Flood Recovery Plan

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Number of Teachers Displaced:

o Elementary Teachers = 280

o Middle School Teachers = 246
o High School Teachers -291

Number of Administrators Displaced:

o Elementary Administrators = 15
o Middle School Administrators = 9
o High School Administrators -5

Number of bus drivers displaced:

o 189 of 571 bus drivers were displaced by the flood
o There are currently 30 drivers who will be unable to return on September 6.

Number of Child Nutrition Program Employees Displaced:

o 143 of 438 CNP staff were displaced by the flood


Action Steps

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Office of Human Resources staff manned front receptionist

telephones while concerned persons called to find out whether or
not school would be closed.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Office of Human Resources (OHR) staff worked to ensure that

employees would receive a check for the first 10-day check for ten
month employees due out on August 17, 2016. The 9/10/11
month payroll was due by August 18, 2016. This involved having
to contact as many new employees to come to HR in order to
complete paperwork and subsequently having them keyed into
the system.

Friday, August 19, 2016

OHR sent out the Employee FEMA Assistance Form via Google docs
to determine the number of employees impacted due to the
flooding. This was also a way to expedite the employees claims
through Governmental Office of Safety and Emergency
Preparedness (GOSEP). The survey was submitted to GOSEP on
August 23, 2016. The results of the survey revealed that over 500
EBR employees required FEMA assistance.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Employees were granted three days to use as Flood Days (weather

days) as a means to encourage them to return to work and use
these days as needed to meet with FEMA representatives, assist
family members, etc. These Flood Days were designated for use
during the Fall 2016 semester. A Weather Days Leave Form was
sent out to all principals/supervisors for completion if employees
chose to use their Three Day Flood Leave.

Monday, August 22, 2016

HR prepared for the first opening date of school which was set for
August 24, 2016. A Substitute Job Fair was held at the IRC on
Monday, August 22, 2016 from 9:00 11:30. Over 100 applicants
for substitute paraprofessional, clerical, transportation, food
service, and teachers were present. We reached out to the
community to find qualified people to fill unexpected vacancies.
During this process we added teaching slots to each level as
Elementary 2 substitutes
Middle 4 substitutes
High School 6 substitutes
We also lifted the 29-hour freeze on substitutes that limited them
to 29 hours. This freeze was lifted for one month. Due to the
change in the start date for school the limitation will begin on
September 1, 2016.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

OHR sent out the EBRPSS Housing Assistance Form via Google docs
to determine the number of employees that were in need of
expedited housing assistance from FEMA. The results of this
survey were sent to GOSEP on August 26, 2016.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The start date for students return to school was revisited. The
revised start date was set as September 1, 2016 for teachers and
September 6, 2016 for students to begin after Labor Day. Effective
August 24, 2016, 9/10/11 month employees were removed from
the Flood Days. The Weather Days Leave Form specifying use of
the three days of Flood Leave will only be used by 12 month
employees due to the fact that 9/10/11 month employees were
off with pay from August 24-September 1.
In an effort to assist schools, we would allow principals to use
personnel as needed to plan for changes and to reassign students
with approval from HR as needed. For this purpose, a Weather
Days Comp Time Form was sent to principals to be used for up to
four days. The time (four days) had to be used for specific work
assignments as approved by the Principal and final approval by the
Office of Human Resources.

An email with an attached memo was sent from Human Resources

explaining to employees that they can be granted permission by
their principal/supervisor to use comp time accumulated from
August 26, 2016 August 31, 2016 if they were needed to assist at
a site in the district. Final approval from HR will be given with an
HR Clearance Form to assist at another site.
Monday, August 29, 2016

The Principal Recommendations for Substitutes Questionnaire was

sent to principals via Google docs and email in order to obtain 88
needed substitutes for the second opening of school for students
on September 6, 2016. This questionnaire gave principals the
opportunity to indicate whether or not they have preferred
substitutes for their campuses.
The two substitutes for the elementary campuses will be used as
SUB 1: will ride the bus with the students to school and will
perform assigned duties at the school site as designated by the
SUB 2: will perform assigned duties at the school site as
designated by the principal throughout the school day and will
ride the bus home with the students.
To ensure that students are safe we will use the substitutes
secured at the Substitute Job Fair as well as those identified by
principals and those in the database.

