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CHAP 10: FOOD, SOIL, PEST MANA ●Food the amount of food produced per unit of land. market.

of land. market. Aquaculture: raising marine and ecological effects; Harmful toxins in food from
Security, Difficult To Attain? In less developed Plantation agriculture: a form of industrialized freshwater fish in ponds and cages. possible plant cell mutations; New allergens in
countries -> health problems: not getting enough agriculture used primarily in tropical developing ●Environmental Problems Arise from food; Lower nutrition; Increase in pesticide-
to eat Food security: daily access to enough country (cash crop: banana, soybeans, sugarcane, Industrialized Food Production? Industrialized resistant insects, herbicide-resistant weeds, and
nutritious food to live active and healthy lives (4 coffee, palm oil, vegetables). Traditional/low agriculture: Removes 70% of fresh water from plant diseases; Can harm beneficial insects;
dimesions: Availability • Access • Utilization • input agriculture: solar energy & human labor to surface sources and aquifers, Uses 38% of the Lower genetic diversity. Population growth,
Stability) Food insecurity: face chronic hunger, grow crop that will feed family w no world’s ice-free land, Emits 25% of all water availability, and climate change limit
poor nutrition, and health problems (due to surplus(polyculture: growing several crops, less greenhouse gas emissions, Produces 60% of all irrigation’s potential. Deforestation speeds up
poverty). To be healthy, humans need to eat degrade top soil). 2 types of traditional agri: water pollution. Soil erosion: movement of soil climate change, increases topsoil erosion, and
significant amounts of macronutrients Traditional subsistence agriculture: supplements components, especially surface litter and topsoil lowers biodiversity. Agrobiodiversity : the
(carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and smaller energy from the sun, w human labor & draft (the fertile top layer of many soils, stores water world’s genetic variety of animals and plants
amounts of micronutrients (vitamins and animals → enuf for family, no surplus. Traditional and nutrients needed by plants), by wind and used to provide food. Cheap meat produced by
minerals) and minerals (iron, iodine, calcium).By intensive agriculture: increase input of human & water -> loss of soil fertility and water pollution. industrialized agriculture has harmful
2050: we will need to feed at least 9.7 billion draft-animal labor, animal manure, water → Farming, deforestation, and overgrazing exposes environmental and health costs not included in
people, almost half of which live in poverty and higher crop yield (feed family and sell). Low input land and hastens soil erosion. Topsoil pollution of pricing – violating full-cost principle of
experience food insecurity. Chronic polyculture produce higher yield than high input surface waters can kill fish and clog reservoirs sustainability (cattle and dairy cows release
undernutrition (suy dd mãn tính-deficiency of monoculture. Organic agriculture: (crop rotation, and lakes. Erosion releases the soil’s carbon greenhouse gas methane through belching).
proteins and key nutrition), hunger and local oriented, biological pest control, greater use content, which alters the carbon cycle, adding to Problems of producing fish thru aquaculture :
malnutrition (thieu dd) → vulnerable to disease, of renewable energy sources)crops and animals atmospheric levels of CO2 .Desertification: the Fishmeal and fish oil, food sources for farmed fish
hinder the physical and mental development of are grown with little or no use of synthetic process by which the productive potential of (often contaminated with toxins), come from
children. Almost 2 billion people suffer from a pesticides, synthetic fertilize, genetically topsoil falls by at least 10% because of a wild fish caught from the oceans – biomagnified
deficiency of micronutrients (vitamin A-> go engineered seeds, synthetic grown regulators, or combination of prolonged drought and human in human food web; depletes wild fish
blind and half die, iron: component of feed additives. Green revolution: higher yields activities that expose topsoil to erosion. populations ●Protect Crops from Pests More
hemoglobin->anemia: thiếu máu, and iodine: from existing cropland. 3 steps:Plant Irrigation (thủy lợi): boosts/lowers farm Sustainably? Natural enemies (predators,
essential for thyroid gland->stunted growth, monocultures of selectively bred crops; Large productivity, but irrigation water has a variety of parasites, disease organism) control the
goiter, mental retardation, deafness). Food amounts of water, Synthetic fertilizers and salts, which leads to soil salinization. Soil populations of most pest species. Humans upset
deserts (no access to fresh food) in developed pesticides; Multiple cropping: increasing crop salinization: especially in dry climates with a the checks and balances of natural pest control
countries: diets high in fat, sugar, salt, and little yield by increasing the number of crops gradual accumulation of salt in the upper soil when we clear forests and grasslands, plant
protein. In more developed countries-> health grown/year/field. Increasing demand for food is layers can stunt crop growth, lower crop yields, monoculture crops, and use synthetic chemicals
problems: having too much to eat. Overnutrition: being met by increases in production: New and eventually kill plants, and ruin the soil. to kill pests Common types of pesticides:
food energy intake exceed energy use and cause hardier crop varieties are being developed by Waterlogging: water accumulates underground insecticides (for insects), herbicides (for weeds),
excess body fat. Factors influencing food supply: second gene revolution methodology (gene and raise water table. Marginal land: poor soil fungicides (for fungus) and rodenticides (for rats
poverty, war, bad weather, climate change, and splicing); Meat production now uses feedlots as fertility, steep slopes. Industrialized food and mice). Biopesticides derived from chemicals
effects of industrialized food production ●Food well as rangelands and pastures, aquaculture production is dependent on fossil fuel, resulting made by plants to ward off pests. Broad-
Produced? both high input industrialized, and produces more fish and is the world’s fastest in a net energy loss: In the U.S., 10 units of fossil spectrum agents: pesticides toxic but many pest
low input traditional methods. 3 systems supply growing type of food production. Crossbreeding: fuel energy are needed to produce 1 unit of food but also beneficial. Persistence: length of time
most of food: croplands(produce mostly grains), artificial selection to genetically improved crops energy, fishing fleets use 12.5 units of energy to pests remain deadly in the environment. Ads of
rangelands, pastures, and feedlots (produce and livestock animals. Gene revolution: using produce 1 unit of energy from seafood. pesticides: Human lives have been saved from
meat), and fisheries, aquaculture(provide genetic engineering improve strains of crops and Genetically modified (GM) food production is insect transmitted disease (especially malaria),
seafood) Industrialized/high input agriculture livestock animals. Gene splicing: alter an controversial, with benefits/drawbacks. Ads: Food supplies are increased, Crop yields and
(globally Ex oriented, use antibiotics/growth organism’s genetic materials through adding or Need less fertilizer; Need less water; More farming profits increase, Newer pesticides are
hormones used to produce meat, synthetic deleting -> desirable traits. Genetically modified resistant to insects, disease, frost, and drought; safer, more effective, and work faster – and
inorganic fertilizers): heavy equipment,(depend organism (GMOs): results of transferring gene Grow faster; Can grow in slightly salty soils; May when properly used, keep health risks very low
on non-renewable) fossil fuel, commercial between different species. Feedlots and confined need less pesticides; Tolerate higher levels of relative to benefits. Dis: The genetic
fertilizer/pesticides, and money to produce animal feeding operations: industrialized factory herbicides; Higher yields Less spoilage. Dis: development of pesticide resistance in pest
monoculture: growing one to two crops. Yield: farming where animals are fattened for the Irreversible and unpredictable genetic and organisms, LTerm usage diminishes effectiveness
– costing farmers more for less return, ●Open-ocean/polyaquaculture and Re-circulating percolates downward through soil and rock. microfiltration) uses high pressure to force
Insecticides kill the pest’s natural enemies that aquaculture systems. ●Eat more locally sourced, Lateral recharge: process is recharged from the saltwater through a membrane filter with pores
help control pests, Inefficient application causes organic food, and have two meatless meals per side from nearby rivers and streams. Surface small enough to remove the salt. 3 major
pollution, Both wildlife and human health are week. ●Switch to organic farming, perennial water: the freshwater from precipitation and problems: high cost; pumping large volumes of
affected. Pesticide usage is regulated by: polyculture, renewable energy usage, and snowmelt that flows across the earth’s land seawater through pipes and using chemicals to
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. subsidies for sustainable food production. surface and into lakes, wetlands, streams, rivers, sterilize the water and keep down algae growth
Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Food CHAP 11: WATER Saltwater—covering about estuaries, and ultimately to the oceans. Surface kills many marine organisms and also requires
and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Federal 71% of the earth’s surface; fresh water runoff: Precipitation that does not infiltrate the large inputs of energy to run the pumps;
Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (groundwater, lakes, rivers, streams) is about ground or return to the atmosphere by desalination produces huge quantities of salty
Alternatives to Pesticide: Crop rotation/adjusting 0.024%; 60% water inside your cells. Water is evaporation. Watershed, or drainage basin: The wastewater that must go somewhere. Cutting
planting time starves pests/allows enemies to eat one of our most poorly managed resources. land from which surface water drains into a the waste of water is almost always quicker and
them, Polyculture provides homes for pest’s Water is: Health issue: every day an average of particular river, lake, wetland, or other body of easier than trying to provide new supplies of
enemies, Implant genetic resistance, Biological 3,900 children younger than age 5 die from water. 2/3 of the annual surface runoff in rivers water which is also cheaper, unless supply
