Inside Sherpa Skills Workshop Resumes / CV'S: - Insidesherpa
Inside Sherpa Skills Workshop Resumes / CV'S: - Insidesherpa
Inside Sherpa Skills Workshop Resumes / CV'S: - Insidesherpa
Resumes / CV’s
Eric Norris
CV Structure
What is the purpose of a CV?
• To get you an interview; AND
• To get you THROUGH the interview (consider you CV like you one
opportunity you have to guide the interviewer to ask specific
questions about you that you WANT to answer)
Date or place of (unless it affects
Photo Weight and height
birth your ability to
perform the role)
• List in reverse
chronological order
(start with most recent)
• Provide clear notes
1 2 3 4
Select an appropriate Make sure your referee Send your referee an Avoid – ‘Referees will
work and/or character knows that they are updated copy of your be provided on
references listed and could resume so they are request,’
potentially expect a aware of your full work
call from a future history
Keep it clean, simple and uncluttered – (Arial size 12)
Formatting & Keep your resume to 2 pages – short & punchy is best
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