Sites with Some Flooding Issues that Have Been Fully Resolved:

Baton Rouge Magnet High School (basement flooded)

Westdale Middle School (approximately 3 inches of water in parts of school)

Administrative Site Relocation Plan for Sites with Extensive

Physical Plant @ Michelli (2875 Michelli)
PreK @ Michelli (2875 Michelli)
Transportation @ Ardenwood (6013
Choctaw Drive)
Transportation - Mechanic Shop (6013
Choctaw Drive)
PDC (3000 N. Sherwood Forest Drive)
Montgomery Center (4070 Tuncia)
CSRS|TILLAGE @ Michelli (2875 Michelli

Child Nutrition Building
Sharp Station
Magnet/Central Office

School Relocation Plan for Schools with Extensive

Brookstown Middle School
Park Forest Middle
Glen Oaks High School
Glen Oaks Park Elementary
Greenbrier Elementary
Park Forest Elementary

Scotlandville Middle
9147 Elm Grove Garden Drive
Capitol Middle
5100 Greenwell Springs Road
Northdale Academy
10755 Cletus Drive
Banks Elementary
2401 72nd Avenue
Broadmoor Middle
1225 Sharp Road
Eden Park Elementary

Howell Park Elementary
Twin Oaks Elementary

4141 Gus Young Avenue

(Pre-K to Delmont)
Claiborne Elementary
4707 Denham Street
(Pre-K to Delmont)
PreK & Kindergarten
Delmont Center
5300 Douglas Street
Grades 1-3 Sharon Hills Elementary
6450 Guynell Drive

Northdale Academy
EBR Readiness
Eden Park Expulsion
Eden Park Discipline Center

Grades 4-5 Villa Del Rey Elementary

9765 Cuyhanga Pkwy.
(Pre-K to Delmont)
Greenville Supt. Academy
1645 North Foster Drive
2625 Wyandotte Street
Greenville Supt. Academy
1645 North Foster Drive
Bogan Walk/Keel Center
2550 Bogan Walk

Moisture Concerns (All interior issues resolved as of August 29)

Sherwood MS
Westdale MS
Scotlandville MS
Buchanan ES
Northdale Academy
EBR Readiness @ Banks ES
Sharon Hills Es
Dufrocq ES
Broadmoor HS
Villa del Rey ES
Glasgow MS
Mayfair Lab
Tara HS

Phone Service /Internet Connectivity

There are several schools with phone issues resulting from the transition to Cox Communications
service that was in process prior to the floods. The IT team is working with Cox on an escalated priority

of service to restore full functionality at all sites. Work orders are being processed by Cox technicians
and a daily summary of status is provided to IT.
Telephones for displaced sites will be forwarded by use of an auto attendant to the new relocated site.
These lines will be easily transferred back as schools come back on line.
Internet connectivity is being restored in all sites.

Status of Buses
o Over 100 buses were impacted by the flood
o 68 buses have been ordered as of August 29
o Buses are beginning to arrive and be prepared for service

Displaced Students and Online Bus Registration

o EBRPSS has set up an online bus registration system for displaced students
o This information is being used to place students on bus routes that will allow them to remain at
their current school
o As of 08/29/16, over 2,000 students have been registered through the online bus registration
o Some students will be placed onto direct bus routes where possible, while most students will be
routed through the EBR bus transfer system
o The graphic below depicts the data gathered through the online bus registration system with
respect to previous student addresses and current student addresses:



Bus Routes and Displaced Students

All bus routes will be run as they existed at the beginning of the school year.
Displaced students currently residing outside of their school attendance zone will be
incorporated into an existing bus route that will take them through the EBR bus transfer
All students utilizing the EBR bus transfer system will be issued a bus card (sample posted
below) indicating the to/from home and to/from school bus route information as well as the
students address and guardian contact information.
An automated, individualized phone
call will be made to ALL bus riders
regarding their bus stop location, bus
number, and pickup time. The phone
call will also instruct parents of
transfer bus students to pick up their
childs bus card from the school.
Students must show their bus card to
the bus driver in order to board a
transfer bus.
o Students without bus cards will
be given a card by the transfer
bus attendant.
For elementary schools, a school staff
member will ride on the bus route with the driver to assist with student bus cards and to help
ensure that students get off the bus at the correct bus stop.
Additional school staff will assist at the transfer location to help students locate and load the
proper bus.
A diagram of the bus loading/unloading setup is posted below:























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While we are asking students who have uniforms to wear them to school beginning September 6th, students
who do not have uniforms will NOT be required to wear a uniform when they return to school.
All Displaced students will be asked to fill out a McKinney-Vento homeless form
Students are encouraged to remain enrolled in their current schools with bus transportation provided,
however, parents can request to enroll their child(ren) in the school nearest their current physical address on
a case-by-case basis.
Student Counts Shelters:

River Center 92 Students

Principals Punch List (Return to School Procedures)


Use Time Stamp APP for any pictures that are taken depicting damage
Communicate Facility Needs (make sure to identify your name and location)
Process for flood damaged items will be sent by Andrew Davis (Documentation is vital)
o Title I items must be documented and pictures are needed of these items as well.
Submit a help desk ticket for phone lines that need to be transferred.
Trash pick up (is being addressed)
Sharp station (Additional furniture)
Cumulative folders are important. If they are damaged do not throw them away. An explanation
on how to handle these will be in the documentation from Mr. Andrew Davis.
Communication is needed externally for each site affected identifying new location. (This includes
flyers home to parents with new address and phone number.)

Attendance and Registration (follow normal procedures)

Registration table established with McKinney Vento forms, Withdrawal forms, transportation
information, and registration packets (include emergency form) for next 10 days
Send McKinney Vento referrals directly to the homeless office at (225) 227-2840
1. During registration, identify ESS, ESL, 504, report card data (as much as possible)
2. All children must be registered (do not turn students/parents away; do not request an
individual to return to a school for a drop slip)

Repost room assignments & class rolls

Warm body counts will start over and will continue for the first 10 days (revised form will be
Keep accurate record of attendance and attempt to communicate with any no shows
Re-Issue Emergency Cards/Information Sheet (Student and faculty)
Ask teachers to report anticipated absences to SEMS
Try to secure a drop slip; however, it can be secured at a later date.
*Be creative with the staff (others may need to assist with calling and trying to communicate with
families outside of the regular secretary/clerk). *Waivers are being applied for.
Flooding Codes
Entry Codes:
N1 Disaster Entry from public within Louisiana
N2 Disaster Entry from non-public within Louisiana
N3 Disaster Entry from out-of-state
N4 Disaster Entry from public within Same District
Withdrawal Codes:
37 Disaster Exit
Temp building in eSchoolPlus: This temp building will not be needed due to
6700 2016 Flood school current method of enrollment. Can be removed.
Temp building in eSchoolPlus:
6700 2016 Flood school
**ESS and ESL personnel should be at the effected sites and other sites as needed. (Montgomery
employees will be relocated to schools to provide support).
Try to communicate with the Cafeteria Manager to determine if there are concerns (facility,
equipment, staff) and forward to your Executive Director and Dr. Nadine Mann
Note: some of the non-cooking sites may become cooking sites.
If a student has a medical condition, please contact Stacey Dupre.
The list of students who require special diets will be sent to schools by Dr. Mann
Teachers should use the phone log list (attached) to contact all students on their current roster to determine if
the mode of transportation, current address, and if the student will return to the school of origin. The class
roster should be provided to the principals and kept at the school site; however, all updated information
should be tracked through EBRs webpage.

