Introduction To Particulate Nature of Matter

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Introduction to particulate

nature of matter
Notes _1
States of Matter

• The three states of matter

1. Solid

2. Liquid

3. Gas
Kinetic Particle Theory
Kinetic particle theory
• The kinetic particle theory explains the
properties of the different states of
matter. The particles in solids, liquids and
gases have different amounts of energy.
They are arranged differently and move
in different ways.
• The table summarizes the arrangement
and movement of the particles in solids,
liquids and gases, and shows simple
diagrams for the arrangement of these
• The way the particles of matter move
depends on the temperature. As the
temperature increases the average
kinetic energy of the particles
increases – the particles in a solid
vibrate more. The particles in liquids
and gases also vibrate, rotate, and
translate more
Changes of state

• If you heat a block of ice in a

beaker it will melt to form liquid
water. If you continue heating the
water, it will boil to form water
vapor. Figure2 shows a heating
curve for water – it shows how its
temperature changes during these
changes of state. We shall look at
the relationship between
temperature and the kinetic
energy of particles during these
changes of state.
• There are a number of different • You can convert temperatures
temperature scales. The most commonly from the Celsius scale to the
used are the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scale using the algorithm:
Kelvin scales. All three are named in
honour of the scientist who developed • temperature (K) = temperature
them. (°C) + 273.15
• The SI unit for temperature is the kelvin
(K). The Kelvin scale is used in
energetics calculations.
• Absolute zero is zero on the Kelvin
scale, 0 K (on the Celsius scale this is
-273 °C). It is the temperature at which
all movement of particles stops.
Kinetic particle theory and state changes

• The kinetic particle theory Solids Properties Why they are like this
explains the properties of They have a fixed shape and cannot The particles cannot move from place
solids, liquids and gases. There flow to place

are energy changes when They cannot be compressed or

The particles are close together and
have no space to move into
changes in state occur.
Brownian motion is the Properties Why they are like this Liqui
random movement of fluid They flow and take the shape of The particles are free to move
their container around each other
particles. They cannot be compressed or The particles are close together
squashed and have no space to move into
Gases Properties Why they are like this
They flow and completely fill The particles can move quickly
their container in all directions
They can be compressed or The particles are far apart and
squashed have space to move into
Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases
•All three states of matter (solid, liquid and •Liquids expand for the same reason, but
gas) expand when heated. The atoms because the bonds between separate
themselves do not expand, but molecules are usually less tight they expand
the volume they take up does. more than solids. This is the principle behind
liquid-in-glass thermometers. An increase in
•When a solid is heated, its atoms vibrate
temperature results in the expansion of the
faster about their fixed points. The relative liquid which means it rises up the glass.
increase in the size of solids when heated •Molecules within gases are further apart and
is therefore small. Metal railway tracks weakly attracted to each other. Heat causes
have small gaps so that when the sun heats the molecules to move faster, (Heat energy
them, the tracks expand into these gaps converted to Kinetic Energy. which means
and don’t buckle. that the volume of a gas increases more than
•Liquids expand for the same reason, but the volume of a solid or liquid.
because the bonds between separate • However, gases that are contained in a fixed volume
cannot expand - and so increases in temperature result in
molecules are usually less tight they increases in pressure.
expand more than solids.
State changes

• Changes of state are: • boiling requires an energy input -

• solids melting into liquids whereas evaporation is the release of the
molecules with the highest energy
• liquids boiling into gases
• gases condensing into liquids
• Evaporation cools liquids as a result of
this energy loss. Evaporation is
• liquids freezing or solidifying into solids. increased by higher temperatures, a
• Evaporation is sometimes confused with greater surface area or a draft over this
boiling. They both involve liquids surface area.
turning to gases, but evaporation is • A substance must absorb heat energy so
different because: that it can melt or boil. The temperature
• it occurs at any temperature - not just the of the substance does not change during
boiling point. melting, boiling or freezing - even
• it only happens at the surface of the liquid - though energy is still being transferred.
not throughout like boiling
Heating curves and cooling curves

• A heating curve is a graph showing the

temperature of a substance plotted against
the amount of energy it has absorbed. You
may also see a cooling curve, which is
obtained when a substance cools down and
changes state.
• The temperature stays the same when a
solid is melting or a liquid is boiling
(changing state) during a change of state,
even though heat energy is being
• The temperature also stays the same while
a liquid freezes, even though heat energy
is still being released to the surroundings.
A heating curve for ice

HE.1 T2
2.1 Th

Background to atomic theory.th1 TB  to  to

• Understandings
• ➔ Atoms contain a positively
•Background to
charged dense nucleus atomic theory
composed of protons and
• Two Greek philosophers, Leucippus
neutrons (nucleons). and Democritus stated around 440
• ➔ Negatively charged electrons BC that matter was composed of
occupy the space outside the indivisible particles termed atoms.
nucleus. However, no concrete scientific
evidence was given to support this
• ➔ The mass spectrometer is hypothesis and so it was not
used to determine the relative accepted to any great degree by the
atomic mass of an element from scientific community at the time.
its isotopic composition
Dalton’s atomic theory
• In 1808 the English school • Dalton called the indivisible
teacher John Dalton building blocks that comprise
developed an atomic model matter “atoms”. Dalton’s theory
can be summarized as follows.
of matter that was supported
by experimental data. This • Postulate 1: All matter
(materials) consists of very small
model formed the origin of particles called atoms
atomic theory that underpins
• Postulate 2: An element consists
much of modern science. of atoms of one type only.
Dalton’s atomic theory
• Postulate 3: Compounds consist • The simple “laws of chemical
of atoms of more than one combination "were known to the
element and are formed by scientific community in the18th
combining atoms in whole- Century and Dalton’s theory
number ratios. explains a number of these.
• Postulate 4: In a chemical • The law of definite proportions:
reaction atoms are not created This was proposed by a French
or destroyed. scientist, Joseph Proust, in 1799.
• The law states that a compound
always has the same proportion
of elements by mass.
• For example, if you measure the • For a scientific theory to be
mass of sulfur and oxygen in sulfur accepted it should not only
trioxide, SO3 it will always contain provide an explanation of known
1 part sulfur and 3 parts oxygen by observations but should be able
mass. to predict correctly the
• The law of conservation of matter: outcomes of future experiments.
Matter cannot be created or • Dalton used his theory to deduce
destroyed. The total mass of matter
following a chemical reaction is
another law: The law of multiple
equal to the total mass of matter proportions:
before the start of the reaction.
The law of multiple proportions:
• If two elements X and Y combine in • An experiment might measure that 3 g of
different ways to form more than one carbon combines with 4 g of oxygen to form
carbon monoxide, whereas 3 g of carbon
compound, the masses of X that combines with 8 g of oxygen to form carbon
combine with a fixed mass of Y can be dioxide.
expressed as a ratio of small whole • Carbon and oxygen have combined in different
numbers. ratios to give different compounds:
• Example: The law of multiple • CO(g): C:O ratio = 3:4
proportions. • CO2(g): C:O ratio = 3:8The ratio of the masses
of oxygen that combine
• consider measuring the mass of
• with the same mass of carbon to form the two
carbon and oxygen in forming the two
compounds carbon monoxide, CO(g), • compounds is 1:2 (a simple ratio of whole
and carbon dioxide, CO2(g).

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