BJT Amplifier - 2 - DPP-08

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Branch : EE, EC, IN Gate-2023 Crash Course

Subject : Analog Electronics DPP-8

Topic : BJT Amplifier

1. For the common collector amplifier shown in the
figure, the BJT has high β, negligible VCE(sat), and VBE
= 0.7 V. The maximum undistorted peak-to-peak
output voltage V0 (in volts) is_____.
VCC = + 12V

R1 5kΩ Vi

R2 10kΩ 4. For the DC analysis of the Common-Emitter amplifier
RE 1kΩ shown, neglect the base current and assume that the
emitter and collector currents are equal. Given that VT
= 25 mV, VBE = 0.7 V, and the BJT output resistance
r0 is practically infinite. Under these conditions, the
2. If the emitter resistance in a common-emitter voltage mid-band voltage gain magnitude, A v = V0 / Vi
amplifier is not by passed, it will
(a) reduce both the voltage gain and the input VCC = 12V
impedance RC 2kΩ C
73kΩ R1 2
(b) reduce the voltage gain and increase the input 10µF
impedance 10µF
RL 8kΩ V
(c) increase the voltage gain and reduce the input Vi ∼ 47kΩ R2 0

2kΩ CE
impedance 100 µF
(d) increase both the voltage gain and the input
5. Consider the circuit shown in the figure. Assume base-
to emitter voltage VBE = 0.8V and common-base
3. In the ac equivalent circuit shown, the two BJTs are current gain (α) of the transistor is unity.
biased in active region and have identical parameters +18V
with β > >1. The open circuit small signal voltage
gain is approximately _____.

44kΩ 4kΩ

16kΩ 2kΩ

The value of the collector-to-emitter voltage VCE (in 5V

volt) is _____.
6. In the circuit shown, transistors Q1 and Q2 are biased
at a collector current of 2.6 mA. Assuming that
transistor current gains are sufficiently large to VS ∼
assume collector current equal to emitter current and
thermal voltage of 26 mV, the magnitude of voltage
gain V0/VS in the mid-band frequency range is (up to Q2
second decimal place). RB2


Answer Key

1. (9.4) 4. (128)
2. (b) 5. (6)
3. (–1) 6. (50)

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