16-17 Athletic Policy
16-17 Athletic Policy
16-17 Athletic Policy
Our practice attitude is the key to our success as a team. Remember, what
you do speaks so loudly, I cant hear what you say. Albert Einstein once
said, Example is not the best way to teach, it is the only way. Leaders are
leaders because of what they do, not what they say they are going to do.
Every player must strive to be an example, demonstrating class, discipline,
aggressiveness, and total effort.
The purpose of this communication is to provide the parents and students of Nimitz
Middle School with some guidelines for spectator participation at Nimitz Middle School
sporting events. We want all parents and students to be safe at all times while attending
sporting events on the campus and in order to ensure this, we ask all to follow a few
simple rules.
1. Loitering about the campus during sporting events is not permitted. Please remain
in the stadium or gym seats unless attending the snack bar line or restroom.
Persons not attending the sporting event, but remaining on campus will be asked
to leave. Students waiting for rides will remain in front of school.
2. Observe good manners and sportsmanship. Jeering and taunting officials and
members of the opposing team is poor sportsmanship. Cheer for your team!!!
3. Under no circumstances should students or parents go out onto the playing field or
4. Students and parents, as spectators, should not attempt to talk with or otherwise
confront game officials. Complaints about officiating should be made in writing
and addressed to the principal of the school where the sporting event took place.
5. Nimitz Middle School students, as team players and spectators, are expected to
observe the highest degree of sportsmanship at all times. Please remember that
at home games, the opposing team, their coaches, spectators and administrators
are our guest.
6. Nimitz Middle School students will be expected to follow the directions of their
administrators, teachers, and coaches at all times.
7. Throwing of objects in either the stadium or gym is specifically forbidden for any
8. Remember that sports at the 7th and 8th grade level are a privilege designed to
allow the students to participate in a fun activity and thereby learn about a sport.
9. Please remember there is no smoking allowed on school property.
As always, your support of Nimitz Middle School is most welcomed and
All the work and effort is put forth for one primary objective, to win games. We expect you to
win, but more important, we expect to play to our maximum abilities regardless of the
score or time remaining in the game.
1. Our pre-game warm-up is important. Take pride in it. The warm-up is used to get ready to
play a game both mentally and physically.
2. Never lose your poise.
3. Be kind to officials. Address them as Sir and Mister.
4. Do not talk to your opponents in a derogatory manner. You are bigger and better than
5. Encourage your teammates and help them up.
6. Remember the momentum is always coming our way. Dont get discouraged if the breaks
go against us. They will even up.
7. Do not sit down during time outs.
8. Never come off the field/court unless someone comes in for you and tells you to go out.
9. Never go on the field/court unless cleared by a coach.
10.Do not ask to go in to the game. Your coach will decide when you play.
11.Always play with enthusiasm.
12.Play with intelligent recklessness.
13.Always have your helmet with you while on the sideline.
14.Dont let adversity destroy your desire to win and achieve your goals. If it was easy,
everyone would be an athlete.
15.The team sits together at all times. Must sit in bleachers unless permitted by a coach.
16.Athletes are not social with spectators before, during, or after games.
17.No eating during games. You may eat after your game (during warm-up of the next game)
before the next game. When the game starts, all food and drinks MUST be put away. Its
now time to watch and cheer our team to VICTORY.
18.No cell phones, ipods, or any other electronic devices are allowed at any time, unless you
have been given permission by a coach to call parent or guardian. For away games,
students will call when were 10 minutes away. Please make sure youre at Nimitz to pick
up your child in the rear parking lot.
1. Check and pack all your gear the night before. You are responsible for this. We will NOT
loan you extra equipment.
2. Be prompt. If you are late you will be left. Attendance is not taken before we depart. We
will take attendance in the gym. If youre not in roll call, you will not travel with us. All
players will travel to every game and tournament as a team.
3. No loud or boisterous conduct on the trip. Remember why we are here. This is your time
to focus.
4. After the conclusion of the A game, you have permission to be signed out by your parent
to ride home with them.
5. Conduct yourself with class on and off the field. Ladies, you know what is expected of you.
Make your parents, coaches, school and yourself PROUD. We have confidence in your
abilities on and off the court. YOU ARE WINNERS! Always live up to what you believe
yourself to be.
2. Do not throw tape OR any trash on the floor. Trash receptacles are in the locker room for
this purpose.
