25 ,, ,,
WATER OR 2.0 or less 70 ,, ,,
WATER SOLUTION,  2 .5 60 ,, ,,
Double-Suction 3.0 or more 50 ,, ,,



* Dimensionless
c Velocity of sound in the fluid, (m/s)
CL Velocity of sound in casing material E / ρ p , (m/s)
CNL Acoustic cavitation pressure, (N/m2)
CV Solid-borne noise acceleration (effective value), (m/s2)
CV* Dimensionless solid-borne noise acceleration, CV* = CV ( u12 / D1 )


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

D1 Impeller inlet diameter, (m)
ε Relative erosion intensity
ER Maximum erosion rate, (m/s)
f Frequency, (1/s)
Fcor Corrosion factor
fm Frequency with the maximum energy density, (1/s)
FMAT Material factor
g Acceleration due to gravity, (m/s2)
h Wall thickness
hD Wall thickness of cover
HPF High-pass filter
vac Acoustic efficiency
Iac Acoustic intensity, (W/m2)
IR Reference value for acoustic intensity, (W/m2)
L Length of cylinder
Lcav Cavity length, (mm, m)
LPF Low-pass filter
NF Eigen frequency, (1/s)
NL Total sound pressure in the liquid (RMS value), (N/m2)
NL0 Background noise level (as sound pressure), (N/m2)
NPSHa Net positive suction head of the plant, referred to the middle of the pump, (m)
p Static pressure, (N/m2)
PER Specific erosion power PER = UR ER , (W/m2)
pi Implosion pressure, (N/m2)
psat Saturation vapour pressure, (N/m2)
p∞ Static pressure in the vicinity of the bubble, (N/m2)
Q Flow rate, (m3/s)
QRef Flow rate at optimum efficiency, (m3/s)
R Radius of cylinder, (mm, m)
-R Reference value
ρ Density of water, (kg/m3)
Rm Tensile strength, (N/m2)
Ro Radius of bubble at beginning of implosion, (m)
ρp Density of casing material
S Strouhal number
σ Cavitation coefficient (general)
σav Cavitation coefficient of installation
σi Cavitation coefficient for visual inception of cavitation
σrad Sound radiation coefficient
σul Cavitation coefficient of the pump
u1 Circumferential speed at impeller inlet, (m/s)
UR Ultimate resilience, UR = Rm2 / 2E, (n/m2)
ω Angular frequency
w Relative speed, (m/s)
Z2 Number of blades

All types of cavitation can be quantified by means of cavitation noise

measurements. This applies even to bubbles not in contact with a surface


and to cavitation on the pressure side. All parameters, which influence the
hydrodynamic cavitation intensity, have also an influence on the
cavitation noise.

During cavitation diagnosis by sound pressure measurements, the

magnitude of the measured signal is a measure of the cavitation intensity,
since the sound pressure increases with increasing number of imploding
doubles. In this connection, it is necessary to establish when the
cavitation begins and what interrelationships exist between cavitation
noise and erosion.

If the inlet pressure is lowered during a suction test with constant flow
quantity and constant speed of rotation, signals can be measured using a
pressure transducer at the pump inlet. These signals are graphed in
Figure 15.

A background noise level is measured at inlet pressures, which exceed the

pressure at which cavitation starts. This noise level is independent of the
inlet pressure and is caused by turbulences, unstable blade forces and
mechanical machine noises. After cavitation has started, the noise level
rises with decrease of the cavitation coefficient of the pump, first to a
maximum (Figure 15, range A) and then drops steeply, often to lower
than the background noise level (range B). It should be noted that the rate
of cavitation-induced loss of material also has a similar graph (Figure 15).


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

1 Acoustic inception of cavitation
2 Visual inception of cavitation
3 Inception of erosion

Fig. 15 Acoustic signal, cavity length and erosion rate as function of

the cavitation coefficient

The maximum can be explained by that fact that, with decreasing

cavitation coefficient, the volume of vapor (bubble size) and the number
of bubbles both increase, with simultaneously linear decrease of the
driving pressure difference. Superimposed on this process is the
phenomenon that at small void fractions, the imploding bubbles (larger
pressure difference) can reinforce each other [6], whereas at large void
fractions, the local density and speed of sound, and thus the implosion
pressure, decrease.

The lowering of the noise level in the range B can be explained by the
following mechanisms:
- When the bubble volume at the impeller inlet is large, a great part
of the sound in these zones is absorbed with two phase flow: the
bubbles can, for example, implode within the impeller ducts, whereby
areas with two-phase flow between implosion zone and pressure
transducer form an effective barrier.
- At low inlet pressure, air can be precipitated in the pump inlet (or
in the upstream throttle valve), so that a two-phase flow is again
present, which makes the cavitation noise measurement completely


Basing on the fact that the noise in the range B sinks under the
background noise level, the conclusion can be drawn that the main source
of the background noise level is not in the inlet but in the impeller, i.e. in
the unstable blade forces. Were the background noise level to be induced
by flow processes in the inlet, it could not be blocked off from the sound
pressure detectors by the two-phase flow in the impeller.

Hence where cavitation noise measurements are concerned, a distinction

is to be drawn between the ranges A and B in Figure 15. In range A,
cavitation is limited and the measured cavitation noise can be regarded as
a measure of the cavitation intensity. On the order hand, in range B so
much sound energy is absorbed by the two-phase flow that the measured
sound pressure is no longer a reliable measure of the cavitation intensity.

A dimensionless representation of the reference sound pressure is chosen

in order to be able to compare the measurements on different pumps and
under different conditions better with each other. The effect of cavitation
alone can be determined when the background noise level is subtracted
from the total noise level. Since each blade is also a noise source, a
conversion calculation to a reference number of blades is made. The
cavitation noise arises from volume changes ("acoustic monopoly").

Z2, R
NL2 − NL20 )
CNL* =
ρ u12

Such standardization is thus physically appropriate and also confirmed by


Frequency behavior of cavitation noise

Cavitation produces noise by periodic impulses, which are completely

irregularly distributed as regards duration, height and sequence. The
consequence is a continuous broad-band spectrum, the energy distribution
of which has a broad maximum [20]. This arises from the most frequently
occurring implosion time.

As is demonstrated by stroboscopic observations of cavities forming on

impellers (Figure 16), the bubble fields fluctuate (less than 10 kHz) as the
cavity length increases. They contribute apparently to the measured


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

cavitation noise and can be represented by Strouhal numbers (S = 0.3 +
10%) [4, 5, 8]. The high frequency part originates from the implosions of
the individual bubbles (frequency range: 10 kHz to 1 MHz).

Fig. 16 Influence of the air content and of the frequency range on the cavitation
noise (high-pass filter set in each case at the given frequency)

The bubble field fluctuations are caused by turbulences and by the

instationary nature of impeller flow in the presence of incoming flow,
which is not rotationally symmetrical. Such flow configurations occur in
the inlets of multi-stage pumps, around ribs upstream of the impeller or at
guide vanes. Presumably the bubble field variations modulate the
implosion phenomena to a certain extent and influence the transport of
bubbles from their place of origin to the implosion location.

Visual observations show that the bubble field fluctuations increase

markedly with decreasing cavitation coefficient. Hence it is to be
expected that the low frequency part of the cavitation noise spectrum
increases as the cavitation coefficient decreases. Figure 16 confirms this.


Moreover, tests show that the gas content has a significant influence
(particularly at frequencies of less than 10 kHz). A bubble implosion
gives rise to a sharp pressure peak and lower pressure peaks in the
rebound phase.

According to information published in the literature, the highest

amplitudes in the cavitation noise spectrum occur at the following

1 p − p∞
fm =
2 Ro ρ

Fig. 17 Bubble field observations using the stroboscope require expensive

modifications to the pumps. Cavitation noise measurements carried out at the
same time provide clarifying information for use in the interpretation of fluid-
borne and solid-borne noise

The bubble radius Ro and the local pressure p are unknown, but
proportionality can be derived using the following equation [11]:


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

fm ≈ 1 1

The frequency with the highest energy density is thus strongly dependent
on the cavitation coefficient. As well as being indicated by the
observations of Figure 16, this is also confirmed in the literature [10, 15].
Summarizing it can be established:

With increasing NPSH, increasing speed or increased cavitation

coefficient, the maximum energy density of the cavitation noise
spectrum is displaced to higher frequencies.
If it is intended to establish the cavitation intensity by cavitation
noise measurements, it is necessary to measure in as broad a frequency
spectrum as possible. Attention has also to be paid to the low
frequency part since presumably bubble-field oscillation themselves
contribute significantly to cavitation damage [1, 2]. If the cavitation
noise is measured over a narrow frequency band, the band of
maximum energy density might be displaced relative to the band
measured when changing operation conditions so that incorrect
conclusions might be drawn when interpreting the results. Information
in the literature shows that measurements are frequently carried out
only in a relatively narrow frequency band, the breadth of the
frequency band being chosen at random. This renders comparison with
other measurements more difficult.
If cavitation noise measurements are to be utilized in order to
establish cavitation inception, then a frequency range, which is above
that of the background noise level, is to be chosen.

Estimation of erosion risk basing on fluid-borne noise

In previous investigations, relationships between specific erosion power

and the acoustic intensity in the range 1 to 180 kHz were developed.

Using the equations:

Fcor  I ac 
PER = 8,8 .10 −8
 
FMat  IR 
I ac =


the erosion rate can be estimated from the fluid-borne noise
measurements. There is, however, a basic difficulty in that the inlet
pressure can generally not be varied during measurements carried out in
pumping installation. Hence it is also not possible to determine the
background noise level. For approximation purposes, the total noise level
can be utilized. This, however, implies the presence of developed

The nearer the magnitude of the measured signal is to that of the

background noising level, the greater the degree of unreliability of the
measurement. If the characteristics of the installed impeller are known,
visual cavitation commencement can be estimated approximately. Using
the cavitation coefficient of the installation, it is possible to evaluate
whether developed cavitation is to be expected or not.

In the case of large impeller inlet angles and unsuitable shaping of the
runner blade inlet edges, a coefficient of 2 is no rarity. At an installation
cavitation coefficient value of about 0.5, cavitation is generally to be
expected. If the coefficient is between 0.2 and 0.3, it is possible that the
range B (Figure 15) has already been attained and thus the measured
acoustic pressure is no longer unquestionably a measure of the danger of

When taking measurements on installations, an attempt could be made to

utilize only the high-frequency sound (>10 kHz). However, when low
frequency parts are filtered out, the characteristic and the level of the
curves can differ markedly from the true values (Figure 16). The
measured acoustic pressure is then no longer a measure of the
hydrodynamic cavitation intensity.

When measurements are made on installations using different frequency

bands, it can be established whether the low frequency sound constitutes
a small proportion only of the total level. In that case, it is possible to use
the sound pressure in the range of 10 to 180 kHz and regard this part of
the spectrum as arising essentially from cavitation.

Evaluation of the erosion inception

The fluid-borne noise is a measure for the hydrodynamic cavitation

intensity. Unfortunately, the measured sound pressure values are small in
comparison with the implosion pressure. Hence, if erosion inception is to
be determined, the absolute local material stressing (e.g. expressed via the


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

implosion pressure) is to be related to the cavitation resistance of the
material used.

If the noise is measured at a defined spatial point, the sound power of the
source can be calculated basing on the acoustic characteristics of the
space concerned. By estimations of the acoustic efficiency (ratio of the
radiated acoustic power to the mechanical power of the implosion
process), the implosion pressure can be calculated approximately. Then
the material stressing can be compared with the fatigue strength of the

Figure 18 shows the relationship between measured erosion and

implosion pressures calculated from fluid-borne noise measurements.
Since the absolute material stressing occurs due to the implosion
pressure, the results from very different test setups can be entered into the
diagram. In the case of drop impact erosion, the impact pressure can be
calculated from p i = cρ w .

Using the data given in [27], a surprisingly good agreement with Figure
18 is found.


Fig. 18 Specific erosion power as a function of implosion pressure

Solid-borne noise measurements

When carrying out fluid-borne noise measurements, it is necessary to

bore a hole in the inlet casing in order to fit the pressure transducer.
Solid-borne noise measurements, on the other hand, can be accomplished
very simply on the outer wall of the pump casing without any penetration
into the system being necessary. Hence the measurement of solid-borne
noise is to be recommended as an effective approach. As applies for fluid-
borne noise measurements, such measurements should be made in a
broad frequency band.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Figure 19 shows the solid-borne noise in the 10 to 30 kHz range and the
fluid-borne noise measured simultaneously as a function of the cavitation
coefficient. The curves of both fluid-borne and solid-borne noise have
similar features as regards cavitation.

Fig. 19 Fluid-borne and solid-borne noise − high-pressure pump

In Figure 20 the specific erosion power is shown as a function of the

solid-borne noise values measured [3, 4, 11, 22]. No universal
relationship can be derived between erosion and measured acceleration.
This is also not to be expected, since the transfer of the water-borne noise


into the casing wall and the transmission of solid-borne noise in the
casing are dependent on the geometry and on the material (Figure 21).
However, for a given system, there is a correlation between erosion and
solid-borne noise.

Fig. 20 Specific erosion power as a function of the solid-borne noise


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 21 Sophisticated design and modern materials technology are particularly
called for when cavitation cannot be completely avoided
due to the given operating conditions

In order to obtain a relationship, which is generally applicable between

erosion and casing wall acceleration, an attempt can be made to calculate
the fluid-borne noise from the measured acceleration basing on simple
acoustic models. The statistical energy analysis method provides such a
possibility [15]. It is based on the assumptions that the acoustic field in
the liquid is of the broad band type and moreover diffuses and high
frequency. Furthermore, it is assumed that in the frequency range under
consideration there is a large number of independent modes, both of the
fluid-filled space and also of the surrounding wall.

ρ pC L  R hD  η 
NL = CVρ h 1 + . 1 + 
3π ρ C  L h  η 21 

ρ Cσ rad
η 21 =
ρ phω

When using this method, the specific erosion power as function of the
solid-borne sound (Figure 20) is transferred by calculation into the
specific erosion power as a function of the fluid-borne sound (Figure 22),
it is clear that the groups of data from the solid-borne measurements now
group themselves round the erosion correlation as a function of the fluid-
borne sound. This is particularly to be noted for the tests carried out on
airfoils [4] (for these tests, it was not considered appropriate to normalize
the CNL to the reference blade number).


