Sample Chapter
Sample Chapter
Sample Chapter
Many clinicians report that they cannot read the medical literature critically. To address this dif-
ficulty, we provide a primer of clinical research for clinicians and researchers alike. Clinical research
falls into two general categories: experimental and observational, based on whether the investigator
assigns the exposures or not. Experimental trials can also be subdivided into two: randomised and
nonrandomised. Observational studies can be either analytical or descriptive. In this book, we dis-
tinguish between the two by this criterion: analytical studies feature a comparison (control) group,
whereas descriptive studies do not. Within analytical studies, cohort studies track people forward in
time from exposure to outcome. By contrast, case-control studies work in reverse, tracing back from
outcome to exposure. Cross-sectional studies are like a snapshot, which measures both exposure and
outcome at one time point. Descriptive studies cannot examine associations, a fact often forgotten or
ignored. Measures of association, such as relative risk or odds ratio, are the preferred way of expres-
sing results of dichotomous outcomes (e.g., sick versus healthy). Confidence intervals around these
measures indicate the precision of these results. Measures of association with confidence intervals
reveal the strength, direction, and plausible range of an effect, as well as the likelihood of chance
occurrence. By contrast, p values address only chance. Testing null hypotheses at a p value of
0.05 has no basis in medicine and should be discouraged.
Clinicians today are in a bind. Increasing demands on their time are squeezing out opportunities to
stay abreast of the literature, much less read it critically. PubMed currently catalogues 30,000 jour-
nals, and its citations include more than 27 million entries. Results of several studies indicate an
inverse relation between quality of care and time since graduation from medical school;1 older cli-
nicians consistently have a harder time keeping up.2 In many jurisdictions, attendance at a specified
number of hours of continuing medical education (CME) courses is mandatory to maintain a
licence to practice. Continuing medical education courses have at best a modest effect on the quality
of care, and such courses alone appear unlikely to affect complex clinical behaviours.3 This defi-
ciency of traditional CME offerings emphasises the importance of self-directed learning through
reading. However, many clinicians lack the requisite skills to read the medical literature critically.4,5
Scientific illiteracy6 and innumeracy5 remain major failings of medical education.
This book on research methods is designed for busy clinicians and active researchers. The needs
of clinicians predominate; hopefully, this primer will produce more critical and thoughtful con-
sumers of research, and thus better practitioners. The needs of clinicians overlap with those of
researchers throughout the chapters, but that overlap becomes most pronounced in the discussion
of randomised controlled trials. For readers to assess randomised trials accurately, they should
understand the relevant guidelines on the conduct of trials; these guidelines have been derived from
empirical methodological research.
The disproportionate coverage of randomised controlled trials is intentional; randomised con-
trolled trials are the gold standard in clinical research. Randomised controlled trials help to elim-
inate bias, and research has identified the important methodological elements of trials that minimise
bias.7,8 Finally, because trials are deemed more credible than observational studies,9,10 clinicians
might be more likely to act on their results than on those of other study types; hence, investigators
need to ensure that trials are done well and reported well. To start, we provide a brief overview of
research designs and discuss some of the common measures used.
Quality of Evidence
I Evidence from at least one properly designed randomised controlled trial.
II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled trials without randomisation.
II-2 Evidence from well-designed cohort or case-control studies, preferably from more than one
centre or research group.
II-3 Evidence from multiple time series with or without the intervention. Important results in
uncontrolled experiments (such as the introduction of penicillin treatment in the 1940s) could
also be considered as this type of evidence.
III Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical experience, descriptive studies, or reports of
expert committees.
Strength of Recommendations
A Strongly recommends
B Recommends
C Makes no recommendation for or against
D Recommends against
I Concludes evidence insufficient to recommend for or against
Did investigator
assign exposures?
Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Analytical Descriptive
Randomised study study
controlled controlled
trial trial Direction?
Case- Cross-
control sectional
study study
usual clinical practice.18-20 At the top of the hierarchy, for experimental studies one needs to distin-
guish whether the exposures were assigned by a truly random technique (with concealment of the
upcoming assignment from those involved) or whether some other allocation scheme was used, such
as alternate assignment.21 Many reports fail to include this critical information.22
With observational studies, which dominate the literature, especially in lower-impact journals,23
the next step is to ascertain whether the study has a comparison or control group. If so, the study is
termed analytical.24 If not, it is a descriptive study (see Fig. 1.1). If the study is analytical, the tem-
poral direction needs to be identified. If the study determines both exposures and outcomes at one
time point, it is termed cross-sectional. An example would be measurement of serum cholesterol of
patients admitted to a hospital with myocardial infarction versus that of their next-door neighbour.
This type of study provides a snapshot of the population of sick and well at one time point.25 A
weakness of cross-sectional studies is that the temporal sequence may be unclear: did the exposure
precede the outcome? In addition, cross-sectional studies are inappropriate for rare diseases or those
that resolve quickly; severe diseases causing early death can mean that those studied are not repre-
sentative of all those with a given disease.19
If the study begins with an exposure (e.g., oral contraceptive use) and follows women for years to
measure outcomes (e.g., ovarian cancer), then it is deemed a cohort study. Cohort studies can be
either concurrent or nonconcurrent. By contrast, if the analytical study begins with an outcome
(e.g., ovarian cancer) and looks back in time for an exposure, such as use of oral contraceptives, then
the study is a case-control study.