Transportation number (225) 226-3784 or (225) 226-3660

Use the Student Google form to identify students

the permanent address AND current address

o Mode of transportation (bus, car, walker, daycare, person identified on emergency
contact form (who)
Principal must submit one pager compiled from Student Identification Form
Communicating with bus drivers and documenting via google form (Bus Driver Link)

Human Resources
FEMA Support employees who have filed for FEMA support can have it expedited (FEMA Link)

We will need to be flexible and creative to support employees and students

EAP (1866) 374-6062
First Day Procedures
Soft Uniform Policy for students and professional closet for employees (location and will be
Employees should report absences in SEMS as soon as possible and if possible for the entire week.
Consider assisting employees organize Ride Share for Faculty and Staff
Adjusting Duty Schedules (be compassionate)
Daycare plan for parents with small kids (closest proximity)
Prekindergarten and Kindergarten student enrollment (waiting on direction)
Contacting Bus Drivers (using link)
Volunteers, donations, & support should be provided through Keila Stovall
[email protected] or www.foundationebr.org.
Direct all financial questions or concerns to Kelly Lopez [email protected]. Eliminate creating
individual Go Fund Me accounts, individual fundraisers, solicits for technology equipment, etc.
No technology and when questioned about school donations - Kelly Lopez
The Pre-K Office will adjust enrollment seats on an ongoing basis as needed for students
displaced. The Pre-K will send a Frequently Asked Questions document to each school for the
Revisit Title I funds to determine if you need to make adjustments - contact Dr. Horton
Revisions can be made expeditiously to move money into a different category
If volunteers report, be open and have something to do. Capture the volunteers on the VIPS log,
capture pictures for their website.
1:1 Initiative
Technology is being assessed to determine the amount of damage experienced, some sites will
not have technology initially; however, once the major technology concerns have been
addressed (internet, phones, etc.) we will resume the 1:1 distribution.
Major technology concerns are being addressed first, but put all requests in the Help Desk


Support for Staff

Support and Counseling for Students

School Counselors with the support of ICARE Specialists will be available at each school to help students
transition back to school.
In response to recent community critical incidents such as flooding, ICARE has created and compiled a
webpage to provide an overview of trauma for educators and caregivers, helpful tips and information,
and a list of local and national resources for addressing trauma and critical incidents.

Link: https://sites.google.com/site/icareprevention/crisis-response/dealing-with-trauma

Our Lady of the Lake Blue Bus program created flyers to help support teachers and employees as they work with
students who may have been effected by the recent flood.


Health Centers in Schools

After unprecedented flooding occurred in Baton Rouge, LA over the first few days of the 2016-2017 school
year, Health Centers in Schools responded by implementing the following model of care:

Three school-based health centers have remained open during the time that schools were closed to
perform sports physicals/comprehensive well-child checks for athletes from all EBRPSS middle and high

School RNs and school health assistants were deployed into the schools the week of Aug 22nd with
several goals in mind
Contact physicians and parents whose patients/children needed re-evaluations
written for the coming school year
Pull school health records of students who are entering sixth grade and ninth
grade so that as soon as school opens after Labor Day, the records can be
moved to the schools where the students are



Student care coordinators have located children/teens who have been in the
hospital or emergency department with a diagnosis of asthma to ensure that
they are coping with flood waters and mold (which is a primary cause for asthma
exacerbation) and report back to MDs who are managing their care
In collaboration with Our Lady of the Lake Childrens Hospital, Health Centers in Schools, the Childrens
Healthy Project, and Community Impact Department from OLOL opened a day camp for children of the
OLOLRMC team membersover eighty elementary/middle school children are safely participating in
day camp the week before Labor Day
Coming soon, to several school sites, HCS and OLOL Childrens Hospital will be deploying childrens
shoes for students whose shoes were lost or ruined by the flooding
HCS is working the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank to begin the Back Pack Program for students in
several EBRPSS schools in EBRPSS.