Fig. 22 Specific erosion power as a function of the fluid-borne noise

Since the acoustic models utilized are approximate and sound absorption
as well as sound transmission are dependent on many parameters
including pipeline connections and foundations, the degree of uncertainty
and the amount of scatter associated with this calculation method are
considerable. In addition, the measured data have been obtained from


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

various frequency bands since to date no unified measurement technique
has come into being.

The precision of the process could be considerably improved if it were

possible to measure the transfer functions between sound-borne and fluid-
borne noise or at least spectra of such could be measured and the
calculation carried out for each band.

The use of an acoustic model for the calculation of the fluid-borne noise
from the solid-borne noise also has the advantage that the implosion
pressure can be estimated and thus a value of absolute material loading is

Measurements of the solid-borne noise spectrum indicate that the low

frequency parts of it are of little account. Hence, here no attempt was
made to establish a background level for solid-borne noise. The solid-
borne noise level, however, was transformed to a reference blade number,
since the number of noise sources (blades) must have a significant

Relative erosion intensity

Since, to a first approximation, the sound pressure in the fluid is

proportional to the measured acceleration, the same exponents for
acceleration and sound pressure could be expected in the following

PER ~ CNLx ~ CV y

According to the measurements, [12], x = y = 2.92 would apply. Hence,

for optimization purposes, a relative erosion intensity can be derived.
This is defined as the erosion rate at a particular flow rate, referred to the
erosion rate at the best point (or at any other reference point).
2.92 2.92
E (Q)  CNL (Q)   CV (Q) 
ε≡ R =  = 
E R (Qref )  CNL (Qref )   CV (Qref ) 

This relationship allows the erosion risk to be estimated at different loads

under different operating conditions (e.g. temperatures, gas content, inlet
pressure) or, after modifications (when the original condition was


measured previously) without the necessity of having to calculate to
absolute values.

This procedure can, for example, be appropriate when another frequency

range was used for the measurements.

Erosion rate and material loss

The possibilities of obtaining quantitative cavitation diagnosis basing on

solid-borne or fluid-borne noise measurements are represented in
Figure 23. According to this, a relatively simple diagnosis instrument can
be constructed on the basis of solid-borne noise measurements. This
instrument can also carry out all necessary cumulated operations. When
determining erosion rate or load-dependent cumulated material loss, the
following sources of error and uncertainties are to be taken into account:

Location of bubble implosion (on the impeller vanes within the

Air precipitation
Cavitation noise from foreign sources (for example valves,
diffuser and labyrinths)
High background noise level masked by progressive cavitation
Impossibility of accurate determination of background noise level
during measurement on installations
Uncertain determination of the acoustic cavitation pressure when
it is only higher than the background noise level with a small


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 23 Diagnosis possibilities available using fluid-borne and solid-borne noise

Fig. 24 Sheet and groove erosion on a pump impeller


Fig. 25 Pump impeller showing cavitation erosion



Up to now, digital acoustic emission analysis (AEA) has been used

with success over a wide range of industrial applications. Figure 26
shows sound level measurements of centrifugal pump equipped with
5 blades impeller, the increase in sound level due to cavitation is clear.
The (AEA) has proved to be a good tool for early detection and
surveillance of cavitation damage. Also, the vibration measurements and
analysis has been used long time for the cavitation detection. This text is
not intended to cover this aspect, the reader may find detailed information
in reference [21].


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Fig. 26 Sound level at frequencies 28600 and 14300 CPM
at impeller speed equals 2860 (5 blades)


Fig. 27 AEA facility for cavitation investigation


1- A knowledge of the cavitation characteristics of pumps is the

most important prerequisite of any cavitation problem

2- Second in importance is the knowledge of existing suction

conditions of the plant at the time the pump selection is made.

3- An increase of suction pipe size, reduction of suction pipe length,

elimination of turns, provision of a good suction bell - in other
words, reduction of losses in the suction pipe - improve the
suction conditions of a pump with regard to cavitation.

4- An increase in the number of vanes in high specific speed pumps,

or the removal of parts of the vanes and opening the passages in
the impeller eye of low specific speed pumps, will reduce the
minimum suction head to meet fixed head-capacity conditions.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

5- An ample suction approach area without excessive
prerotation and a better streamlining of impeller approach
are essential to obtain optimum cavitation characteristics of
a pump.

6- Special materials may be used to reduce the pitting of pump parts

due to cavitation, when justified, or when it is impossible to
eliminate cavitation by any other means.

7- The impeller velocities, impeller vane load, and head per stage
should be low for minimum suction head. All these factors lead to
a bigger pump operated at a low speed, and possibly to location of
the operating point to the left of the b.e.p.

8- A low impeller inlet angle β 1 leads to a reduction of NPSH

requirements particularly at partial capacities.

9- A uniform velocity distribution through the impeller eye is

important to obtain a minimum NPSH condition. Figure 28
shows a test of the same impeller in two casings; one has a
straight tapered suction nozzle (full lines), the other has a
flat elbow inlet nozzle (dotted lines). The advantages of the
straight suction nozzle as to cavitation are quite obvious.


Fig. 28 Effect of suction nozzle on NPSH requirements. 3-in. pump, 3500 rpm.
Full lines: straight end suction;
Dotted lines: flat elbow suction nozzle

References “Appendix II”

1. ABBOT, P., “Acoustic and Vibration Techniques for Cavitation Monitoring

EPRI AP-5385”, Sept. 1987. MEYER, E., NEUMANN, E. G., Physikalische und
Technische Akustik, Vieweg Verlag, 1967.
2. AVELLAN, F. and KARIMI, A., “Dynamics of Vortex Cavitation
Involved in the Erosion of Hydraulic Machines”, Proceedings 7th Conference on
Erosion by Liquid and Solid Impact, Cambridge, Sept. 1987.
3. AVELLAN, F., DUPONT, P. and FRAHAT, M., “Cavitation Erosion Power”,
ASME-JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, Portland, June 1991.
“Vibratory Characteristics of Erosive Cavitation Vortices Downstream of a Fixed
Leading Edge Cavity”, IAHR Symposium, Belgrade 1990, Paper H3.
5. CANAVELIS, R. and GRISON, P., “Aspects industriels de la cavitation”,
Revue française de Mécanique, 1986, No. 4, pp. 171-181.
6. CHAHINE, G.L., “Pressure Generated by a Bubble Cloud Collapse”, ASME
Cavitation Forum, St. Louis 1982, pp. 27-30.
7. CSANADY, G.T., “Theory of Turbomachines”, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
8. DURRER, H., “Cavitation Erosion and Fluid Mechanics”, Sulzer Technical
Review, Vol. 68, No. 3, 1986, pp. 55-61.
9. FLORJANCIC, D., “Experimentelle Kavitationsuntersuchungen an einer
Kreiselpumpe”, Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Zurich, 1970
10. FRANKLIN, R.E. and McMILLAN, J., “Noise Generation in Cavitating Flows
of Submerged Jets”, ASME Intl. Symposium on Cavitation Noise, Phoenix (AZ),
Nov. 1982.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

11. GÜLICH, J.F., “Bestimmung der Kavitationserosion in Kreislepumpen auf
Grund der Blasenfeldlänge und des Kavitationsschalls”, Thesis, Technische
Hochschule, Darmstadt, 1989.
12. GÜLICH, J.F., “Diagnosis of Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps”, Sulzer
Technical Review, Vol. 74, No. 1, 1992, pp. 29-35.
13. GÜLICH, J.F., “Guidelines for Prevention of Cavitation in Centrifugal
Feedpumps”, EPRI Report GS-6398, Nov. 1989.
14. HAMMITT, F.G., “Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Phenomena”, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1980.
15. HECKL, M. and MÜLLER, H.A., “Taschenbuch der Technischen Akustik”,
Springer Verlag, 1975.
16. HUTTON, S.P. and FURNESS, R.A., “Thermodynamic Scale Effects in
Cavitating Flows and Pumps”, Proceedings of I. Mech. Eng. Conference:
Cavitation, Sept. 1974, Edinburgh.
17. KATO, H. et al., “Mechanism and Scaling of Cavitation Erosion”, 12th
Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, 1978, pp. 452-469.
18. KNAPP, R.T. and DAILY, J.W., “Cavitation”, Eng. Soc. Monograph,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970.
19. LAKSHMINARAYANA, B., “Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of
Turbomachines”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.
20. LEDUC, D. and WEGNER, M., “Méthodes d’approche du bruit engendré par la
cavitation”, La Houille Blanche, 1985, No. 8, pp. 697-708.
21. NERZ, K.P., “Early Detection and Surveillance of Material Damaging Processes
by Digital Acoustic Emission Analysis”, Sulzer Technical Review, Vol. 68,
No. 3, 1986, pp. 62-64.
22. OKAMURA, T. et al., “Intensity of Cavitation Erosion in Centrifugal Pumps
Operating at Low Flow Rate”, ASME Conference on Cavitation Hydraulic
Structures and Turbomachinery, Albuquerque, 1985, pp. 63-70.
23. PEARSALL, I.S., “New Developments in Hydraulic Design Techniques”,
Proceedings of Pumps Conference: Inter-Flow 1978.
24. RAMAMURTHY, A.S. et al., “Velocity Exponent for Erosion and Noise
Due to Cavitation”, ASME J. of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 101, March 1979,
pp. 69-75.
25. RAYAN, M.A., MAHGOB, M. and HASABO, N., “Cavitation Erosive Wear in
Centrifugal Pump Impeller”, ASME Cavitation and Multi-Phase Flow Forum,
Publication ASME, July 1987.
26. RAYAN, M.A., “Experimental Study of the Cavitation Erosion in Centrifugal
Pump Impeller”, Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Publication ASME,
FED Vol. 23, 1985, pp. 82-83.
27. RIEGER, H., “Kavitation und Erosion”, VDI-Bericht No. 354, 1979, pp. 139-
28. ROSS, D., “Mechanics of Underwater Noise”, Pergamon Press, 1976.
29. STAHL, H.A. and STEPANNOF, A.J., “Thermodynamic Aspects of Cavitation
in Centrifugal Pumps”, Trans. ASME, Vol. 78, 1956, pp. 1691-1693.
30. STEPANOFF, A.J., “Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps”, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1975.
MASENDORF, G., “The Avoidance of Cavitation Damage”, (ed. W.J. Bartz) (in
German), 1990, English translation Maxwell, A.J. (ed. Turton, R.K.), 1993, MEP,


32. TURTON, R.K., “Principles of Turbomachinery”, 2nd edition, Chapman & Hall,
London, 1995.
33. VARGA, J.J., SEBESTYEN, G. and FAY, A., “Detection of Cavitation by
Acoustic and Vibration-Measurement Methods”, La Houille Blanche, 1969,
No. 2, pp. 137-149.
34. WISLICENUS, G.F., “Fluid Mechanics of Turbomachinery”, Dover Publication
Inc., New York, 1965.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬





1.1 Velocity Diagram:

The velocity of the fluid particle moving through an impeller channel must
satisfy the vectorial relationship.

→ → →
C = W +U


C : is the absolute velocity

W : is the relative velocity tangent to the blade
U : is the tangential velocity

2 ω.r = C
60 W Cr

N : the revolution per minute Cu

D : the rotor diameter = 2r U
ω : the angular velocity

Cr : the radial component of the absolute velocity

Cu : the tangential component of the absolute velocity
β : the blade angle
α : the angle between the tangential direction and the absolute velocity

The power generated from or by turbomachine rotor is defined by:

Power = ∫∫ r .ω C . d Q m

U 2 C u2 − U 1 C u1
The theoretical head generated Ho =
(U 2
1 −U 2
2 ) + (W
− W12 )
The degree of reaction σ =
1 − C22 ) + (U 12 − U 22 ) + (W22 − W12 )

1.2 Coefficients and Efficiencies:

1.2.1 Circulatory Flow Coefficient

η∞ = C u / Cu
2 2

where (the prime) to define the actual tangential velocity.

1.2.2 Manometric efficiency (Pump)

actual measured head H

η man. = = a
head imparted to fluid by impeller H o

1.2.3 Mechanical efficiency

γ .QH o
η mech. = / BHP (Pump)
γ .QH o
η mech. = BHP / (Turbine)
Const .

1.2.4 Hydraulic efficiency (Turbine)

η hyd . = H o / H av


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Solved Examples
Example (1)

Derive an expression for the head created by the centrifugal forces only in a
rotating element containing fluid such as pump impeller.


From Newton's second law of


F = M.a = M r ω2

Consider a small element dM

dF = dM r ω2

where dF is the force produced due

to the rotation of the mass dM in
radial direction ∂P = .


∂ P = ∂ r.r dφ .d z.ρ .rω 2 / d A (1)

and dA = r dφ dz, i.e.

∂P = ρω 2 r∂ r (2)

Now apply Newton's second law of Motion on the Z direction, we obtain:

 ∂P 
P.r.dr.dφ −  P + dz r.d r.dφ − ρ g.r.d r.dφ .dz = 0
 ∂ z 

= −ρ g (3)

Note that P is a function of r.z

∂P ∂P
dP = dr + dz (4)
∂r ∂z

From equations (2), (3) and (4):

dP = ρω 2 r.dr − ρg.dz

Integrate from r1 to r2

ρω 2
P2 − P1 =
− r12 + ρ g (Z 1 − Z 2 )

P2 − P1 represents the increment in total pressure due to centrifugal forces only. The
last formula is important to the study of turbomachine. If Bernoulli's equation is
applied, ( P2 − P1 ) equals the difference in potential kinetic energy.

Example (2)

Starting from Bernoulli's equation for a steady flow, determine the head
developed by a turbomachine.


Applying Bernoulli's equation on the relative path:

Consider also that the axis of reference rotate with the rotating element in such way,
that we can consider that there is no power gained from the machine and vice-versa
no power induced to the machine.

 P1 W 12   P2 W 22 
 + + V  =  + +V  (1)
 ρg 2g 1  ρg 2g 2

V1 and V2 represent the potential energy, which include the effect of

centrifugal forces, which is calculated previously in the last example.

P1 P2 W22 − W12 ω 12 r12 − ω 22 r22
− = + + Z 2 − Z1
ρg ρg 2g 2g (2)
U = ωr

Applying Bernoulli's equation on the absolute path:

P C2   P1 C 12 
Ho =  2 + 2 + Z2  −  + + Z1  (3)
 ρg 2 g   ρg 2 g 

From equations (2) and (3), we can find:


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

C 22 − C 12 W12 − W 22 U 22 − U 12
Ho = + + (4)
2g 2g 2g

which is the general equation for the power delivered by the turbomachine.

