Human Resource Management: Gaining A Competitive Advantage: Training

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Human Resource Management:

Gaining a Competitive Advantage

Chapter 07

McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Continuous & High-Leverage Training

• Training facilitates employees’ learning job-related

knowledge, skills and behavior.
• Continuous learning requires employees to understand the
entire work process, acquire and apply new skills and share
what they have learned with others.
• High-leverage training is:
 linked to strategic business goals and objectives,
 supported by top management,
 relies on an instructional design model, and
 benchmarked to programs in other organizations.

Formal and Informal Training

Key Features of Continuous Training

Strategic Learning & Development Process

The Training Process

Needs Assessment Process

Organizational analysis a process for determining the appropriateness of training

by evaluating the characteristics of the organization.
Person analysis a process of determining individual’s needs and readiness for 7-7
Task analysis the process of identifying and analyzing the tasks to be trained
5 Factors that Influence
Employee Performance and Learning

Task Analysis

Factors that Influence Motivation to Learn

Ensure Employee Motivation for Learning

7 Conditions for Learning

1. Need to know why they should learn.

2. Meaningful training content.

3. Opportunities to practice or social network interaction.

4. Feedback.

5. Observe, experience and interact with others.

6. Good program coordination and administration

7. Commit training content to memory

Transfer of Training

Selecting Training Methods
 Presentation Methods
 Instructor-led classroom instruction
 Distance learning, teleconferencing & webcasting
 Audiovisual techniques

 Hands-on Methods
 On-the-job training
 Self-directed learning
 Simulations
 Business games and case studies
 Behavior modeling
 E-learning

Determine Return on Investment (ROI)

Managing Diversity and Inclusion
 Managing Diversity- process of creating an environment that allows all
employees to contribute to organizational goals and experience personal

 2 Types of Diversity Training:

1. Attitude awareness and change programs
2. Behavior based programs
 2 Goals of Diversity Training and Inclusion:
1. Eliminate values, stereotypes, and managerial practices that inhibit
employees’ personal development
2. Allow employees to contribute to organizational goals regardless of
their race, sexual orientation, gender, family status, religious
orientation, or cultural background.

Managing Diversity Programs


 Technological innovations, new product markets, and a

diverse workforce have increased the need for companies
to reexamine how their training practices contribute to
 The key to successful training is choosing the most
effective training method.
 Managing diversity and cross-cultural preparation are two
training issues relevant to capitalize on a diverse
workforce and global markets.


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