Types of Evaluation

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• Formative Evaluation
• Summative Evaluation
 A formative evaluation (sometimes referred to as
internal) is a method for judging the worth of a program
while the program activities are forming (in progress).
 Monitor how well the instructional goals and objectives
are being met.
 Itsmain purpose is to catch deficiencies so that the
proper learning interventions can take place.
 Formativeevaluation is individualized by comparison of the students
achievement during the various stages of course or curriculum,
 Formativeevaluation puts the student against himself and not by
comparison with other students.
 This enable the student to control his learning behavior at every point
of course and seek appropriate teacher guidance.
 Formative evaluation is also useful in analyzing learning materials,
student learning and achievements, and teacher effectiveness

 Formative assessment is used by the teacher to

qualitatively evaluate pupil understanding,
learning needs and their curriculum journey
during a lesson or unit. Fundamentally,
the purpose of formative assessment is to
improve teaching and learning whilst it is
 To provide feedback for teachers to modify subsequent
learning activities and experiences.
 To identify and remediate group or individual deficiencies.
 To move focus away from achieving grades and onto
learning processes, in order to increase self efficacy and
reduce the negative impact of extrinsic motivation.
 Major purpose of formative evaluation is to make
adjustments in an educational activity as soon as they are
 Students find opportunity to revise and refine their
thinking by means of formative assessment.
Characteristics of Formative evaluation

 It is an integral part of learning process.

 Itoccurs frequently during the course of
 Itsresults are made immediately known to the
 It may sometimes take teacher’s observation only.
 It reinforces learning of the students.

 Determiningthe extent to which a student has

achieved the course objectives.
 Can occur during a term as well as at the end of
 Summative assessment methods are the most
traditional ways of evaluating student work.
 It is done at the end of the course of instruction to know to what extent
the objectives previously fixed have been accomplished.
 Its main objective is to assign grades to the pupils.
 It indicates the degree to which the students have mastered the course
 It helps to judge the appropriateness of instructional objectives.
 It has danger of making negative effects. This evaluation may brand a
student as a failed candidate, and thus causes frustration and setback in
the learning process of the candidate.
 The tests for summative evaluation are given at the end of a course .
Characteristics of summative evaluation
 It is terminal in nature as it comes at the end of the course of instruction.
 It is judgemental in character in the sense that it judges the achievement
of pupils.
 It views evaluation ‘as a product’, because its chief concern is to point
out the levels of attainment.
 It can not based on teacher’s observation only.
 It does not pin point difficulties faced by the learner.
 Its result can be used for placement and grading purposes.
 It reinforces learning of the students who has learnt an area.
 It may or may not motivate the learners. Sometimes it may have negative
Summative Evaluation Purposes
 To evaluate learner success in retaining content
knowledge through types of assessment such as traditional
paper and pencil tests.
 A tool used to evaluate the curriculum and training
 Define the purpose of summative evaluation
 Describing the two phases of summative evaluation and
decisions resulting from each phase
 Designing a summative evaluation to examine
organizational benefits of instruction they have
 Contrasting formative and summative evaluation by
purpose and design

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