The above equation could be also represented on the following form:

W 2 = U 2 + C 2 − 2UC cos α 2

Substitute in equation (4):

C 2U 2 cos α 2 − C1U 1 cosα 1

Ho =

Example (3)

A pump impeller rotating at 1400 rpm has an outside radius of 21 cm, the vane
outlet angle β2 is 158° and the radial velocity at the outlet Cr2 is 4 m/s. Assuming
radial flow at inlet, draw the theoretical outlet velocity diagram and calculate the
various velocities and angles. What is the theoretical head Ho assuming that the
circulatory flow coefficient η∞ = 1.


β 2 = 158°
2π N
ω= = 146.6 rad/s
U 2 = ω r2 = 146.6 × 0.21 = 30.8 m/s
C r2 4
W2 = = = 10 .66 m/s
sin (180 − β 2 ) sin 22 °
C r2
Cu2 = U 2 −
tan (180 − β 2 )
= 30.8 − = 20.9 m/s
tan 22°
2 2
C 2 = C r 2 + Cu 2
i.e. C2 = (4)2 + (20.9)2 = 21.3 m/s
C r2
α 2 = tan −1 = 10 ° 5 0 ′
C u2
U 2 C u 2 − U 1 C u1 U 2 C u2
Ho = =
g g

30 .8 × 20 .9
Ho = = 65 .6 m
9 .81

Example (4)

In the preceding example; assume a deviation of 10° applied to β2 due to

circulation after the modern theory, draw the velocity diagram and find the theoretical
head Ho assuming radial flow at inlet, neglecting the deviation in inlet velocity

Assuming that the mechanical efficiency ηmech = 0.95, the hydraulic (or
manometric) efficiency ηman = 0.8, find the required power to drive the pump. Also,
calculate the water horsepower. The flow is 30 lit/s.


C u2
η∞ =
C u2

i.e. C u 2 = 0.8 × 20.9 = 16.7 m/s

U 2 C u2 30.8 × 16.7
Ho = = = 52.5 m
g 9.81
γ Q Ho
η mech =
75 B.H .P.
1000 × 0.030 × 52.5
B.H .P. = = 22.1 hp
75 × 0.95

The power required to drive the pump = 22.1


actual measured head H

η man = = a
head imparted to the fluid by impeller H o

γ Q Ha 1000 × 0.030 × 52.5 × 0.80

W .H .P. = = = 16.8 hp
75 75

Example (5)

A turbine rotates at 150 rpm and discharges 0.8 m3/s. The radial velocity at
inlet Cr1 = 2 m/s and equals 6 m/s at exit. The physical data are: r1 = 0.5 m, r2 = 0.2 m,


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

α1 = 15°, β2 = 135°, Z1 = Z2, the pressure head at exit is 6 m. Assuming a loss of head
of 2 m, calculate:

a) The head, power delivered by the turbine, (no draft tube are used) neglect
circulatory flow and hydraulic losses.
b) The pressure head at entrance.
c) The degree of reaction.


2π N
ω= = 15.7 rad/s
U 1 = ω r1 = 7.85 m/s
U 2 = ω r2 = 3.14 m/s
C r2
Cu 2 = −U 2
tan (180 − β 2 )
= 6 − 3.14 = 2.86 m/s
C U − C u 2U 2
H o = u1 1 = 5.05 m

γ Q Ho
Power = = 53.9 hp

b) Applying Bernoulli's equation between (1) and (2):

P1 C2 P C2
+ Z 1 + 1 − H loss − H o = 2 + Z 2 + 2 (Z 1 = Z 2 )
ρg 2g ρg 2g
2 2
C12 = C u1 + C r1 = 57.65 m 2 /s 2
2 2
C 22 = C u 2 + C r 2 = 44.18 m 2 /s 2
P1 57.65 44.18
+ − 2 − 5.05 = 6 +
ρ g 2 (9.81) 2 (9.81)

i.e. pressure head at entrance P1 / ρg = 12.36 m

 P1   P 
 + Z 1  −  2 + Z 2 
 ρg   ρg 
c) The degree of reaction =
In this case, we must subtract the entry losses from P1 / ρg to obtain the real
pressure head at entrance.

(12.36 − 2 ) − 6
σ = = 0.864

The turbine is reaction type.

N.B.: We can find the same value for σ using the following form of σ:

(U 1− U 22 ) + (W22 − W12 )

(U12 − U ) + (W22 − W12 ) + (C12 − C22 )


W12 = U 12 + C12 − 2U 1C u1
= 61.62 + 57.65 − 2 × 7.46 × 78.5 = 2.146

i.e. W1 = 1.465 m/s

W22 = U 22 + C 22 − 2U 2 C u 2 = 36.08
W2 = 6 m/s

(61.62 − 9.86) + (36 − 2.1)
(61.62 − 9.86 ) + (36 − 2.1) + (57.6 − 44.18)
σ = 0.864

Example (6)

It is desired to pump 100 lit/s of water to the top of a cooling tower, the
required manometric head was 19 meters. A radial centrifugal pump type was selected
to give the required manometric head. The pump technical data are as following:
impeller outside diameter D2 = 21 cm, vane outlet angle β2 = 158°, impeller tip width
= 5 cm and rotating speed N = 1750 rpm. Find the following:

a) The theoretical head, manometric (hydraulic) efficiency, the required power

to drive the pump if the mechanical efficiency ηmech = 0.95. Neglect the
circulatory flow.

b) If the circulatory flow coefficient is 0.8, find the tangential component of

the absolute velocity at exit due to the modern theoryCu2. Also, calculate
the deviation angle δ.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬


U 1 C u1 − U 2 C u 2 U 2 C u2
a) Ho = =
g g
2π N
ω= = 183.25 rad/s
U 2 = ω r2 = 183.25 * 0.21 / 2 = 19.24 m/s
C r2
Cu2 = U2 −
tan (180 − β 2 )
Q 0.1
Cr2 = = = 3.03 m/s
π D2 b2 π × 0.21 × 0.05

Cu2 = 19.24 − 7.5 = 11.74 m/s

19.24 × 11.74
Ho = = 23 m

actual head measured 19

η man = = = 0.83
head imparted to the fluid by the impeller 23
γ QH o
η mech =
75 B.H .P.
1000 × 0.1 × 23
∴ B.H .P. = = 32.2 hp
0.95 × 75

C u2
b) η∞ =
C u2

C u 2 = 0.8 × 11.74 = 9.39 m/s

C r2
Cu2 = U 2 −
tan (180 − β 2′ )
C r2 3.03
tan(180 − β 2′ ) = = = 0.307
U 2 − C u2 19 .24 − 9 .29

β 2′ = 162° 54′

δ = β 2′ − β 2 = 4° 54′

1- Determine the expression of the degree of reaction and show that the propeller
pump is a reaction machine.

2- A turbine rotates at 100 rpm and discharges 0.84 m3/s, the hydraulic efficiency
under these conditions is 75.5 %. The physical data are: r1 = 0.46 m, r2 = 0.22 m,
α1 = 15°, β2 = 135°, A1 = 0.12 m2, A2 = 0.078 m2. Neglect the circulatory flow
coefficient and take the mechanical efficiency ηmech = 0.95. Determine the power
delivered by the turbine.
( 39 HP )

3- A centrifugal pump rotates at 600 rpm. The following data are taken: r1 = 5.08 cm,
r2 = 20.3 cm, radial area A1 = 769 cm2, radial area A2 = 295 cm2, β1 = 135°,
β2 = 120° and assume radial flow at entrance to blades. Neglecting friction,
calculate the relative velocities at entrance and exit and the power transmitted to
the water.

4- A reaction turbine is working under a head of 25 meters running at 300 rpm. The
velocity of the periphery of the wheel is 30 m/s and the radial velocity Cr1 is 4 m/s.
If the hydraulic losses are 20 % of the available head and the discharge is radial,
i) the inlet angle β1 and guide blade angle at inlet α1.
ii) the rotor diameter.
(170° 18′, 31° 27′, 1.9 m)

5- An impeller rotating at 1150 rpm has the following dimensions:

b1 = 3.175 cm b2 = 1.9 cm
D1 = 17.8 cm D2 = 38 cm
β1 = 162° β2 = 160°
(b1, b2 are the passage widths at inlet and outlet, respectively).
Cross-sectional area A = π D b (if vane thickness is neglected). Assuming radial
inlet flow and neglecting vane thickness draw the virtual velocity diagrams and
calculate the rated capacity in lit/min and the virtual head neglecting the
circulatory flow.

6- A pump impeller is 0.3 m in diameter, discharges 0.15 m3/s when running at

1200 rpm. The blade angle β2 is 160° and the exit area A2 is 0.023 m2. Assuming
losses of 2.8 (W22 /2g) and 0.38 ( C 22 /2g), compute the efficiency of the pump (exit
area A2 is measured normal to W2).
(62.1 %)

7- A centrifugal pump having an effective blade angle at outlet of 135° is required to

lift water against a head of 22 m, the speed of the shaft being 800 rpm and the
velocity of flow is 2 m/s. Calculate the diameter of impeller required if:
(i) The whole of the energy corresponding to velocity of wheel at exit is wasted.
(ii) 40 % of this energy is converted into useful pressure energy.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Neglect friction in case (ii). State also the width of the mouth of the impeller if the
discharge is 150 lit/s. Blade thickness may be disregarded.
(0.546 m, 0.476 m, 0.05 m)

8- An inward flow reaction turbine discharges radially and the velocity of flow is
constant and equal to the velocity of discharge from the suction tube. Show that the
hydraulic efficiency can be expressed by:

ηh =
0.5 tan 2 α 1
 tan α 1  
  − 1
 tan β 1  

where α1 and β1 are the guide and vane angles at inlet.

(A.M.I.E., May 1969)

9- A centrifugal pump has 50 cm outside diameter and 25 cm inside diameter rotating

at 1000 rpm. The vanes are set forward at an angle of β2 = 45°. If the radial
velocity of the water through the wheel be maintained constant at 2 m/s, find the
angle of the vanes at inlet, the velocity and the direction of the water at exit and the
work done by the wheel per kg of water.




2.1 Hydraulic Similarity

L model
a- Geometric similitude: = L ratio
L prototype

b- Kinematic similitude: Vmodel / Vprototype = Vm / Vp = Lr / Tr

c- Dynamic similitude: Fmodel / Fprototype = Mm.am / Mp.ap

2.2 Application of Dimensional Analysis in Turbomachines

Apply the Buckingham π theorem considering a series of geometrically

similar pumps or turbines of different sizes but having similar flow patterns.

The following π terms can be found:

π1 = gHo / D2N2 Manometric coefficient.
π2 = Q / ND Analogue to discharge coefficient.
π3 = ND2 / ν Reynolds number.

2.3 Reynolds Number Effect

To avoid the problems arise when a machine is originally designed at certain

Reynolds number and tested in the shop at different Reynolds numbers, the following
formula is used:
1 − η1  Re 2 
= 
1 − η2  Re1 
where n varies from 0.1 to 0.25.

2.4 Affinity Laws

For the same machine at different speeds and flows:

H1 / H2 = (N1 / N2)2 ( Q1 / Q2 = N1 / N2 )


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Q1 / Q2 = ( H1 / H2 )1/2

2.5 Non-Dimensional Coefficients

- Specific Speed: Universal Ns =
( gH )3 / 4
- Pressure Coefficient φ = H / (U22 / 2g)
- Flow Coefficient ψ = (Q / A) / U

D ( gH )
1/ 4
- Specific Diameter Dsp =

Solved Examples
Example (1)

 N Q 
Show that the specific speed expression  N s =  depends upon the

 ( gH )3/ 4 

proportions of the wheel rather than the operating speed, consider pump impeller and
radial flow.


N ( Q)

Ns = (1)
( gH ) 3/ 4

Q = A1 C r1 = π . D1b1 C r1
= π . D1b1U 1 tan(180 − β1 )

i.e. Q = π 2 D12 tan (180 − β 1 ) b1 N (2)

C u2 U 2
H= radial flow at inlet.
U2  Cr2 
= U 2 − 
g  tan(180 − β2 ) 

Q Q π 2 D12 tan (180 − β 1 ) b1 N

C r2 = = = (3)
A2 π .D2 b2 π .D2 b2

U 22  π 2D12 tan (180 − β 1 ) b1 N 

i.e. H= 1 − 
g  π .D2 b2 tan (180 − β 2 )π D2 N 

π 2 D22 N 2   tan (180 − β 1 ) 

D   b1
H= 1 −  1     (4)
g   D2   b2  tan (180 − β 2 ) 

From equations (4), (2) and (1), we find:

Ns =
N π 2 D12 tan (180 − β 1 ) b1 N ]1/ 2

3/ 4
 D  tan (180 − β 1 )  
  b1
(π 2 2
D N )
2 3/ 4
1 −  1     
 tan (180 − β 2 )  
  D 2   b2


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

D1 b1
tan (180 − β 1 )
D2 D2
i.e. Ns = 3/ 4
 D  tan (180 − β 1 ) 
  b1
π 1 −  1    
  D2   b2  tan (180 − β 2 ) 

Example (2)

A centrifugal pump pumps water at 0.240 m3/s rotating at 1200 rpm, a

prototype pump using 10 lit/s is to be tested. If the diameter of the model is 3 times
the diameter of the prototype, at what speed should the prototype run, if the pump
pumps oil at a head of 30 meters. What would be the required power to drive the
model and the prototype? Take the model efficiency = 0.8.


