Problem Solving Method

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The key takeaways are that problem solving is an important skill for students to develop and involves applying innovative ways to solve problems. It also discusses the problem solving method and its merits and demerits as an educational approach.

Problem solving involves raising a problem in a way that stimulates reflective thinking to arrive at a rational solution. It is a planned attempt to find an explanation or solution to an educational difficulty.

The merits of the problem-solving method include developing scientific skills and attitudes, being psychologically sound by involving learning by doing, being learner-centered, and developing cognitive abilities like higher-order thinking.


Dr. Amit Gautam

Faculty of Education
Dayalbagh Educational Institute
(Deemed to be University)
Agra UP, India
 Learning is an activity or a process that engages the learner to discover,
invent, self actualize, think and apply innovative ways to solve a problem.
It builds up character and conduct of students to lead a successful life.
Quality of teacher education is one of important factor that contribute to
the quality of education in classroom.
 It is for the teachers to modify and adjust their pedagogical skills to
accelerate learning process in the classroom. All good teaching is
characterized by proper teaching methods, and priority may be given to
improve the capacities and professional competencies of the teachers to
apply appropriate teaching methods that may enhance learning of students.
 Man has been solving problems form the beginning of his existence
usually by trial and error methods.
 Problem solving is an educational device where by the teacher and the
pupils attempts in a conscious, planned, purposeful manner to arrive at
an explanation or solution to some educationally significant difficulty.”
 Problem solving may be defined as a planned attack upon a difficulty or
perplexity for the purpose of finding a satisfactory solution”.
 Risk further elaborates that the problem solving teaching procedure is a
process of raising a problem in the minds of students in such a way so
that it stimulates purposeful reflective thinking in arriving at a rational
According to Chinese Proverb “If you give someone a fish, he eats fish that day,
but if you teach him how to fish he eats fish for a lifetime”
 Nowadays highlighting the certain specialties and improving them has become
a must for training the required human type.
 The most essential one of these specialties is problem solving. Problem solving
is not just a mental specialty but includes some specific attitudes and values.
 This specialty, is the main target of the training as it gives the individual to cope
with the world and environment, to be creative and to give flexibility to
change/control the environment and requires a specific training system to be
improved in all manners.( Aksu et al,1990).
 Today, transmitting information; is changing from traditional learning to
effective learning; from teacher centralized to student centralized; from pre-
defined strict education program to flexible and different learning experiences;
from whole class training to small group or individual learning (Siu, 1999).
 Various definitions regarding problem and problem solving have been made
in different sources. Some of these definitions; that problem is the obstacle
facing the powers to be gathered by someone with a specific target
( Binghan, 1983).
 The problem is the difficulties faced by individuals and communities to be
solved in order to achieve success (Alıcıgüzel, 1979). If a person doesn’t
know how to achieve his purpose than it means he is facing with a problem.
 Problem solving includes integration of concepts and skills to get over the unusual
complete situations (Stones, 1994). Solving a problem means to find or create new
solutions for the problem or to apply the new rule.

 Though problem solving is mainly a purpose of primary education of teachers, a

difference is seen between belief and application (Barr,1994) One of the purposes of the
education is to improve criticizing thinking, logical responding and mainly to develop
problem solving abilities of the learner(Lavole,1993).

 Problem solving can be difficult and sometimes tedious. Show students by

your example how to be patient and persistent and how to follow a structured
method. Articulate your method as you use it so students see the connections.
 Teach within a specific context. Teach problem-solving skills in the context
in which they will be used. Use real-life problems in explanations, examples,
and exams. Do not teach problem solving as an independent, abstract skill.
 Help students understand the problem. In order to solve problems, students
need to define the end goal. This step is crucial to successful learning of
problem-solving skills. If you succeed at helping students answer the
questions “what?” and “why?”, finding the answer to “how?” will be easier.
 Take enough time. When planning a lecture/tutorial, budget enough time
for: understanding the problem and defining the goal, both individually and
as a class; dealing with questions from you and your students; making,
finding, and fixing mistakes; and solving entire problems in a single
 Ask questions and make suggestions. Ask students to predict “what would
happen if …” or explain why something happened. This will help them to
develop analytical and deductive thinking skills. Also, ask questions and
make suggestions about strategies to encourage students to reflect on the
problem-solving strategies that they use.
 Link errors to misconceptions. Use errors as evidence of misconceptions,
not carelessness or random guessing. Make an effort to isolate the
misconception and correct it, then teach students to do this by themselves.
We can all learn from mistakes.
The teacher should provide situations where students sense a problem. The
teacher may also put questions which require reasoning and reflective
thinking on part of the students. `While selecting the problem the teacher
should consider the following points:
1. The problem selected should neither be too easy nor too difficult, but
sufficiently challenging to create interest.
2. The problem should be relevant to the course content.

