Input and Output Org
Input and Output Org
Input and Output Org
• Peripheral Devices
• Input-Output Interface
• Modes of Transfer
• Priority Interrupt
• Input-Output Processor
• Serial Communication
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Peripheral Devices
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Input/Output Interfaces
* Provides a method for transferring information between internal storage
(such as memory and CPU registers) and external I/O devices
- Unit of Information
Peripherals - Byte
CPU or Memory - Word
- Operating Modes
Peripherals - Autonomous, Asynchronous
CPU or Memory - Synchronous
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Input/Output Interfaces
and Printer Magnetic Magnetic
display disk tape
- Decodes the device address (device code)
- Decodes the commands (operation)
- Provides signals for the peripheral controller
- Synchronizes the data flow and supervises
the transfer rate between peripheral and CPU or Memory
Typical I/O instruction
Op. code Device address Function code
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Input/Output Interfaces
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Input/Output Interfaces
Physical Organizations
* Many computers use a common single bus system
for both memory and I/O interface units
- Use one common bus but separate control lines for each function
- Use one common bus with common control lines for both functions
* Some computer systems use two separate buses,
one to communicate with memory and the other with I/O interfaces
I/O Bus
- Communication between CPU and all interface units is via a common
I/O Bus
- An interface connected to a peripheral device may have a number of
data registers , a control register, and a status register
- A command is passed to the peripheral by sending
to the appropriate interface register
- Function code and sense lines are not needed (Transfer of data, control,
and status information is always via the common I/O Bus)
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Input/Output Interfaces
Memory-mapped I/O
- A single set of read/write control lines
(no distinction between memory and I/O transfer)
- Memory and I/O addresses share the common address space
-> reduces memory address range available
- No specific input or output instruction
-> The same memory reference instructions can
be used for I/O transfers
- Considerable flexibility in handling I/O operations
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Input/Output Interfaces
Port A I/O data
Bidirectional Bus
data bus buffers
Port B I/O data
Internal bus
CPU Chip select CS
Register select RS1 Control Control Device
Timing register
Register select RS0 and
I/O read Control
RD Status Status
I/O write WR register
- A control signal is accompanied with each data
being transmitted to indicate the presence of data
- The receiving unit responds with another control
signal to acknowledge receipt of the data
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Asynchronous Data Transfer
Strobe Strobe
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Asynchronous Data Transfer
Strobe Methods
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Asynchronous Data Transfer
Valid data
Data bus
Timing Diagram
Data valid
Data accepted
Data valid
Valid data
Data bus
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
Start Character bits Stop
bit bits
(1 bit) (at least 1 bit)
Internal Bus
and clock
Chip select
Register select Status Receiver Receiver CS RS Oper. Register selected
RS Timing clock
register control 0 x x None
I/O read and and clock 1 0 WR Transmitter register
RD Control 1 1 WR Control register
I/O write Receive 1 0 RD Receiver register
WR Receiver Shift data
1 1 RD Status register
register register
Transmitter Register
- Accepts a data byte(from CPU) through the data bus
- Transferred to a shift register for serial transmission
- Receives serial information into another shift register
- Complete data byte is sent to the receiver register
Status Register Bits
- Used for I/O flags and for recording errors
Control Register Bits
- Define baud rate, no. of bits in each character, whether
to generate and check parity, and no. of stop bits
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DMA Controller
DMA stands for Direct Memory Access. It is designed by Intel to transfer data at the
fastest rate. It allows the device to transfer the data directly to/from memory without
any interference of the CPU.
Using a DMA controller, the device requests the CPU to hold its data, address and
control bus, so the device is free to transfer data directly to/from the memory. The DMA
data transfer is initiated only after receiving HLDA signal from the CPU.
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