π1 = =
ND 3 1 ND 3 2

0.240 0.01
= N = 1350 rpm
1200 (3 )

gH gH
π2 = 2 2
= 2 2
N D 1 N D 2

30 H2
= H 2 = 3.75 m
(1200) ( 3)
2 2
(1350) 2

γ Q1 H 1 1000 × 0.240 × 30
P1 = = = 120 hp
75 η 75 × 0.8

0 . 25
1 − η1  D 2 
= 
1 − η 2  D1 

0 . 25
1 − 0.80  1 
=  η2 = 0.736
1 − η2  3

1000 × 0.01× 3.75

P2 = = 0.68 hp
75 × 0.736

Example (3)

It is required to construct a hydraulic turbine (inward Francis type) for a

hydraulic power plant to operate under the following conditions: rotating speed
N = 110 rpm, discharge Q = 11 m3/s, the radial velocity at the inlet Cr1 = 2 m/s, the
radial velocity at exit Cr2 = 9.5 m/s and the physical data are: the outside diameter
D1 = 4.5 m, the absolute inlet angle α1 = 15°, the absolute exit angle α2 = 90° (radial
flow at exit). Assume that the potential energy is constant ( Z1 = Z2 ), the pressure
head at exit equal 6 m and the hydraulic losses are 2 m. Calculate:
(i) The head and power delivered by the turbine, (assume no draft tube). Calculate
also the specific speed.
(ii) The pressure head at entrance.
(iii) It's required to construct a prototype to predict the actual machine performance,
the assumed outside diameter D2 of the prototype was 0.3 m and the hydraulic
circuit in the laboratory has the following specifications: Available head = 5.5 m,
Hydraulic efficiency = 0.8. Find the required speed and flow, also calculate the
specific speed Ns.
(B.Sc., Elec. Eng., June 1977)


D1= 4.5 m Cr2 = 9.5 m/s Cr1 = 2 m/s

Q = 11 m3/s N = 110 rpm

i) ω = = 11.5 rad/s
U 1 = ω R1 = 25.9 m/s
C r1 2
C u1 = = = 7.46 m/s
tan α 1 tan 15
Cu U 1 − C u2 U 2
Ho = 1
7.46 × 25.9
Ho = = 19.7 m
1000 × 11 × 19.7
Power = = 2889 hp
N B. H . P.
Ns = = 142
H 5/4

P1 C12 P2 C 22
ii) + + Z1 = + + Z 2 + hloss + ho
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g
2 2
C12 = C u1 + C r1 = 7.7 m/s
C 2 = C r 2 = 9.5 m/s
(7 .7 )
= 6+
(9 .5 )
+ 2 + 19 .7
ρ g 2 * 9.81 2 * 9.81


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

= 29.3 m or 2.9 kg/cm 2

iii) D2 = 0.3 m H2 = 5.5 m ηh = 0.8

N D22
1 N D2 2
19.7 5 .5 × 0 .8
= ∴ N = 780 rpm
(110) (4.5)2 2
N 2 (0.3)

N. D3 1 N. D3 2
11 Q
= ∴ Q = 0.025 m 3 /s
110(4.5) 780(0.3)
3 3

1000 × 0.025 × 5.5 × 0.8

P= = 1.13 hp

N B. H . P.
Ns = = 142
H 5/ 4

Example (4)

A turbine develops 144 HP running at 100 rpm under a head of 7.7 meters.
What power would be developed under a head of 11 meters? At what speed should
the turbine run?


π2 = =
N 2D2 1 N 2D2 2

For the same machine: =
N2 1 N2 2

7 .7 11
2 = N 2 = 120 rpm
(100 ) N 22

P α ρgQH Q α ND3

i.e. P α ND3H

P1 N H
i.e. = 1 1
P2 N 2 H2

144 100 × 7 .7
P2 120 × 11

∴ P2 = 247 HP

Example (5)

At a hydraulic plant the propeller type turbine are rated at 48,000 HP at 82

rpm under a 14 meters head, the diameter is 7 meters, for a geometrical similar
turbine to develop 36,000 HP under a 11 meters head, what speed and diameter
should be used? What percentage change in flow is probable?


γ QH P1 Q1 H 1
P= =
Const . P2 Q2 H 2

Q1 P1 H 2 48,000 11
i.e. = = = 1.05
Q2 P2 H 1 36,000 14

The flow will be reduced by 5 %.

N. D3 1 N. D3 2

N 2 D 23 = N 1 D13
= 0 . 95 × 82 × (7 ) = 26720

N D2 2
1 N D2

H 2 2 2 11
N1 D1 = (82 ) (7 ) = 258874
2 2
N 22 D22 =
H1 14

N 2 D2 = 509

D2 = = 7.25 m


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

N2 = = 70 rpm

1- An impulse wheel at best speed produced 125 HP under a head of 85 m. By what
percent should the speed be increased for a 90 m head? Assuming equal
efficiencies, what power would result?
(2.9 %, 136.1 hp)
2- Assuming the power delivered to a pump is a function of the specific weight of the
fluid, the flow in lit per minute, and the head delivered, establish an equation by
dimensional analysis [power equation].
3- A centrifugal pump discharged 65 lit/min against a head of 17 meters when the
speed was 1500 rpm. The diameter of the impeller was 30 cm and the brake
horsepower was 6 HP. A geometrically similar pump 38 cm in diameter is run at
1750 rpm. Assuming equal efficiencies, what head will be developed? How much
water will be pumped and what brake horsepower will be required?
(37.1 m, 154 1it/min, 31.7 hp)
4- A turbine model, built to a scale of 1:5 was found to develop 4.5 BHP at a speed of
400 rpm under a head of 2 meters. Assuming the overall efficiency of the full-size
turbine = 0.8, find the speed and the power of the full-size turbine under a head of
9 meters.
(169.7 rpm, 1073.8 hp)
5- Seawater of specific gravity 1.03 is to be circulated through condensers by a
propeller pump 120 cm in diameter, it is found that a scale model of the pump
25 cm in diameter gives its best efficiency when pumping 97 lit/s of fresh water
against a head of 4 meters at a speed of 2060 rpm. What should be the speed of the
full size pump to deliver 90 tons per minute and what pressure difference would it
(279.6 rpm, 17177 Pa)
6- A centrifugal pump of diameter 30 cm (throat diameter) running at 1450 rpm
delivers 74 lit/s of water against a head of H = 46 m at optimum efficiency of 81
%. Investigate the operation of the pump handling:
(a) oil of sp. gr. 0.86, viscosity 0.857*10-5 m2/s,
(b) fuel oil of sp. gr. 0.94, viscosity 0.232*10-5 m2/s.
7- The same model pump of Problem (6) is now built to a scale 2.5 times larger and
used to pump oil (b) of the previous problem. Find at a speed of 1450 rpm head
capacity, power, and efficiency at the optimum point.
8- A centrifugal pump of impeller 25 cm diameter revolving at 1450 rpm delivers at
its best efficiency point 29 lit/s of water (ν = 0.9*10-6 m2/s) against a head of 20
meters at an efficiency of 80 percent. A geometrically similar pump is to be built to
produce a head of 25 m when handling oil of specific gravity 0.89 and kinematic
viscosity 4.5*10-5 m2/s at the best efficiency point, at the same speed, what will the
diameter of the pump have to be and what will be the quantity delivered, power
consumption, and efficiency at the same optimum operating point?
(Mans. Univ., B.Sc., 1978)


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬




Blade inlet angle α 1′ Position of

Blade outlet angle α 2′ maximum camber a
Fluid inlet angle α 1 = α 1′ + i Chord l
Fluid outlet angle α 2 = α 2′ + δ Spacing t
Blade camber angle θ ′ = α 1′ − α 2′ Space-chord ratio t/l
Stagger angle ε Solidity l/t
Deflection θ = α1 −α 2
Incidence angle i = α 1 − α 1′
Deviation angle δ = α 2 − α 2′

The head-capacity curve:

H = B U 2 − AU Q

where A and B are constants and equal as follows:

A = (tan α 1 − tan α 2 )

3.2 Cascade Coefficients:

∆ Po
Total pressure loss coefficient ζ =
ρCa 2
Pressure rise coefficient Cp =
ρ Ca 2
Tangential force coefficient Cf = 2 ( tan α1 − tan α2 )
Mean angle tan αm = ½ ( tan α1 + tan α2 )
Lift coefficient CL = 2 ( t/l ) cos αm ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) − CD tan αm
Drag coefficient CD = ζ ( t/l ) cos3 αm
Discharge coefficient ψ = Ca / U
Cascade efficiency η = 1 − ζ ψ/Cf
Deviation from ideal direction δ = α2 − α2'
Nominal deviation δ* = m θ' ( t/l )n

where m = 0.23 (2 a/l)2 + α2*/500

a: the distance of maximum camber from leading edge,
α2* : the nominal exit angle.
n = 0.5 for compressor cascades,
n = 1 for compressor inlet guide vanes.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Solved Examples
Example (1)

A compressor cascade has a space-chord ratio of unity and blade inlet angle of
45°, stagger angle ε = 28°, using the NACA results, Fig (3.5), find the loss coefficient
ζ, Cf, the drag coefficient, the lift coefficient and pressure rise coefficient. Also, find
the pressure rise across the cascade for ρ = 9.5 x 10-6 kg/m3, Ca = 47 m/s. If the above
cascade is for an axial air compressor of tangential velocity U = 150 m/s, find its
efficiency and construct the velocity diagrams (Adapted from Csanady).


Inlet angle α1 = 45°, from Figure 3.5 at α1 − ε = 17°

θ = α1 − α2 = 30°
i.e. α2 = 15°
tan αm = 0.5 ( tan α1 + tan α2 ) αm = 32.37°
CD ( cos2 α1 / cos2 αm ) = 0.055
CD = 0.078
From equation (3.8) Cf = 2 ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) = 1.46
From equation (3.16) CL = 2 ( t/l ) cos αm ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) = 1.24

It is easy to notice that the term CD tan αm can be easily neglected since CD is small
and equals zero for ideal lift.

From equation (3.15) CD = ζ ( t/l ) cos3 αm

ζ = 0.129
From equation (3.9) ζ = Cf tan αm − Cp
Cp = 0.796
From equation (3.1) Cp =
ρ Ca 2
i.e. ∆ P = 1/2 ρ Ca2 Cp
∆ P = 1/2 x 9.5 x 10-6 x (47)2 x 0.796 = 8.35 x 10-3 N/m2
which is corresponding to the static pressure rise or
P / ρg = 8.35 x 10-3 / ( 9.5 x 10-6 x 9.81)
= 89.6 meters of air

∆ Cu = Ca ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) = 34.4 m/s

H = U ∆Cu / g = 526 m
ψ = Ca / U = 0.313
η = 1 − ζ ψ/Cf = 0.97

α2 W2 Ca = 47 m / s
C1 α1 W1


Example (2)

A compressor cascade has a space-chord ratio of unity and blade inlet and
outlet angles of 45° and 15°, respectively. If the blade camber line is a circular arc
(i.e. a/l = 0.5) where a is the distance of maximum camber from leading edge. The
cascade is designed to operate at Howell’s nominal condition. Determine the fluid
deflection, incidence and ideal lift coefficient at the design point (Adapted from


The turning angle θ ′ = α 1′ − α 2′ = 30°

( α 1′ and α 2′ are the blade angles at inlet and outlet)
The nominal fluid outlet angle α 2 * = α 2′ + δ *
From equation (3.28): δ * = mθ ′ (t / l ) n
From equation (3.29): m = 0.23 (2a / l ) 2 + α 2 * / 500
Combining these three equations and solving for α 2 * , the following expression can
be obtained:
α ′ + 0.23 (2a / l ) 2 θ ′ (t / l ) n
α2* = 2
1 − θ ′ (t / l ) n / 500
Putting a / l = 0.5, t / l =1 and n = 0.5, then α 2 * = 23.3°
The nominal deflection θ * = α 1 * −α 2 * ( No turning )
From Figure 3.7: θ * = 24°
Hence α 1 * = 47.3° and the nominal incidence i* = α 1 * −α 1′ = 2.3°
The ideal lift coefficient corresponding to zero drag (i.e. CD = 0.0)
From relation (3.16):
CL = 2 ( t/l ) cos αm ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) − CD tan αm (The second term = 0.0)
= 1.04
Note that angles α1 and α2 correspond to the nominal Howell condition.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Example (3)

Experimental compressor cascade results suggest that the stalling lift coefficient of a
 C1 
cascade blade may be expressed as C L   = 18 . where C1 and C2 are the entry
 C2 
and exit velocities. Find the stalling inlet angle for a compressor cascade of
space/chord ratio of unity if the outlet air angle is 30°. If the total pressure loss
coefficient at zero incidence i = 0 (corresponding to minimum pressure loss) ζ = 0.02,
find the corresponding pressure coefficient.


NOTE: Stall point is arbitrarily specified as the incidence at which the total pressure
loss is twice the minimum loss in total pressure.

Assume α1 = 40° From relation (3.16)

CL = 2 ( t/l ) cos αm ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) − CD tan αm (The second term = 0.0) (1)
tan αm = ½ ( tan α1 + tan α2 ) = 0.708
αm = 35° 18'
Then from equation (1): CL = 0.427

C1 cos α1 = C2 cos α2 = Ca
C1 cos α 2
i.e. =
C 2 cos α 1

C 
C L = 1.8  2  (2)
 C1 
 cos α 1 
C L = 1.8   = 1.51
 cos α 2 
Assume α1 = 48°
tan αm = 0.84 and αm = 40° 06'

From equation (1) CL = 0.82 and from equation (2) CL = 0.83 which is acceptable.

From relation (3.8)

Cf = 2 ( tan α1 − tan α2 )
Cf = 1.066
and ζ stalling equal twice of minimum, i.e. ζ = 2 x 0.02 = 0.04

From relation (3.9)

ζ = Cf tan αm − Cp
i.e. Cp = Cf tan αm − ζ = 0.857

Example (4)

The cascade shown in Figure 3.5, is to be used for an axial flow propeller pump
impeller. The cascade has a space-chord ratio of unity and blade inlet angle of 45° and
stagger angle ε = 28°, find the pressure rise coefficient if the net positive suction head
(total pressure at inlet minus vapor pressure) is 7 meters of water. Specify the
maximum allowable axial velocity with regard to cavitation danger. The maximum
surface velocity may be taken as 25 percent above inlet velocity C1. Also, find Euler
head and the efficiency.


Inlet angle α1 = 45°, from Figure 3.5 at α1 − ε = 17°

θ = α1 − α2 = 30° i.e. α2 = 15°
tan αm = 0.5 ( tan α1 + tan α2 ) αm = 32.37°
CD ( cos2 α1 / cos2 αm ) = 0.055
CD = 0.078
From equation (3.8) Cf = 2 ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) = 1.46
From equation (3.16) CL = 2 ( t/l ) cos αm ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) = 1.24
From equation (3.15) CD = ζ ( t/l ) cos3 αm
ζ = 0.129
From equation (3.9) ζ = Cf tan αm − Cp
Cp = 0.796

From the definition of the NPSH:

 P1 C1 2  Pv
NPSH =  + − =7m
 ρ g 2g  ρ g
The cavitation occurs when P1 ≤ Pv , so to prevent the pump from cavitation danger
C1 2
must be equal or less than 7 meters.
C1 2
i.e. ≤ 7 or C1 = 11.72 m/s then C2 = 8.57 m/s
and the maximum allowable surface velocity being W1 = 1.25 C1
Ca Ca
cos γ 1 = =
W1 1.25 C1
Ca = C1 cos α1 = C2 cos α2 α2 W2
cos α1 γ1
i.e. cos γ 1 = = 0.566 C1 α1 W1
. C2 Ca
and γ 1 = 55° 30'
Maximum Ca = C1 cos α1 = 8.28 m/s

U = Ca ( tan α1 + tan γ 1 ) = 20.34 m/s


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

∆ Cu = Ca ( tan α1 − tan α2 ) = 6.06 m/s
Ho = U ∆ Cu/g = 12.56 m

Discharge coefficient ψ = Ca / U = 0.41

Ideal cascade efficiency based on perfect fluid

η = 1 − ζ ψ/Cf = 1 − 0.129*0.41/1.46 = 96 %

The static pressure rise ∆P / ρg

Cp =
ρ Ca 2
∆ H = C p a = 2.78 m
2 2
C − C2
The change in dynamic head 1 = 3.26 m
The total expected gain = 2.78 + 3.26 = 6.04 m and the hydraulic efficiency =
6.04/12.56 = 0.48 which is low due to the limitation imposed by the NPSH.

