25수능특강 14강-17강 - test 1 내신 예상문항들

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1학기 예상 기말고사 문제

논술형 대비
출제자 HYUN 학교 / 이름 점수:

There has been an effort by some economists to commodify [논술형 1-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
<조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.2)
ecosystem services, which refer to benefits and resources
that humans obtain from natural ecosystems. Some <보기>
ecosystem services are rival, such as the waste absorption ecosystem services / in general / bad / fit for
capacity for greenhouse gases, so rationing is necessary. commodify / public services

Making rationing possible requires excludable property

rights, for example, through auctionable emission permits. If <조건>
emissions are limited to absorption capacity and equitably -<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
distributed, commodification can be both sustainable and -필요시 어형 변화 필수
just. However, many ecosystem services are inherently
non-excludable and non-rival and therefore cannot and
should not be commodified. They should also not be 정답: _______________________________________________.
ignored. Public services serve all members of the human
community; economists recognize that these services are
ill-suited to commodification and market allocation.
Ecosystem services should not be defined as nature’s
benefits to people, but rather as fund-services that benefit
all members of the biotic community, not simply humans.

[논술형 1-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기>

의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.1)

Some ecosystem services ________(A)________, but many

are intrinsically non-excludable and non-rival, thus not

necessitate / ration / due to / their / rival nature /
suitable for

-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
-주어진 단어 이외의 한 단어를 추가하여 쓸 것
-필요시 어형 변화 필수

(A): ______________________________________.

(B): ______________________________________.

- 1 -
Simplifying a problem is what opens it up to mathematical Regulations are in place to prevent certain types of
analysis, so inevitably some biological details bring out companies from marketing directly to children. These are
translation into the loss of biological nuances. In his 1897 good measures, but they also provide a false sense of
book Advice for a Young Investigator, Santiago Ramón y security. Why? In terms of their daily routine, the fact is
Cajal (the father of modern neuroscience) wrote about these that the young brain is in a continuous absorption state and
reality-avoiding theorists in a chapter entitled ‘Diseases of should give us pause. Just like with language learning,
the Will’. He identified their symptoms as ‘a facility for young children don’t need ads explicitly directed at them to
exposition, a creative and restless imagination, an aversion learn about a product, or the consumer world in general.
to the laboratory, and an indomitable dislike for concrete Think about ads on websites, TV, mobile, and social media,
science and seemingly unimportant data’. Cajal also and in video games. Children are showered with repeated
complained about the theorist’s preference for beauty over exposure to thousands of ads for hundreds of brands, and
facts. Biologists study living things that are abundant with their spongy, malleable brains are constantly taking this
specific traits and subtle exceptions to any rule. information in. In a study, researchers discovered that kids
Mathematicians — driven by simplicity, elegance and the are exposed to so many ads that they will have memorized
need to make things manageable — silence that abundance three hundred to four hundred brands before their tenth
when they put it into equations. As a result, those who use birthday. Creepily, ________________________________, like
mathematics are frequently criticized as they ignore these friends you didn’t know they had.
[논술형 3-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기>
[논술형 2-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기> 의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.5)
의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.3)

Reducing problems for mathematical analysis often leads _____________________ is concerning as kids are exposed
to ads, leading to memorization of numerous brands.
to ________(A)________, and mathematicians, motivated by
simplicity, ________(B)________

-본문에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 찾아 알맞게 영작 것
necessitate / ration / due to / their / rival nature /
-어형 변화 하지 말 것
suitable for

정답: ______________________________________.(7단어)
-본문에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 각각 찾아 쓸 것
-주어진 단어 이외의 단어를 추가하지 말 것
[논술형 3-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
-어형 변화 하지 말 것 <조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.6)

children / grow up / relationships / a select number /
(A): ______________________________________.(5단어)
into the future
(B): ______________________________________.(3단어)

[논술형 2-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
<조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.4)
-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 영작 할 것
silence / equations

정답: _______________________________________________.
-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 영작 할 것
-총 9단어로 쓸 것

정답: _______________________________________________.