CNP Managers are reaching out to their staff to make sure they will be returning on September 6th. I
have had two calls from staff today who have no place to stay or have no transportation to get to work
and want to know about taking leave and if we will hold their job.
CNP Substitutes have been contacted and we have a list of those who can return and are ready to
work. The next sub orientation is scheduled for Thursday morning with 20 subs who have filled out
paperwork and say they are ready to work.
White uniform regulations will be relaxed for a month to help employees returning who have no white
uniforms. I would like to receive donations for white uniforms, aprons, socks and tennis shoes to help
my staff and I am seeking permission from Kelia Stovall and Stacey Dupre (Mr. Rutledge) to receive
those donations through the EBR School Nutrition Association. I would like to give each employee who
lost all of their uniforms, two sets of white uniforms, socks and a pair of tennis shoes ($75 value if
purchased at Walmart).
Impact of school startup date being postponed from August 24 to September 6, 2016:
Borden milk deliveries scheduled for August 23 were diverted back to the plant in Lafayette. No
milk was delivered to the schools.
Capitol City Produce agreed to cancel orders and no produce was delivered to 27 schools.
CA Guidry Produce vendor would not cancel delivery of produce; therefore, perishable produce,
such as lettuce and tomatoes, delivered to schools on August 23 was donated to non-profit
Mass Feeding Sites: St. Vincent DePaul, Greenwell Springs Baptist Church and St. Paul Lutheran
Church in the amount of $5479.44. The CNP Managers delivered the produce to the sites on
August 24 through 26.

SW Foods and Lacassagnes Foods held their food orders. Yogurt ordered for EBR schools and
not delivered was donated by SW Foods to mass feeding sites because it would have exceeded
the use Best Before date printed on containers.
Flowers Bakery: Bread orders for schools scheduled for Aug 23 and 24 were redirected to
commercial routes for delivery to stores.
Commodity orders were held in the CNP warehouse and at the State LDAF warehouse.
Purchased and Commodity Food and Supply losses from schools at this point in time totals
CNP Trucks are in the process of being re-evaluated. There are two out of 22 delivery trucks in
question for water damage. Lift gates on the back of the trucks are being serviced and evaluated. The
cargo van used for Summer Feeding has been examined by the insurance adjuster.
The CNP Office building at Sharp Station is housing the 11 members of the PreK Staff.
CNP participated in the EBR Job Fair and secured 5 substitute workers.
Bill Ludwig, USDA Southwest Regional Director in Dallas, TX and Eddie Longoria also from USDA came
to Baton Rouge on August 24th and toured Park Forest Elem and Greenbrier kitchens. Good news:
Assistance in claiming at the free rate at least for the month of September is being granted and
the time line may be extended.
More commodity foods will be available to flooded districts.
Disaster areas will be granted the ability to re-establish the numbers of free meals for CEP
since due to the increased number of homeless students.
Consideration will be given to SFAs in disaster areas for the awarding of equipment grants.
Meal pattern requirements for reimbursable meals has been relaxed as schools start up.

Meals Service Upon Returning to School on September 6, 2016

1. Hot meals for all schools will be a priority. Managers will use food on hand in their storage
rooms due the cancellation of meal service for 14 days in August and the cancellation of 2 days
in September. September frozen and dry food deliveries have been postponed until we can
use food on hand.
2. Menus published on the district website may not match the meals that are served, but we
anticipate getting on track during the month of September.


School Inspection Summary

Flooded Schools
Middle Magnet

Cook or
Satellite from SPEMA

Walk-In Unit
separated 20"
from kitchen wall


Flooded -




Lunch Avg: 303 BK Avg: 115






Removed Flooded - at Broadmoor







Removed Flooded - Satellited from

To Northdale

Scheduled Belaire: Hot Water Issue

9/1/2016 Northdale: AC Issue


Old Banks
Upgrade WI



Removed Flooded - satellited from

to Old Banks




Lunch Avg: 464 BK Avg: 392

Glen Oak Hi
Lunch Avg: 347 BK Avg: 346
Glen Oaks Park
Lunch Avg: 514 BK Avg: 334
Howell Park

Satellite from Claiborne



at Claiborne

Scheduled Hot Water Issue


Lunch Avg: 289 BK Avg: 289

Park Forest Elem


Eden Park



Removed Flooded - Satellited from

Capitol Elem
to Eden Park






Removed Flooded -



-3: Sharon Hills



Lunch Avg: 409 BK Avg: 380

Park Forest Mid

at Capitol

Lunch Avg: 498 BK Avg: 345

Twin Oaks

Removed Flooded - At Each School:

4-5: VDR

1-3: Sharon Hills

Lunch Avg: 517 BK Avg: 489

EBR Readiness


4-5: VDR

Old Banks Wyandotte





Sharon Hills:


8/23/2016 Sharon Hills: Ant Issue

Scheduled Wyandotte: Key Issue

Photos (CNP parking lot at Sharp Station and the CNP Warehouse at Ardenwood/Choctaw)

Photos (Glen Oaks High Kitchen where 3 three door freezers and refrigerators fell face down in during the
flood and water went over the dining room tables and the serving line.)