1- For the cascade data shown in Example 1, choose the optimum ( ψ / Cf a minimum)
operating point, and find the corresponding pressure rise and tangential force per
centimeter height of blade, if axial velocity of 80 m/s, density of 9.5*10-6 kg/m3,
blade spacing 10 cm.
(0.022 Pa, 3.04 x 10-5 N/cm)

2- Explore one or two other possible choices of stagger angle in Example 1 with a
view to ascertaining the most favorable design possibility with regard to efficiency.

3- A compressor cascade has the following data of t/l = 1.0, α1' = 45°, α2' = 15°. The
nominal conditions were θ* = 24° and i* = 2.3, the off-design performance of this
cascade is required at an incidence i = 3.8° ( referring to Fig. 3.8 ).

4- A compressor cascade has a space-chord ratio of unity, blade angle of 45° and
stagger angle ε = 28°, find the loss coefficient, the drag coefficient, the lift
coefficient, and the pressure rise coefficient. Also, find the pressure rise across the
cascade for ρ = 0.00001 kg/m3, Ca = 47 m/s (using NACA data: θ = α1 − α2 = 30°
and CD cos2 α1 / cos2 αm = 0.0065).
( B.Sc., Mans. Univ., 1982 )



‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬



4.1 Centrifugal Pumps (Performance Curve)

Theoretical head:

(U C cosα
1 1 1 − U 2 C2 cosα 2 )
Ho =
Assuming radial inlet and substitute C 2 cos α 2 by U 2 + (C r 2 / tan β 2 )

U 22 U 2 Cr2
Ho = + and Q = π . D2 b2 C r2
g g tan β2


U 22 U2 Q
Ho = +
g g π . D2 b2 tan β2

4.2 Efficiencies and Coefficients of Centrifugal Pumps:

H a (measured head )
ηm = Manometric efficiency =

γ QH o
ηmech. = Mechanical efficiency =
Const. × BHP

ηoverall = ηmech. . ηm

Head imparted to the

BHP fluid by the impeller, Ha
Mechanical losses Hydraulic losses
Ho actual head

η mech ηm


ψ = Discharge coefficient =
or Q D 2 . 2 gH( )
Universal specific speed N s = in SI units
( gH ) 3/ 4
The net positive suction head NPSH

NPSH = ± hss − h f − hv

hss : Static suction head
h f : Friction loss
hv : Vapour pressure

Thoma cavitation factor σ =


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

4.3 Design Features of Centrifugal Pumps:

- Leakage Calculation

Q L = C v A p 2 gh

C v = Velocity coefficient
A p = Clearance area
U 22 − U 12
h = Head across the orifice = 0.75

- Disk Friction

Disk friction losses = K. D 2 U 2 ρ

where K is a constant

- Axial Thrust = (P2 − P1 ) π (D12 − Ds2 )

where subscripts 1, 2 and s indicate inlet, exit and shaft, respectively.

16 T
- Shaft diameter Ds = 3
π Ss
T is the torque,
Ss is the allowable shear stress.

- Eye Diameter Do

4 Q
Do2 = + D H2
π Uo

where D H is the hub diameter.

b1 =
π .D1 .ε .C r1

where ε is the contraction ratio.

Then, assume φ between 0.9 and 1.2

φ= to find D2 and assume β2 is slightly lower than β1
2 gH

D2 + D1
The number of blades Z n = 6.5 sin (180 − βm )
D2 − D1
where βm = ( β1 + β2 ) 2

π D − tZn

where t is the impeller thickness.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Solved Examples
Example (1)

Test results on a single stage single suction centrifugal mixed flow type pump
operating at 375 rpm designed to deliver 2.4 m3/min of water are given in curve form
as follows:

Flow (m3/min) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 34
Head (m) 12 11.3 10.6 9.9 9.1 8.2 7.2 5.9 4.9
η (%) 0 23 45 62 75.5 84 88 85 81

a- Plot these curves and draw the BHP curve.

b- On the same sheet, draw the same three curves in dotted lines if the liquid pumped
has a specific gravity of 0.9 but otherwise the same as water, give a brief
discussion of your reason for each curve.
c- Draw the performance curve for the pump when it rotates at 500 rpm.


γ QH 1000 Q H
(a) The horsepower = =
η . Const 60 * 75 * η
Thus the power will be:

B.H.P. 41.8 42.5 42.8 43.3 43.6 43.9 45.7

(b) If the fluid density changes, this should not affect the head-discharge curve, so the
head-discharge will remain constant, the delivery pressure will change only, (P =

The power should be reduced as it could be seen from the power relation.

γ QH
Power =
η.Const .

The efficiency is a relation between the head delivered and the power consumed
which practically will alter (The hydraulic losses will change, as it is a function
of the density and the viscosity of water), but it could be assumed constant.

(c) To draw the performance of the pump at different speeds, one can make use of the
affinity laws as follows:

Q1 N 1 N2 500
= i.e. Q2 = Q1 ∴ Q2 = Q1
Q2 N 2 N1 375

H1 N 12 N   500 

= i.e. H 2 =  2  H 1 ∴H2 =   H1
H 2 N 22  N1   375 

Example (2)

A pump whose performance is given by:

Q (lit/s) 0 150 300 450 600

H (m) 15.5 15 14 12 9

is interposed in a pipe in which the loss in suction pipe = 1/3 loss in delivery line
when the static lift was 6 m, the maximum possible discharge was found to be
300 lit/s. Find the highest possible position of pump above sump level, given that
hv = 0.3 m, hat = 10.3 m, cavitation factor = 0.5. Neglect the effect of kinetic energy
loss in pipe.


The Thoma cavitation factor is defined by:

H sv
σ= where Hsv is the NPSH
i.e. Hsv = 0.5 Hm

The manometric head at Q = 300 lit/s could be taken from the performance curve,
i.e. Hm = 14 m
i.e. Hsv = 14 x 0.5 = 7 m


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Hsv = − hss − h f − hv
7 = 10.3 − hss − h f − 0.3
i.e. hss + h f = 3 (1)

From the figure, we can write:

H m = h f ( suction ) + hss + hsd + h fd (2)
we have: hs = hss + hsd = 6 m
and the losses in suction line equal 1/3 the losses in delivery line. If we put the loss in
delivery line equal h f
i.e. the loss in suction line = h f / 3

Thus, from equation (2):

14 = 6 + h f + h f / 3
=6+ hf
i.e. hf = 6 m

The losses in suction pipe = ×6 = 2 m
From equation (1) hss = 1 m
i.e. the highest possible position of the pump above the sump level would be 1 meter.

Example (3)

During a laboratory test on a pump, appreciable cavitation began when the

pressure plus velocity head at inlet was reduced to 3.26 m while the total head change
across the pump was 36.5 m and the discharge was 48 liters/s. Barometric pressure
was 750 mm Hg and the vapour pressure of water 1800 Pa. What is the value of σc? If
the pump is to give the same total head and discharge in a location where the normal
atmospheric pressure is 622 mm Hg and the vapour pressure of water 830 Pa, by how
much must the height of the pump above the supply level be reduced?
(Mans. Univ., B.Sc., 1978)

H. G.

Hm d
H. G.

(a) Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) and (2):

P1 C 12 P2 C 22
+ + Z1 = + + Z2 + hf , ( C1 = 0 )
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g
From the figure Z 1 = 0 , Z 2 = h ss
P2 C2
+ 2 = 3.26 m (Given)
ρg 2 g
and P1 is the atmospheric pressure Pat, thus:
Pat P C2
= 2 + 2 + h ss + h f (1)
ρg ρg 2 g
Pv = 1800 Pa or 1800 N/m2 or 1800/9.8 = 183.6 kg/m2
Pat = 75*13.6*104/1000 = 10200 kg/m2
i.e. h ss + h f = − 3 . 26 = 6 . 94 m (2)
H sv
We have σ c = and
H sv = at − h ss − h f − h v (3)
hv = = 0 . 1836 m
From equations (2) and (3):
H sv = − 6 . 94 − 0 . 1836 = 3 . 076 m
∴σ c = = 0.0843
(b) Pv = = 84 . 69 kg/m2
9 .8
62 . 2 * 13 . 6 * 10 4
Pat = = 8459.2 kg/m2


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

σ c H m = H sv = − ( h ss + h f ) − h v
8459.2 84.69
3 . 076 = − ( h ss + h f ) −
1000 1000
h ss + h f = 5 . 3 m

From equation (2) if hf does not change:

∴The pump height must be reduced by 6.94 − 5.3 = 1.64 m.

Example (4)

It is required to pump 40 lit/s of water to the top of a cooling tower, the

manometric head was 19 meters, a radial centrifugal pump was selected to develop
the required manometric head, assume the eye diameter equal to the inlet diameter,
the hub diameter DH = 7 cm, the water velocity in the suction pipe Vo = 4 m/s. The
contraction ratios at inlet and exit ε1, ε2 = 0.9, the pressure coefficient φ = 1.08, the
flow coefficient ψ = 0.21, the vane outlet angle β2 = 158°, impeller tip width at inlet =
2.3 cm, the pump is direct driven by an electric motor at a speed of 1750 rpm,
calculate: (assume radial flow at inlet)
i- Approximate eye diameter, vane inlet angle β1.
ii- The theoretical (virtual) head developed, neglect all mechanical losses.
iii- The circulatory flow coefficient, the tangential component of the absolute
velocity Cu2 (after the modern theory) at exit, find also the angle of deviation
(neglect the hydraulic losses).
iv- If the pump is placed 8 meters above the water level in suction line what would
be the NPSH, does the pump cavitate? Calculate also the Thoma cavitation
factor, assume the losses equal to 2.5 meters, the vapour pressure equal to
0.5 m and the atmospheric pressure = 10.3 m.
(Mans. Univ., B.Sc., 1977)


a) Q = AVo =
(D o
− DH

i.e. Do = eye diameter = D1

4 Q 2
D1 = + DH = 0.133 m
π Vo
D1 = 13.3 cm
α 1 = 90°
C Cr
tan (180 − β 1 ) = 1 = 1
U1 U1

C r1 =
π D1 b1ε 1
= = 4.6 m/s
1000 × π × 0.133 × 0.023 × 0.9
4 .6
tan (180 − β 1 ) = = 0.3770
π × 0.133 × 1750
i.e. β 1 = 159° 18'

b) φ=
2 gH
π D2 N
U2 = = 1.08 2 × 9.81 × 19 = 20.85 m/s
D2 = 0.228 m or 22.8 cm
C r2
ψ= = 0.21
2 gH
C r2 = 4.05 m/s
C r2 4.05
Cu2 = U 2 − = 20.85 − = 10.9 m/s
tan (180 − β 2 ) tan 22°

U 2 Cu2
20.85 × 10.9
Ho = = = 23.2 m
g 9.81
γ Q H o 1000 × 40 × 23.2
Power = = = 12.37 hp
Const. 1000 × 75
η= = 0.815

C u2 gH 2 U 2
c) η∞ = = . = 0.815 (Neglecting all mechanical losses and friction
C u2 U 2 gH o
Thus, we can say that η ∞ = η h only if we neglect the mechanical losses and
hydraulic losses in the pump. This is a theoretical case which does not exist

C u 2 = 8.924 m/s
C r2
tan(180 − β 2′ ) =
U 2 − C u2
i.e. β 2′ = 161°15'
δ = β 2′ − β 2 = 161°15'−158° = 3°15'


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

d) NPSH = − hss − h f − hv
= 10.3 − 8 − 2 − 1 = −0.7
i.e., the pump cavitate.

NPSH − 0 .7
σ = = = − 0 .0368
Hm 19

Example (5)

Competitive bids from three companies for a water circulating pump to handle
2000 lit/min of water with a head of 50 meters and operates 8 hours/day, 300
day/year, are as follows:

Company A B C
Price in £ 230 410 260
Efficiency % 71 77 73
Estimated life in years 10 15 10

The annual fixed charges are 20 % of the initial price and the power costs 2 piasters
per kW.hr, which pump could be selected?


γ QH
Water horsepower =
1000 × 2000 × 50
= = 22.2 hp
1000 × 60 × 75

Cost of power = 0.746 x 2 = 1.49 piaster per HP-hr

Company A B C
B.H.P. 31.2 28.8 30.4
B.H.P.-hr/year 74,800 69,100 73,000
Power cost/year 1115 1030 1080
Fixed charges/year 46 82 52
Depreciation 23 27.3 26
Total annual cost 1184 1139 1158

It may be seen from the above example that the total annual cost are about the
same for the bids A, B, and C, despite the differences between their initial prices, but
if the operation time is increased, the bid B will be in a better position.

Example (6)

A pump is to operate 2400 hours a year with a guaranted efficiency of 75 %,

the water horsepower is 50, annual fixed charges including depreciation are 20 % of
the contract price and power costs 2 piasters per BHP-hr. What penalty should be
involved for each point that the efficiency is below the guaranted value?