- 2 -
People often think that personality traits such as kindness We human tend to spend their most time during indoor
are fixed. But our research with groups suggests something living. By getting outside of this comfort zone and stressing
quite different: the tendency to be altruistic or exploitative the cellular functioning of the body either by using heat and
may depend heavily on how the social world is organized. cold in the same session or focusing on one temperature
So if we took the same population of people and assigned extreme, we strengthen our physiological systems. We
them to one social world, we could make them really naturally seek temperature comfort in ranging from 68 to 72
generous to one another, and if we put them in another degrees Fahrenheit for survival. However, then, we lower
sort of world, we could make them really mean or our daily breathing rate, improve our muscle tissue, and
indifferent to one another. Crucially, this indicates that raise our threshold for handling stress. Evidence shows that
________________________________. Cooperation rely on the we are at our best — physically harder, mentally tougher,
rules affecting friendship formation. Good people can do bad and spiritually sounder — after experiencing the same
things (and vice versa) simply as a result of the structure of discomforts our early ancestors were exposed to every day.
the network which they belong to, regardless of the _________________________________ from our ancestral ways,
convictions they hold or that the group shares. It is not just weakening our nervous system, and it continues to weaken
a matter of being connected to “bad” people; the number the nervous system. By intentionally placing ourselves into
and pattern of social connections is also crucial. Aspects of the heat or cold, we become our best physically, mentally,
the social suite, such as cooperation and social networks, and even spiritually.
work together.

[논술형 5-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기>

[논술형 4-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기> 의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.9)
의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.7)
We ________(A)_________ for survival, yet challenging our
Many believe personality traits are unchangeable, but bodies with extremes strengthens physiology, unlike stable
social environment influences altruism and cooperation indoor lifestyles that ________(B)_________.

<조건> -본문에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 찾아 알맞게 영작 것
-본문에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 찾아 알맞게 영작 것 -어형 변화 없이 쓸 것
-필요시 어형 변화 필수

(A): ______________________________________.(3단어)
정답: ______________________________________. (B): ______________________________________.(4단어)

[논술형 4-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여 [논술형 5-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
<조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.8) <조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.10)

<보기> <보기>
inclination / cooperate / property the absence / of temperature variation / due to / and
disconnect / from nature / have distanced / us
-“not only A, but also B”구문을 사용해서 영작 할 것 <조건>
-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것 -<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 영작 할 것 -본문에서 영작에 필요한 연속된 두 단어를 찾아 쓸 것
-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 영작 할 것

정답: _______________________________________________.
정답: _______________________________________________.

- 3 -
Suppose a child plays at make-believe. She barks, crawls on We come into the world ready to start relationships and, as
all fours, and says, “I’m a puppy!” In order to make the we gain control of our body, we’re keen to take part in
claim, her brain must maintain the schema of a human games and tasks that involve working with others. In this
way, we’re so different from young chimps. Experiments
body, “I’m a puppy” as well as contain the information that
have shown chimps can understand collaborative tasks
puppies bark and walk on all fours. And yet that
perfectly well, but they only bother to take part if they can
information exists in a larger context. Her brain contains a see how it will result in their getting a piece of fruit or
vast net of information, including “I’m not really a puppy,” some other reward. Humans, by contrast, often work
“I’m making it up to play a game,” “I’m a little girl,” and so together just for the joy of it. Experiments have shown that
on. Some of that information is present at a cognitive and working with others affects children’s behavior. Afterward,
they’re more generous in sharing any treats the
linguistic level. Much of it is at a deeper, sensory or
experimenters give them — as if working with others has
perceptual level. Her body schema is constructed
put them in a better mood. It seems unlikely that children’s
automatically, against her deepest internal models, and it greater willingness to share is simply the result of learning
describes the physical layout of a human body, not a puppy that they should pay people for working with them, but
body. To assert oneself as other creature, a brain must ____________________________________ of our brain. Our
create the main idea “I’m a puppy” and contain knowledge childhood observations of others don't merely instruct us in
that puppies bark and move on all fours. She sees her behavioral norms; others during childhood insidiously shape
our emotional landscape, dictating how we ought to feel.
human hands in front of her, and the visual information
confirms her human identity. She remembers eating
breakfast cereal with a spoon, going to school, reading a [논술형 7-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기>
book — all human activities. The claim “I’m a puppy” is 의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.13)
From birth, we eagerly form relationships and engage in
cooperative activities, where ____________________________.
[논술형 6-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기>
의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.11)