control: use natural enemies, Natural waterborne infectious diseases bcoz they do not and streams is lost by seasonal floods and is not systems are subsidized and makes water prices
pheromones (insect perfume)->lure pests into have access to safe drinking water. Economic available for human use. The remaining one-third artificially low. This reduce-first rule also applies
traps + attracted natural enemies into crop fields, issue: it is vital for reducing poverty and is reliable surface runoff, which we can generally to the waste of energy or any other resource. 2
bring the hormones disrupt the insect’s life cycle. producing food and energy. Women’s and count on as a source of freshwater from year to main cause of water waste: its low costs to users
Integrated pest management (IPM) – use of a children’s issue in developing countries because year. The main factors that cause water scarcity and lack of gov subsidies for improving the
coordinated combination of cultivation, biological poor women & girls often are responsible for in any particular area are a dry climate, drought, efficiency of water use. •CUT WATER WATSE IN
,chemical tools and techniques => reduce finding and carrying daily supplies of too many people using a water supply more IRRIGATION: Flood irrigation method: Most
synthetic pesticide costs over 50-65% without water.National and global security issue because quickly than it can be replenished, and wasteful irrigation systems obtain water from a
reducing crop yield, pollution and health of increasing tensions w/in & b/t nations over use of water. Solutions to increase water groundwater well or a surface water source. The
prevention.(Drawbacks: Is highly individualized – access to limited water resources that they share. supplies:+provide more water by reducing water then flows by gravity through unlined
each situation is unique and what works in one Environmental issue because excessive unnecessary waste of water. +increase water ditches in crop fields so the crops can absorb it =>
case may not work in another. It also takes withdrawal of water from rivers and aquifers supplies in water-short areas, mostly by delivers far more water than is needed for crop
time)Advocates support implementing IPM results in dropping water tables, lower river withdrawing groundwater; building dams and growth and typically loses 40% of the water
through taxation. ●Improve Food Security? flows, shrinking lakes, and losses of wetlands. reservoirs to store runoff in rivers for release as through evaporation, seepage, and runoff. More
Government’s role: Controlling food prices vs. Hydrologic cycle: the movement of water in the needed; transporting surface water from one crop per drop strategy: More efficient and
food subsides, Implementing health seas, in the air, and on land, which is driven by area to another; and converting saltwater to environmentally sound irrigation technologies
measures( children against disease, encourage solar energy and gravity. Some precipitation freshwater (desalination: khử muối)). Dams: can greatly reduce water demands and water
breast-feeding, preventing blindness, provide infiltrates the ground and percolates downward structures built across rivers to block some of the waste on farms by delivering water more
family planning, educate women), Aid local, through spaces in soil, gravel, and rock until an flow of water; reservoirs: stores of water precisely to crops. Ex: center-pivot, low-pressure
sustainable, organic food production and impenetrable layer of rock stops it. The water in collected behind the dams => to capture and sprinkler: uses pumps to spray water on a crop,
distribution, Educate farmers, Encourage these spaces is called groundwater. The spaces in store runoff and release it as needed to control allows about 80% of the water to reach crops.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) soil and rock close to the earth’s surface hold floods, generate electricity (hydroelectricity), and Low energy, precision application sprinklers: put
programs and vertical farming ● Produce Food little moisture. Below a certain depth, in the zone supply water for irrigation and for towns and 90–95% of the water where crops need it. Drip/
More Sustainably? Soil conservation (terracing, of saturation, these spaces are completely filled cities. Reservoirs also provide recreational trickle irrigation/ microirrigation: is the most
contour planting, strip-cropping, planting cover with water. The top of this groundwater zone is activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. efficient way to deliver small amounts of water
crops, and setting up windbreaks or shelterbelts, the water table. It falls in dry weather, or when Desalination involves removing dissolved salts precisely to crops. It consists of a network of
Alley cropping or agroforestry (planting crops in we remove groundwater faster than nature can from ocean water or from brackish (slightly salty) perforated plastic tubing installed at or below the
orchards) and tillage farming) Organic fertilizer replenish it, and it rises in wet weather. Deeper water in aquifers or lakes for domestic use => ground level. Small pinholes in the tubing deliver
(animal/green manure, compost) and commercial down are geological layers called aquifers: increase supplies of freshwater. 2 methods for drops of water at a slow and steady rate, close to
inorganic fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, underground caverns and porous layers of sand, desalination: Distillation involves heating the roots of individual plants. ●CUT WATER
potassium) use to restore soil fertility: ●Reducing gravel, or bedrock through which groundwater saltwater until it evaporates (leaving behind salts WATSE IN INDUSTRY AND HOMES: Producers of
irrigation dependence; rotating crops/switching flows. Natural recharge: Most aquifers are in solid form) and condenses as freshwater. chemicals, paper, oil, coal, primary metals, and
to salt tolerant varieties. replenished naturally by precipitation that Reverse osmosis (thẩm thấu ngược) (or processed food consume almost 90% of the
water used by industry in the US. Some of these levees and more on nature’s systems such as land by creating major erosion of sediments and up a contaminated aquifer, preventing
industries recapture, purify, and recycle water to wetlands and natural vegetation in watersheds.+ runoff of toxic chemicals. contamination is the least expensive and most
reduce their water use and water treatment Straightening and deepening streams In flowing stream, the breakdown of effective way to protect groundwater resources.
costs; Flushing toilets; Dirtied water from (channelization) reduces upstream flooding.+ biodegradable wastes by bacteria depletes Harmful algal blooms: red, brown, or green toxic
bathtubs, showers, sinks, dishwashers, and Levees or floodwalls along the sides of streams dissolved oxygen and creates an oxygen sag tides => release waterborne and airborne toxins
clothes washers in a typical house could be contain and speed up stream flow, but they curve. Lakes and reservoirs are generally less that damage fisheries, kill some fisheating birds,
stored in a holding tank and then reused as gray increase the water’s capacity for doing damage effective at diluting pollutants than streams are, reduce tourism, and poison seafood.
water to irrigate lawns and nonedible plants, to downstream.+ preserve existing wetlands and for two reasons: 1/deep lakes and reservoirs One of the worst pollutants of ocean water is oil.
flush toilets, and to wash cars; Underpricing is restore degraded wetlands to take advantage of often contain stratified layers that undergo little The key to protecting the oceans is to reduce the
also a major cause of excessive water use and the natural flood control they provide in vertical mixing. 2/they have little or no flow. flow of pollution from land, air, and streams that
waste in homes and industries. Many water floodplains.+ think carefully about where we Eutrophication: the enrichment natural nutrient empty into these waters.
utility and irrigation authorities charge a flat fee choose to live. of a shallow lake, estuary, or slowmoving stream; Ways to Reduce nonpoint-source water
for water use and some charge less for the caused mostly by runoff of plant nutrients: pollution:+ Farmers can reduce soil erosion by
largest users of water. ●USE LESS WATER TO nitrates and phosphates from surrounding land. keeping cropland covered with vegetation.+
REMOVE WATSES: Using systems that mimic the Oligotrophic lake is low in nutrients and its water reduce the amount of fertilizer, use no fertilizer
way nature deals with waste. Ex: sewage is clear. Cultural eutrophication: near urban or on steeply sloped land, and planting buffer zones
treatment plants remove valuable plant nutrients agricultural areas, human activities can greatly of vegetation between cultivated fields and
and dump most of them into rivers, lakes, and accelerate the input of plant nutrients to a lake. nearby surface waters.
oceans. This overloads aquatic systems with plant Prevent or reduce cultural eutrophication:+ use + Organic farming
nutrients that could be recycled to the soil.; Rely advanced (but expensive) waste treatment to The EPA is experimenting with a discharge
more on waterless composting toilets; Each of us remove nitrates and phosphates before trading policy, which uses market forces to
can help bring about such a “blue revolution” by wastewater enters lakes.+ use a preventive reduce water pollution in the United States.
using and wasting less water to reduce our water approach by banning or limiting the use of Sewage from each house usually is discharged
footprints => think globally and act locally; phosphates in household detergents and other into a septic tank with a large drainage field.
Floodplains: A flood happens when water in a cleaning agents and by employing soil sewer pipes to wastewater or sewage treatment
stream overflows its normal channel and spills Water pollution is any change in water quality conservation and land-use control to reduce plant.
into the adjacent area which usually include that harms humans or other living organisms or nutrient runoff. Clean up lakes suffering from primary sewage treatment: a physical process
highly productive wetlands, help to provide makes water unsuitable for desired uses. Point cultural eutrophication:+ remove excess weeds, that uses screens and a grit tank to remove large
natural flood and erosion control, maintain high sources discharge pollutants at specific locations control undesirable plant growth with herbicides floating objects and to allow solids such as sand
water quality, and recharge groundwater. through drain pipes, ditches, or sewer lines into and algicides, & pump air through lakes and and rock to settle out.
