food and security
food and security
food and security
Technological solutions
The Green Revolution:
Using Irrigation systems during dry seasons and in arid
climates Using high-yielding seeds to increase yield
Using pesticides and fertilisers to reduce pests and increase
yield The New Green Revolution:
Crops which can withstand droughts or high
salinity Boosting soil production through crop
Integrated pest management
Mechanisation of agriculture
Using more machinery like tractors or heavy
tools Improving storage and transport
Moving to contemporary food production
Biotechnology e.g. Genetically Modifled Crops or [popover id="w772lam4L-pdIAPv"
label="In Vitro Meat"
Vertical Farming e.g. hydroponics and aeroponics to grow more food
Sustainable agriculture - to protect the environment, boost food production, support
farmers and prepare for climate change
Polyculture to boost soil fertility or crop rotation Your notes
Solar-powered irrigation
Organic produce
Integrated pest management
Appropriate technology to boost local production (typically
in LICs) Small-scale irrigation pumps and pipes made of
Solar agriculture uses small greenhouses to grow food even during the winter season
An Aeroponic system
In Vitro Meat
In Vitro Meat Your notes
In Vitro Meat is synthetic meat
It is produced by removing cells from live animals and placing them into a culture liquid full of
nutrients, where they will grow to produce tissue
Natural (or synthetic) materials, e.g. gelatine, are then used to help shape the tissue into the
recognisable ‘meat’
It is highly restricted or banned in some countries
Only the United States and Singapore currently sell In Vitro Meat
Advantages of contemporary approaches
Genetically Helps to increase the nutrition provided by crops through nutrient fortiication
Organisms Rice with high vitamin A density
This is useful for LICs with higher levels of undernutrition and nutrition-
related diseases
Crops may be drought-resistant
This supports food growth in countries with arid climates and low water
May produce more productive crops and higher yields
Can improve fiavour and the look of food, e.g. apples which don’t
Vertical farming Doesn’t require soil, which is ideal for places with poor soils
Can be grown in all sorts of places, from highly urbanised cities to the
Less land
Fewer pesticides and fertilisers (and therefore less
pollution) Less water
Recycled water
Less polluting
Less transport (reducing food miles)
Saves land for other resources
Your notes
Supporting food security and climate change, as there is less risk of crop
damage from fiooding or droughts. It is more reliable
In Vitro Meat More sustainable - conventional meat production has negative effects on the
environment e.g. high water use, land use, greenhouse gas emissions
Better for animal welfare than conventional farming (animals don’t die)
Better for our health with fortiication of nutrients e.g. Omega-3 fatty
Reduces the risk of animals contracting diseases and limits the risk of food
poisoning pathogens
Contemporary Disadvantages
Genetically Modifled People are still worried about the safety of GMO foods for consumption
Organisms e.g. allergic reactions or cancer
Low labour inputs may result in fewer jobs and the loss of traditional
farming jobs
Heavily technology dependent
The culture liquid is sometimes made from animal blood, therefore it isn’t
necessarily cruelty-free
Exam Tip
Make sure you know the advantages and disadvantages of each contemporary approach to food
production. You may be asked to compare the three or with traditional farming techniques!
9.4.3 Prevention & Treatment of Disease
Your notes
Prevention & Treatment of Disease
Prevention and treatment
Healthcare systems differ across the world
Some countries focus on prevention, whilst others focus on treatment
Preventative Healthcare involves preventing the disease from manifesting or
spreading General avoidance of disease contraction and spread
Quick detection of diseases to improve
recovery Anticipating disease to stop further
Examples include yearly fiu jabs or cancer
screenings The advantages of preventative
healthcare include:
It helps to spot or diagnose some diseases early e.g. cervical cancer
screening This can lead to recovery as diseases haven't progressed
It can be cheap and easy to distribute e.g. education and health
campaigns It stops the spread of disease before it becomes dangerous
Curative Healthcare involves the treatment of a disease post-infection
Very effective with the correct resources e.g. hospitals and medical
staff Examples include antibiotics or chemotherapy
Curative healthcare is more common
globally The advantages of curative
healthcare include:
Entirely getting rid of a disease or illness instead of just reducing the
severity Supports recovery from a disease
Primary healthcare combines both prevention and treatment strategies
Means of Infection
Means of infection
The means of infection can affect whether preventative or curative strategies are chosen
Communicable diseases are contagious diseases, therefore prevention is vital
With curative treatment, millions of people will contract the disease and be at risk of serious
health issues or even death, before a cure is found
Non-communicable diseases may also beneit from preventative measures e.g. improving
diets can reduce the risk of heart disease or high blood pressure
However, in much of the developing world, curative strategies already exist for many non-
communicable diseases
If a new/unknown disease appeared, curative measures would be the only real
option If a disease spreads very quickly, then it would be too late for preventative
measures Some diseases in high quantities would need primary
healthcare e.g. malaria Prevention of disease could waste money e.g.