______(A)______ requires her brain to create this notion,
-본문에서 빈칸에 들어갈 세 단어를 찾아 알맞게 영작 것
which is in conflict with ______(B)______ .
-“not only A, but also B”구문을 사용해서 영작 할 것
-필요시 어형변화 필수
-본문에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 찾아 알맞게 영작 것 <보기>
-필요시 어형변화 필수 observe / teaches / us / how to act / how to feel

(A): ______________________________________.(5단어) 정답: ___________________________________________________.

(B): ______________________________________.(7단어)
[논술형 7-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
[논술형 6-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.14)
<조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.12) <보기>
<보기> the way / everything / be strongly influenced / shape /
a superficial proposition / consistent with the development

<조건> <조건>

-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것 -<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것

-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 어형변화 및 영작 할 것 -문맥 및 어법에 맞게 어형 변화 및 영작 할 것

-본문에서 영작에 필요한 연속된 세 단어를 찾아 쓸 것.

정답: _______________________________________________. 정답: _______________________________________________.

- 4 -
The theory of reasoned action maintains that a person’s [논술형 8-2] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
decision to engage in a purposeful activity depends on <조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.16)
several factors, of which some are situational and some are
mediated by personal dispositions or characteristics. At the
core of the theory is the idea that when people engage in a rely more on / for guidance on / behave
given behavior it is because they formed an intention to do
so and have reasons for their decision to actualize their
intentions. Because of this, much of our behavior can be
characterized as “reasoned action.” Fishbein and Ajzen -<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
suggested that behavioral intentions are controlled by two -문맥 및 어법에 맞게 어형 변화 및 영작 할 것
factors: attitude toward an act and the normative -영작에 필요한 연속된 세단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓸 것
component. Attitude toward an act is influenced by the
-총 12단어로 영작 할 것
beliefs that people have about the consequences of
performing an act. The normative component is controlled
by our beliefs about what valued others (i.e., people
important in our lives) expect us to do. For some behaviors
we rely more on our attitude toward an act, whereas for
정답: _______________________________________________.
other behaviors we may _______________________________.

[논술형 8-1] 윗글의 (가)에 주어진 우리말과 의미가 같도록 <보기>

의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.15)

According to the theory of reasoned action,

________(A)_________, with behavioral intentions
determined by ________(B)_________.

-빈칸(A),(B)는 각각 본문에서 해당되는 단어를 각각 찾아 쓸 것
-<보기>에 있는 어휘는 각 빈칸에 사용 할 것
-필요시 어형변화 필수

choices / influence / traits / component

(A): ______________________________________.(9단어)
(B): ______________________________________.(5단어)

- 5 -
1. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.17) 2. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색하게 쓰인 것을 고르시오.18)
Rejecting any academic training they had experienced, Monet Plants assess when they need to be competitive and when it
and the other Impressionists believed that their art, with its is more prudent to be collaborative. To make this kind of
objective methods of painting what they saw before them, decision, they ①assess the energy expenditure in relation to
was more sincere than any academic art. They all agreed the advantages gained for enhanced growth and longevity.
that they aimed to capture their “sensations” or what they For example, although a plant would generally attempt to
could see as they painted. These sensations included the grow taller than a closely situated neighbor for ②
flickering effects of light that our eyes capture as we regard preferential access to sunlight, if the neighbor is already
things. In complete contrast to the Academie, the significantly taller and the race is likely to be lost, the plant
Impressionists painted ordinary, modern people in everyday will ③soothe its competitive drive.. That is, plants engage in
and up-to-date settings, making no attempt to hide their competition solely when competition is needed to improve
painting techniques. They avoided symbols or any narrative their ability to support their own growth and reproduction
content, preventing viewers from “reading” a picture, but and has some likelihood of success. Once competition yields
making them experience their paintings as an isolated the needed results, they ④terminate their competitive
moment in time. endeavors and redirect their focus towards living. For
plants, competition ⑤surpasses survival.