Benefits of flood: +create the world’s most bodies of surface water (factories, sewage reservoirs to prevent oxygen depletion.+ secondary sewage treatment: a biological
productive farmland by depositing nutrient-rich treatment plants, underground mines, and oil excessive inputs of plant nutrients are stopped. process in which aerobic bacteria remove as
silt on floodplains. +recharge groundwater and tankers). Nonpoint sources are broad, diffuse When groundwater becomes contaminated, it much as 90% of dissolved and biodegradable,
help to refill wetlands, thereby supporting areas, rather than points, from which pollutants cannot cleanse itself of degradable wastes as oxygen-demanding, organic wastes.
biodiversity and aquatic ecological services. enter bodies of surface water or air (runoff of quickly as flowing surface water does. It can take Tertiary treatment: removal of nitrogen and
Human activity is removal of water-absorbing chemicals and sediments from cropland, livestock decades to thousands of years for contaminated phosphorus from sewage.
vegetation, especially on hillsides. Ppl usually feedlots, logged forests, urban streets, parking groundwater to cleanse itself of slowly 2 ways to improve Conventional Sewage
replace such vegetation with farm fields, lots, lawns, and golf courses). Agricultural degradable wastes (such as DDT). On human Treatment:+ to require industries and businesses
pastures, pavement, or buildings that cannot activities are by far the leading cause of water time scale, nondegradable wastes (toxic lead and to remove toxic and hazardous wastes from
absorb rainwater. Draining and building on pollution including Sediment, fertilizers and arsenic) remain in the water permanently. water sent to municipal sewage treatment
wetlands: naturally absorb floodwaters, is a pesticides, bacteria from live- stock and food Toxic arsenic: contaminates drinking water when plants. + to encourage industries to reduce or
second human activity that increases the severity processing wastes, and excess salt from soils of a well is drilled into aquifers where soils and rock eliminate use and waste of toxic chemicals.
of flooding. Another human-related factor that irrigated cropland. Industrial facilities: emit a are naturally rich in arsenic or when human Another suggestion is to require or encourage
will increase flooding is a rise in sea level from variety of harmful inorganic and organic activities such as mining and ore processing more households, apartment buildings, and
projected climate change. Reduce flood risks:+ chemicals, are a second major source of water release arsenic into drinking water supplies. offices to eliminate sewage outputs and reduce
rely less on engineering devices such as dams and pollution. Mining: Surface mining disturbs the Because of the difficulty and expense of cleaning water usage by switching to waterless, odorless
composting toilet systems to be installed, pores, flows into the bottom of the well & is largest known crude oil reserves, could supply propane and butane gases are liquefied and
maintained, and managed by professionals. pumped to the surface. After years (decade) of the world’s entire oil needs for about 7 years. • removed as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). LPG is
pumping, the pressure in a well drops and its rate Remaining estimated reserves under Alaska’s stored in pressurized tanks for use mostly in rural
CHAP 13 ENERGY 1. Major sources of energy we of crude oil production starts declining (peak North Slope—the largest ever found in North areas not served by natural gas pipelines. The
use? About 3/4 of the world’s commercial energy production). Global peak production: point in America—would meet current world demand for rest of the gas (mostly methane) is purified and
comes from nonrenewable fossil fuels and the time when we reach the maximum overall rate only 6 months or U.S. demand alone for less than pumped into pressurized pipelines for
rest comes from nonrenewable nuclear fuel and of crude oil production for the whole world. 3 years. • Estimated reserves in Alaska’s Arctic distribution across land areas. Natural gas is
renewable sources. Once we pass this point, the rate of global oil National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) would meet the converted to liquefied natural gas (LNG) at a very
Other forms of renewable energy resources: production begins declining. After it is extracted, current world demand for only 1–5 months & low temperature and high pressure. This highly
indirect solar energy: wind (moving air masses crude oil is transported to a refinery by pipeline, U.S. demand for 7–24 months.Crude oil Ads: flammable liquid is then put aboard refrigerated
heated by the sun), hydropower (flowing water truck, or ship (oil tanker). There it is heated to Ample supply for 42-93 years; low cost; high net tanker ships. Conventional natural gas Ads:
kept fluid by heat from the sun), and biomass separate it into components with different energy yield (NEY); easily transported w/in & b/t ample supplies; high NEY; low cost; less air
(solar energy converted to chemical energy and boiling points (lowest boiling point → highest: countries; low land use; tech is well developed; pollution than other fossil fuels, easily
stored in trees & other plants). Commercial gases, gasonline, aviation fuel, heating oil, diesel efficient distribution system. Crude Oil Dis: Need transported by pipeline; low land use; good fuel
energy—energy sold in the marketplace—comes oil, naphtha, grease & wax, asphalt) in a complex to find substitutes w/in 50 yrs; large gov for fuel cells, gas turbines, motor vehicles. Dis:
from extracting and burning nonrenewable process called refining. Some of the products of subsidies; environmental costs not included in nonrenewable resource; release CO2 when
energy resources obtained from the earth’s crust: crude oil distillation (chưng cất), called MKet price; artificially low price encourages burned; gov subsidies; environmental costs not
86% from carbon containing fossil fuels (oil, petrochemicals, are used as raw materials in waste & discourages search for alternatives; included in MKet price; methane (greenhouse
natural gas, and coal), 6% from nuclear power; industrial organic chemicals, cleaning fluids, pollute air when produced & burned (releases gas) can leak from pipelines; difficult to transfer
8% of the commercial energy comes from pesticides, plastics, synthetic fibers, paints, CO2); cause water pollution. Heavy Oil: from Tar from 1 country to another; can be shipped across
renewable energy resources—biomass, medicines,... Ex: Producing a desktop computer sand, or oil sand, is a mixture of clay, sand, ocean only as highly explosive LNG.
hydropower, geothermal, wind, and solar energy. typically requires about 10 times its weight in water, and a combustible organic material called Unconventional natural gas such as coal bed
Net energy: amount of high-quality energy fossil fuels, mostly oil. Crude oil is now the single bitumen— a thick, sticky, tar-like heavy oil with a methane gas found in coal beds near the earth’s
available from a resource minus the amount of largest source of commercial energy in the world high sulfur content. Oily rocks are another surface across parts of the US and Canada;
energy needed to make it available. & US. Proven oil reserves are identified deposits potential supply of heavy oil, called oil shales, methane hydrate— methane trapped in icy,
2 Advantages and Disadvantages of fossil fuels? from which crude oil can be extracted profitably contain a solid combustible mixture of cage-like structures of water molecules. They are
Oil, natural gas, and coal are currently abundant at current prices with current technology. We hydrocarbons called kerogen. It is extracted from buried in some areas of tundra under arctic
and relatively inexpensive, but using them have 3 options: look for more oil, use and waste crushed oil shales after they are heated in a large permafrost & deep beneath the ocean bottom.
causes air and water pollution, degrades large less oil, or use other energy sources. The 13 container—a process that yields a distillate called So far, it costs too much to get natural gas from
areas of land, and releases greenhouse gases to countries (Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, shale oil. Ads: Moderate cost(tar sand); large methane hydrates, and the release of methane
the atmosphere. Petroleum, or crude oil (oil as it Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi potential supplies, especially tar sands in Canada; (a potent greenhouse gas) to the atmosphere
comes out of the ground), is a black, gooey liquid Arabia(largest portion of the world’s crude oil easily transported w/in & b/t countries, efficient during removal and processing would speed up
consisting of hundreds of different combustible reserves-20%), United Arab Emirates, Venezuela) distribution system in place; tech well-developed projected climate change. Coal—the rock that
hydrocarbons along with small amounts of sulfur, that make up the Organization of Petroleum (tar sand). Dis: high cost(oil shale); low NEY, burns, mostly carbon but contains small amounts
oxygen, and nitrogen impurities. It is also known Exporting Countries (OPEC) have about 78% of environmental costs not included in MKet price; of sulfur, which are released into the air as sulfur
as light oil. Crude oil and natural gas are called the world’s proven crude oil reserves → control large amount of water needed for processing; dioxide (SO2) when the coal burns —was formed
fossil fuels because they were formed from the most of the world’s oil supplies. Canada (16%), serve land disruption; serve water pollution; air in several stages (peat–not a coal-Partially
decaying remains (fossils) of organisms that lived which converts heavy oil extracted from tar pollution & CO2 emissions when produced & decayed plant matter in swamps and bogs; low
100– 500 million yrs ago. Deposits of crude oil sands (and oil shale (đá cát & đá phiến dầu)) into burned. Natural gas: mixture of gases of which heat content → lignite– brown coal- Low heat
and natural gas often are trapped together under synthetic crude oil. The basic problem is that 50–90% is methane (CH4). Also contains smaller content; low sulfur content; limited supplies in
a dome deep within the earth’s crust on land or production of crude oil from existing reserves amounts of heavier gaseous hydrocarbons: most areas → bituminious– soft coal- Extensively
under the seafloor. The crude oil is dispersed has exceeded new oil discoveries since 1984 and propane and butane. This versatile fuel can be used as a fuel because of its high heat content
(phân tán) in pores and cracks in underground global crude oil production has generally leveled burned to heat space and water, to produce and large supplies; normally has a high sulfur
rock formations, like water saturating a sponge. off since 2005. If global oil consumption electricity, and to propel vehicles. Conventional content → anthracite– hard coal- Highly
To extract the oil, developers drill a well into the continues to grow exponentially at about 2.3% natural gas lies above most reservoirs (hồ chứa) desirable fuel because of its high heat content
deposit → oil, drawn by gravity out of the rock per year, then • Saudi Arabia, with the world’s of crude oil. When a natural gas field is tapped, and low sulfur content; supplies are limited in
most areas) out of the remains of land plants that 5%. The enriched uranium-235 is processed into weapons. Coal vs Nuclear: Coal: ample supply; sort that cannot be used to make nuclear
were buried 300–400 million yrs ago and exposed small pellets of uranium dioxide. Large numbers high NEY; very high air pollution; high CO2 weapons; 3/ its spent fuel must be easy to
to intense heat and pressure over millions of of the pellets are packed into closed pipes, emissions; high land disruption from surface dispose of w/out burdening future generations
years. Coal is burned in power plants to generate called fuel rods, which are then grouped mining; high land use; low cost(w huge with radioactive waste; 4/ taking its entire fuel
about 40% of the world’s electricity, 50% of the together in fuel assemblies, to be placed in the subsidies). Nuclear: ample supply of uranium; cycle into account, it must generate a higher NEY
electricity used in the US, and 70% of that in core of a reactor. Control rods are moved in and Low NEY; Low air pollution; Lower CO2 than other energy alternatives do and compete in
China. It is also burned in industrial plants to out of the reactor core to absorb neutrons, emissions; Much lower land disruption from the open marketplace w/out gov subsidies, tax
make iron, steel, and other products. Coal is the thereby regulating the rate of fission and amount surface mining; Moderate land use; High cost breaks, loan guarantees; 5/ its entire fuel cycle
world’s most abundant fossil fuel. Ads: ample of power produced. A coolant, usually water, (even with huge subsidies). High-level must generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions
supplies (225-900 yrs); high NEY; low cost; well- circulates through the reactor’s core to remove radioactive wastes consist mainly of spent fuel than other energy alternatives. Nuclear fusion:
developed tech; air pollution can be reduced with heat, which keeps fuel rods and other materials rods and assemblies from commercial nuclear nuclear change in which two isotopes of light
improved tech. Dis: severe land disturbance, from melting and releasing massive amounts of power plants and assorted wastes from the elements, such as hydrogen, are forced together
air/water pollution; severe threat to human radioactivity into the environment. A production of nuclear weapons. They must be at extremely high temperatures until they fuse to
health when burned; environmental costs not containment shell with thick, steel-reinforced, stored safely for at least 10,000 years up to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the
included in MKet price; large gov subsidies; high concrete walls surrounds the reactor core; keep 240,000 years if long-lived plutonium-235 is not process. Scientists hope that controlled nuclear
CO2 emissions when produced& burned; radioactive materials from escaping into the removed from the wastes. Deep burial is the fusion will provide an almost limitless source of
radioactive particle and toxic mercury emissions. environment, in case there is an internal safest and cheapest way to store highlevel high-temperature heat and electricity: can
Solid coal can be converted into synthetic(tổng explosion or a melting of the core within the radioactive waste. Spent fuel rods could be reduce meltdown risk/ release of radioactivity.
