CAPS-Short Form User Manual 3-3-16
CAPS-Short Form User Manual 3-3-16
CAPS-Short Form User Manual 3-3-16
Roy 1
May 1, 2005
CAPS:Short Form 03-3-16, C. Roy 2
The Coping and Adaptation Processing Scale (CAPS): Short Form is a 15-item
instrument that represents all original concepts of the CAPS long form (47 items). The
CAPS: Short Form uses a Likert scale format with response choices ranging from 4
(always) to 1 (never). Each item of the CAPS is a short statement about how an
individual responds to experiencing a crisis or extremely difficult event. Three items are
reversed scored. The possible range of scores is from 60 to 15 with a high score
indicating a more consistent use of the identified strategies of coping. The instrument is
based on a middle-range theory (MRT) of coping and adaptation processing (See Figure
1; Roy, 2009). The original pool of items for this scale came from qualitative and
quantitative studies based on the major concepts of this MRT and this earlier work is
explained as a significant part of the research by Roy over 25 years (Roy, 2011).
CAPS:Short Form 03-3-16, C. Roy 3
Raw Scores
To score the Coping and Adaptation Processing Scale:
3) First, reverse score the three negative items so that higher scores mean greater
In reverse scoring 1=4; 2=3; 3=2; and 4=1
The items to reverse score are: 5, 13, and 14
2) Total scores are obtained by summing the numeric responses on each item.
Range of scores for 15 items is: 60 to 15
3) Some authors in using the longer (47 item) form have chosen to split the group in half
to identify persons who have high and low capacity of coping (Gonzalez, 2008); others,
notably Gloria Carvajal from La Sabana University, Chia, Colombia, used quartiles.
Coping has long been recognized as an important construct in studying and dealing with
people and their health. The Coping and Adaptation Processing Scale (CAPS) was
initially developed to address unresolved issues in understanding and measuring the
complex construct of coping. For example, the widely used instrument by Lazarus and
colleagues has sometimes been referred to as the standard in the field, yet a number of
authors, as reported by Aldwin (2007) noted the construct validity of the instrument was
not strong, given an unstable factor structure. Extensive use in nursing research had not
yielded a cumulative body of knowledge. The 47-item CAPS was translated into 6
languages and used in at least 13 countries on 4 continents and found to be helpful. One
concern reported by scholars globally has been the respondent burden of the length of the
tool. A project was conducted that aimed at: Shortening the 47-item CAPS scale while
maintaining: (i) good model fit, (ii) adequate content coverage across the various
domains of the MRT of Coping and Adaptation Processing, (iii) and metric equivalence
across 2 ethnic groups. When this was achieved it is hoped that the CAPS: Short Form
will help reduce respondent burden, and increase the generalizability of the measure for
diverse populations.
CAPS:Short Form 03-3-16, C. Roy 6
The method used to shorten and revise the 47-item CAPS scale was an item response
theory (IRT) model analysis along with the MRT of Coping and Adaptation Processing.
Secondary data from 2 samples were used: Sample 1—Patients with chronic neurologic
deficits in the USA (n=347) and Sample 2—Patients with acute cardiac conditions in
Panama (n=327). The Graded Response Model (GRM) was used to calibrate item
parameters; these item parameters along with their associated Categorical Response
Curves (CRCs) were used to inform item selection. Differential item function (DIF)
testing was used to identify items that functioned similarly across the two samples; items
without DIF were preferred for the shortened scale.
IRT procedures using the statistical models of curves and differences resulted in the
12 items were potentially most useful; 4 items showed some potential, with
relevant curves and small differences
With redundancy removed 14 items remained and all were ranked high by the
theorist on a ladder of coping
These items reflected all major concepts of the MRT
One item from the original pool of 72 items was put back in the scale based on
significant research of the concept of spirituality in coping in studies based on the
Roy Adaptation Model over the past 25 years (Harvey, 2013)
After items for the shortened CAPS were selected, the reliability and validity of the scale
was tested and found to be promising (See Table 1).
The Coping and Adaptation Processing Scale (CAPS): Short-Form can be a practical tool
to effectively and efficiently measure coping and adaptation in people dealing with both
chronic and acute health conditions. Future research involves testing the tool in various
clinical population and global settings. Keeping a data base on the developing work will
be important in testing the promise of this tool change. From developing knowledge of
how people cope, the nurse can help patients to enhance their selected strategies in a
given situation and provide opportunities and support for developing new strategies and
flexibility in using them.
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