3. The problem should be in accordance with the age mental level and
interest of the students
4. The problem should be related to daily life

5. Resources should be available to solve the problem

6. The problem should preferably be a new one. The students should not know the results
before hand although they should possess some basic informational and background to
solve the problem.

7.The problem should be useful in promotion scientific attitude and providing training in
scientific method.
 After selecting the problem in the light of the giving criteria, the problem should be
defined in a concise, definite and clear language. All the students may be asked to define
the problem individually.
 This can be followed by discussion on the various statements and selection of the most
appropriate statement. The students should be asked to study the statement of the
 This should be followed by identification of the keywords and phrases in the problem. It
is important that students should understand the meaning of the keywords and problem as
a whole.

 The teacher suggests references on the problem. Collection of data gives

experience to students in obtaining information from various resources like
internet, journals, references books etc.

 The students consult the reference material and collect evidence bearing upon
their problem. The information collected is then analyzed by the students with
the help of the teacher.

 The information which is irrelevant is discarded and relevant information is

organized. This relevant data is then taken into consideration for finding
solution to the problem.

 Hypotheses are educated guesses or tentative solution of the problem.

Students frame the solution based on the information collected.

 To think over such tentative solution is turned as formulation of

hypothesis. These hypotheses given by different students may be
return on the board and discussed.

After discussion with the whole class, the most likely hypothesis selected .
The following point should be considered while selecting the hypothesis:
1. The selected hypothesis should present a valid and reliable solution of the
2. The solution should be in tune with pre established facts and principles

3. Negative situations which cast a doubt over validity of hypothesis should

also be considered.
The students with the help of the teacher plan out experiments to test the most
likely hypothesis. Experiments are conducted to verify the hypothesis. The
teacher guides the students when needed.

 The results of the experiments may prove the hypothesis true or

false. If any hypothesis is verified as true by the experimental
results, it is accepted and generalizations are drawn on this basis.
 If all the hypotheses are proved false by the experimental results,
then students will have to review the related literature again.
 New hypotheses are formulated and the procedure is repeated
until a correct solution is obtained.
 The generalization which has been formulated should be applied to
situations in daily life. This will help in verifying the generalization.

 Thus, the scientific method involves a definite procedure of

attacking the problem in an inductive manner by proceeding from a
specific problem toward generalization.

 Finally,
the adequately of generalization is tested through deductive
approach by applying the generalization in specific situations.
 It provides training in the scientific processes. Learners develop many
skills like manipulating apparatus, conducting observations, measuring,
experimenting. They also learn recording readings accurately and
drawing conclusions.
 It helps in the development of scientific attitude.

 It is a psychologically sound method as it involves learning by doing.

 It is learner-centred. A learner’s interest is retained as they solve the

problems actively with their own efforts.
 Solution of the problem provides motivation for further learning.
 It provides better understanding of scientific facts and principles as
learners solve the problem practically.
 It has utility in a daily life. Learners learn to apply scientific facts and
procedures for solving their day-to-day problems.
 It develops the cognitive abilities of learners as they analyze the
problem and think logically. Formulation of hypothesis and designing
experiments develop their higher order thinking skills.
 It develops a harmonious relationship between the teacher and the
taught as the teacher acts as a friend, helper and guide.
 It helps in fulfilling the objectives of science teaching.
 Not all students can be expected to solve problems with their own efforts.
 It is time consuming.

 The whole curriculum cannot be covered through investigation and problem-

 References and resources materials for solving problem may not be available. Not
all school laboratories and libraries are well-equipped to use this method.
 This method requires science teacher to have not only adequate theoretical
knowledge but also to be adept in practical skills.
 Students may select the wrong hypothesis for testing and waste their time and
energy by proceeding in the wrong direction.
 The evaluation system being followed is more theory based and not in accordance
with this method.
 This method requires adequate space, infrastructure and resources for
all the learners to conduct investigation. Large crowded classes place
a limitation on using this method.
 Support from administration may not be available for activities like
field investigation and surveys (to be conducted for verifying
hypothesis). The administrators are apprehensive to taking
responsibility for any untoward incident which might occur during
such a visit.
 This method is expensive as compared to lecture method or
demonstration method. All students will need equipment, reference
books and other resources for solving problems.
 Problem solving should be used as learning strategy in the class
ambient, but the teacher has to think very carefully and make a good
 On the other hand, it will take time to get used to solving a different type
of problem that especially the students will be active and will have time
to think on.

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