hợp) natural gas (SNG) by a process called coal reactor; protects the core from some external processed to remove radioactive plutonium; 4. Why is energy efficiency an important energy
gasification, which removes sulfur and most threats: tornadoes and plane crashes. When reduce the storage time for radioactive wastes source? Could save as much as 43% of all the
other impurities from coal. It is also converted reactors are shut down and refueled about once from up to 240k to about 10k years; costly and energy it uses by improving the energy efficiency
into liquid fuels such as methanol and synthetic a year, intensely hot and radioactive spent fuel produces plutonium, which could be used by of industrial operations, motor vehicles, and
gasoline through a process called coal rod assemblies are removed and stored outside countries or terrorists to make nuclear weapons. buildings. Energy efficiency: the measure of how
liquefaction. These fuels, called synfuels, are of the nuclear reactor building in water-filled Shooting intensely radioactive wastes into space much work we can get from each unit of energy
often referred to as cleaner versions of coal. Ads: pools or in dry casks. A nuclear power plant is or into the sun, costs of such an effort would be we use. Improving energy efficiency means using
large potential supply; vehicle fuel; moderate only one part of the nuclear fuel cycle, which extremely high and a launch accident could our brains and technology to do more and better
cost; lower air pollution than coal when burned. also includes the mining of uranium, processing disperse high-level radioactive wastes over large work with less energy and money—a win–win
Dis: low-moderate NEY; higher cost than coal; and enriching the uranium to make fuel, using it areas of the earth’s surface. Deal with Worn-out solution. Reducing energy waste is the quickest,
requires mining 50% more coal; environmental in a reactor, and safely storing the resulting Nuclear Power Plant: dismantle the plant after it cleanest, and usually the cheapest, way to
costs not included in MKet price; high highly radioactive wastes for thousands of years closes and store its radioactive parts in a secure provide more energy, reduce pollution and
environmental impact; large gov subsidies; high until their radioactivity falls to safe levels. Each repository; install a physical barrier around the environmental degradation, and slow projected
water use; higher CO2 emissions than coal. step in the nuclear fuel cycle adds to the cost of plant and set up full-time security for 30–100 climate change; Ads of reduce energy waste:
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear nuclear power and reduces its NEY. Ads: large years, until the plant can be dismantled after its Prolongs fossil fuel supplies; Reduces oil imports
Energy? Nuclear power plant is a highly complex fuel supply; low environment impact (w/out radioactivity has reached safer levels; enclose the and improves energy security; Very high NEY;
and costly system designed to perform a accidents); emits 1/6 as much CO2 as coal; entire plant in a concrete and steel tomb. Low cost; Reduces pollution and environmental
relatively simple task: to boil water to produce moderate land disruption & water Advanced light-water reactors (ALWRs) have degradation; Buys time to phase in renewable
steam that spins a turbine and generates pollution(w/out accidents); moderate land use; built in passive safety features designed to make energy; Creates local jobs. Energy-wasting
electricity. The nuclear fission (phân hạch hạt low risk of accident bcoz of multiple safety explosions and releases of radioactive emissions dinosaur: An heat bulb-90–95% is wasted as
nhân) reaction takes place in a reactor(lò phản systems. Dis: high costs, cannot compete almost impossible. Some scientists call for heat- to produce light (should use incandescent
ứng)- light-water reactors(LWRs): most common economically w/out huge gov subsidies; low NEY; replacing today’s uranium-based reactors with light bulb); A motor vehicle with an internal
, produce 85% of the world’s nuclear-generated high environmental impact(with major new ones based on the element thorium → combustion engine wastes about 80% of the
electricity; highly inefficient. The fuel for a accidents); environmental costs not included in cheaper and safer, cut nuclear wastes in half, energy in its fuel; Nuclear power plant producing
reactor: uranium ore mined from the earth’s MKet price; risk of catastrophic accidents; no reduce the risk of proliferation of nuclear electricity for space heating or water heating,
crust. After it is mined, uranium ore must be widely acceptable solution for LTerm storage of weapons. New generation nuclear reactor must wastes about 75% of the energy in its nuclear
enriched to increase the concentration of its radioactive wastes; subject to terroriat attacks; satisfy: 1/must be built so that a runaway chain fuel; Coal-fired power plant wastes about 66% of
fissionable uranium-235 by anywhere from 1% to spread knowledge, tech for building nuclear reaction is impossible; 2/its fuel must be of the the energy released by burning coal to produce
electricity. Save energy and money: architecture: solar heating, efficient windows, energy sources— especially sunlight, wind, heat can be stored in vats of molten salts for use
Cogeneration, or combined heat and power appliances and lighting; green roofs: flowing water, sustainable biomass, and when the sun goes down. Inexpensive solar
(CHP), systems: 2 useful forms of energy (steam soil,vegetation roofs help insulate building; geothermal energy—can drastically reduce cookers can focus and concentrate sunlight to
& electricity) are produced from the same fuel superinsulation: air tight structures are pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and cook food and sterilize water, especially in rural,
source, to recycle steam as heat. Replace energy- heated/cooled mainly with sunlight, appliances, biodiversity losses. Heating building: Passive sunny areas; Can replace wood fires, helping to
wasting electric motors with variable speed body heat. Save energy & money in Existing solar heating system absorbs and stores heat reduce deforestation from fuelwood harvesting,
motors, which run at the minimum rate needed Buildings: ●Insulate the building and plug leaks from the sun directly within a well-insulated saving time and labor needed to collect firewood,
for each job, saves energy and reduces the (quickest, cheapest ways).●Use energy-efficient structure without the need for pumps or fans to reducing indoor air pollution from smoky fires.
environmental impact of electric motor use. windows: cut expensive heat losses from a house distribute the heat. Active solar heating system Solar energy can be converted directly into
Recycling materials: steel, other metals by 2/3, lessen cooling costs in summer, reduce uses energy from the sun by pumping a heat- electrical energy by photovoltaic (PV) cells,
(example: producing steel from recycled scrap heating system CO2 emissions.•Heat houses absorbing fluid (water or an antifreeze solution) commonly called solar cells: thin wafers of
iron uses 75% less energy than producing steel more efficiently: superinsulation (most energy through special collectors usually mounted on a purified silicon with trace amounts of metals that
from virgin iron ore and emits 40% less CO2). efficient ways to heat space); geothermal heat roof or on special racks to face the sun. Ads allow them to function as semiconductors to
Switch from low-efficiency incandescent lighting pump that transfers heat stored in the earth to a Passive/Active: Energy is free; Net energy is produce electricity; have no moving parts, are
to higher-efficiency fluorescent lighting and, in home; passive solar heating; a high-efficiency, moderate (active) to high (passive); Quick safe and quiet, require little maintenance;
the near future, to even more efficient LED conventional heat pump (in warm climates only); installation; No CO2 emissions; Very low air and material used in solar cells can be made into
lighting. Convert electrical grid into Smart grid— small cogenerating microturbines fueled by water pollution; Very low land disturbance (built paper-thin rigid or flexible sheets. Typical solar
an energy-efficient, digitally controlled, high- natural gas; high efficiency (92–98%) natural gas into roof or windows); Moderate cost (passive). cell has a thickness ranging from less than that of
voltage grid that is responsive to local and furnace.• Heat water more efficiently: roof- Dis Pass/Active: Need access to sun 60% of time; a human hair to a sheet of paper. When sunlight
regional changes in demand and supply. Connect mounted solar hot water heater; tankless Sun can be blocked by trees and other structures; strikes these transparent cells, they emit
solar and wind power to grid. Include hidden instant water heater fired by natural gas or LPG Environmental costs not included in MKet price; electrons, and many cells wired together in a
costs in MKet pricing-through higher gas taxes. (not electricity).• Use energy-efficient Need heat storage system; High cost (active); panel can produce electrical power. Ads: Fairly
Give consumers tax breaks/subsidies to buy fuel appliances: Microwave ovens can cut electricity Active system needs maintenance and repair; high NEY; Work on cloudy days; Quick
efficient, smaller vehicle. Build/improve mass use for cooking (with electric stoves). Clothes Active collectors unattractive. Cooling building: installation; Easily expanded or moved; No CO2
transit systems (shift from diesel-powered to dryers w moisture sensors. Refrigerators w a ●Block the high summer sun w window emissions (but they’re not carbon-free because
electrified rail system). Increase funding for freezer on the bottom instead of the top. Front- overhangs/awnings.• Use a light-colored roof to fossil fuels are used to produce and transport the
research of hybrid car development & recharging loading clothes washers use 55% less energy and reflect as much as 80% of the sun’s heat.• Use panels) ; Low environmental impact; Last 20–40
stations. Superefficient and ultralight cars: 30% less water than top-loading models. A 42- geothermal heat pumps for cooling (and heating years; Low land use (if on roof or built into walls
energy-efficient, gasoline–electric hybrid car; has inch plasma TV set left in standby mode uses in winter). Sunlight to Produce High- or windows); Reduces dependence on fossil fuels.
