CAT Jurnal Ortho Ifa

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(Critical Appraisal of the Topics)

Kiki Lukman,
Jurnal ini memiliki beberapa kelebihan dan
kekurangan yang menyebabkan validitas dan
relevansinya baik.

Kelebihan :

 Dikeluarkan oleh tim yang memiliki tim peer review

(orthopedics and rheumathology,Juniper publisher, 21
Maret 2019)
 Sebagian peneliti jurnal ini tidak dipengaruhi oleh sponsor
organisasi tertentu
 Jika informasi yang terdapat pada jurnal ini benar maka
akan dapat menambah modalitas kita sebagai ahli bedah
untuk mendiagnosis pasien trauma orthopedi
Kekurangan :
Penelitian dilakukan hanya di 1 tempat ( single centre )
Penelitian bersifat retrospektif
Determine the Intent of the Article

 Tujuan dari penelitian ini :

 mendeteksi mengevaluasi penempatan traksi
pada pasien trauma orthopedic
 Kategori klinis : terapeutik
 Penelitian ini :
 Retrospektif, mengambil data rekam medis
pasien-pasien yang dilakukan pemasangan traksi
di teaching hospital port harcourt,Nigera
Clinical category Description Prefered Study Design

Therapy Tests the effectiveness of a Randomized, double-

treatment, such as a drug, surgical blinded, placebo-
procedure, or other intervention controlled trial
Diagnosis Measures the validity (is it Cross-sectional survey
dependable?) and reliability (will (comparing the new test
the same results be obtained every with a reference
time?) of a diagnostic test, or standard)
evaluates the effectiveness of a test
in detecting disease at a
presymptomatic stage when applied
to a large population
Causation Assesses whether a substance is
Cohort or case-control
related to the development of an
illness or condition
Determines the outcome of a disease Longitudinal cohort study
Level 1 of Evidence
Level Therapy/Prevention, Prognosis Diagnosis

1a SR (with homogeneity*) of SR (with homogeneity*) of SR (with homogeneity*) of

RCTs inception cohort Level 1 diagnostic studies;
studies; CDR† CDR† with 1b studies from
validated in different different clinical centres

1b Individual RCT (with narrow Individual inception cohort Validating** cohort study with
Confidence Interval‡) study with > 80% good††† reference
follow-up; CDR† standards; or CDR† tested
validated in a single within one clinical centre

1c All or none§ All or none case-series Absolute SpPins and

Level 2 of Evidence
Level Therapy/Prevention, Prognosis Diagnosis
2a SR (with homogeneity* ) of SR (with homogeneity*) SR (with homogeneity*) of
cohort studies of either retrospective Level >2 diagnostic studies
cohort studies or
untreated control groups
in RCTs
2b Individual cohort study Retrospective cohort Exploratory** cohort study
(including low quality RCT; study or follow-up of with good” “ “ reference
e.g., <80% follow-up) untreated control standards; CDR “ after
patients in an RCT; derivation, or validated only
Derivation of CDR† or on split-sample or databases
validated on split-
sample only
2c "Outcomes" Research; "Outcomes" Research
Ecological studies
Level 3,4,5 of Evidence

Level Therapy/Prevention, Prognosis Diagnosis

3a SR (with homogeneity*) of SR (with homogeneity*) of
case-control studies 3b and better studies
3b Individual Case-Control Non-consecutive study; or
Study without consistently applied
reference standards

4 Case-series (and poor Case-series (and poor Case-control study, poor or

quality cohort and case- quality prognostic non-independent reference
control studies§§ ) cohort studies***) standard
5 Expert opinion without Expert opinion without Expert opinion without
explicit critical appraisal, explicit critical explicit critical appraisal, or
or based on physiology, appraisal, or based on based on physiology, bench
bench research or "first physiology, bench research or "first principles"
principles" research or "first
Grades of Recommendation

A consistent level 1 studies

B consistent level 2 or 3 studies or

extrapolations from level 1 studies
C level 4 studies or extrapolations from level 2
or 3 studies
D level 5 evidence or troublingly inconsistent or
inconclusive studies of any level

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