Guaranted horsepower = 50/0.75 = 66.7

Each point of efficiency below the guaranted efficiency represents = 66.7/75 = 0.89
The extra cost per year = 0.89 x 2400 x 0.02 = 42.72 if the depreciation is 20% of the
contract price.
Thus, the pump is expected to have 5 year life.
The penalty P = 42.72 x 5 = 214 £

Example (7)

A centrifugal pump, which runs at 16.6 rev/s, is mounted so that its centre is
2.4 m above the water level in the suction sump. It delivers water to a point 19 m
above its centre; the friction loss in the suction pipe is 68 Q2 meter and that in the
delivery pipe is 650 Q2 meter where Q in m3/s is the rate of flow. The impeller of the
pump is 350 mm diameter, and the width of the blade passages at outlet is 18 mm.
The blades themselves occupy 5 % of the circumference and are backward facing at
35° to the tangent. At inlet, the flow is radial and the radial component of velocity
remains unchanged through the impeller. Assuming that 50 % of the velocity head of
the water leaving the impeller is converted to pressure head in the volute, and that
friction and shock losses in the pump, the velocity heads in the suction and delivery
pipes are negligible, calculate the rate of flow and the manometric efficiency of the


N =16.6 rev/s
Hs = 2.4 m, Hd = 19 m
Hfs = 68 Q2, Hfd = 650 Q2 19 m
D2 = 35 cm
b2 = 1.8 cm
2.4 m
ε2 = 0.95
β2 = 145°
Cu1 = 0
Cr1 = Cr2


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Cr2 145°

U 2 = π D2 N = 18.25 m/s Cu2


H m = H s + H d + H fs + H fd = 2.4 + 19 + 68 Q 2 + 650 Q 2 = 21.4 + 718 Q 2 (1)

Cr 2 = = = 53.18 Q (2)
π D2 b2ε 2 π (0.35)(0.018)(0.95)
Cr 2 53.18 Q
Cu 2 = U2 − = 18.25 − = 18.25 − 75.95 Q (3)
tan (180° − β 2 ) tan (180° − 145°)
C 22 = C r22 + Cu22 = (53.18 Q) 2 + (18.25 − 75.95 Q) 2
∴ C 22 = 333.1 − 2772.2 Q + 8596.5 Q 2 (4)
C1 = C r1 = C r 2 = 53.18 Q (5)

Applying Bernoulli’s equation between the inlet and exit of impeller:

 P1 C12   P C2 
 + + Z 1  + H o =  2 + 2 + Z 2  + hL ( hL = 0 , Z 1 = Z 2 )
γ 2g  γ 2g 
P2 − P1 C u 2 U 2 C 2 − C1
2 2
= − (6)
γ g 2g

Total pressure rise = Pressure rise in impeller + Gain of pressure in the volute
P − P1 C2
Hm = 2 + 0 .5 2
γ 2g
C U C 0.5 C 22
H m = u2 2 + 1 −
g 2g 2g

From equations (1), (4) and (5):

18.25 (18.25 − 75.95 Q) (53.18 Q) 2 0.5 (333.1 − 2772.2 Q + 8596.5 Q 2 )

21.4 + 718 Q 2 = + −
9.81 2 (9.81) 2(9.81)
792.94 Q 2 + 70.64 Q − 4.06 = 0
∴ Q = 0.0397 m 3 /s

H m = 21.4 + 718 Q 2 = 22.53 m

C U 18.25 (18.25 − 75.95 Q)
H o = u2 2 = = 28.34 m
g 9.81
H 22.53
∴ηm = m = = 0.795
H o 28.34

1- A centrifugal pump lifts water against a static head of 37 m of which 4 m is the
static suction lift. The suction and delivery pipes are both 15 cm diameter, the
head loss in the suction pipe is 2.2 m and in the delivery pipe is 7.25 m. The
impeller is 38 cm diameter, and 2.5 cm wide at the exit. It revolves at 1200 rpm
and its effective exit blade angle is 145°. If the manometric efficiency of the pump
is 82 % and the overall efficiency is 70 %, what discharge would you expect, and
what horsepower would be needed to drive the pump? What would be the pressure
head indicated at the suction and delivery branches of the pump?
(12.8 lit/s, 11.3 hp)

2- If the static lift for a centrifugal pump is hs in meter, speed of rotation N, rpm, and
the exit diameter of the impeller is D meters, show that N = 84.6 hs / D for the
speed at which the pumping begins.
(Mans. Univ., B.Sc., 1980)

3- It is required to deliver 1000 lit/min against a head of 131 m at 3600 rpm.

Assuming acceptable efficiency of pump at specific speeds of the impeller
between 22 and 75 where Q is in m3/s and H in meters, how many pumping stages
should be used?
(3 stages)

4- Gasoline at 100°F is being drawn from a closed tank having a pressure of

0.7 kg/cm2 in a plant located 1000 m above the sea level, the pump centreline is
located 2 m below the gasoline level in the tank. The suction line friction and
turbulence head losses are 0.8 meter. The vapour pressure of the gasoline is
0.5 kg/cm2 and the specific gravity is 0.72, the atmospheric pressure for an
altitude of 1000 m is 68.5 Hg, what is the available suction head of the system?
(3.97 m)

5- A centrifugal pump impeller has an external diameter of 30 cm and discharge area

of 0.108 m2. The blades are bent backwards so that the direction of the relative
velocity at outlet makes an angle of 145° with the tangent to the direction of
impeller rotation. The diameters of the suction and delivery pipes are 30 cm and
22 cm, respectively. Gauges at points on the suction and delivery pipes close to
the pump read heads of 3.6 m below and 18.6 m above atmospheric pressure. The
pump is 1.5 m above sump level and delivers 720 m3/hr of water at 1200 rpm, the
SHP required is 96. Find:
(a) The overall efficiency.
(b) The manometric efficiency, assuming that water enters the impeller
without shock or whirl.
(c) The loss of head in the suction pipe.
(61.7 %, 71.3 %, 1.7 m) (Alex. Univ., B.Sc., 1971)

6- A centrifugal pump impeller is of 250 mm external diameter and 32 mm wide at

exit. The circumference is reduced by 12 % because of the vane thickness. The
vanes are inclined at 140° to the tangent at exit. If the discharge is 2860 lit/min,


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

the hydraulic efficiency is 83 % and the pump revolves at 1000 rpm, calculate the
fraction of the kinetic energy of discharge from the impeller which is recovered in
the volute. Assume no losses in the impeller.
(59 %)

7- A centrifugal pump, having 4 stages in parallel, delivers 180 lit/s of liquid against a
head of 25 m, the diameter of impellers D2 = 23 cm and the speed is 1700 rpm. A
pump is to be made up with a number of identical stages in series to run at
1250 rpm and to deliver 240 lit/s against a head of 250 m. Find the diameter of
the impellers and the number of stages required if these impellers are of similar
construction to those of the first pump.
(5 stages, 44.5 cm)

8- A single-stage centrifugal pump is to be used to pump water through a vertical

distance of 30 m at the rate of 45 liters/s. Suction and delivery pipes will have a
combined length of 36 m, and a friction factor f of 0.006, both will be 150 mm
diameter. Losses at valves, etc., are estimated to total 2.4 times the velocity head
in the pipes. The basic design of pump has a dimensionless specific speed of
0.074 rev, forward curved impeller blades with an outlet angle of 65° to the
tangent and a width of impeller passages at outlet equal to one-tenth of the
diameter. The blades themselves occupy 5 % of the circumference. If a
manometric efficiency (neglecting whirl slip) of 75 % may be expected, determine
a suitable impeller diameter.
(Mans. Univ., B.Sc., 1981)

9- For a specified duty, 55 tons of water per minute are required to be pumped against
a head of 3 meters, it is desired to compare the probable speeds, overall
dimensions of a centrifugal pump and a propeller pump. Give an estimate of these
values assuming that the maximum diameter of the centrifugal pump casing is 2.5
times the impeller diameter and that the maximum diameter of the propeller pump
casing is 1.25 times the propeller diameter.

10- Two centrifugal pumps have the head-discharge characteristic as follows:

(lit/s) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Pump I m (m) 50.0 51.8 50.8 48.0 47.5 32.5 18.3
Pump II m (m) 46.5 45.9 44.2 40.3 40.3 26 17

Both pumps are installed together and are required to pump water through a pipe
15 cm diameter having f = 0.02. Calculate the heads under which pumps are
working and discharges in lit/s pumped by them if:
(a) The pumps are connected in series, static lift is 65 m and suction and delivery
pipes are 800 m long.
(b) The pumps are connected in parallel, static lift is 15 m and suction and
delivery pipes are 360 m long.
(39 m, 31 m, 17.8 l/s; 28 m, 21 l/s, 19 l/s)
11- A pump operating continuously (8760 hours a year) has an efficiency of 70
percent and circulates 8000 lit/min against a head of 100 m. A new pump costing
1000 LE and having an efficiency of 82 % can be purchased. If power costs 2

piasters per kW-hr and the annual fixed charges are 20 percent of the initial cost,
would you advise purchasing the pump?

12- The performance curves of a centrifugal pump are:

Q (lit/s) 50 100 150 200 250 300

H (m) 21 20 19 17.5 15 12.5
ηm (%) 38 67.5 70 83 80 70

When this pump is used with a long pipeline 50 cm diameter, it gave a maximum
discharge as 150 lit/s with static lift 10 meters. If another pipeline 40 cm has the
same length as the first one is used in parallel with the first line, calculate the
approximate pump discharge and SHP. Neglect the effect of suction pipe K.E.,
(f = 0.03 for all pipes).
(B.Sc., Alex. Univ., 1982)

13- A centrifugal pump is used to deliver water from a water main at point A to the
atmosphere at a height of 23 m above pump level. The suction pipe, which is
horizontal is of length 5 m and diameter 5 cm, the delivery pipe has 3 bends
(C = 0.8) and is of length 45 m and diameter 5 cm. If the water is collected in a
tank of dimensions 3 m x 2 m x 2 m, find the minimum time to fill the tank given
that the water main pressure at point A is 2 kg/cm2, coefficient of friction of both
pipes = 0.03, and the performance of the pump is given by:

Q (lit/s) 0 3 6 9 12
H (m) 22 22.5 20 16 10
ηm (%) 0 40 70 85 65

(B.Sc., Alex. Univ., 1978)

14- A centrifugal pump having 3 stages and delivers 100 lit/s of liquid against a head
of 30 m, the diameter of impellers are De = 10 cm, D2 = 22 cm, the speed is
1750 rpm. Find the diameter of the balance drum if it has to be connected to the
suction pipe, what would be the drum diameter if the impellers are to be arranged
in a way back to back? (The third impeller is in opposite direction to the 1st and



‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬




5.1 Impulse Turbines ( Pelton Wheel )

γ Q cos β 
Power = 1 − (UC1 − U 2 )
g  1+ k 

k is the friction coefficient
C1 is the jet velocity = C v 2 gh

The maximum power =
/ 4)(1 − cos β )

The ideal efficiency η ideal = 1/2 (1 − cos β )

Pressure coefficient φ =
2 gh
Specific speed N s = N B.H .P / H 4

5.2 Reaction turbines ( Francis, Propeller, Kaplan )

Power =
(U C
1 u1 − U 2 Cu2 )

Pressure coefficient φ = U 1 / 2 gh

Flow coefficient ψ = C r1 / 2 gh

η hyd = H o / H available
η mech = BHP / (γ Q H o / Const.)
η overall = η hyd .η mech = BHP / WHP

Draft tube efficiency =
V − Ve2


hg is the actual head gained,
Subscripts 1 and e denotes inlet and exit of draft tube.

The maximum allowable height of the turbine above tail race Z:

Z = Pa / γ − Pv / γ − σ g H

5.3 Torque Converter

T2 N 2
T1 N 1


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Solved Examples
Example (1)
Calculate how many jets would be required for a Pelton wheel, which is to develop
12200 BHP under 264 m head at a speed of 500 rpm. Assuming that the jet diameter
is not to exceed 1/9 wheel diameter, state also the diameter of the jets, the diameter of
the wheel and the quantity of water required, taking the overall efficiency as 87 %.
Assume head coefficient φ = 0.45 and discharge coefficient Cv = 0.98.


WHP = BHP / η h = 12200 / 0.87 = γ QH / 75

Then: Q = 3.99 m3/s

Jet velocity C1 = C v 2 gh = 0.98 2 × 9.81× 264 = 70.6 m/s

Wheel velocity:
U = φ 2 gh = 0.45 2 × 9.81 × 264 = 32.4 m/s
U = π D N / 60

32.4 = 3.14 × D × 500 / 60

i.e. D = Wheel diameter = 1.24 m

d/D = 1/9 so, d = 1.24/9 = 0.1378 m
Area of jet = (π /4) (0.1378) = 0.0149 m2

Total required jet area = Q/C1 = 3.99/70.6 = 0.0564 m2

Hence, the number of jets = 0.0564/0.0149 = 3.78 ≈ 4
Therefore, 4 jets are needed each having a diameter of:
0.0546 / (4 × 3.14/4 ) = 0.134 m
The actual ratio d/D is thus 0.134/1.24 = 1/9.25 which is about the same.

Example (2)

It is desired to construct a hydraulic turbine for a hydraulic power plant to operate

under the following conditions: discharge Q = 3.5 m3/s of water, the available net
head = 290 meters, the hydraulic efficiency = 0.8, the rotating speed = 300 rpm.
A Pelton wheel impulse turbine was selected with the following specifications: the
bucket angle β 2 = 160°, the coefficient of velocity for the nozzle is 0.98. Determine:
(a) The brake horsepower, Pelton wheel diameter (assume the friction coefficient
k = 0.2).

(b) The required number of jets, comment if the ratio of jet diameter to wheel
diameter = 1/10, also calculate the head coefficient φ and the specific speed
Ns .
(Mansoura University, 1977)


a) BHP = η h × WHP
BHP = 0.8 x 1000 x 3.5 x 290/75 = 10827 HP
γ Q   cos β 2  
BHP = γ Q H / 75 =  1 −
 (C1U 1 − U 12 )
75 g   1+ k  

C1 = 0.98 2 gh = 73.9 m/s

0.8 × 1000 × 3.5 × 290 1000 × 3.5   cos β 2

=  1 −
75 g  

 73.9U − U 2 )
75 1+ k  
U − 73.9U + 1225 = 0

− b ± b 2 − 4c
(U − 48.8) or (U − 25.1) = 0
U = 48.8 m/s or 25.1 m/s

Total required area = Q/C1 = 3.5 / 73.9 = 0.0474 m2 or 474 cm2

If dj not exceed 1/10 D take dj = 0.1D

U × 60
π ×N
25.1× 60
i.e. D= = 1.6 m
π × 300

b) d j = 0.1 × 1.6 = 0.16 m

Area of jet = π (0.16)2/4 = 0.02 m2

No. of jets = 0.04774 / 0.02 = 2.37 take 3

0.0474 × 4
Diameter of jet dj = = 0.14 m = 14 cm

or dj /D = 0.14 / 1.6 = 0.088 which is about the same.