a small gasoline-powered motor and an electric more electricity than a large refrigerator Temperature Heat and Electricity: Solar thermal Dis: Need access to sun; Low efficiency; Need
motor used to provide the energy needed for →plugging electronic devices with a standby systems concentrate and transform energy from electricity storage system or backup;
acceleration and hill climbing. Plug-in hybrid feature into a smart power strip that cuts off the sun into high-temperature thermal energy Environmental costs not included in market price;
electric vehicle—a hybrid with a second and power when such devices are turned off.• Use (heat), which can then be used to heat water and High costs (but should be competitive in 5–15
more powerful battery that can be plugged into a energy-efficient lighting: Newer compact produce steam to generate electricity. Ads: years)(wind, geothermal, and hydropower are
conventional electrical outlet and recharged → fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) cut energy use by Moderate environmental impact; No CO2 the 3 cheapest ways to produce electricity, and
cut oil consumption, eliminate need for oil Im, 75%, last up to 10 times longer than emissions; Fast construction (1–2 yrs); Costs nuclear power, coal, and solar cells are the most
save consumer money, reduce CO2. Fuel cells are incandescent bulbs. Why we waste energy? reduced with natural gas turbine backup. Dis: expensive); High land use (solar-cell power
at least twice as efficient as internal combustion ●fossil fuels, nuclear power, and other widely Low efficiency; Low net energy; High costs; plants) could disrupt desert areas; DC current
engines, have no moving parts, require little used energy resources are cheap.● few large and Environmental costs not included in Mket price; must be converted to AC. Hydropower (world’s
maintenance, and use hydrogen gas as fuel to longlasting government tax breaks, rebates, low- Needs backup/storage system; Needs access to leading renewable energy source) uses the
produce electricity → eliminate emissions of CO2 interest and long-term loans. Gov not sun most of the time; May disturb desert areas. kinetic energy of flowing and falling water to
and other air pollutants if the hydrogen was encouraging fuel efficiency in motor vehicles and Central receiver system has huge arrays of produce electricity, indirect form of solar energy
produced from noncarbon or low-carbon public education about the environmental and computer-controlled mirrors, called heliostats, because it is based on the evaporation of water.
renewable sources of electricity such wind economic advantages of cutting energy waste. track the sun and focus sunlight on a central heat Ads: Moderate - high net energy; High efficiency
turbines and solar cells. Green Construction: 5. advantages and disadvantages of renewable collection tower that produces steam, which (80%); Large untapped potential; Low-cost
build facing sun to use solar power; green energy resources? Using a mix of renewable powers a turbine and produces electricity. Excess electricity; Long life span; No CO2 emissions
during operation in temperate areas; Can provide produce solid biomass fuel. Liquid biofuels such to the surface, can then be used to heat homes feebates for buying efficient cars, houses, and
flood control below dam; Provides irrigation as biodiesel (from vegetable oil) and ethanol and buildings, provide hot water, grow appliances. Offer large tax credits for investments
water; Reservoir useful for fishing and recreation. (from plants and plant wastes) can be used in vegetables in greenhouses, raise fish in in energy efficiency. Reward utilities for reducing
Dis: High construction costs; High environmental place of petroleum-based diesel fuel and aquaculture ponds, and spin turbines to produce demand for electricity Greatly increase energy
impact from flooding land to form a reservoir; gasoline. Ads biofuels: Biofuel crops can be electricity. Deep geothermal energy stored in efficiency research and development ), using a
Environmental costs not included in MKet price; grown almost anywhere, help countries reduce hot, dry rock found 5 or more km (3 or more mix of renewable energy resources (increase use
High CH4 emissions from rapid biomass decay in their dependence on imported oil; Easy to store, miles) underground almost everywhere. Water of renewable energy. Provide large subsidies and
shallow tropical reservoirs; Danger of collapse; transport, can be used in motor vehicles at little can be injected through wells drilled into this tax credits for use of renewable energy. Include
Uproots people; Decreases fish harvest below or no additional cost; Reduced CO emissions; rock. After it absorbs some of the heat, the water environmental costs in prices for all energy
dam; Decreases flow of natural fertilizer (silt) to Reduced CO2 emissions (78%); High NEY for oil is pumped to the surface, used to generate resources. Encourage government purchase of
land below dam. Microhydropower generators: palm crops; Moderate NEY for rapeseed crops; electricity, and then reinjected into the earth. renewable energy. Increase renewable energy
floating turbines, each about the size of an Reduced hydrocarbon emissions; Better gas Ads: Very high efficiency; Moderate net energy at research and development), adjust MKet price to
overnight suitcase. They use the power of flowing mileage (40%); Potentially renewable. Dis accessible sites; Lower CO2 emissions than fossil include environmental and heath cost (Cut coal
water to turn rotor blades, which spin the turbine biofuel: Increased NOx emissions and more fuels; Low cost at favorable sites Low land use use 50% by 2020. Phase out coal subsidies and
to produce electric current. Wind: The difference smog; Higher cost than regular diesel; and disturbance; Moderate environmental tax breaks. Levy taxes on coal and oil use. Phase
in solar heating of the earth between the equator Environmental costs not included in market price; impact. Dis: Scarcity of suitable sites; Can be out nuclear power subsidies, tax breaks, and loan
and the poles together with the earth’s rotation Low NEY for soybean crops; May compete with depleted if used too rapidly; Environmental costs guarantees). Hard energy paths:based on
create flows of air, indirect form of solar energy growing food on cropland and raise food prices; not included in market price CO2 emissions; increasing use of nonrenewable fossil fuels and
can be captured by wind turbines on land and at Loss and degradation of biodiversity from crop Moderate to high local air pollution; Noise and nuclear energy. Soft energy paths:based on
sea and converted into electrical energy. plantations; Can make engines hard to start in odor (H2S); High cost except at the most improving energy efficiency and increased use of
Offshore wind farms because wind speeds over cold weather. Ads Ethanol: High octane; Some concentrated and accessible sources. Hydrogen: a variety of renewable energy resources.
water are often stronger and steadier than those reduction in CO2 emissions (sugarcane bagasse); Ads: Can be produced from plentiful water; Low Projection suggest(choose energy path): 1/there
over land, and any noise produced is muffled by High NEY (bagasse and switchgrass); Can be sold environmental impact; Renewable if produced will be a gradual shift from large, centralized
surf sounds; eliminates the need for negotiations as a mixture of gasoline and ethanol or as pure from renewable energy resources; No CO2 macropower systems to smaller, decentralized
among multiple landowners over the siting of ethanol; Potentially renewable. Dis Ethanol: emissions if produced from water; Good micropower system. 2/ a combination of greatly
turbines and electrical transmission lines. Ads: Lower driving range; Low NEY(corn); Higher CO2 substitute for oil; Competitive price if improved energy efficiency and the temporary
Moderate to high NEY; High efficiency; Moderate emissions (corn); Much higher cost; environmental and social costs are included in use of a natural gas will best help us to make the
capital cost; Low electricity cost (and falling); Environmental costs not included in market price; cost comparisons; Easier to store than electricity transition to a diverse mix of locally available
Very low environmental impact; No CO2 May compete with growing food and raise food Safer than gasoline and natural gas; Nontoxic; renewable energy resources over the next
emissions; Quick construction; Easily expanded; prices; Higher NOx emissions and more smog; High efficiency (45–65%) in fuel cells. Dis: Not several decades. 3/ because of their supplies and
Can be located at sea; Land below turbines can Corrosive; Can make engines hard to start in cold found as H2 in nature; Energy is needed to artificially low prices, fossil fuels will continue to
be used to grow crops or graze livestock. Dis: weather. Geothermal energy is heat stored in produce fuel; Negative net energy CO2 emissions be used in large quantities.
