Compare Spain China CW
Compare Spain China CW
Compare Spain China CW
Political instability
In both wars the Communist parties •In the CCW, not gaining foreign support actually helped
the CCP gain support whereas in the SCW the limited
(Republicans and Communists) were support for the Republicans was one of the reasons for its
given support, however very limited, for defeat.
the USSR
•In the CCW, support from foreign powers actually
undermined the nationalist war effort, in contrast to in the
•SCW: Supplies of food and some military SCW where German and Italian support ensured victory.
equipment, however most of them out of
date and not modern technology. •In the SCW the foreign support increased chances of
victory for nationalists, whereas in CCW the foreign
support did not do much to affect the final outcome.
•CCW: The Communists were given
military training as well as pilot training for •SCW: Nationalists won with the help of large amounts
the PLA. of military equipment and soldiers from Germany and
Result of the Civil Wars created deep splits Reaction of superpower USA differed
between the supporting powers: greatly after the two wars:
SCW: Divisions between the USSR and SCW: US remained mostly neutral and
Germany- drove Soviet foreign policy to seek even strengthened its isolationism. US
alliance with Western powers to contain President Eisenhower gave the first
Germany. American grant to Franco's army.
CCW:US "Cold War" anxiety led to increased CCW: America refuses to recognize CCP-
emphasis on military budget to prevent the seat in the UN was given to the KMT in
further spread of communism- saw USSR as Taiwan and not China's seat PRC!
the "mastermind" behind Mao's victory.
Comparisons - key similarities Contrasts - key differences