CAT Onko - Adhitya Wisnu Mahadewa

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(Critical Appraisal of the Topics)

Partial thyroidectomy for papillary

thyroid microcarcinoma: Is
completion total thyroidectomy
Screen for Initial Validity and
1. Is the article from a peer-reviewed
journal ? Yes
2. Is the location of the study similar to
mine so that the results, if valid, would
apply to my practice ? No
3. Is the study sponsored by an organization
that might influence the study design or
results ? No
4. Will this information, if true, have a direct
impact on the health of my patients, and is
it something they will care about ? Yes
5. Is the problem addressed one that is
common to my practice, and is the
intervention or test feasible and available
to me ? Yes
6. Will this information, if true, require me
to change my current practice ? No
Clinical category Description Prefered Study Design

Therapy Tests the effectiveness of a treatment, Randomized, double-

such as a drug, surgical procedure, or blinded, placebo- controlled
other intervention trial

Diagnosis Measures the validity and reliability of a Case control study

diagnostic test, or evaluates the
effectiveness of a test in detecting disease at
a presymptomatic stage when applied to a
large population

Causation Assesses whether a substance is related to

Cohort or case-control
the development of an illness or condition

Determines the outcome of a disease Longitudinal cohort study
Level of Evidence
Level Therapy/Prevention, Prognosis Diagnosis

1a SR (with homogeneity*) SR (with homogeneity*) SR (with homogeneity*) of

of RCTs of inception cohort Level 1 diagnostic
studies; CDR† studies; CDR† with 1b
validated in studies from different
different clinical centres

1b Individual RCT (with Individual inception Validating case control

narrow Confidence cohort study with > study with good
Interval‡) 80% follow-up; reference standards; or
CDR† validated in a Clinical Data
single population Repository tested
within one clinical
1c All or none§ All or none case-series Absolute SpPins and
Level of Evidence
Level Therapy/Prevention, Prognosis Diagnosis
2a SR (with homogeneity* ) of SR (with homogeneity*) of SR (with homogeneity*) of
cohort studies either retrospective cohort Level >2 diagnostic studies
studies or untreated
control groups in RCTs
2b Individual cohort study Retrospective cohort Exploratory** cohort study with
(including low quality RCT; study or follow-up of good†††reference standards;
e.g., <80% follow-up) untreated control patients CDR† after derivation, or
in an RCT; Derivation of validated only on split-sample
CDR† or validated on or databases
split-sample only
2c "Outcomes" Research; "Outcomes" Research
Ecological studies
Level of Evidence
Level Therapy/Prevention, Prognosis Diagnosis
3a SR (with homogeneity*) of SR (with homogeneity*) of 3b
case-control studies and better studies
3b Individual Case-Control Non-consecutive study; or
Study without consistently applied
reference standards

4 Case-series (and poor quality Case-series (and poor Case-control study, poor or
cohort and case-control quality prognostic cohort non-independent reference
studies§§ ) studies***) standard
5 Expert opinion without Expert opinion without Expert opinion without explicit
explicit critical appraisal, or explicit critical appraisal, critical appraisal, or based on
based on physiology, bench or based on physiology, physiology, bench research or
research or "first principles" bench research or "first "first principles"
Grades of Recommendation
A consistent level 1 studies

B consistent level 2 or 3 studies or

extrapolations from level 1 studies
C level 4 studies or extrapolations from
level 2 or 3 studies
D level 5 evidence or troublingly
inconsistent or inconclusive studies of
any level

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