Steady winds needed; Backup systems needed soil, underground rocks, and fluids in the earth’s if produced from carbon-containing compounds;
when winds are low; Plastic components mantle. A geothermal heat pump system can Environmental costs not included in market price; CHAP 15 ATMOSPHERE: the bottom of a thin
produced from oil; Environmental costs not heat and cool a house by exploiting the Nonrenewable if generated by fossil fuels or envelope of gases surrounding the earth.
included in MKet price; High land use for wind temperature differences between the earth’s nuclear power; High costs (that may eventually Troposphere: About 75–80% of the earth’s air
farm; Visual pollution; Noise when located near surface and underground almost anywhere in the come down); take 25 - 50 yrs to phase in; Short mass is found here, is the atmospheric layer
populated areas; Can kill birds and interfere with world. In winter, a closed loop of buried pipes driving range for current fuel-cell cars; No fuel closest to the earth’s surface, composed mainly
flights of migratory birds. Biomass consists of circulates a fluid, which extracts heat from the distribution system in place; Excessive H2 leaks of nitrogen, oxygen, also greenhouse gas. This
plant materials (such as wood and agricultural ground and carries it to a heat pump, which may deplete ozone in the atmosphere. layer extends only about 17km (11 miles) above
waste) and animal wastes that can be burned transfers the heat to a home’s heat distribution 6. make the transition to a more sustainable sea lvl at the equator and 8km (5 miles) over the
directly as a solid fuel (for heating and cooking, system. In summer, this system works in reverse, energy future? by greatly improving energy poles. Stratosphere which extends from about 17
industrial processes, generating electricity) or removing heat from a home’s interior and storing efficiency (Increase fuel-efficiency standards for - 48 km above the earth’s surface. stratosphere
converted into gaseous or liquid biofuels. it in the ground. Hydrothermal reservoirs: done vehicles, buildings,appliances. Mandate contains less matter than the troposphere, its
Biomass plantations: plant fast-growing trees, by drilling wells into the reservoirs and using a government purchases of efficient vehicles and composition is similar, with two notable
shrubs, perennial grasses, and water hyacinths to pipe to pump dry steam, wet steam, or hot water other devices. Provide large tax credits or exceptions: less water vapour & contains ozone
layer. Ozone layer: Much of the atmosphere’s dioxide and sulfuric acid: Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a 4/winds sweep pollutants away and mix them Dispersion or Cleanup: Disperse emissions above
small amount of ozone (O3) is concentrated in a colorless gas with an irritating odor.1/3 of the with cleaner air. 5/some pollutants are removed thermal inversion layer with tall smokestacks.
portion of the stratosphere found roughly 17– SO2 in the atmosphere comes from natural by chemical reactions. 6 other factors can Remove pollutants after combustion. Tax each

⇔2O3). Air pollution: is the presence of

30km (11–19 miles) above sea level. (3O2+UV sources, In the atmosphere, SO2 can be increase outdoor air pollution. 1/urban buildings unit of pollution produced. Motor Vehicle Air
converted to aerosols, which consist of (slow wind speed & reduce dilution and removal Pollution: Prevention:Use mass transit. Walk or
chemicals in the atmosphere in concentrations microscopic suspended droplets of sulfuric acid of pollutants). 2/hills and Mountains (reduce the bike. Use less polluting fuels. Improve fuel
high enough to harm organisms, ecosystems, or (H2SO4) and susp flow of air in valleys below them and allow efficiency. Get older, polluting cars off the road.
human made materials, or to alter climate. Air ended particles of sulfate (SO4 2–) salts that pollutant levels to build up at ground level). Give large tax write-offs or rebates for buying
pollutants come from natural and human return to the earth as a component of acid 3/high temperatures (promote the chemical low-polluting, energy efficient vehicles.
sources. Natural sources include dust blown by deposition. +Particulates: Suspended particulate reactions leading to formation of photochemical Cleanup:Require emission control devices.
wind, pollutants from wildfires and volcanic matter (SPM) consists of a variety of solid smog). 4/emissions of volatile organic Inspect car exhaust systems twice a year. Set
eruptions, and volatile organic chemicals particles and liquid droplets small and light compounds (VOCs) (from certain trees and plants strict emission standards. Indoor Air Pollution:
released by some plants. Most human inputs of enough to remain suspended in the air for long in heavily wooded urban areas can play a large Prevention:Clean ceiling tiles and line AC ducts to
outdoor air pollutants occur in industrialized and periods. The Environmental Protection Agency role in the formation of photochemical smog). prevent release of mineral fibers. Ban smoking or
urban areas where people, cars, and factories are (EPA) classifies particles as fine, or PM-10 (with 5/the so-called grasshopper effect (occurs when limit it to well-ventilated areas. Set stricter
concentrated. Scientists classify outdoor air diameters < 10 micrometers), and ultrafine, or air pollutants are transported by evaporation and formaldehyde emissions standards for carpet,
pollutants into two categories. Primary PM-2.5 (ttự PM-10). These particles can irritate winds from tropical and temperate areas through furniture, and building materials. Prevent radon
pollutants are harmful chemicals emitted directly the nose and throat, damage the lungs, the atmosphere to the earth’s polar areas, where infiltration. Use office machines in well-ventilated
into the air from natural processes and human aggravate asthma and bronchitis, and shorten they are deposited). 6/temperature inversions areas. Use less polluting substitutes for harmful
activities. While in the atmosphere, some life.+ Ozone (O3): a colorless and highly reactive (During daylight, the sun warms the air near the cleaning agents, paints, and other products.
primary pollutants react with one another and gas, is a major ingredient of photochemical smog. earth’s surface. Normally, this warm air and most Cleanup or Dilution:Use adjustable fresh air
with other normal components of air to form It can cause coughing and breathing problems, of the pollutants it contains rise to mix with the vents for work spaces. Increase intake of outside
new harmful chemicals, called secondary aggravate lung and heart diseases, reduce cooler air above and disperse the pollutants. air. Change air more frequently. Circulate a
pollutants. Major Outdoor Air Pollutants: resistance to colds and pneumonia, and irritate Under certain atmospheric conditions, however, building’s air through rooftop greenhouses. Use
+Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, the eyes, nose, and throat. + Volatile organic a layer of warm air can temporarily lie atop a efficient venting systems for wood-burning
and highly toxic gas that forms during the compounds (VOCs): Organic compounds that layer of cooler air nearer the ground) stoves. Use exhaust hoods for stoves and
incomplete combustion of carbon-containing exist as gases in the atmosphere or that Acid deposition (acid rain) is a regional air appliances burning natural gas. Prevent Air
materials. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, evaporate into the atmosphere. +People in such pollution problem in areas that lie downwind Pollution: Outdoor: Improve energy efficiency to
odorless gas. About 93% of the CO2 in the cities, especially during winter, were exposed to from coalburning facilities and in urban areas reduce fossil fuel use. Rely more on lower-
atmosphere is the result of the natural carbon industrial smog consisting mostly of an with large numbers of cars. Reduce acid polluting natural gas. Rely more on renewable
cycle, the rest comes from human activities.+ unhealthy mix of sulfur dioxide, suspended deposition: the best solutions are prevention energy (especially solar cells, wind, geothermal
Nitrogen oxides and nitric acid: Nitric oxide (NO) droplets of sulfuric acid, and a variety of approaches that reduce or eliminate emissions of and solar-produced hydrogen). Transfer energy
is a colorless gas that forms when nitrogen and suspended solid particles that give the resulting sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates. efficiency, renewable energy, and pollution
oxygen gas in air react at the high-combustion smog a gray color, which is why it is sometimes Indoor air pollution is the world’s most serious prevention technologies to developing countries.
temperatures in automobile engines and coal- called gray-air smog. + A photochemical reaction air pollution problem, especially for poor people. Indoor: Reduce poverty. Distribute cheap and
burning power and industrial plants. Lightning is any chemical reaction activated by light. Some alarming facts about indoor air pollution: efficient cookstoves or solar cookers to poor
and certain bacteria in soil and water also Photochemical smog is a mixture of primary and 1/lvls of 11 common pollutants generally are 2-5 families in developing countries. Reduce or ban
produce NO as part of the nitrogen cycle.NO secondary pollutants. times higher inside U.S. homes and commercial indoor smoking. Develop simple and cheap tests
reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide 5 natural factors help reduce outdoor air buildings than they are outdoors. 2/pollution lvls for indoor pollutants such as particulates, radon,
(NO2), NO and NO2 are called nitrogen oxides pollution: 1/particles heavier than air settle out inside cars in traffic-clogged urban areas can be and formaldehyde.