① Impressionist Painters' Distorted View of Reality and Its

Impact on Art
② Modern Artists' Fascination with Wealth and Authority in
Their Creative Expressions ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
③ The Quest for Artistic Freedom and Sensation in All
Artists' Creative Journey
3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?19)
④ Impressionists' Rejection of Traditional Methods and
Mechanisation sped up _________________. Stairs and ramps
Pursuit of New Artistic Sensations
were traditionally how you went up and down, so few
⑤ The Revolution of Impressionists in Liberating Art from buildings in frequent use exceeded five storeys. The Otis
Academic Rules and Constraints Company, founded in 1853 in New York, changed all that
with the invention of the safety elevator (safe because it
locked the car in place should the cables fail) that made
taller buildings possible. Escalators came later bringing
greater capacity to move more people over shorter vertical
distance; they made their debut, and were a sensation, at
the 1900 Paris Exposition. With elevators and escalators
cities could now spread underground, with deep basements,
subways and tunnels, and upwards, with high rise buildings,
as well as outwards. The modern cityscape — of which
Manhattan is still the iconic exemplar — was created.

① horizontal movement
② economic downturn
③ ascending mobility
④ lateral movement
⑤ rural infrastructure

- 6 -
4. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색하게 쓰인 것을 고르시오20) 6. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?22)
If you wanted to be entertained in a theater before the Globalization has often been studied as a macro
nineteenth century, you could not avoid ①the fact that you phenomenon. However, as the globalization process
were at some level participating in a dialog, a conversation, obviously affects individuals’ lives, a need for alternative
either with your fellow members of the audience, or with the concepts has emerged. Concepts like cosmopolitanism and
actors. The idea of the audience ②sitting in the dark and global citizenship __________________________. In this context,
watching the stage in silence is a new thing. Prior to the cosmopolitanism is seen as closely related to global
nineteenth century the audience were lit and often extremely citizenship. For instance, cultural sociologist John Tomlinson
vocal and active, even ③leaping on stage to fight with the claims that being a cosmopolitan means that one has an
cast. It was the actor David Garrick in the eighteenth active experience of “belonging to the wider world.” As
century who pioneered the idea that an audience should such, cosmopolitanism is closely connected to identity; a
shut up and listen. The passive and reverential silence ④ cosmopolitan obtains a reflexive awareness of the features
which today’s actors can indulge themselves is a new that unite us as human beings. This requires the ability to
phenomenon, as, of course, is the cinema, ⑤where our question one’s own assumptions and prejudices. Identity is
surrogates on the screen can unfold their stories unaware in this context not essentialist or stable; rather, it is
of our responses. fragmented and constructed and reconstructed across the
different practices and positions in which one participates.