3. Do not spit on the floors. Keep the floors neat and clean.
4. Do not leave cups or bottles in the lockers or on the floors.
5. Do not leave towels on the floors. Return to the equipment people.
6. Absolutely no horseplay in the locker room.
7. Do not bring visitors into the locker room without first clearing it with a coach.
We feel that we provide you with the finest equipment that money can buy. We want you to
always look sharp and it is up to you to take care of all equipment issued. If you stain or damage
any uniforms or equipment, you will be responsible for purchasing this item(s). If an athlete
loses her lock there is a $10 replacement fee and he will be given another lock.
We expect each member of our team to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Must provide your own knee pads, NO KNEE PADS..NO PLAY!
2. Do not take any equipment from the locker room.
3. You will be responsible for all equipment checked out in your name.
procedures while attending class at Nimitz Middle School. You are expected to act as a positive
leader in class; giving your teachers, administrators and peers courtesy and respect. We know
that each of you do not have the same abilities, but we expect each of you to perform to the best
of your ability. Failure to adhere to the above conduct will result in a conference and disciplinary
8. Attendance: Do not cut class. Do not be tardy. If you miss an athletic period, be sure that
it cannot be helped. Do not make appointments on our time. If you must be absent, call or
email a member of the coaching staff that you report to. Upon your return, give a copy of any
important information that pertains to your absence. (Ex. Doctors note) If you have 1
unexcused absence and you are a starter, you will not start the next game, if you are not a
starter you will sit out a quarter. Two unexcused absences will result in you not playing in that
weeks game. After 3 unexcused absences the athlete will be dismissed from the team.
9. Injury or Illness: If you have an injury, see one of the coaches. They will either treat you or
refer you to a physician. You will also sign our injury report log. If you must leave school because
of illness, come by the gym and check with a coach before you leave. If you are ill or injured, we
do not expect you to work out. However, if you are present, we expect you to wear your athletic
uniform and accompany your group from station to station unless given special permission by
the head coach. If a student does not come to school because of an injury or illness athlete must
call, or email the coaches. If you are injured you are still expected to attend all practices until
cleared by a doctor. Not attending practice will be viewed as quitting and thus you will not be
eligible for the next sport. All were asking for is open communication to help your athlete be
successful on and off the court.
10. Respect for Coaches: All Coaches should receive Yes Sir, No Sir, Yes Maam, No
Maam response from players when talking to them. Players in return will be treated with
respect by their coaches. Whenever a coach is speaking with you, either individually, or as a
group you will give him or her your undivided attention and always establish eye contact with
him or her. This is a core value that will set
11. Promptness: Always be on time. For road trips, the bus will leave promptly at the time
established by the coaching staff. After the 8th period bell rings, get to the locker room quickly
and begin preparing for your competition. Make sure you have everything necessary for you to
compete. Tardiness will result in disciplinary action. After 3 unexcused tardies the athlete will
result in dismissal from the team. Girls as soon as you are dressed, report to roll call.
12. Dress: All athletes are expected to be in their athletic uniform for Athletic Period. For
competitions, everyone will wear their uniform in the same manner, we are not individuals. All
essential equipment will be provided to you, take care of your equipment. Do not wear jewelry in
practice or during games. Jewelry includes earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristbands, arm
sleeves, and dew rags. Your appearance away from the field house, especially at school, should
reflect the same class and pride that you show in our program. Boys, on game days, you will be
required to wear a dress shirt tucked in, a tie, and a nice pair of blue jean with no holes. Girls,
you will be required to wear either a NON-FORM fitting dress, or skirt with a respectful blouse.
Dressed and skirts must be below the finger tips (without pulling it down). Blouses and shirts
must look professional. Shoulders are not allowed to show. Spaghetti straps are unacceptable. If
you choose not to wear a dress or skirt, you are required to wear a nice pair of pants with a
blouse or dress shirt. Jeans of any kinds will not be allowed. If the athlete does not dress up on
game day, or their clothing is deemed unacceptable, they will not be allowed to play in the game
that day. If you think it might be questioned, do not wear it!
13. Appearance: Athletes are expected to maintain a neat appearance, at all times. Males are
not allowed to have facial hair and no hair may be touching the collar of the shirts if so. Athletes
cannot have designs cut into the hair and their hair needs to be of a natural hair color, no hair
14. Care of Equipment and Facilities: All equipment must be properly stored in your locker,
when not in use. You are to clean your equipment at least once a week. Do not track mud and
dirt into the locker room. When you change into your athletic uniform, your school clothes are to
be hung in your locker. Toilets should be flushed, showers and faucets turned off so they dont
leak and all trash should be cleaned off the floor. Clean around your locker area each day.