(NOX). NO2 reacts with water vapor in the air to as a result of gravitational attraction to the earth. up to 18 times higher than outside lvls. 3/the Weather consists of short-term changes in
form nitric acid (HNO3) and nitrate salts (NO3 – ). 2/rain and snow help cleanse the air of health risks from exposure to such chemicals are atmospheric variables such as the temperature
Both NO and NO2 play a role in the formation of pollutants. 3/salty sea spray from the oceans magnified. Stationary Source Air Pollution: and precipitation in a given area over a period of
photochemical smog—a mixture of chemicals washes out many pollutants Prevention:Burn low-sulfur coal. Remove sulfur hours or days. Climate is determined by the
formed under the influence of sunlight in cities from air that flows from from coal. Convert coal to a liquid or gaseous average weather conditions of the earth or of a
with heavy traffic, brown-air smog. +Sulfur land over the oceans. fuel. Shift to less polluting energy sources. particular area, especially temperature and
precipitation, over decades to thousands of While in troposphere, CFCs act as greenhouse market price, or direct price, that we pay for -Three requirements for successful
years. Periods of global cooling and global gases. something does not include most of the indirect, implementation of green taxes : First, they
warming, these alternating cycles of freezing and or external, costs of harm to the environment would have to be phased in over 10–20 years to
thawing (rã đông) are known as glacial and CHAP 17 and human health associated with its production allow businesses to plan for the future. Second,
interglacial (between ice ages) periods. Life on -Economics is a social science that deals with the and use (Such costs are also called hidden costs). income, payroll, or other taxes would have to be
the earth and the world’s economies are totally production, distribution, and consumption of Economic growth is usually measured by the reduced or replaced so that there is no net
dependent on the natural greenhouse effect one goods and services to satisfy people’s needs and percentage of change in a country’s gross increase in taxes. And third, the poor and middle
of the planet’s most important forms of natural wants. In a free-market economic system, the domestic product (GDP) (the annual market class would need a safety net to help provide
capital. It occurs primarily because of the prices of goods and services are determined by value of all goods and services produced by all them with essentials such as fuel and food.
presence of four natural greenhouse gases— supply and demand with little or no government firms and organizations, foreign and domestic, -Regulation is a form of government intervention
water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), control or interference. 3 types of capital, or operating within a country). Changes in a in the marketplace that is widely used to help
methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)—that resources, are used to produce goods and country’s economic growth per person are control or prevent pollution and to reduce
warm the atmosphere. We need to prevent CO2 services: capital (Resources and services measured by per capita GDP. The development resource waste and environmental degradation
levels from exceeding 450 ppm—an estimated produced by the earth’s natural processes, which and widespread use of new indicators—called -Most environmental regulation has involved
threshold or irreversible tipping point, that could support all economies and all life), Human capital green indicators. Genuine progress indicator passing laws that are enforced through a
set into motion large-scale we face a rapid or human resources (People’s physical and (GPI)—the GDP plus the estimated value of command and control approach.
projected increase in the average temperature of mental talents that provide labor, innovation, beneficial transactions that meet basic needs, but -A different approach favored by many
the lower atmosphere. Projected Climate culture, and organization), Manufactured capital in which no money changes hands, minus the economists and environmental and business
Change Could Have Severe Consequences: or manufactured resources (Items such as estimated harmful environmental, health, and leaders, is to use incentivebased regulations.
Severe Drought Will Increase, More Ice and Snow machinery, equipment, and factories made from social costs of all transactions (GPI=GDP + Innovation-friendly regulation sets goals, frees
Will Melt, Sea Levels Will Rise, Extreme Weather natural resources with the help of human Benefits not included in market transactions – industries to meet them in any way that works,
Will Increase in Some Areas, Climate Change Will resources). Harmful environmental and social costs) and allows enough time for innovation
Threaten Biodiversity, Food Production May Economic growth is an increase in a nation’s -Environmentally honest market system. It -The United States has used this cap-and-trade
Decline, Climate Change Will Threaten the Health capacity to provide goods and services to people. would include the estimated harmful approach to reduce the emissions of sulfur diox
of Many People. Reduce the Threat of Climate Economic development is the improvement of environmental and health costs of goods and -In one incentive-based regulation system, the
Change: improve energy efficiency to reduce human living standards made possible by services in their market prices to reflect as closely government decides on acceptable levels of total
fossil fuel use and waste, shift from economic growth. High-throughput economies as possible their full costs—internal costs plus pollution or resource use, sets limits, or caps, to
nonrenewable carbon-based fossil fuels to a mix which attempt to boost economic growth by external costs maintain these levels, and gives or sells
of carbon-free renewable energy resources based increasing the flow of natural matter and energy -Why is full-cost pricing not used more widely: companies a certain number of tradable
on local and regional availability, stop cutting resources through their economic systems to First, most producers of harmful and wasteful pollution or resource-use permits governed by
down tropical forests. Effects of Ozone produce more goods and services. Neoclassical products and services would have to charge the caps.
Depletion: Human Health: Worse sunburns, economists such as Robert Samuelson and the more, and some would go out of -In the mid-1980s Michael Braungart and Walter
More eye cataracts, More skin cancers, Immune late Milton Friedman view the earth’s natural business.Second, it is difficult to estimate many Stahel independently proposed a new economic
system suppression. Food and Forests: Reduced capital as a subset, or part, of a human economic environmental and health costs. model that would provide profits while greatly
yields for some crops, Reduced seafood supplies system and assume that the potential for -To encourage a shift to full-cost pricing is to reducing resource use, pollution, and waste for a
from reduced phytoplankton, Decreased forest economic growth is essentially unlimited. phase out environmentally harmful (perverse) number of goods Their idea for more sustainable
productivity for UV-sensitive tree species. Ecological economists such as Herman Daly and subsidies and tax break economies focuses on shifting from the current
Wildlife: Increased eye cataracts in some species, Robert Costanza disagree because no substitutes -Another way to discourage pollution and material-flow economy to a service-flow
Decreased populations of aquatic species for many vital natural resources such as air, resource waste is to tax them (green taxes, or economy
sensitive to UV radiation, Reduced populations of water, fertile soil, and biodiversity, or for nature’s ecotaxes) -Poverty is defined as the inability to meet one’s
surface phytoplankton, Disrupted aquatic food free ecological services such as climate control, -Tax system in most countries is backward. It basic economic needs, and has been identified as
webs from reduced phytoplankton. Air Pollution air and water purification, pest control, and discourages what we want more of—jobs, one of the four major causes of the
and Materials: Increased acid deposition, nutrient recycling. Ecological economists view income, and profit-driven innovation—and environmental problems we face
Increased photochemical smog, Degradation of economic systems as subsystems of the encourages what we want less of—pollution, -To reduce poverty gvm could Mount a massive
outdoor paints and plastics. Climate Change: biosphere that depend heavily on the earth’s resource waste, and environmental degradation. global effort to combat malnutrition and the
irreplaceable natural resources and services. The infectious diseases that kill millions of people
prematurely, Provide primary school education power by mandating free elections and -Not only can we participate, but each of us can -One earth-centered worldview is called the
for all children and for the world’s nearly 800 guaranteeing free speech. also provide environmental leadership in several environmental wisdom worldview. According to
million illiterate adults, Stabilize population -Political institutions in most constitutional different ways : First, we can lead by example, this view, we are part of—not apart from—the
growth in developing countries as soon as democracies are designed to allow gradual Second, we can work within existing economic community of life and the ecological processes
possible and elevating the social and economic change to ensure economic and political stability. and political systems to bring about that sustain all life. Therefore, we should work
status of women, Sharply reduce the total and The major function of government in democratic environmental improvement, Third, we can run with the earth to promote environmental
per capita ecological footprints of developed countries is to develop and implement policies for some sort of local office, Fourth, we can sustainability instead of trying to conquer and
countries and rapidly developing countries, Make for dealing with various issues propose and work for better solutions to manage it mostly for our own benefit
large investments in small-scale infrastructure -In passing laws, developing budgets, and environmental problems. -Natural capital matters because it supports the
such as solar-cell power facilities for rural formulating regulations, elected and appointed -Three major groups are strongly opposed to earth’s life and our economies. Our ecological
villages, Encourage lending agencies to make government officials must deal with pressure various environmental laws and regulations: footprints are immense and are expanding
small loans to poor people who want to increase from many competing special-interest groups some corporate leaders and other powerful rapidly; in fact, they already exceed the earth’s
their income -Some special-interest groups such as people, citizens, state and local government ecological capacity. Ecological and climate
-Best long-term solution to our environmental corporations are profit-making organizations. officials change tipping points are irreversible and should
and resource problems is to shift from a high- Others special interests are represented by -Small grassroots groups to large heavily funded never be crossed. Once we cross such a point,
throughput (high-waste) economy based on ever- nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) mainline groups neither money nor technology will save us from
increasing matter and energy flow (Figure 17-3) -Principles Can Guide Us in Making -Environmental worldviews—how people think harmful consequences that could last for
to a more sustainable low-throughput (low- Environmental Policy +The humility principle: the world works and what they believe their role thousands of years.
waste) economy Our understanding of nature and how our actions in the world should be
-Ecological succession occurs when changes in affect nature is quite limited. -Part of that perceived role is determined by a CASE STUDY CHAP 10:
environmental conditions enable certain species +The reversibility principle: Try not to make a person’s environmental ethics—what one What is vertical farming?
to move into an area and replace other species decision that cannot be reversed later if the believes about what is right and what is wrong in Vertical farming is a new practice of producing
that are no longer favored by the changing decision turns out to be wrong. +The net energy our behavior toward the environment food on vertically inclined surfaces. Instead of
environmental conditions. Green jobs: which are principle: Do not encourage the widespread use -One human-centered worldview held by many farming vegetables and other foods on a single
devoted to improving environmental quality, of energy alternatives or technologies with low people is the planetary management worldview level, such as in a field or a greenhouse, this new
developing cleaner, carbon-free energy net energy yields, which cannot compete in the (humans are the planet’s most important and method produces foods in vertically stacked
resources, and promoting environmental open marketplace without government subsidies dominant species, and we can and should layers commonly integrated into other structures
sustainability +The precautionary principle: When substantial manage the earth mostly for our own benefit. like a skyscraper, shipping container or
-One way to encourage such a shift and create evidence indicates that an activity threatens Other species and parts of nature are seen as repurposed warehouse.
millions of jobs in the United States (and in other human health or the environment, take having instrumental value based on how useful How do hydroponics, aquaponics, and
countries) might be to establish a Green Earth precautionary measures to prevent or reduce they are to us) aeroponics work?
