Traffic Shaping by Token Bucket: Unit 03.04.04 CS 5220: Computer Communications

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Unit 03.04.

CS 5220:

Traffic Shaping by Token Bucket

Professor, Department of Computer Science
Flow-level Traffic Shaping
 Traffic shaping refers to the process of altering a
traffic flow to ensure conformance
 A traffic shaping device is often located at the
node just before traffic flow leaves network
 A traffic policing device is usually located at the
node that receives the traffic flow from a network
Leaky Bucket Traffic Shaper
Size N
Incoming traffic Shaped traffic


 Buffer incoming packets

 Play out periodically to conform to parameters
 Surges in arrivals are buffered & smoothed out
 Possible packet loss due to buffer overflow
 Restrctive, not allowing any variable-rate outgoing traffic
Token Bucket Traffic Shaper Tokens arrive

An incoming packet must

have sufficient tokens
before admission into the
network Size K

Size N
Incoming traffic Shaped traffic

 Token rate regulates transfer of packets
 If sufficient tokens available, packets enter network without delay
 K determines how much burstiness allowed into the network
Token Bucket Shaping Effect (full)

b bytes instantly b+rt The token bucket constrains

the traffic from a source to be
limited to b + r t bits in an
interval of length t
r bytes/second

Q1: what are two main differences of a leaky bucket and a token bucket?
Allow saving for burst spending; packet discarding or not.

Q2: When a token bucket is the same as a leaky bucket?

b = 0; but still different indeed: packet discarding or not
Token Bucket Shaping Effect (empty)
 Behavior of the token bucket shaper is
similar to that of the leady bucket shaper
 If the bucket size is reduced to zero, they
are identical
Closed-Loop Flow Control
 Congestion control
 Feedback information to regulate flow from sources into network
 Based on buffer length, link utilization, etc.
 Examples: TCP at transport layer; congestion control at ATM level
 End-to-end vs. Hop-by-hop
 Delay in effecting control
 Implicit vs. Explicit Feedback
 Source deduces congestion from observed behavior
 Routers/switches generate messages alerting to congestion
E2E vs. H2H Congestion Control

Source Packet flow Destination



Source Destination


Feedback information
Congestion Warning

 The Warning Bit in ACKs

 Choke packets to the source
 A time-out due to missing acknowledgement
Aggregate Level - Traffic Engineering
 Management exerted at flow aggregate level
 Distribution of flows in network to achieve efficient
utilization of resources (bandwidth)
 Must take into account aggregate demand from all
 “Traffic Engineering”, at scale of minutes to days

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