Failure to adhere could result in an O.F.I. Any lost or damaged equipment because of abuse is
the responsibility of the athlete. Any cost associated with damaged or lost equipment must be
paid in full.
15. Athletic Period: Athletes must purchase the athletic uniform which consists of shorts and a
shirt. The uniform is required to be worn every day during the athletic period, practices and
games. Shirts must be tucked in at all times, and no jewelry is to be worn during the athletic
period. Girls who play volleyball are required to wear knee pads. You may purchase your own or
from us (while supplies last). If you child does not have knee pads she will not be allowed to
participate until she has a pair. Girls are required to wear their hair up, and or out of their face.
Take care of this before you step into roll call.
16. Hazing: Any hazing by an athlete will result in dismissal from the team and/or the athletic
program for the year at the discretion of the coach. All athletes are required to watch a safety
video and to take a hazing test before they are allowed to participate in a sport.
Any and all situations not addressed by the NEISD Code of Conduct and Nimitz
Athletic Policy will be addressed by the Athletic Coordinator. It will be at the Athletic
Coordinators discretion on appropriate steps to take and the discipline actions.
5. Unsportsmanlike Conduct
6. Abusive Language
Suspension / Dismissal
7. Fighting
Dismissal at Coaches discretion
8. Smoking/Drinking/Drugs
9. Wearing Earrings
O.F.I./ Dismissal
Gang Affiliation
Suspension / Dismissal
Any violation of the rules that occurs during the school year will be
documented and handled in an unbiased manner.
Any violation that becomes habitual in nature will be cause for suspension or
dismissal from the team up to the coaches discretion.
If an athlete is removed from a sport for any disciplinary reason they forfeit
the next sport or could be removed from athletics entirely to the coaches
or dismissal from Team
2 Do-Rights
2 Liners
(Coaches Discretion)
2 Wall-sits with weight
1 Towel Push
4 Liners
4 wall-sits with weights
2 Towel Pushes
25 Burpees
3) Play calling.
4) Any situation that deals with other student-athletes.
There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and parent. These
are not discouraged, as it is important for each party to have a clear understanding of
the others position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure is
suggested to help promote resolution to the issue.
If a parent has a concern to discuss with the coach, the following procedure
should be followed:
1) Call the coach to set up an appointment.
2) If the coach cannot be reached, call or email the Girls Athletic Coordinator, to set up a
meeting with the coach for you.
3) Think about what you expect to accomplish as a result of the meeting.
4) Stick to discussing the facts, as you understand them.
5) Do not confront the coach before, during or after a practice or contest. These can be
emotional times for both the parent and coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote
resolution of the situation, but often escalate it.
What should a parent do if the meeting with the coach didnt provide
satisfactory resolution?
1) Call the Boys Athletic Coordinator, to set up a meeting with the athletic director,
coach, and parent present.
2) At this meeting, an appropriate next step can be determined, if necessary.
Remember that you are at the contest to support and yell for your team, and to
enjoy the skill and competition-not to intimidate or ridicule the other team or its
Remember that school athletics are a learning experience for students and that
mistakes are sometimes made.
Learn the rules of the game, so that you may understand and appreciate why
certain situations take place.
Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.
Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials. Understand that they are
doing their best to help promote the student-athlete, and admire their willingness
to participate in full view of the public.
Refrain from the use of any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) before,
during, and after the game on or near the site of the event (i.e. tailgating).
Use only cheers that support and uplift the teams involved.
Be a positive role model at events through your own actions and by censuring
those around you whose behavior is unbecoming.
Parents and spectators should be aware that the school can (and should) remove
them from the premises and can prohibit them from attending future contests due
to undesirable behaviors.
Game officials can ask that school administrators have unruly fans removed from a
contest facility.
Keep in mind that you are a guest of the school, and that while winning is certainly
an admirable goal, it is hollow if it comes at the expense of morals, ethics, and just
plain common sense.
The school is responsible for the behavior of their spectators. The school district
can be and will be punished for actions of patrons in violation of UIL standards and
Sarah Ortiz (A) [email protected]
[email protected]
Jessica Repko (B) [email protected]
Lori Tibbetts (GO) [email protected]
[email protected]
John Trevino [email protected]
Lucas Reyna [email protected]
Brittany Parker (A)
Jennifer Hall (B) [email protected]
Jeanna Martinez (GO)-
I/We have read and understand the rules and policies of the Seahawk Athletic Policy.
Athletes Signature
Athletes Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
(Please Print)