Corps, Another way is to invest in green such harm +The prevention principle: Whenever -Another human-centered environmental Hydroponics
infrastructure such as mass transit, more possible, make decisions that help to prevent a worldview is the stewardship worldview (It Hydroponics allows plants to grow without soil
sustainable eco-cities sustainable agriculture, problem from occurring or becoming worse +The assumes that we have an ethical responsibility to and instead uses liquid, sand, gravel, coco, or
wind turbines, solar cells, solar water heaters, polluter-pays principle: Develop regulations and be caring and responsible managers, or stewards, various other materials. Nutrients are supplied to
and an updated, superefficient electrical grid. use economic tools such as green taxes to ensure of the earth, as we use the earth’s natural capital, the roots by water that is enhanced with liquid
-Policies—the set of laws and regulations it that polluters bear the costs of dealing with the we are borrowing from the earth and from future plant food.
enforces and the programs it funds. Politics is the pollutants and wastes they produce +The public generations) beacause 2 reason : First, each The benefits of hydroponics clearly outweigh
process by which individuals and groups try to access and participation principle: Citizens species is a unique storehouse of genetic traditional farming methods. The basic needs of a
influence or control the policies and actions of should have open access to environmental data information that should be respected and plant are simple: water, sunshine, and nutrients.
governments at local, state, national, and and information and the right to participate in protected simply because it exists (intrinsic However, traditional farming isn’t always the
international levels. Democracy is government by developing, criticizing, and modifying value). Second, each species isa potential most efficient.In a hydroponic system, the plant
the people through elected officials and environmental policies. economic good for human use (instrumental does not have to spend this energy seeking
representatives. In a constitutional democracy, a -A major theme of this book is that individuals value), which is also an important part of the nutrients, which means that they do not need
constitution provides the basis of government matter humancentered stewardship environmental such an extensive root system. Hydroponic plants
authority, and, in most cases, limits government worldview. can grow as much as two times as fast as their
soil-grown counterparts can because they do not Compared to conventional fish farming methods, protect the water from germs when it is piped to Solar cooking is done by means of the suns UV
have to expend the energy to develop an aquaponics uses 90 percent less freshwater and homes and businesses. rays.A solar cooker lets the UV light rays in and
extensive root system. The nutrients are applied requires significantly fewer added nutrients to CHAP 13:Along with direct/indirect solar, then converts them to longer infrared light
directly to the roots, allowing the plant to be raise the same amount of fish. Likewise, fruits geothermal and biofuel usage, the Bloom Box rays that cannot escape. Infrared radiation has
grown in a smaller space. Hydroponics allows the and vegetables can be grown effectively without could reduce pollution/greenhouse gases/ the right energy to make the water, fat and
plant density to be quadrupled, which means the need for pesticides and other synthetic biodiversity losses protein molecules in food vibrate vigorously and
four times more production for the space. chemicals and inputs, all of which are known to Transitioning to a sustainable future requires heat up. It is not the sun’s heat that cooks the
Aeroponics destroy the environment and human health increased energy efficiency as well as the food, nor is it the outside ambient temperature,
Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in a when used in conventional agriculture settings. research/development of new alternatives like though this can somewhat affect the rate or time
moist environment and also rejects the normal CHAP 11: Commercial vertical farming company the Bloom Box required to cook, but rather it is the suns rays
use of soil. Plants are suspended in a somewhat that uses aquaponics (symbiotic cultivation of Bloom Box vs Solar energy that are converted to heat energy that cook the
enclosed environment and water that is mixed plants and aquatic animals) and aeroponics A little Bloom box does not work by itself. It food; and this heat energy is then retained by the
with plant food is sprayed onto the roots. A (hydroponically misting plant roots) to grow local needs an outside fuel source. That fuel source pot and the food by the means of a covering or
drawback to this type of environment is that the produce year round. can be fossil fuels like dirty coal or cleaner lid. This occurs in much the same way that a
roots are exposed so pests and bacteria can Recycles 97% of the fresh water and use no natural gas, or, as stated in this report at about 8 greenhouse retains heat or a car with its
become a problem if the roots aren’t carefully herbicides or pesticides minutes in, renewable energy such as solar. windows rolled up. An effective solar cooker will
protected. Why does surface water generally need more The Bloom Box is still in its experimental phase. use the energy of the sun to heat a cooking
Aeroponics systems are often used in an enclosed treatment than groundwater? There are still kinks to be worked out, and there’s vessel and efficiently retain the energy (heat) for
environment like a greenhouse so that Surface water requires more treatment and long term history to show that it will last 25 maximum cooking effectiveness.
temperature and humidity can be meticulously filtration than ground water because lakes, rivers, years. Solar has been around since the 1950’s Ad: Eco-friendly => By using one, you can let go
regulated. Sunlight is the primary light source but and streams contain more sediment and and has a great, reliable track record. of your dependence on gas or electricity,
some supplemental lighting may also be added. pollutants and are more likely to be Solar is ready now, today. According this 60 maintain better air quality indoors, reduce
Tomato growers traditionally start their plants in contaminated than ground water. minutes report, even if all the kinks were worked carbon monoxide emissions, enjoy cooler
pots, waiting at least 28 days before What are the 6 steps of water treatment? out, you’re still not going to see a Bloom box in temperatures indoors, and conserve more fuel by
transplanting them into the ground. Using an Step 1: Coagulation and flocculation - Chemicals your house for 5 to 10 years. Maybe longer. reducing the need for air conditioning; Solar
aeroponic system, growers can start the plants in with a positive charge are added to the water. Solar, you can have tomorrow. Then, when and cooking is free once you have the cooker
the growing chamber, then transplant them just The positive charge of these chemicals if the Bloom Energy box becomes available for itself ;The quality of food cooked in a solar
10 days later. This advanced technology produces neutralizes the negative charge of dirt and other your home or business, you can use your solar cooker is also notable. There is no danger of
six tomato crop cycles per year, instead of the dissolved particles in the water. When this panels as the fuel source. burning food and flavors remain intact.
traditional one to two crop cycles. occurs, the particles bind with the chemicals and Finally, if you wait for the Bloom Box, you’re Dis: difficult to use during winter months and on
Aquaponics form larger particles, called floc. going to continue polluting, as well as losing rainy days; not as efficient at retaining heat as
Aquaponics is a controlled environment that Step 2: Sedimentation - During sedimentation, money to the ever rising utility rates. And what if conventional cooking devices; eyesight can also
creates a well-balanced ecosystem which floc settles to the bottom of the water supply, 5 to 10 years from now, all of the Bloom boxes go be damaged if the concentrated beams of
mutually benefits plants and fish. In this process, due to its weight. This settling process is called bust for some unexpected reason, and they never sunlight are reflected back into someone’s eyes
the fish and plants have a symbiotic relationship sedimentation. develop a residential system? You’ve waited for CHAP 17:
providing nutrients to one another: the plants Step 3: Filtration - Once the floc has settled to the nothing. You’ve lost 5 to 10 years of energy The Ecological Footprint per capita is a nation's
provide food for the fish and the fish poop gives bottom of the water supply, the clear water on savings for well meaning, but failed device. total Ecological Footprint divided by the total
plants their nutrients and fertilizer. top will pass through filters of varying Because there’s no question the solar will be population of the nation.
A variety of plants can grow in a aquaponics compositions (sand, gravel, and charcoal) and there. The Bloom box…not so certain.We want Total Ecological Footprint assets are at the core
system including various lettuce types, tomatoes, pore sizes, in order to remove dissolved particles, Bloom to succeed because it’s good for the of every nation's long-term wealth. Yet today,
strawberries and peppers. Plants that need a pH such as dust, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and planet, plus solar can be its fuel source. So, it’s a population growth and consumption patterns are
environment a lot higher or lower than neutral chemicals. win-win. But as I said, solar is ready and available putting more pressure on our planet's
7.0 are the only types of plants that haven’t Step 4: Disinfection - After the water has been now. It’s also clean and affordable now, thanks to ecosystems, as seen in water shortages, reduced
proven to effectively grow. filtered, a disinfectant (for example, chlorine, local and federal rebates. cropland productivity, deforestation, biodiversity
What makes the vertical farming idea using chloramine) may be added in order to kill any CHAP 15: loss, fisheries collapse and climate change.
aquaponics so sustainable? remaining parasites, bacteria, and viruses, and to Ecological Footprint accounting compares how
much demand human consumption places on the
biosphere (Ecological Footprint) to the area, or
supply, of productive land available to meet this
demand (biocapacity). Both Footprint and
biocapacity are measured in global hectares.
Footprint accounting exposes the unique risks
and opportunities that natural resource
constraints pose to each nation
Denmark is known for its windmills – what have
they developed as a modern equivalent to them?
How does this new technology fit into
environmental sustainability?
Denmark was a pioneer in developing
commercial wind power during the 1970s, and
today a substantial share of the wind
turbines around the world are produced
by Danish manufacturers such
as Vestas and Siemens Wind Power along with
many component suppliers. Wind
power produced the equivalent of 42.1%
of Denmark's total electricity consumption in 201
Vietnam application:
Widn energy potential: The western part of the
East Sea bordering southern Việt Nam is one of
two areas with an average wind speed at sea of
10-11km per hour and a very long coastline,
which is potential to develop wind enerygy in
Vietnam. Renewable energy is proving
increasingly competitive against other traditional
energy sources, adding that renewable energy
development will help Vietnam to diversify and
become self-sufficient in power supply, while also
protecting the environment.

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