① often aim to highlight the economic policies implemented

by different governments.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
② commonly focus on the advancements in medical
technology and healthcare.
③ typically examine the architectural styles influenced by
5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색하게 쓰인 것을 고르시오.21)
④ usually explore the culinary traditions preserved despite
On June 17, 1953, Mrs. Roosevelt traveled to Hiroshima,
where she visited the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, an
American research group that studied the effects of the ⑤ are frequently used to highlight the intricate impacts of
nuclear attacks on bomb survivors. Many individuals had ① globalization on personal identities
sustained injuries from the fires ignited by the bomb. Upon
concluding her official meetings, she found a group of girls
7. 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.23)
②awaiting her. The girls conveyed that they did not hold
her ③accountable for the atomic bomb; rather, their sole
But none of this intergroup variation and intragroup
aim was to emphasize the necessity of ensuring that such
commonality would have anything to do with the
weapons were never deployed against humans again,
workings of culture.
considering their catastrophic effects. Though she did not
state it explicitly, it was conceivable that the girls were
among those whose faces had been permanently ④disfigured Cultural and behavioral diversity can result from humans’
by the attack. This must have been a powerful encounter innate ability to flexibly respond to their environments, to
engage in social learning, and to make culture (an ability
because Mrs. Roosevelt called it a “tragic moment.” It led
her to urge Americans to do more to help. Though she which is itself a part of the social suite). ① The diversity
might conceal an underlying universality that, paradoxically,
maintained that they were not America’s direct
responsibility, “as a gesture of goodwill for the victims of might relate more to our genes than to cultural exigencies.
this last war, such help would be ⑤insignificant. ② Evolutionary psychologists John Tooby and Leda Cosmides
provide a fanciful illustration of this idea. ③ They suggest a
thought experiment in which aliens replace humans with
jukeboxes, each of which has a repertoire of thousands of
songs and the ability to play a particular song according to
where and when it is. ④ We would then observe that
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
jukeboxes in different parts of the world played different
songs at different times, songs that were similar to those on
the jukeboxes near them. ⑤ This is a way of illustrating
that humans might have an inborn ability to respond flexibly
— but also predictably — to their environment.

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

- 7 -
8. 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.24) If you wanted to be entertained in a theater before the
nineteenth century, you could not avoid the fact that you
This suggests a new place to look for the foundations of were at some level participating in a dialog, a conversation,
human language. either with your fellow members of the audience, or with the
actors. The idea of the audience sitting in the dark and
While research on language in cognitive science has long watching the stage in silence is a new thing. Prior to the
focused on its logical structure, the news about pointing nineteenth century the audience were lit and often extremely
suggests an alternative: that the essence of language is vocal and active, even leaping on stage to fight with the
found in our capacity for the communion of minds through cast. It was the actor David Garrick in the eighteenth
shared intentionality. ① At the center of it is the deceptively century who pioneered the idea that an audience should
simple act of pointing, an act that must be mastered before shut up and listen. The passive and reverential silence in
language can be learned at all. ② Apparently, only humans which today’s actors can indulge themselves is a new
have the social-cognitive infrastructure needed to support phenomenon, as, of course, is the cinema, where
the kind of cooperative and prosocial motivations that __________________________________________
pointing gestures presuppose. ③ Few nonhuman species
seem able to comprehend pointing (notably, domestic dogs
[논술형 9] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
can follow pointing. ④ While our closest relatives among the
<조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.25)
great apes cannot), and there is little evidence of pointing
occurring spontaneously between members of any species <보기>
other than our own. ⑤ Comparative psychology finds that
our surrogates / can develop / stories / unaware /
pointing (in its full-blown form) is unique to our species.

① ② ③ ④ ⑤
-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 어형변화 및 영작 할 것

정답: _______________________________________________.

