ECE5XX: Principles of Digital Communications Systems: Monsoon 2016

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ECE5XX: Principles of Digital Communications Systems

Monsoon 2016

Prof. Anand Srivastava

Course Overview

Introduction - Course Objectives

• The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive coverage

and in-depth treatment of the theory and design of digital
communications at a level required for first year graduate
- The first half of the course will focus on the theoretical foundations of a
basic digital communication system
- The second half will deal with advanced techniques

• Involves the use of advanced concepts. But

- Emphasis is placed on system goals and the need to trade off basic
system parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio, probability of error, and
bandwidth (spectral) expenditure.

Course Description
Introduction to Digital Communication (6 Contact Hours)
Probability and Random Process
Bandpass Signal Representation
Channels and their Models
Information Theory; Source/Channel Coding Theorem, Channel Capacity in AWGN
Optimum Receiver Design in Additive Gaussian Noise Channels (10 Contact Hours)
Vector representation of signals, Waveform channels, Geometric representations - Bases and Signal
Maximum Likelihood Receivers – Matched filter; Decision regions
Performance Evaluation – Probability of Symbol errors; Union Bound on probability of error
Signaling of Message Sequences (10 Contact Hours)
Bit-by-bit and Block Orthogonal signaling – Geometric interpretation
Signaling selection – Binary and multi-level
Interrelationship between time, bandwidth, probability of error and SNR
Multiple Access Techniques (7 Contact Hours)
Introduction to CDMA Variable tree OVSF, PN Sequences , Multipath diversity, RAKE
Introduction to OFDM, Multicarrier Modulation and Cyclic Prefix, Channel model and
SNR performance, OFDM Issues – PAPR, Frequency and Timing Offset Issue

MIMO (7 Contact Hours)

Introduction to MIMO
MIMO Channel Capacity
SVD and Eigen-modes of the MIMO Channel
MIMO Spatial Multiplexing – BLAST
MIMO Diversity – Alamouti, OSTBC, MRT
Post Conditions of the Course

At the conclusion of this course, the students should have a good understanding of the

 Develop optimal receiver designs for digital communications using statistical

communication theory principles
 Using Signal Space concepts for optimum receiver design

 Understand Multiple access systems like CDMA and OFDM

 Using MIMO to achieve Receive &Transmit Diversity and multiplexing gains

Textbook and References
John G. Proakis and M. Salehi, Digital Communications, 5th Edition, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 2007.

Digital Communications Haykin, Wiley

Robert G. Gallager, Principles of Digital Communication, Cambridge University
Press, 2008.

J. Wozencraft & I. Jacobs, “Principles of Communication Engineering” John Wiley.

David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communications,

Cambridge University Press.
Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press.
Theodore Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall.
Course Grading
The course will be graded on your results in

Mid Sem Exam:

Final Exam:
Mini Project: After Mid Sem
Assignments: 2
Paper Presentation After Mid Sem
The final grade will be determined as a weighted combination of
the homework and the exam according to the following:

Mid Sem Exam: 25%

Final Exam: 50%
Mini Project: 10%
Assignments: 10%
Paper Presentation:5% 17
Paper Presentation
• Mainly about literature review on some advanced
• Potential topics will be provided
• Main purposes
- To learn some advanced topics related to this course
- To prepare you for future research

Necessary Background
• It is assumed that students taking this course are
familiar with the following topics:
- Signal and Linear System Analysis
- Noise and Stochastic Processes
Random Variables
Random Processes
Correlation Functions and Power Spectra
- Binary modulation
- Basic knowledge about estimation/detection
- Linear algebra and matrix operation
- Experience with MATLAB

Related Journals/Conferences
• Journals
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
• Conferences
- IEEE International Conferences on Communications (ICC)
- IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom)
- IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)

Digital Communications
• Nowadays communications is essential to all sectors of society.
Fast and reliable information transmission is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

• In this era of information technology, it is believed that the

prosperity and continued development of modern nations will
depend primarily on communications.

Wireless Revolution

Mobile TV
Mobile Internet




Yesterday - 2000 Today - 2016

Millions of wireless devices Billions of wireless devices
Wireless Revolution

Wireless Revolution

Ericsson Mobility Report June 2015

• Worldwide
- 8 billion mobiles (April 2015)
- Almost = the world population
– China, 1.24 billion (Jan 2015)
Telecommunications in India
Wireless Data Explosion

Ericsson Mobility Report June 2014

Wireless Everywhere

Medical Distributed
applications Environmental
Various & Bio Sensing

Smart RFID
New Mobile

People to People People to Machines Machines to Machines

Trillions of Wireless devices 7
Wireless will continue to grow!

