Exercise Safety and First Aid

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 is the immediate help
provided to a sick or injured
person until professional
medical help arrives or
become available.
• Preserve life.
• Prevent further harm and
• Seek immediate medical help.
• Provide reassurance.
1. Expressed – conscious person who
understands your question and
what you plan to do gives
permission to give care.

2. Implied – unconscious , mentally

impaired , seriously injured of ill.
Characteristics of a good
First aider:
• Gentle – should not cause pain.
• Resourceful – should make the best use of
things at hand.
• Observant – should notice all signs.
• Tactful – should not alarm the victim.
• Empathetic – should be comforting.
• Respectable – should maintain a professional.
( caring attitude)
First aid equipments and
• Spine board.
• Set of splint.
• Poles .
• Blanket
• Rubbing alcohol - Gloves
• Povidone – iodine - Scissors
• Cotton - Forceps
• Gauze pads - Bandage (triangular)
• Tongue depressor - Occlusive dressing
• Pen light - Elastic roller bandage
• Band aid
• Plaster
Information to be remembered in
activating Medical help:
• What happened.
• Location of emergency.
• Number of person injured or ill.
• Cause and external of injury and nature
of illness and first aid given.
• Telephone number where call was made.
• Name the person who called medical
STEP 1. Scene size - up ------knowing what
-scene safety
- Cause of injury.
- Nature of illness.
- Role of bystander
- Number of casualties.
- Asking permission or consent.
STEP 2. Assessing responsiveness ---- patient
responsive level
- A - alert
- V - responsive to voice
- P - responsive to pain
- U - unresponsive / unconscious.
STEP 3. Activate medical help – ask
someone to call for local emergency
number .”911”

- Call first or care first. ( if your alone)

STEP 4. Check Airway.

- Check if there is obstructions.

STEP 5. Check Breathing and Circulation.

- L – look
- L- listen
- F- feel
List down all the common
sports injuries.
Causes of Sports injuries.
Sports injury protection.
Apply first aid.
1. Closed wound – when the outer layer of
the skin is intact.
First Aid:
• Apply an ice pack.
• Elevate the injured part.
• Do not assume that all closed wounds are
minor injuries.
• Help the person/victim to rest.
• Provide comfort and reassure the person.
2. Open wound – the outer layer of
the skin is broken.
a. Puncture - tusok
b. Abrasion- gasgas
c. Lacerasion- laslas
d. Avulsion- taga(hiwalay ang balat)
e. Incision - hiwa
f. Ampulation -putol
g. Impaled- naiwan ang object
h. Gun shot
3. Burns –injuries to the skin and to other
body tissues that is caused by heat
chemicals ,electricity and radiation.
a.Thermal burn – caused by flames
d.Radiation – heat of the sun.
4.Sprain – are overstretched ligaments.
-most common sprains are in ankle and knee
because they are subjected to stress daily.
5. Strain – is a twist ,pull ,or tear of muscle or
tendon (a cord of tissue that connects the
muscle to bone)
- napupunit
6. Dislocation – is the displacement of a bones
from its normal position of a joint. Bones that
are pushed out from their joint capsule.
7. Fracture – is a break or disruption in bone
Signs and symptoms:

3.Misshapen appearance
4.Loss of function

R - rest
I – immobilize
C – cold
E - elevate
• While watching a basketball game , you saw
your friend go for a lay –up. Another player
tried to block his shot and bumped your friend
in mid-air.
Your friend lost his balance and fell on his
back his head hits the floor. It took several
minutes before your friend was able to get up.
You saw him limp as he walks towards the
½ crosswise of yellow paper
Answer the following questions below:
1. Write two injuries that your friend could have
suffered from the fall.
2. Are these injuries acute or chronic? Why or
why not?
3. Should your friend be examined by a doctor?
Why or why not?
Most sports injuries can be prevented
with adequate preparation and
proper knowledge.

The following strategies can minimize

the occurrence of these injuries:
1. Adopt a Comprehensive
Training Program
 It goes beyond addressing the fitness
 Strength and weaknesses of the person.
2. Useprotective equipment and
practice correct technique.
 Wearing proper protective gear and an
individual should also learn the correct
technique to avoid injury. An incorrect
technique can cause injury.
3. Incorporate recovery strategies in
the training program.
 Training and exercise is a controlled form of
stress that stimulates the body to become
stronger. While it is important to train and
exercise , it also necessary to incorporate
recovery in the routine. Recovery provides the
body time to rebuild broken musculoskeletal
structures.Hence, an individual should also eat
properly to help the body restore lost
nutrients.Drink water before , during and
after an exercise to prevent dehydration.
Signs of Dehydration
• Dizziness . Dry skin
• Fatigue . Hot skin
• Weakness . Rapid pulse
• Dry moutho
• Flushed skin
• Headache
• Blurred vision
• Difficulty swallowing
4. Follow rules and decorum
during competition
 Tournament directors and sports officials
draw up rules and regulations for any
competition to maintain fairness and safety
for everyone involved. These rules should be
strictly enforced to prevent excessive physical
contact that might lead to injuries. It is
important to practice sportsmanship and to
resolve conflict without resulting to violence.
Signs o

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