- 8 -
Most philosophers accepted Plato’s definition of knowledge [논술형 11] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여
as justified true belief until the 1960s, when Edmund Gettier <조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.27)
showed that it didn’t always provide a satisfactory <보기>
explanation. He came up with several instances where we
there / will be / a progressive reduction / extent of /
instinctively realize that someone doesn’t really know on computer evolution
something, even though that person’s belief is both true and
justified. For example, I have arranged to meet my friend
Sue at her house, and when I arrive I see her through the
-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것
window sitting in the kitchen. In fact, it is not Sue that I
-본문에서 연속된 두 단어를 찾아 쓸 것
see, but her identical twin sister — Sue is actually in
-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 어형변화 및 영작 할 것
another room. My belief that Sue is home is true, and I
have good reason to believe it because I am sure I have
seen her, but it is wrong to say that I knew she was at
정답: _______________________________________________
home — I didn’t know. Examples such as this became known
as “Gettier problems,” and have prompted philosophers to
ask if, in addition to belief, truth, and justification, there is Since at least the late nineteenth century and the rise of
industrial cities, the history of urbanism and urban planning
a fourth criterion for knowledge. Gettier had cast doubt not
has been a history of expertise — political, administrative,
only on Plato’s definition, but also on and technocratic. Cities came to be seen as solutions to
_________________________________. demands for wealth, health, safety, opportunity, and
personal development, as society grew more economically,
socially, and politically complex. Cities also came to be seen
[논술형 10] 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여 as posing new problems, often caused by their successes in
<조건>에 맞게 영작 하시오.26) meeting earlier social demands. Both fueled by and fueling
that problem/solution framework, the Progressive political
<보기> movement of the early twentieth century relied heavily on
whether / possible / define / completely / knowledge trained and trusted experts, especially economists and other
social scientists. Those experts were often educated in newly
formed occupational disciplines and professional schools.
<조건> Degrees in hand, they were primed to lead both
-<보기>에 주어진 단어들은 모두 사용할 것 governments and businesses away from the era of
laissez-faire and toward better outcomes for themselves and
-문맥 및 어법에 맞게 어형변화 및 영작 할 것
for workers and citizens. That meant safer food; safer water;
better working conditions; safer and less expensive
automobiles; expanded opportunities for education, leisure,
and personal fulfillment; and so on.
정답: _____________________________________________________. [논술형 12]<보기>의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 배열하시오.28)

The history of urbanism and urban planning has been

Life-forms work to evolve survival strategies but without _______(A)_______, with cities creating new problems
necessarily being aware of the process. Consciousness is not
stemming from their victories in _______(B)_______.
a necessary condition of life — though it says much about
the organism that happens to possess it. Most biological
species have evolved techniques and mechanisms for <조건>
survival without reflecting on the fact, and this is what has
-빈칸(A)는 본문에서 해당되는 어휘를 찾아 쓸 것
happened so far with computer life-forms. We can speculate
-<보기>에 있는 어휘와 본문에 해당되는 어휘를 사용하여 빈칸
on how computers might ponder on their own survival but
this is essentially a matter for the future. At present we see (B)을 영작 할 것.
a host of rudimentary survival mechanisms in computers: -필요시 어형변화 필수
we may expect these to develop and new ones to emerge. It
is inevitable, at the present stage of their development, that
computer survival strategies owe virtually everything to
human involvement in computer design. However, as comply with
machine autonomy develops _________________________.
Computers will come to think about their own position in (A): ______________________________________.
the world, and take steps to enhance their own security.
(B): ______________________________________.(5단어)

- 9 -
1) necessitate rationing due to their rival nature / suitable
for commodification
2) Ecosystem services in general are even worse fit for
commodification than public services
3) the loss of biological nuances /
ignore these specifics
4) silence that abundance when they put it into equations
5) a continuous absorption state of young brains
6) children grow up forming relationships with a select
number of these brands that last well into the future
7) relies on the rules affecting friendship formation rules
8) the inclination to cooperate is a property not only of
individuals but also of groups
9) seek temperature comfort / weaken our nervous system.
10) The absence of temperature variation due to indoor
living and disconnect from nature has distanced us
11) Asserting oneself as a puppy /
maintaining the schema of a human body.
12) a superficial proposition that is inconsistent with
deepest internal models
13) observing others during childhood teaches us not only
how to act but also how to feel
14) the way we feel about everything is strongly influenced
by the experiences that shaped the development
15) choices are influenced by situational aspects and
personal traits / attitudes and the normative component
16) rely more on the normative component for guidance on
how to behave
17) 5 (객관식 1번)
18) 5
19) 3
20) 4
21) 5
22) 5
23) 5
24) 2
25) our surrogates on the screen can develop their stories
unaware of our responses.
26) whether it is possible to define completely what
knowledge is
27) there will be a progressive reduction in the extent of
human involvement on computer evolution
28) a history of expertise / complying with earlier social

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