Pre Game & Post Game Routines
Pre Game & Post Game Routines
Pre Game & Post Game Routines
of Burnout
• As an official , you have to deal with media criticism, irate
coaches, hostile crowds, disgruntled athletes and never
ending pressure to make the right call. If you don’t
handle these constant pressures properly, they can lead
to burnout.
• Burnout involves withdrawing from an activity that at one
time was intrinsically interesting but is now boring,
unfulfilling or too demanding.
• Burnout is characterized as a progressive loss of one’s
energy, idealism and purpose. It is a feeling of being
locked into a routine job or lifestyle that is no longer
exciting or pleasurable.
Four Stages of Burnout
• 1. Depersonalization – you begin to dissociate yourself from
the people you work with as you become emotionally
removed, distant and unconcerned.
• 2.Decreased feelings of personal accomplishment – you
start to feel that you are no longer making a contribution,
that you aren’t accomplishing what you originally set out to
do. You no longer gain satisfaction from your job.
• 3. Isolation – you start to isolate and insulate yourself from
your co-workers. You begin searching excuses to remove
yourself from your work setting.
• 4. Emotional and Physical exhaustion – you now
breakdown emotionally and or physically.
Signs & Symptoms of Burnout
Aspect Disrupted Signs & Symptoms
Physical Headaches, chronic fatigue, decreased fitness, insomnia,
ulcer, hypertension
Family life Blurring work and home lives, increased anger, isolation
from family, inability to relax