Biology Week PP

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Make your own

Print your DNA
STEP 1 template
Follow the instructions
STEP 2 carefully
STEP 3 Take a photo

Take a photo of your finished

DNA double helix strand and
send it to us.

STEP 4 What is DNA ?

DNA is an essential molecule for life. It acts like a

recipe holding the instructions telling our bodies how
to develop and function.

What does DNA stand for?

DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid.

Different Cells in the

Our bodies have around

210 different types of
cells. Each cell does a
different job to help our
body to function. There
How do cells
are blood cells,know
bone what to do?
cells, and cells that make
Cells get their instructions on what do to from
our muscles.
DNA. DNA acts sort of like a computer program.
The cell is the computer or the hardware and the
DNA is the program or code.
Send us a picture of your project
@ Sentinus

@ SentinusNi

@ Sentinus_ni
Are you left or
CHALLENG right brained?
In this activity, you will get to
find out whether you have a
sidedness — that is, whether
you prefer to do activities with
one side of your body — and
what that might say about
your brain.
Gather Your
STEP 1 Materials
Make your results
STEP 2 table
STEP 3 Get to work!

Get your first volunteer ready:

Ask them to :
- Write their name on a piece of paper (which hand
did they use?)
- Place a coin on the floor directly in front of them
and ask them to step on the coin (which foot did
they use to step on the coin?)
- Give them your empty paper towel tube and ask
them to look at an object through it (which eye do
they use to look through the tube?)
- Give them a phone and ask them to listen to it
(which ear do they put the phone up to?)

- Record all of your results in the table you made,

write left or right in the correct place after each
task is completed
- Now try it with someone else
- Can you think of your own tasks to add to the
table and ask people to do?

Look at your results table, are more of your

volunteers right-handed or left-handed? What
about right-footed versus left-footed, right-
eyed versus left-eyed, and right-eared versus
STEP 4 What happened ?

Most scientific studies find that between 70%

and 90% of people are right-handed. From this
activity, you probably saw that most people
who are right-handed are also right-sided
overall. That is, they usually prefer to use their
right foot, eye, and ear as well.

The same trend exists with left-handed people.

A person who is left-handed is more likely to
also be left-footed, left-eyed, and left-eared.

A person's preference for using either their

right or left side for each task develops during
childhood. But sometimes how a child is taught
to do a task can overrule their preferences.
Send us a picture of your project
@ Sentinus

@ SentinusNi

@ Sentinus_ni
Make your own
CHALLENG Skeleton hand
Gather Your
STEP 1 Materials
STEP 2 Get to work!

1. Use your 2. Repeat step

scissors to make one two more
angled cuts on a times. Try spacing
straw. out the cuts to
imitate the joints
Tip: Make sure in your finger!
the straw is still
intact and that
you're not cutting
all the way
3. Cut the 4. On the
through the straw.
string just other end,
a bit longer pull on the
than the excess
straw and string and
thread it watch your
through the straw finger
straw. Tape curl
one end of
the string
to the end
of the
STEP 3 Now complete your hand

How many more fingers can you

Challenge yourself by making a
straw hand using your cardboard
- you might even be able to pick
something up or catch something
with your hand mechanism!
Send us a picture of your project
@ Sentinus

@ SentinusNi

@ Sentinus_ni

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