Module6 - PVT Variation
Module6 - PVT Variation
Module6 - PVT Variation
In VLSI circuit design during simulation, we run the
design through various PVT (Process, Voltage and
Temperature) corners with an aim that the circuit should
be able to reliably operate at all the extreme conditions
Operating Temperature Variation (T)
.These PVT variations can be generalized as,
• typical-typical (TT),
• fast-fast (FF),
• slow-slow (SS),
• fast-slow (FS),
• slow-fast (SF).
Analog Circuits Design Automation 7
Running the design over different PVT corners cover the
environmental variations (voltage and temperature) as well as
manufacturing variations (process). A very common figure to
illustrate the process corner is shown here,
Mismatch Variation
• Dimension variations of the devices, are mainly
resulted from the limited resolution of the
photolithographic process.
• This causes (W/L) variations or mismatch in MOS
“Can we guarantee the functionality of silicon across all
condition by simulating the design across PVT corners?
The first three corners (TT, FF, SS) are called even corners,
because both types of devices are affected evenly, and
generally do not adversely affect the logical correctness of
the circuit.
The last two corners (FS, SF) are called "skewed" corners, nda
are cause for concern. This is because one type of FET will
switch much faster than the other, and this form of
imbalanced switching can cause one edge of the output to
have much less slew than the other edge.
Analog Circuits Design Automation 17