Human Resource Management: Gaining A Competitive Advantage: The Analysis and Design of Work

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Human Resource Management:

Gaining a Competitive Advantage

Chapter 04

The Analysis and Design of


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Work-flow Design

 Work-flow design- process of analyzing tasks

necessary for production of a product or service,
prior to assigning tasks to a particular job category
or person.

 Organization structure - relatively stable and

formal network of vertical and horizontal
interconnections among jobs that constitute the

Work-flow Analysis
 Work-flow analysis are useful in providing a
means for managers to understand all tasks
required to produce a high-quality product and
skills necessary to perform those tasks.

 Work flow analysis includes analyzing:

 work outputs
 work processes
 work inputs

Lean Production VS Batch Work Methods

Lean Production are processes that emphasize

manufacturing goods with minimum amount of time,
materials, money and people to leverage technology
and flexible, well trained and skilled personnel to
produce more custom products for less.
Batch Work Methods use large groups of low skilled
employees to churn out long runs of identical mass
products stored in inventories for later sale.

Organizational Structure

 Organization structure provides a cross-

sectional overview of the static relationship
between individuals and units that create outputs.

 Two dimensions of structure are:

1. Centralization
2. Departmentalization

Structural Configuration

Importance of Job Analysis to HR Managers

Work Redesign
Redesign Performance
Performance Appraisal

HR Planning
Planning Training
Training &
& Development

Selection Career
Career Planning

Job Evaluation
Evaluation Job
Job Analysis

Job Analysis

Job Analysis Information

Job Analysis Methods

Job Analysis Methods
The PAQ is a standardized job analysis questionnaire containing 194 items. These
items represent work behaviors, work conditions, and job characteristics that can
be generalized across a wide variety of jobs. They are organized into six sections:
1. Information input—Where and how a worker gets information needed to
perform the job.
2. Mental processes—The reasoning, decision making, planning, and information
processing activities that are involved in performing the job.
3. Work output—The physical activities, tools, and devices used by the worker
to perform the job.
4. Relationships with other persons—The relationships with other people
required in performing the job.
5. Job context—The physical and social contexts where the work is performed.
6. Other characteristics—The activities, conditions, and characteristics other
than those previously described that are relevant to the job.

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Job Design and Job Redesign

Four Approaches Used in Job Design

Continued ….
The mechanistic approach
• Specialization
• Skill variety
• Work methods autonomy
The motivational approach
• Decision-making autonomy
• Task significance
• Interdependence
The biological approach
• Physical demands
• Ergonomics
• Work conditions
The perceptual approach
• Job complexity
• Information processing
• Equipment use
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Job Characteristics Model
A model of how job design affects employee reaction

Trade-Offs Among Job Design Approaches

 Job analysis and design is a key component for a
competitive advantage and strategy.

 Need to understand the entire work-flow process to ensure

efficiency and effectiveness and have clear, detailed job

 Managers can redesign jobs so the work unit is able to

achieve its goals while individuals benefit from motivation,
satisfaction, safety, health and achievement.


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