Summary Writing: Grade VII
Summary Writing: Grade VII
Summary Writing: Grade VII
Grade VII
• Read the passage a number of times
• Keep the word limit in mind
• Underline the points most important
• Figure out the central idea
• Write the summary without looking at the passage (you
can take reference from your notes)
Steps to writing a
• If there is a dialogue in the passage and you need to
include it in your summary, write it in indirect speech
• Avoid writing examples and the author’s thoughts (unless
very necessary)
Points to remember
• All snakes are hunters and predators, feeding on the animals and sometimes their eggs. Having
no limbs, snakes cannot hold their preys down to bite; hence they usually swallow them whole.
Poisonous snakes sometimes do immobilize their preys with their venom to make consumption
easier. It is truly a myth that poisonous snakes attack humans for food. Humans can never be
their targets for food as we are normally too large for them to swallow. in cases where snakes
do bite, these attacks are usually defensive ones and the venom injected is normally little or
sometimes even none. The full, fatal dose of the venom is only released on smaller animals
which the snakes can swallow easily. Besides helping in the killing and immobilizing of their
preys, the poison also acts as digestive agents for snakes. (words: 136)
Snakes are predators, feeding on animals and their eggs. They swallow their prey whole. They may also inject their
prey with venom. This stops the prey from moving and also acts as a digestive juice. Snakes do not eat human. They
might only attack to defend themselves. (words 47)
Let’s Discuss
• We are bombarded by many advertisements every day. Vendors try all means and ways to gain
our attention and sell us their products or services. Advertisements appear everywhere; on
television programs, radios, in the papers, magazines, pamphlets and so on. Advertisements are
actually very useful though we sometimes feel annoyed when they interrupt our favorite
television programs. They provide us with free information on the products and services. There
are two types of advertisements. The informative advertisements are the ones which provide us
with the details of the products or services. This information is especially useful if the product or
service is new. For instance, when we need to buy a computer, advertisements describing the
latest models and their different functions would be extremely helpful. However, only a minority
of the advertisements are informative ones. Many of them belong to the second category -- the
persuasive kind. These advertisements not only tell us more about the products, at the same time,
they persuade customers to buy them by claiming that their products are superior to the rivalry
ones. These claims may sometimes be untrue. (words: 184)
There are many advertisements everywhere that catch our attention. They are quite useful as they
give us information on the product. This kind of advertisement is called the informative type. But
these are few. Many types of ads are persuasive in which buyers are shown that the product is the
best, which can be false, and they must buy it. (words: 60)
Let’s Discuss
Once a crow decided to be a peacock so he got some of their feathers and stuck them to his tail. But
when the crow went to the peacocks, they recognized him and threw him out. Sadly, the crow went
back to the other crows and began to copy his father’s actions. He wanted to fit in with everyone but
his mother implied that he didn’t have to be like everyone else
Last one
• Reality TV shows are not very realistic because they are
filmed in unrealistic places, may contain restaged events,
and may be scripted.
• When you step on the brakes, fluid is stored in a chamber
that allows the car to stop.
• Hope you have a clear concept now. Do the assignment
on MS Word and upload it on Edmodo.
• For any questions Whatsapp me @ 03171050403