Brain Break
Brain Break
Brain Break
1. Stand up.
2. Make an X with your arms out in front of you.
Move your palms to face you with your fingers
up in the air. Lock your thumbs together.
3. With your index finger on your right hand, try
to touch each of the finger tips of your other
hand, one by one.
4. Now take your middle finger on your right hand
and do the same thing and touch the finger tips
of your other hand one by one.
5. Do this same process for your ring finger and
pinkie on your right hand.
6. Now do the process for your left hand index,
middle, ring and pinkie fingers.
ABC/123 Brain Break
1. Stand Up
2. Use your index finger and write a large "A" in the air out in
front of you and at the same time say out loud the number
3. Now use your index finger and write a large "B" in the air
out in front of you and at the same time say out loud the
number "2".
For another challenge, have them write the letters in the air
with their weak hand.
The Crab
I call it the Crab. This is an individual Brain Break
1. Stand Up
2. Put your arms out in front of you and match
your fingers from each hand together and then
match your thumbs together.
3. Now put lower your middle fingers so that the
knuckles touch. Keep them flat against each
4. Now un-touch and retouch your thumbs.
5. Now un-touch and retouch your index fingers.
6. Now un-touch and retouch your ring fingers.
7. Lastly, un-touch and retouch your pinkies.
1. Stand up.
2. Put your hands out in front of you.
3. Take your right hand thumb and touch it to your left
hand index finger.
4. Now take your right hand index finger and touch it to
your left hand thumb.
5. Rotate both hands to move upward so that you can
now reach your right hand thumb to your left hand
index finger. Then keep rotating your fingers and
thumbs so that you are "walking up the water spout"
6. Now do this behind your back. Try going "down the
spout" as well.
7. Once you've mastered this, then do the same process
with your index finger and your pinkie. This is tough.
This brain break takes just 45 seconds to
do, and the students love it.
1. Stand Up.
2. Blink your left eye and snap your right
hand finger and thumb at the same
3. Now blink your right eye and snap your
left hand finger and thumb at the same
4. Go back and forth as fast as you can
The Waiter
This brain break will see how agile your arm is.
Brain Breaks are refreshing and help to get your
productivity back up to par.
1. Stand up
2. Lay a piece of paper or a spiral notebook on
the top of your right hand without grabbing it.
3. While balancing the spiral on your hand, tuck it
between your right arm and waist so that the
spiral will now be behind you.
4. Flair your arm out away from you. Again, keep
the spiral balanced on top of your hand.
5. Keep turning your arm so that the spiral will
get back to the original spot.
6. If you have mastered this, try your other hand.
Elbow to Knee Taps
Elbow to Knee Tap Patterns
1. Stand up.
2. Put your hands clasped together in front of you
to make a fist.
3. Imagine that your fist is at one of the end
points of the pretzel. Now keeping your hands
together, draw the outline of a pretzel. You
will be stopping and reversing directions at
each end point of the pretzel. Try to do this as
fast as you can.
4. Now outline a huge pretzel that touches the
ground and stretches to over your head in the
same way as before.
Palm Tapping
Energizing Brain Break
1. Stand up.
2. Put your hands in front of you so that your fingers
are pointing straight forward and your palms are
facing up.
3. You will be repeating a tapping pattern: two taps,
three taps, one tap over and over while you
alternate hands.
4. Take your ring finger on your left hand and tap twice
on your right palm. Now take your pinkie finger on
your right hand and tap three times on your left
palm. Again take your left ring finger and tap once
on your right palm. Now we start the pattern again
and take the right pinkie and tap two times on the
left palm. And so on…
5. Sometimes it is helpful to say the words out loud.
6. Try to do this as fast as possible keeping the same
7. If you master this then pick different fingers for each
Be creative with your patterns. Use a pattern like
2,3,1,3,2 taps
Hand Shake #1
You will be doing a lengthy handshake with your partner.
1. Stand up and find a partner. Decide who is A and
who is B.
2. Shake right hands. Shake left hands.
3. Now do a right hand fist bump, and then a left hand
fist bump. (A fist bump is making a fist, and lightly
touching finger sections that are closest to the wrist)
4. Now do a right hand hammer tap. Person A will put
their right fist out. Person B will lightly tap A with
the bottom of their fist. Now Person A will lightly
touch the bottom of their fist to person B’s fist. Now
do a left hand hammer tap.
5. Now while crossing your arms do a high ten.
6. Now do a double fist bump. (Opposite hands will be
7. Lastly do a regular high ten.
8. Repeat this handshake over and over as fast as you
Be creative and make up your own handshake.
I Bet You Can't Do This!
Here are three activities that most people can’t do.
All of these are done from a standing position.
Students enjoy trying to do them. About 1 in 10 can
do these.
1. Stand up.
2. The conductor will model the class through the
rain process.
3. Here is the progression that the conductor will
Stage 1: soft circular hand rubbing
Stage 2: vigorous back and forth hand rubbing
Stage 3: finger snapping
Stage 4: thigh tapping
Stage 5: foot stomping
4. The class will follow the lead of the conductor.
The conductor will take about 5-7 seconds with
each stage.
5. The rain will get louder and louder getting to
the last stage in which the conductor will lead
the 3 separate thunder jumps. Then reverse
the stages and the rain will get softer and
Arm Wrap
1. Stand Up.
2. Put your left arm straight down at your side.
3. Tuck that arm behind your back so that it is
resting on your lower back. It should be bent at
a 90 degree angle.
4. Follow these instructions while closing your
A. Take your ring finger and try to touch your
B. Take your middle finger and touch your thumb.
C. Take your pinkie finger and touch your index
5. Now put your right arm behind your back and
follow A, B, C.
Inch Worm
We should try to get a brain break in every 25
minutes in our classes. Brain Breaks give students a
chance to take a break from the regular routine.
This is a brain break that I learned while doing
physical therapy on my knee.
1. Stand up.
2. Bend down and touch the ground with your
hands. Bend your knees if you need to.
3. Start inching your hands out in front of you.
Your feet remain in place. You will be moving
your hands farther and farther out in front of
you. More and more weight will be on your
4. Once you have extended yourself as far as you
can go, keep your hands still and start inching
your legs forward until they meet your hands
again. Try to keep your knees straight.
5. Repeat.
"Twisted" Brain Break
This Brain Break will get you twisted up, but will
re-engergize you.
1. Stand up.
2. Put your hand out in front of you and clap and
3. Put your thumbs down and then put your hands
4. Pull your hands inward rolling them towards you
until your hands are on top and your elbows are near
your side.
5. Roll your shoulders to stretch your back and
6. Put your right leg over your left.