• 3D internet with
high definition
• Mobile 3D
• Telepresence
• …
Wireless will continue to grow!


Transmission Systems

• Analog Communications
- Continuous modulation
- Fidelity is usually defined in terms of

• Digital Communications
- Signals made up of discrete symbols
selected from a finite set (e.g., binary
- Fidelity or Accuracy is specified in terms 00011011110
of bit error rate (Probability of making a
bit error).

Simplified block diagram of a digital communication system

Binary interface

Information Source Channel

Source Encoder Encoder

Noise Channel

Received Source Channel

Information Decoder Decoder

Digital Communication Systems
-- Source Encoder
• Sampling
- makes signal discrete in time
- signals can be sampled without introducing distortion
• Quantization
- makes signal discrete in amplitude
- Good quantizers are able to use few bits and introduce small
• Source Coding
- compression of digital data to eliminate redundant
information (squeeze out redundant information)
- does not introduce distortion
Digital Communication Systems
-- Channel Encoder
• Encryption
- ensures data privacy
• Channel coding
- Provides protection against transmission errors by selectively
inserting redundant data
- plays an extremely important role in system design
• Modulation
- Converts digital data to a continuous waveform suitable for
transmission (usually a sinusoidal wave)
- Information is transmitted by varying one or more parameters of
the transmitted signal
• Varying Phase such as in Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
• Varying Frequency such as in Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
• Varying Amplitude such as in Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
A more detailed picture

Communication Channels
• Wireline channels
- Telephone network
- Twisted-pair wire lines and coaxial cable
• Fiber-optic channels
- Higher bandwidth, > GHz
• Underwater acoustic channels
- With increasing interest, but very challenging to design
• Storage channels
- Magnetic tape, magnetic disks, optical disks, compact disks
• Wireless channels

Communication Channel

 Additive Noise Channel

 Linear Filter Channel

 Linear Time Variant Filter Channel

Communication Channels
• Channel carries the transmitted signals
- could be a telephone wire, free space and often presents distorted signal to
• Effects include
- Attenuation - Transmitted power typically decreases as inverse of square distance
- Noise (e.g., additive white Gaussian noise or AWGN.)
- Filtering
• Channel can have a bandwidth that is small compared to the signal bandwidth
(e.g., in a telephone channel).
• Transmitted pulses will be changed in shape and smeared out in time causing
Inter-symbol interference or ISI.
- Fading
• Signal amplitude can change in a random fashion
- Time Variation
• Time-varying channels cause signal fading.
• Different components of the signal can be faded at different levels and this often
causes random filtering of the signals (hence ISI).
Frequency range for wireless
electromagnetic channels.
[Adapted from Carlson (1975), 2nd edition]

Regulation of Radio Spectrum
• Government effectively owns radio spectrum and regulates it
- In India this regulation is performed by DoT
- Generally one must obtain a license from DoT to make use of the radio

• DoT coordinates spectrum with the world authority ITU

(International Telecommunications Union)
• ITU is an organization under the United Nations
- Headquartered in Geneva
- Web site http//
• Radio spectrum is expensive

What makes Communications Systems
• Transmission in a particular application depends on
many factors. This includes:
 information rate (bit rate)
 cost
 number of users
 quality of service (BER, Delay, SNR)
 medium over which the information is to be sent -

• Example: wireless systems requires a different design from an

optical fibre communications link.

What are the Features of a Good
Communication System?
• Small signal power (measured in Watts or dBm)
• Large data rate (measured in bits/sec)
• Small bandwidth (measured in Hertz)
• Low distortion (measured in SNR or bit error rate)
• Low cost - with digital communications, large complexity does
not always result in large cost

In practice, there must be tradeoffs made in achieving

these goals

System Design Tradeoffs
Data Rate vs. Bandwidth
• Bandwidth Efficiency
- defined as the ratio of data rate R to bandwidth W
Want large bandwidth efficiency
- Typical current wireless systems provide < 1bit/sec/Hz
- Newly researched systems can provide > 10bits/sec/Hz
• Increased data rate leads to shorter data pulses which leads to
larger bandwidth
- This tradeoff (Data Rate vs. Bandwidth) cannot be avoided.
• Some modulation schemes use bandwidth more efficiently than

System Design Tradeoffs
Fidelity vs. Signal Power
• Energy Efficiency
• defined as the ratio of transmitted data to consumed
energy (bits/Joule)
Want Energy Efficient modulation schemes
• One way to get an error free signal would be to use
huge amounts of power to blast over the noise
- Not practical.
• Some types of modulation achieve relatively error
free transmission at lower powers than others


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