Below Left: Water line above Kitchen sink at GOH.

Below Right: Brookstown Walk-In Freezer washed away from wall about 20.


The EBRPSS insurance agent has indicated that our limit on flood insurance for property is $10 million. Earl
Kern has estimated damages at a minimum of $50 million, but the actual amount could be substantially
higher. The EBRPSS will work with the FEMA program to reimburse many of the expenditures incurred above
and beyond our insured amount. However, FEMA reimbursement is currently only funded at a 75% threshold
for reimbursable expenses, leaving the school system responsible for the other 25% of expenses.
FEMA, conducted an Applicant Briefing meeting with the EBRPSS in mid- August. A Kickoff meeting was held
on August 26, 2016 where damages, needs, and next steps were discussed. The federal and state FEMA
representatives discussed the overall program with respect to the Project Worksheets and the following Public
Assistance Project Categories:

Category A: Debris removal

Category B: Emergency protective measures
Category C: Roads and bridges
Category D: Water control facilities
Category E: Public buildings and contents
Category F: Public utilities
Category G: Parks, recreational, and other facilities

Due to the extensive nature of the damages to school and administrative sites, an RFP has been written in an
effort to retain the services of a professional consultant/group who will lead the EBRPSS FEMA documentation
and reimbursement efforts. A copy of the draft language for the RFP advertisement and selected RFP sections
is posted below:

Advertisement: Emergency Request for Proposals: FEMA Consultant Solicitation #7-16

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System is now accepting proposals for a FEMA Consultant to provide
assistance and support for grants management and administration. A complete copy of the Request for
Proposals and Qualifications (RFP/Q) is available either by:
1. Securing a hard copy from the Procurement Department, Room 1, 1050 South Foster Drive, Baton
Rouge, LA 70806
2. Securing an electronic copy from Bid Express, https://www.bidexpress.com/vendor resources.
For additional information, you may also contact Ms. Catherine Fletcher, Chief of Business Operations at

225-922-5650 or [email protected].
Scope of Services
The consultant shall work closely and collaborate with various funding agencies and internal School Board
departments to ensure the proper use and application of federal and state funds. Consultant shall focus on
maximizing eligible, allocable federal dollars. Consultant shall conduct efficient processes that reduce the
timeline for eligibility determinations that support project cash flow sources and uses. Consultant will provide
technical knowledge and experience, proven business processes, and policy strategies. In order to develop
and implement the framework of grant activities, the consultant shall perform services and work necessary
to complete the following objectives and tasks:

Provide support for engaging with FEMA and other federal and State agencies

Engage with the School Board and its Program Manager to assist with the assessment of damages
caused by the August 2016 flood

Educated and advise the School Board and its Program Manager on Recovery Programs and the
Recovery Process

Provide Eligibility guidance

Work with the School Board departments and divisions to obtain all costs and necessary backup
documentation to develop, revise and submit Project Worksheets PWs and grant applications to the
Federal agencies and State agencies to be approved, obligated and reimbursed. This includes, but is
not limited to, assistance with securing Section 404 and 406 Hazard Mitigation Opportunities,
preparing Small Project PWs, supporting and influencing FEMA's Development of Large Project PWs,
advising the School Board on Requests for Improved or Alternative Projects, and reviewing PWs and
resolving issues prior to approval and funding.

Provide insurance guidance and supporting insurance claim resolution to maximize reimbursements.

Support the School Board and its Program Manager to ensure proper procurement and document

Advocate on behalf of the School Board for maximum benefits with GOSHEP and FEMA.