φ = U/C1 = 25.1 / 73.9 = 0.34


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

N Power 300 10827
Ns = = = 26 in M.K.S.
H 5/ 4 (290)1.25

N Q 300 3.5
Ns = = = 0.0239
( gH )
3/ 4
60(9.8 × 290 )
3/ 4

Example (3)

It is required to construct a hydraulic turbine for a hydraulic power plant, the

available net head is 57 m, and the available discharge is 10 m3/s. The proposed
turbine type is inward Francis, the turbine runner has the following dimensions: the
rotor outside diameter D1 = 5 m, assume the rotating speed N = 200 rpm. The
hydraulic efficiency = 85 %. Find:
(a) The maximum permissible height of the turbine above the tail race, given that
the atmospheric pressure Pa = 1.03 kg/cm2, vapor pressure is 0.05 kg/cm2, and
the relation between the specific speed and the critical Thoma cavitation factor
is given by:
Specific speed 100 250 400 600
Critical Thoma cavitation factor 0.04 0.15 0.35 0.8

(b) It is required to construct a prototype to predict the actual machine

performance. The assumed outside diameter D1 for the prototype was 0.5 m
and the hydraulic circuit in the laboratory has the following specifications:
Available net head = 6 meters, Hydraulic efficiency = 0.85.
Assume the mechanical efficiency equal 0.95, find the required speed and also
calculate the specific speed.


(a) P = γ Q H / 75
η overall = η mη h = 0.85 × 0.95 = 0.808
P = 1000 × 10 × 57 / 75 = 7600 HP
η overall = BHP / WHP

i.e. BHP = 0.808 x 7600 = 6140 H.P.

Ns = (metric units)
H 5/4
= 200 6140 / 57 5 / 4 = 100

From table σ c at Ns = 100 ∴ σ c = 0.04

Z = a − v −σ c H
γ γ
= 1.03 x 104 /1000 − 0.05 x 104 /1000 − 0.04 x 57

∴ Z = 7.52 meters

The height portion of the turbine above the tailrace is 7.5 m

gH gH
(b) =
D2N 2 1 D2N 2 2

D2H  5   6 
N = N × 12 2 = 40000 
2 1
  
D2 H 1  0.5   57 
N 2 = 649 rpm

ND 3 1 ND 3 2
Q 10 × 649  0.5 
Q2 = 3
N 2 D 23 =  
ND 1 200  5 

Q2 = 0.0325 m3/s or 32.5 lit/s

Power = 1000 x 0.0325 x 6 / (75 x 0.808) = 2.127 H.P.

649 2.1267
Ns = = 100
65 / 4

Example (4)

The following data refer to a Pelton wheel: the bucket angle β = 165°, the
coefficient of discharge for the nozzle Cv = 0.98, the friction coefficient k = 0.2.
Assume that the optimum speed ratio differs from 0.5 as a result of losses due to
windage and bearing friction, which are proportional to the square of the rotational
speed (take the proportionality constant equal to 0.2), obtain a formula for the
optimum speed ratio, hence calculate it for the above given data and also calculate the
maximum overall efficiency.
( B.Sc., Mansoura University, 1981 )


Given β = 165°, Cv = 0.93, k = 0.2

Assume the relative velocity W2 = Constant x W1

Constant = J = i.e. W 2 = J W1
1+ k
Power =
(C u1 )
U 1 − C u2 U 2 − Losses in bearing, .. etc.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

The losses are proportional to U 2 or P.U 2, where P is the proportionality constant.

i.e. Power =
(C1 cosα1U 1 − C 2 cosα 2U 2 − PU 2 ) (1)

U 1 = U 2 = U , W2 = J W1 (2)
C1 cos α 1 = C
Cu2 = C 2 cos α 2 = U − W2 cos (180 − β )
W2 = J W1 = J (C − U )

C u 2 = U + J (C − U ) cos β (3)

From equations (1), (2) and (3):

Power =
U [C − (U + J (C − U ) cos β )] − PU 2 }
Power =
UC (1 − J cos β ) − U 2 (1 − J cos β ) − PU 2 ]
d Power
= 0 = C (1 − J cos β ) − 2 U (1 − J cos β ) − 2 UP
U 1 − J cos β 1
= 0.5 , J= = 0.913
C 1 − J cos β + P 1 + 0.2
U 1 − 0.913 × cos163°
= 0.5 = 0.4519
C 1.2 − 0.913 × cos163°
B.H .P.
η overall =
W .H .P.
B.H .P. =
U C (1 − J cos β ) − U 2 (1 − J cos β ) − PU 2 ]
When U / C = 0.45 = φ i.e. U = 0.45 C
B.H .P.
η overall =
W .H .P.
η max =
φ C 2 (1 − J cos β ) − φ 2 C 2 (1 − J cos β ) − Pφ 2 C 2 ]
[φ (1 − J cos β ) − φ 2 (1 − J cos β ) − Pφ 2 ]

C v .2 gH
[ (
(1 − J cos β ) φ − φ 2 − Pφ 2 ) ]
[ (
= 2 C v (1 − J cos β ) φ − φ 2 − Pφ 2
) ]
= 2 × (0.98) 1.88 × 0.2475 − 0.2 × (0.45) = 0.832
2 2

Example (5)

A Pelton wheel with a needle-controlled nozzle develops 950 hp when the

total head is 200 m and the jet diameter is 10 cm. The nozzle discharge coefficient
Cv = 0.98. Assuming that the total head and wheel efficiency remain constant,
determine the percentage reduction in Q when the horsepower is reduced to 500 hp by
(a) needle regulation, (b) partial closure of throttle valve on the pipeline, also obtain
the loss of head across the valve in case (b).


(BHP)1= 950 H.P. h = 200 m d3 = 10 cm.

(BHP)2= 500 H.P.
C = C v 2 gh = 0.98 2 × 9.8 × 200 = 61.4 m/s
Q1 = π (0.1) (61.4) / 4 = 0.481 m 3 /s

(BHP )1 (BHP )2
a) η= =
γ Q1 H 75 γ Q 2 H 75
950 500
i.e. = i.e. Q2 / Q1 = 0.526
Q1 Q2

(BHP )1 (BHP )2
b) η= =
γ Q1 H 75 γ Q (H − H e ) 75
950 500
= (1)
Q1 H Q 2 (H − H e )

Q 2 = (π / 4 )(0.1) (0.98) 2 × 9.81× (200 − H e )


= 0.034 200 − H e (2)

From equation (1):

Q 2 (200 − H e ) = 50.6

From equation (2):

0.034 200 − H e (200 − H e ) = 50.6

(200 − H e )1.5 = 1488
200 − H e = 130.4
H e = 69.6 m

From equation (1):

Q2 / Q1 = 0.807


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Example (6)

In a vertical shaft inward flow reaction turbine, the sum of the pressure and
kinetic heads at entrance to the spiral casing is 120 m and the vertical distance
between this section and the tail race level is 3 m. The peripheral velocity of the
runner at entry is 30 m/s, the radial velocity of the water is constant at 9 m/s and the
discharge from the runner is without whirl. The estimated hydraulic losses are:
(1) between turbine entrance and exit from the guide vanes 4.8 m.
(2) in the runner 8.8 m.
(3) in the draft tube 790 mm.
(4) kinetic head rejected to the tail race 460 mm.
Calculate the guide vane angle, the runner blade angle at inlet and the pressure head at
entry to the runner.


U1 = 30 m/s
Cr3 = Cre = 9 m/s
P1 C12
+ = 120 m
γ 2g
Losses1-2 = 4.8 m
Losses3-e = 8.8 m
Lossese-4 = 0.79 m
Kinetic energy rejected = 0.46 m

P1 C12
Ho = + + Z − Losses
γ 2g
H o = 120 + 3 − Losses
= 123 − (4.8 + 8.8 + 0.79 + 0.46)
= 108.15 m
U C − U e C ue
H o = 3 u3 (The second term = zero)
U .C
108.15 = 3 u 3
i.e. C u 3 = 35.36 m/s
tan α 3 = r 3 = 0.2545 ∴ α 3 = 14° 17'
Cu 3
tan β 3 = = 1.677 ∴ β 3 = 59° 12'
Cu 3 − U 3
2 2
C3 = C u 3 + C r 3 = 36.49 m/s

Applying Bernoulli’s equation between points 1 and 3:

P1 C12 P3 C 32
+ = + + Losses1-2
γ 2g γ 2g
P (36.49) 2
120 = 3 + + 4.8
γ 2(9.81)
P3 (36.49) 2
Pressure head = 120 − − 4.8
γ 2(9.81)
= 47.3 m

Example (7)

A vertical shaft inward flow Francis turbine is to be installed in a situation

where a much longer draft tube than usual must be used, the turbine runner is 760 mm
diameter and the circumferential area of flow at inlet is 0.2 m2. The overall operating
head is 30 m and the speed is 6.25 rev/s. The guide vane angle is 15° and the inlet
angle of the runner blades is 75°. At outlet, water leaves the runner without whirl. The
axis of the draft tube is vertical, its diameter at the upper end is 450 mm. The friction
loss plus the kinetic energy rejected to the tail race is given by:
hloss ( meters ) = 0.03 Q2 L
where Q (m3/s) is the flow rate and L (m) the length. If the absolute pressure head at
the top of the tube is not to fall below 3.6 m of water, calculate the hydraulic
efficiency of the turbine and show that the maximum permissible length of draft tube
above the level of the tail race is about 5.35 m. (The length of the tube below tail
water level may be neglected. Atmospheric pressure = 10.3 m water head).


A1 = 0.2 m2 c
H = 30 m N = 6.25 rev/s
α 1 = 15° β 1 = 75°
D = 0.76 m Ddraft = 45 cm
V 22
hloss = h f + = 0.03 Q 2L
2g d

U = π D N = π × 0.76 × 6.25 = 14.9 m/s

tan β 1 =
C u −U U
Cr α1
i.e. Cu = U + = 14.9 + 0.268 C r β1 = 75°
tan β 1
C Cr W
tan α 1 = r =
C u 14.9 + 0.268 C r C


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

C r = 4.269 m/s
C u = 16.04 m/s
Q = C r . A = 0.853 m 3 /s
ηh = o , H o = u = 24.36 m
H av g
ηh = = 0.812 ≈ 0.81

Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) and (2):

P1 V12 P V2
+ + Z = 2 + 2 + hf
ρ g 2g ρ g 2g
3.6 + 2
+ L = 10.3 + 0.03 Q 2 L
2 g A1
3.6 + 1.467 + L = 10.3 + 0.03 (0.853) 2 L i.e. L = 5.35 m

1- For the following two-nozzles Pelton wheel, calculate its maximum efficiency and
output. Pitch circle diameter of runner is 2.5 m, nozzle diameter is 0.15 m, head
on the nozzle is 1600 m, Cv for nozzle is 0.98, bucket angle at exit is 173°,
horsepower lost in disk friction is 6.6 x 10-6 N3, horsepower lost in bearing
friction is 2.1 x 10-3 N2, where N is the speed of wheel in rpm, speed ratio is
0.45, the relative velocity is reduced by 10 % of its magnitude before leaving the
buckets due to friction in buckets.
(88.5 %, 115981 hp) (Alex. Univ., B.Sc., 1970)

2- An inward Francis turbine rotates at 150 rpm and discharges 0.8 m3/s. The radial
velocity at inlet Cr1 = 2 m/s and equal 6 m/s at exit, the physical data are:
r1 = 0.5 m, r2 = 0.2 m, α1 = 15°, β2 = 135°, the pressure head at exit is 6 m.
Assuming a loss of head of 2 m, find:
(a) The head, power delivered by the turbine (no draft tube), neglect hydraulic losses.
(b) The pressure head at entrance.

3- A Kaplan turbine develops 2000 H.P. under a head of 6 m. The turbine is set 2.5 m
above the tail water level. A vacuum gauge inserted at the turbine outlet records
a suction head of 3.1 m. If the turbine efficiency is 85 %, what will be the
efficiency of the draft tube, having inlet diameter of 3 m ? Neglect hydraulic
losses (Neglect hydraulic losses in the draft tube).

4- The hydro-power station comprises three propeller turbine sets, each develops
10,000 HP at full load and has the following characteristics at constant speed:
Head available is 20 m
Load in % of maximum load 20 40 60 80 100
Overall efficiency (%) 35 58 73 85 92
If the average monthly load on the station during a certain year is:
Months 1,2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10,11,12
Average load H.P. 16,000 8,000 22,000
Determine the total amount of water passing in station during this year in the
above case, and in the case when one turbine only of 30,000 HP capacity is used
having the same above characteristics, which case would you prefer and why?

5- A Francis turbine installation is working under a head of 20 m develops 1500 H.P.

when running at 355 rpm. The efficiency of the draft tube is expressed as the
ratio of head gained to the inlet kinetic energy. The cross-sectional area of draft
tube outlet is four times the inlet area, loss in divergence is 0.2/2g (inlet velocity
− outlet velocity)2 .
(a) Draw the turbine installation, showing the highest position possible of the
turbine relative to the tail race, assume the hydraulic efficiency = 0.85.
(b) Calculate the efficiency of the draft tube.
(c) What will be the reading of a pressure gauge set at the inlet of the draft tube,
if the inlet area of the draft tube = 3 m2. (Assume atmospheric pressure =
1.03 kg/cm2, vapour pressure = 0.05 kg/cm2).
Specific speed ( metric ) 100 250 400


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Cavitation factor ( critical ) 0.04 0.15 0.35
(2.8 m, 0.825, 7.23 m)

6- In order to predict the performance of a turbine which is to work under 77 m head,

a model to scale of 1/6 is tested, this model gave the following results on test:
N = 100 rpm, head = 3 m, Q = 267 lit/s, output = 5.26 HP. What would be the
speed and the output of the prototype when working under its designed head?
1−η  Dm 
Use Moody’s formula =  .
1 −η m  D 

7- A Kaplan turbine is rated at 34000 H.P. when working under 30 m of head at

160 rpm. Find the diameter of the runner? The overall efficiency of the turbine
equals 0.9, the flow ratio = 0.65 and the hub diameter equals 0.3 of the external
diameter of runner. Find the specific speed of turbine.

8- A vertical shaft Francis turbine has an overall efficiency of 90 % and runs at

428 rpm with a water discharge of 15.5 m3/s. The flow velocity ( Cr1 ) at the inlet
of the runner is 8.5 m/s and the pressure head and kinetic head at this point is
140 m, the centerline of the casing being 3 m above the tail water level. The
peripheral velocity of the runner is 30 m/s. The hydraulic efficiency is 90 %.
(a) The output power in kW.
(b) The dimensionless specific speed.
(c) The guide vane angle.
(d) The runner blade angle at inlet.

