The Consumer Driven Candidate in Job Market

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In 2020 the market for workers was replaced with a market-driven by candidates. Unemployment is the lowest it was in 50 years. Or it was
before COVID-19 turned up. Today, the pandemic has prompted a record of 3.5 million people to petition for joblessness.

Despite this recent turn of events, a certain degree of treatment still awaits the highly eligible applicant population. Find a Respiratory
Therapist. Only now, they can have some job in the world. Even if you don't have highly specialized skills that can be used in a pandemic, the
highly skilled person holds the cards in any area.

The need for professional expertise has been powered by technology. In any market, any industry, the top 30 percent of candidates still have
choices when it comes to job opportunities and they know that. A shift in candidate attitude comes along with this candi date-driven market.
Candidates still deserve the care of the white glove, even though they dress casually, suffer layoffs, or are under-qualified.

Candidates hope to provide listening and prompt response. They can read reviews of our service. They are going to check out social media
sites at the company. And then, in brand choices, they will make determinations just like they would buy a product.

The Candidate workflow

As experts in the acquisition of talent, we need to adapt to this new viewpoint. The consumer-driven candidate state of mind is here and to
reach this ideal consumerism, we need to adjust our mental workflow processes. There's a reason that we are going back to the same mechanic,
car dealer, salon, or barber. We like what it feels like to be remembered by name and known. We respect someone kno wing our preferences.

Candidates behave precisely the same way. They want to be recognized and remember their dream job and salary for their professional
talent. Candidates powered by customers should adopt a life-cycle much as a customer does.

This lifecycle starts with your brand awareness, building opinions about your product, considering it as a choice to apply online, and ending
with a purchase or, as we call it, a hire. The secret in all potential pipeline hires is understanding the lifecycle and concentrating on applicant
delight. On the first pitch, product marketers don't try to persuade a customer and neither do we as talent pros. Over time, dedication to a target
happens. Working with candidates that are driven by customers requires a small investment in understanding. While technology and software
are a great addition to a toolbox for talent acquisition, the real value lies in understanding the process and mentality of customer life.

Characteristics of a market-driven candidate with best practices in meeting the strong customer demands are listed below.

A Customer-Driven Candidate’s Traits:

1. They value reviews

Accept that your Glassdoor profile will possibly be viewed by the nominee. I have already planned a few primary points to answer, even if the
candidate doesn't bring it up. It's an aggressive strategy and needs talent management to agree that we no longer take responsibility for our own
stories. If our stories are distorted, as the consumer-driven candidate also respects honesty, we need to identify the scars.

2. They expect customer like service

I trust a shopkeeper to treat me with respect and dignity while I shop at the window shopping. Even if I can't afford their wares very
clearly. Similarly, a new graduate-level employee who is under-qualified today is an accomplished recruit in four years. It is a lengthy
game. Interestingly, twelve years was the most prolonged time period I had between interactions with a candidate. They remembered,
above all, how I made them feel and they keep coming back for more.

It's not uncommon for an employee to stick with the same recruiter in agency work throughout the course of their career. This can be
learned by company recruiters and sources. The only difference is how the relationship was perceived by each group.

3. Once they choose a brand, their minds can hardly be changed

In this instance, the first action to take would be to look at your target market. If you don’t believe me, Seek to get an Apple iPhone user to turn
to Android. It is really tough.

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