screenings without disease discovery
Money could be funnelled into better curative medicine for people already suffering
Scientific Intervention
Scientific Intervention Your notes
Without scientiflc intervention, many prevention and treatment options wouldn’t be
available Science has contributed to the creation of:
Preventative measures like vaccines for smallpox and
hepatitis Curative measures like radiation therapy for
Scientiic intervention and advice are vital for deciding which healthcare approach to adopt
Scientiic intervention may guide government policies on global approaches e.g. to
pandemics Scientiic bodies associated with charities and other non-governmental
organisations may put
pressure on governments to follow a particular strategy
Countries with more investment in scientiic and healthcare sectors will be able to provide
more curative and preventative treatment
9.4.4 Managing Pandemics
Your notes
What is a Pandemic?
A pandemic occurs when a disease affects one country, multiple countries or the whole
world The World Health Organisation will state whether a pandemic has
begun Famous pandemics include:
The Black Death in the 14th
century Spanish Infiuenza in
Swine Flu in
2009 Covid-19 in
Epidemiology of Disease
Epidemiology of Disease Your notes
The Epidemiology of Disease is the understanding of:
When a disease
started Where it has
How it started
Factors contributing to the spread
It also supports work to prevent and treat diseases
It is a vital study that underpins the management of
The famous physician John Snow, named the ‘Father of Epidemiology’, was one of the
irst to use epidemiological thinking to assess disease outbreak
In London in 1854, a severe outbreak of cholera hit the city
Most physicians at the time assumed it to be an airborne disease
Using epidemiology, John Snow worked out how the disease
began The disease originated from a water pump
We can think about disease spread using the Epidemiological
Triangle There are 3 factors to consider:
Host - characteristics of a person e.g. age, race, occupation, social status etc
Agent - the cause (biological, chemical, physical or nutritional)
Environment - what could impact the agent (temperature, food or water, pollution,
housing status)
Your notes
It is still an ongoing pandemic
Over 700,000,000 cases have been
recorded Nearly 7 million people have
As it was a novel coronavirus, there was very little prior local and global awareness about it
Symptoms include:
Dry cough
Shortness of
breath Exhaustion
Cold symptoms
Loss of smell or taste
Whilst many have recovered, lots of people suffer from Long
Brain fog
Exhaustion or chronic fatigue
Can also affect heart function, stomach issues, muscle
pains School closures across the world, resulting in missed
education Businesses closed and many people became Your notes
Hospitality and retail closed
Borders closed, hitting the travel and tourist industries
More deaths occurred in areas of poverty, exacerbating
inequalities Extreme poverty rates rose
It affected the global economy, leaving many countries in recession
Large gatherings and important events were banned or cancelled e.g. marathons, the 2020
Olympics and festivals
Many strategies were adopted across the world to combat the
pandemic Management solutions differed between different countries
Lockdowns were enforced, and people could not leave their homes
Wuhan enforced a lockdown in January 2020
The UK was criticised for enforcing a lockdown too late
Some countries were incredibly strict with their lockdowns, with very little freedom for the public
China adopted a Zero-Covid Policy, which resulted in protests and a severe hit to the
public’s mental health
Initial border closures, followed by mandatory quarantining for travellers
Some countries kept their borders irmly shut, for example, New Zealand closed their borders
for 2 years
Once vaccines arrived, travel rules eased, as long as you had evidence of vaccination or recent
International action was a vital part of the pandemic management:
The global vaccine rollout was an important moment in 2021
The most vulnerable had high priority e.g. the elderly, people in healthcare and people
with illnesses
The World Health Organisation aimed to vaccinate 70% of the world’s population by
2022 In many countries, vaccination was an official requirement for certain people
Contact tracing and testing were a vital part of tracking the spread
Many countries had apps that would notify you of being in the presence of a positive
case Encouragement of regular testing
Encouragement to keep distance from people outside their household
After the lifting of major lockdowns, other restrictions remained in
Some countries enforced nighttime curfews
Some countries adopted rules for hospitality and other events
Germany had a ‘2G’ rule, where people were only allowed to take part in certain activities
if they were ‘geimpft’ (vaccinated) and ‘genesen’ (recovered)
Encouragement or mandates for masking in public spaces in many countries
The media played a vital role:
TV, social media and other media outlets spread information and educated people about
the pandemic Your notes
However, misinformation and ‘fake news’ became a problem
The media labelled Covid-19 as ‘Wuhan Virus’ or ‘China Virus’, which increased
xenophobia and racism-fuelled violence
There was economic support for people in many countries where people faced
unemployment Many governments offered more than half of people’s salaries
International debt relief e.g. paying off loans and stopping evictions
Exam Tip
Make sure you link back this case study to how we manage pandemics, including prior awareness,
international action and the role of the media.