Inside Sherpa Skills Workshop Resumes / CV'S: - Insidesherpa

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Inside Sherpa Skills Workshop

Resumes / CV’s
Eric Norris
CV Structure
What is the purpose of a CV?
• To get you an interview; AND
• To get you THROUGH the interview (consider you CV like you one
opportunity you have to guide the interviewer to ask specific
questions about you that you WANT to answer)

• Your CV to an interview… is like the ball toss to a tennis serve -

you get to put the ball exactly where you want to hit it
Your resume should
Contact Details
Professional Experience
Extracurricular & Academic Activities
Interests & Personal
Things that do NOT belong on a CV

Date or place of (unless it affects
Photo Weight and height
birth your ability to
perform the role)

The email address

Marital status you had in High Religion

• List in reverse
chronological order
(start with most recent)
• Provide clear notes

• Responsibilities & Skills Developed

• Communicate what you have
now that you didn’t have
when you started that period
of employment
• Be specific on number of days per
week (especially for casual jobs)
• Duration (month and year, started
and finished)
• Avoid Lengthy paragraphs (use
bullet points)
Extracurricular &
Academic Activities

• Keep relevant and up to date

(do not include things you did
more than 5 years ago unless
in exceptional circumstances!)
• Aim for 3 to 5 entries in this
section – otherwise the best
achievements will get lost in
the noise
• Include:
• Student Societies
• Volunteering
• Virtual Internships!
Interests & Personal

Things you might like to include:

• Podcasts or books you enjoy
• Hobbies
Your chance to personalise – but • Sports (if you are professional
keep it professional! sportsperson you might like to include
this in extracurricular)

1 2 3 4
Select an appropriate Make sure your referee Send your referee an Avoid – ‘Referees will
work and/or character knows that they are updated copy of your be provided on
references listed and could resume so they are request,’
potentially expect a aware of your full work
call from a future history
 Keep it clean, simple and uncluttered – (Arial size 12)

 Use the footer to label each page with your name,

phone number and page numbers in case your pages
get separated

Formatting &  Keep your resume to 2 pages – short & punchy is best

 Use bullet points rather than lengthy paragraphs

Presentation  Don't leave any gaps in your resume timeline that will
raise questions in the reader's mind

 Double check your own contact details

 PDF Everything (ALWAYS)

What is a Virtual Internship?

Students sign-up Students enroll & Students access You ACE the
to InsideSherpa complete a Virtual model work Interview with
Internship Leading
It’s free for students! Self assess your work
It’s truly digital - you can
Create an account against the model work
complete a Virtual
today! uploaded from the firm
Internship in your own Have a meaningful
time, from anywhere in conversation about your
the world. Virtual Internship with
your dream company
Create your free account
with InsideSherpa today

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