Resolve and eliminate recovery impairment.

Assist with requests for time extensions to State, FEMA and other federal agencies.

Prepare and coordinate the development of (PWs) and versions as required with the School Board,
Federal agencies and State agencies. This includes project development, formulation, and processing
as required for small and large projects.

Review eligibility issues for the School Board and develop justifications for presentation to the Federal
agencies, State agencies, and other agencies involved in providing disaster recovery funds.

Ensure that all eligible damages have been identified, quantified, and presented to the School Board,
Federal agencies, and State agencies. All eligible damages shall be incorporated into PWs and grant
applications with supporting documentation and proper cost estimates, using the FEMA Cost


Estimating Factor (CEF) when necessary.

Assist in the development of hazard mitigation proposals by identifying, developing, and evaluating
opportunities for hazard mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate risk from future events. Prepare
hazard mitigation proposals, grant applications, benefit cost analysis, and other services related to the
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and other mitigation programs.

Compile and summarize/justify costs for presentation to Federal agencies and State agencies for
reimbursement of eligible costs, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.
Provide written performance and status reports regarding the status of the FEMA Public Assistance
program and other grant programs as requested. The performance and status report should include,
but is not limited to, the following:

Hours billed and amount invoiced by personnel

PW and grant application development and revisions
PW and grant application submissions and approvals
Obligated amounts versus eligible estimates
Issues with PW and grant application submissions and resolutions
Issues requiring assistance
Amounts awarded to the School Board per PW and grant application
Requests for Reimbursement submitted
Estimated and actual costs
Reimbursements received by the School Board
Insurance deductions
PW and grant application closeout

Attend meetings with the School Board, Federal agencies, and State agencies to negotiate and
represent PWs and the obligation of eligible amounts.

Provide grant management advice to maximize reimbursements of disaster recovery expenses.

Assist with appeals to FEMA, State and/or other agencies.

Provide advice to School Board personnel and consultants; attend and participate in meetings as

Prepare draft correspondence to local, Federal and State officials as necessary.

Provide the School Board with any changes in policies, procedures, processes, or deadlines throughout
the financial disaster recovery process.

Provide other duties reasonably related to this engagement.

Prepare and conduct the close-out process, ensuring maximum recovery and retention of all eligible
funding, satisfactory disposition of appeals and availability of supporting documents for future audits.


Prepare for and respond to inspections and audits for on-going and completed projects.

Prepare formal audit responses and justifications; attend associated meetings and hearings as needed.

Keep track and monitor consultants own time and activities by project, or as allowable under the
provisions of Federal guidance for direct administrative, indirect, and project management costs
(reference Federal regulations and policy guidance for these topics).

The Foundation for East Baton Rouge School System has established a Flood Recovery Fund for the schools in
the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. This fund was established to help the schools impacted the 2016
Link: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/FoundationforEastBatonRougeSc/donatetoday-1.html


As of August 29, the Foundation had received the following donations:

$50,000 Baton Rouge Area Foundation

$72,500 Academic Distinction Fund
$25,000 NBA Players Association
$20,085 in online contributions
$1,600 in personal checks

Total: $169,185
The Foundation also has a commitment for $15,000 but has not received it yet.

Once that money is received, the Foundation expects to be able to provide every classroom teacher at
the 8 flooded schools with $500 for classroom teaching materials.

Many school supplies have been donated.

The Foundation has prepared 5,000 school bags for students and has worked with many other
organizations that are bringing supplies daily.

The district has utilized a variety of platforms to keep stakeholders informed throughout the flood recovery.
These methods include:


School Messenger district-initiated calls

School Messenger school-initiated calls
District Email
Facebook (Sponsored and Free posts)
District Website
School Social Media and Apps
Cox Communications PSAs
Cummulus Radio PSAs
Area Media

We have recently recorded several video messages with important information for return to school.
We will be providing access to these messages as well as translated versions via the district platforms.
Parents of displaced students will receive customized telephone calls with new route information
beginning on Thursday. Schools will also be provided with this information to disseminate.
Questions are answered on the district social media platforms from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. with an
average response time of less than one hour.

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