Food Supply

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Food Supply

Learning Objective
State how modern technology has resulted in increased food production in
terms of:
o agricultural machinery to use larger areas of land and improve efficiency
o chemical fertilisers to improve yields
o insecticides to improve quality and yield
o herbicides to reduce competition with weeds
o selective breeding to improve production by crop plants and livestock, e.g.
cattle, fish and poultry.
Describe the negative impacts to an ecosystem of large-scale monocultures of
crop plants.
Describe the negative impacts to an ecosystem of intensive livestock
Discuss the social, environmental and economic implications of providing
sufficient food for an increasing human global population.
Discuss the problems which contribute to famine including unequal
distribution of food, drought and flooding, increasing population and poverty.
Modern technology has increased food supply substantially in
the following ways :

• Agricultral machinery has replace human and improve

effiiecency due to the ability to farm much larger
• Chemical fertilisers improve yields- fertiliser can
increase the amount of nutrient that plant need
• Insecticides and herbicides can kill off unwanted insect
and weed species
• Selctive breeding- animals and crop pllants which
produce a large yield are selectively bred to produce
breeds that reliably produce high yields.
Monoculture farming means that on a given area of agricultural land only one type of
crop is grown ( eg trees for palm oil grown in indonesia rainforest)
This large scale growth of a single variety of plant does not happen naturally in
ecosystems, where there are usually many different species of plants growing which, in
turn, support many species of animals ( high biodiversity)
In monocultures, biodiversity is much lower
Another issue with monoculture is the increase in pest populations- if a particular pest
feeds on a crop, farming it in large areas repeatedly means there is and ample of food
for the pest, causing the population to increase
Often farmers wil spray insecticides onto crops in orderto control the pests. This leads to
Harmless insects being killed as well
Pollution by pesticides ( which are often persistent chemicals which accumulate in fod
In many instance where they are used repeatedly for specific pests, the pests may
eventually become resistent to them, reduing their efffectiveness.
Intensive livestock farming
In developed countries, large numbers of livestock are often
kept in an area that would not normally be able to support
more than a very small number
They are often fed high energy foods, regularly given
medication such as antibiotics as a preventative measure
against disease and kept in artificially warm temperatures
and small spaces that do not allow for much movement
Ecological issues with itensive farming include : reduction in
biodiversity in areas where large amounts of land are
used to graze cattle ( as only grass is grown so in effect
itbecomes a monoculture)

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