Lec 23
Lec 23
Lec 23
Traffic Throttling
basically when there is congestion in the network, the network tells the sender's to slow down the
packet rate
Senders adjust their transmissions to send as much traffic as the network can readily deliver.
Networks aims to operate just before the onset of congestion
When congestion is imminent, it must tell the senders to throttle back their transmissions and slow
down. This is knows as congestion avoidance.
using queuing delays inside router
internet is often bursty (large in small time, then inactive)
estimate the queuing delay how?
given the old (prev) delay we can estimate the current by
description : To maintain a good estimate of the queueing delay, d, a sample of the instantaneous
queue length, s, can be made periodically and d updated according to
exponential weighted moving average
why is it called this way ?? SIR Q
routers can compute the delay, when it exceeds the threshold it can inform the transmitters about
the congestion.
ANother way to do the same thing is via Explicit Congestion Notification
Load Shedding
fastest form of congestion control
packet dropping in a router
which packet will you through out ??
File transfer
old packet is worth more than new
buffer the packet before delivering upwards
if you keep new packets but if chunks are missing from previous, then we have to store it
in memory
if you get all the old packets we can process that chunk and send it upwards
Real time media : new packet is worth more than old one
People prefer new milk and old wine
More intelligent load shedding requires cooperation from the senders. E.g., packets carrying
routing information, algorithms for compressing video
To implement an intelligent discard policy, applications must mark their packets to indicate to the
network how important they are.
network layer has to peek inside the payload and make a decision
Traffic Shaping
before QoS we need to know this
bursty traffic usualy (non uniform)
Bursts of traffic are more difficult to handle than constant-rate traffic because they can fill buffers
and cause packets to be lost.
Traffic shaping is a technique for regulating the average rate and burstiness of a flow of data that
enters the network.
Packets in excess of the agreed pattern might be dropped by the network, or they might be
marked as having lower priority. Monitoring a traffic flow is called traffic policing
monitoring the traffic flow to see if it follows the shaping pattern is called as the traffic policy.
2 techniques to make bursty as non bursty : leaky and token
Leaky bucket
bucket of capacity at most b
there is a hole at which the packets are draining out, rate r
rate of going out will not exceed rate r
all the packets will have to be queueud outside, once there is space inside the bucket you can
pour it in
Token bucket
bucket of capacity at most b
tap that pours in at rate r
if it overflows its fine
if we need to transmit x bits , we take x tokens out and transmit that packet
if we do not have enough tokens in the bucket we will have to wait till the bucket has enough
Another example
same traffic in
we can only sustain the out_rate of 800 only for 100 sec then bucket becomes empty
after that you can only take out at the rate of tokens falling in which is 200
both the areas of both the figures are the same, we are just changing the peak value