9- A fluid coupling is to be used to transmit 150 kW between an engine and a gear

box when the engine speed is 40 rev/s. The mean diameter at the outlet of the
primary member is 380 mm and the cross-sectional area of the flow passage is
constant at 0.026 m2. The relative density of the oil is 0.85 and the efficiency of
the coupling is 96.5 %. Assuming that the shock losses under steady conditions
are negligible and that the friction loss round the fluid circuit is four times the
mean velocity head, calculate the mean diameter at inlet to the primary member.

10- A Francis turbine has a runner diameter 2 m, outlet diameter 1 m, outer width
0.5 m, running at 310 rpm under a net head of 90 m. If at full load, flow velocity
is 6 m/s, mechanical and hydraulic efficiencies are 80 and 86 %, respectively,
calculate the output and speed ratio.
If the velocity of flow is reduced by the use of guide vanes to 3 m/s, draw
carefully the inlet and outlet velocity triangles for the above two cases. Estimate
approximately the values of mechanical and hydraulic efficiencies.
( Alex. Univ., B.Sc., 1982 )




7.1 Coefficients and Efficiencies of Centrifugal Compressors:

R.T1  P 

The polytropic head H poly =  2  − 1
m  P1  
n −1 k −1
with m= =
n kηp

U 2 C u 2 − U 1C u1
Ho =

Pressure coefficient φ = U2/ 2 gh

Slip factor = Cu2/U2

Nominal meter cube (N m3) is the volume of a gas at 0°C and 760 mm Hg.

A standard cubic foot per minute SCFM is the volume of a gas at 66°F (520°R) and
1497 psia.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Solved Examples
Example (1)
A sewage aeration blower running at 3500 rpm is designed to deliver
34000 m3/hour of air from 20°C and 1.03 kg/cm2 atmospheric pressure to a discharge
pressure of 1.56 kg/cm2 with an efficiency of 70 %. On a hot summer day, the
atmospheric temperature rises to 43°C but the barometric pressure does not change. It
is desired to vary the blower speed to maintain the same discharge pressure.
(a) blower speed for the summer operation.
(b) corresponding flow in nominal meter cube per month.
(c) brake horsepower required, assuming that the efficiency remains constant and
assume a mechanical efficiency of 0.9. (k = 1.4 for air).


R.T1  P 

(a) The polytropic head: H poly =  2  − 1
m  P1  
k −1
where m=
P2 remains constant, thus,
H poly 1 Pv T
= 1 1 = 1, Pv = RT
H poly 2 P2 v 2 T2
and R = R / MW = 848/29 = 29.25 m/K
 1.4 −1

29.25 × (20 + 273)  1.56  1.4×0.7 
H1 =   − 1
1.4 − 1  1.03  
 
1.4 × 0.7
H 1 = 21005 (1.1845) = 3876 m
i.e. H 2 = H 1 (T2 T1 ) = 3876(316 293) = 4180 m

From affinity laws:

H 1 N12
H 2 N 22
Then N 2 = 4180 × 3500 / 3876 = 3635 rpm

(b) From affinity laws:

Q1/Q2 = N1/N2
i.e. Q2 = 3635 × 34000/3500 = 35311 m3/hr

The nominal meter cube is the volume of a gas at atmospheric pressure and
Q = v o Q2 / v 2

vo is the specific volume of air at 0°C = R.To / Pa
Po = P1 inlet pressure, then:

Q = Q2 To/T2 in Nominal m3/hr

= 35311 x 273/316 = 30506 Nominal m3/hr

The power = γ QH /(η × 75) = QH /(vη × 75)

P.v = R.T
29.25 × 316
v = RT1 / P1 = = 0.899 m 3 /kg
1.03 ×10 4

4180 × 35311
i.e. Power = = 869 H .P.
3600 × 0.899 × 0.7 × 75

The brake horsepower = ∴ B.H.P. = 965 H.P.

Example (2)
The impeller of a centrifugal fan has an inner radius of 250 mm and width of
187.5 mm; the values at exit are 375 mm and 125 mm, respectively. There is no whirl
at inlet, and at outlet the blades are backward facing at 70° to the tangent. In the
impeller there is a loss by friction of 0.4 times the kinetic head corresponding to the
relative outlet velocity, and in the volute there is a gain equivalent to 0.5 times the
kinetic head corresponding to the absolute velocity at exit from the runner. The
discharge of air is 5.7 m3/s when the speed is 13.5 rev/s. Neglecting the thickness of
the blades and whirl slip, determine the head across the fan and the power required to
drive it if the density of the air is sensibly constant at 1.25 kg/m3 throughout and
mechanical losses account for 220 W.


r1 = 250 mm
b1 = 187.5 mm
r2 = 375 mm
b2 = 125 mm
N = 13.5 rev/s
180° − β2 = 70°
W2 C2
Losses: 0.4 2 , 0.5 2
2g 2g
Q = 5.7 m /s
ρ air = 1.25 kg/m 3
Mechanical Losses = 220 W


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

2π r2 N
U2 = = 31.79 m/s
C u2 U 2
Ho =
Q 5.7
C r2 = = = 19.35 m/s
2π r2 b2 2π × 0.375 × 0.125
C r2
Cu2 = U 2 − = 24.74 m/s
tan 70°
C r2
W2 = = 20.59 m/s
sin 70°
2 2
C 2 = C r2 + C u2 = 31.4 m/s
C u2 U 2
Ho = = 80.1 m
Losses in impeller = 0.4 × = 8.6 m
C 22
Losses in volute = 0.5 × = 25.1 m
Total losses = 25.1 + 8.6 = 33.7 m
Head gained = 80.1 – 33.7 = 46.4 m
γ QH o 1.25 × 5.7 × 80.1
Power = = = 7.61 hp
Const. 75
B.H.P. = 7.61 + 220 × 10-3 × 1.34 = 7.9 hp

1- In a centrifugal compressor the inlet absolute flow to the runner is radial, and the
exit relative flow from the runner is radial and the runner operates at 22000 rpm
and has an outside diameter of 28 cm, the used gas is air and the inlet temperature
is 18°C. If the pressure coefficient φ = 0.5, find the pressure ratio.

2- A centrifugal fan runner consists of some blades, two parallel circular disks and a
short length of circular pipe in an axial direction at inlet. Assume an
incompressible fluid with a certain density in slugs per cubic meter. The runner
speed is N (rpm), the outside diameter of the runner is D (meter), and the inlet
diameter is 0.4 D, assume that the area of the inlet pipe equals the circumferential
area (between the parallel disks) at the inlet diameter, the relative velocity of exit
is radial, with a magnitude 0.3 of the velocity. Develop an expression for the
torque in meter-kg of the runner on the fluid in terms of density, N, D, and some
numerical constants.

3- A blower is designed to draw in 2000 m3/hr of carbon dioxide at 32°C and

1.24 kg/cm2 and compress it to 1.4 kg/cm2 when operating at 4000 rpm. It is to be
tested with air at 1.03 kg/cm2 and 20°C and driven by a motor running at
3550 rpm. Determine the flow discharge and pressure, which the machine should
deliver at the design point on test to be acceptable.

4- A two-stage radial airplane supercharger is designed to deliver 4000 kg of air per

hour at a pressure of 77 cm of Hg when operating at an altitude of 5000 meter
where the temperature is −15°C and the pressure is 42 cm Hg. It rotates at
18000 rpm and is to have a polytropic efficiency of 0.72. It is to be tested at sea
level ( 75 cm Hg and 26°C ) at a speed of 14000 rpm. Assuming that the
efficiency at the design point does not change, determine for the design point
under test conditions:
(a) the cubic meter of air taken in per minute.
(b) the discharge pressure in cm of mercury absolute.
(c) the horsepower required to drive it.



‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬



8.1 Piston Pump

π N
Q= D 2 2r Stroke = 2 r
4 60
The swept volume = D 2 2r
η v = Qa / Q
2π n.r D 2
The velocity in the delivery pipe V p = sin θ , where d is the pipe diameter.
60 d 2

8.2 Inertia Pressure

P1  l  2  D 2 
=   ω r  2  cos θ
ρ g  g  d 

8.3 Effect of Friction

2 2
L Vp f .L  D2 
hf = f =  ω r 2 sin θ 
d 2g 2g d  d 

H ma = H ss + H sd +
(h fs + h fd )

8.4 Gear Wheel Pump


where a area enclosed between any two teeth and the casing,
l axial length of teeth,
n number of teeth in each gear,
N speed in rpm.


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

Solved Examples
Example (1)
Estimate the dimensions of the rotors of a gear wheel pump for the following
duty: liquid oil of viscosity 4*10-4 m2/s, overall efficiency = 0.6, volumetric efficiency
= 0.9, number of teeth per rotor = 12, ratio of l/D = length/diameter = 1.5, ratio of D/C
(where C is the distance between axes) = 1.18, discharge 350 lit/min, speed 750 rpm,
pressure generated 10.5 kg/cm2, what power input would be required?

Discharge per revolution = 350 x 1000 /750 = 466.6 cm3 / revolution
Q = 466.6 / 0.9 = 518.4 cm3 / revolution
Q = KC ( D − C ) l
Q = 2.98 C ( D − C ) l
D  D 
Q = 2.98 D−  (15
. D)
. 
118 . 

Q is the discharge per revolution, from which the rotor diameter D = 9.65 say 10 cm.

L = Length = 15 cm

Power output = γ Q H /75 = 10.5 x 104 x 350 /(1000 x 60 x 75)

= 8.16 H.P.
B.H.P. = 8.16 / 0.6 = 13.6 H.P.

Example (2)
A single-acting reciprocating water pump, with a bore and stroke of 150 mm
and 300 mm respectively, runs at 0.4 rev/s. Suction and delivery pipes are each
75 mm diameter. The former is 7.5 m long and the suction lift is 3 m. There is no air
vessel on the suction side. The delivery pipe is 300 m long, the outlet (at atmospheric
pressure) being 13.5 m above the level of the pump, and a large air vessel is
connected to the delivery pipe at a point 15 m from the pump. Calculate the absolute
pressure head in the cylinder at beginning, middle and end of each stroke. Assume
that the motion of the piston is simple harmonic, that losses at inlet and outlet of each
pipe are negligible, that the slip is 2 % and that f for both pipes is constant at 0.01.
(Atmospheric pressure is 10.34 m water head).


Single acting, single cylinder

D = 15 cm
Stroke L = 2r = 30 cm
N = 0.4 rps
ds = dd = 7.5 cm
ls = 7.5 m
ld = 300 m
Hss = 3 m
Hsd = 13.5 m
ld2 = 15 m
Q − Qa
slip = 2 % = × 100
f = 0.01
Hat = 10.34 m water

I. Suction Stroke

Absolute Pressure = Hat − Hss − Has − hfs

l A 2
H as = s ω r cosθ
g as
7.5  0.15 
 (2π × 0.4) × 0.15 cosθ
= 
9.81  0.075 
= 2.9 cosθ
l  A
h fs = f s   (ω r )2 sin 2 θ
2 gd s  as 
7.5  0.15 
 (2π × 0.4 × 0.15) sin θ
= 0.01 

2 × 9.81 × 0.075  0.075 

= 0.116 sin 2 θ

Absolute Pressure = 10.34 − 3 − 2.9 cos θ − 0.116 sin2 θ

= 7.34 − 2.9 cos θ − 0.116 sin2 θ


‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

- At the beginning θ=0
Absolute Pressure = 4.44 m water
- At the middle θ = π/2
Absolute Pressure = 7.22 m water
- At the end θ=π
Absolute Pressure = 10.24 m water

II. Delivery Stroke

Absolute Pressure = Hat + Hsd + hfd1 − hfd2 − Had2 + Vd2/2g (The last term = 0)
= (π / 4) (0.15) × 0.30 × 0.4 = 2.12 × 10 −3 m 3 /s
Q − Qa
Q slip = 2 % = × 100
∴ Qa = 0.98 Q = 0.98 (2.12 × 10 −3 ) = 2.0776 × 10 −3 m 3 /s
Qa 2.0776 × 10 −3
Vd = = = 0.47 m/s
A p (π / 4) (0.075)2

hf d = f
l d1 Vd 2
= 0.01 ×
(300 − 15) (0.47 )

1 d d 2g 0.075 2 × 9.81
= 0.428 m
ld2  A 
hf d2 = f   (ω r. sin θ )2
2 g d d  a d 
15  0.15 
 × (2π × 0.4 × 0.15) sin θ
= 0.01 × 

2 × 9.81 × 0.075  0.075 

= 0.232 sin 2 θ
15 × π / 4(0.15)
ld 2 A 2
H ad 2 = ω r cosθ = (2π × 0.4)2 × 0.15 cosθ
9.81 × π / 4(0.075)
g ad
= 5.795 cosθ

Absolute Pressure = 10.34 + 13.5 + 0.428 − 0.232 sin2 θ − 5.795 cos θ

= 24.268 − 0.232 sin2 θ − 5.795 cos θ

- At the beginning of delivery stroke θ = π

Absolute Pressure = 24.268 − 0 + 5.795 = 30.063 m water

- At the middle θ = 3π/2

Absolute Pressure = 24.268 + 0.232 − 0 = 24.5 m water

- At the end θ = 2 π
Absolute Pressure = 24.268 − 0 − 5.795 = 18.473 m water

1- A plunger pump works against a total static head of 96 m and when running at
42 rpm. It is required to force 45 lit/s of water along a delivery pipe 25 cm
diameter and 130 m long, there are no air vessels, the stroke of plungers is twice
the diameter. If the number of cylinders chosen were 1, 2, 3 and 4, calculate in
each case:
i) the plunger diameter,
ii) the maximum pressure in the pipe.

2- A gear wheel pump is required to deliver 4 lit/s of oil of specific gravity of 0.94
when running at 700 rpm. The suction pressure is 0.2 kg/cm2 and the delivery
pressure is 6 kg/cm2, the overall efficiency is 90 %. The length of the gear wheels
or rotors is 2 x maximum diameter, and in shape they are geometrically similar to
those shown in the figure (Chapter VIII), what would be their outside diameter
and what would be the power input to the pumps?

3- A reciprocating pump has two double acting cylinders each 200 mm bore, 450 mm
stroke, the cranks being at 90° to each other and rotating at 20 rev/min. The
delivery pipe is 100 mm diameter, 60 m long and there are no air vessels.
Assuming simple harmonic motion for the piston, determine the maximum and
mean water velocities in the delivery pipe and the inertia pressure in the delivery
pipe near the cylinders at the instant of minimum water velocity in the pipe.
(2.666 m/s, 2.4 m/s, ± 236.9 kPa)




‫ ﺍﻹﺗﺠﺎﻩ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬- ‫ﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬

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