Studies without comparison groups are called descriptive studies.24 At the bottom of the
research hierarchy is the case report. Indeed, the literature is replete with reported oddities.26
When more than one patient is described, it becomes a case-series report. Some new diseases first
appear in the literature this way.27
Cohort study
Exposure Outcome
Case-control study
Exposure Outcome
Cross-sectional study
Fig. 1.2 Schematic diagram showing temporal direction of three study designs.
Case-Cohort Studies
In this modification of a case-control study, ‘…controls are drawn from the same cohort as the cases
regardless of their disease status. Cases of the disease of interest are identified, and a sample of the
entire starting cohort (regardless of their outcomes) forms the controls’24 Here, one control group
can be used for multiple groups of cases, increasing the efficiency of the exploration. Controls are
randomly selected from the population at risk; these controls are called the ‘reference subcohort’.38
In a traditional case-control study, researchers would need to recruit a different control group for
each group of cases being studied; here, one control group can be recycled repeatedly.
A case-cohort study examined risk factors for hospitalisation after dog-bite injury.39 The cohort
consisted of 1384 dog-bite patients (Fig. 1.3) seen at one hospital emergency department; 111 of
these who were admitted formed the case group. A simple random sample of the other patients
comprised the control subcohort (221 patients). As noted previously, controls were selected inde-
pendent of their disease status; by chance, 21 patients randomly chosen as controls were themselves
cases (admitted to the hospital). Infected bites and bites to multiple sites were most strongly related
to the risk of being hospitalised.
Case-Crossover Studies
This study type can be used to assess adverse drug reactions or events rapidly triggered by an expo-
sure. For example, a case with an adverse event is queried about exposures in the prior hour, deemed
the hazard window.25 The control interval might be the same time window in the same patient
1 day earlier. This helps to control for confounding by indication, because each study participant
serves as both the case and the control.40 An example would be studying the association between
sedatives and car wrecks.41
The possibility that chiropractic manipulation might precipitate carotid artery stroke prompted
a case-crossover study in Canada.42 All incident strokes over a 9-year period were the cases; each
served as his or her own control. The exposure windows used were 1, 3, 7, and 14 days before the
stroke. No significant differences in risk between visits to chiropractors and primary care providers
were evident, suggesting no role of spinal manipulation in triggering stroke.
Case-Time-Control Studies
This approach is a variant of the case-crossover design in which a traditional control group provides
the background exposure history. This type of study is defined as ‘a study in which exposure of cases
and controls during one period is compared in matched-pair analyses to their own exposure during
another period of similar length’.24 This approach is used in pharmacological studies to study brief
exposures with acute effects, such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and cardiac arrest outside
of a hospital.43 This approach helps to control for time trends in exposures.40
is that it eliminates confounding bias, both known and unknown (discussed in Chapter 3). Trials
tend to be statistically efficient. If properly designed and done, a randomised controlled trial is likely
to be free of bias and is thus especially useful for examination of small or moderate effects. In obser-
vational studies, bias can easily account for weak associations (i.e., small differences).45
Randomised controlled trials have drawbacks, too. External validity is a concern. Whereas the
randomised controlled trial, if properly done, has internal validity (i.e., it measures what it sets out to
measure), it might not have external validity. This term indicates the extent to which results can be
generalised to the broader community.20 Unlike the observational study, the randomised controlled
trial includes only volunteers who pass through a screening process before inclusion. Those who
volunteer for trials tend to be different from the population of those with the condition; only a tiny
fraction of those with a condition find their way into trials.46 Another limitation is that a rando-
mised controlled trial cannot be used in some instances, because intentional exposure to harmful
substances (e.g., toxins, bacteria, or other noxious substances) would be unethical. As with cohort
studies, the randomised controlled trial can be prohibitively expensive. Indeed, the cost of large
trials can run into the hundreds of millions of US dollars.47
Measurement of Outcomes
Identification and quantification of outcomes is the business of research. However, slippery termi-
nology often complicates matters for investigators and readers alike. For example, the term ‘rate’ (as
in ‘maternal mortality rate’) has been misused in textbooks and journal articles for decades. Addi-
tionally, ‘rate’ is often used interchangeably with proportions and ratios.24 Fig. 1.4 presents a simple
approach to classification of these common terms.
A ratio is a value obtained by dividing one number by another.24 These two numbers can be
either related or unrelated. This feature (i.e., relatedness of numerator and denominator) separates
ratios into two groups: those in which the numerator is included in the denominator (e.g., rate and
proportion) and those in which it is not.
A rate measures the frequency of an event in a population, usually over a period of time.
As shown in Fig. 1.4, the numerator (those with the outcome) of a rate must be contained in
Is numerator included
in denominator?
Yes No
Is time included
in denominator?
Yes No
the denominator (those at risk of the outcome). Although all ratios feature a numerator and denom-
inator, rates have two distinguishing characteristics: time and a multiplier. Rates indicate the time
during which the outcomes occur and a multiplier, commonly to a base ten, to yield whole numbers.
For example, the age-adjusted incidence of all unprovoked seizures in Minnesota is 61 per 100,000
person-years. In contrast, the prevalence of epilepsy there is 6.8 per 1000 population.48 The latter
measure is the total number of persons with a condition at a point in time divided by the population
at risk at that point in time (or midway in the time interval).24
Proportion is often used synonymously with rate, but the former does not have a time compo-
nent. Like a rate, a proportion is a ratio with the numerator contained in the denominator.24
Because the numerator and denominator have the same units, these divide out, leaving a dimen-
sionless quantity (a number without units). An example of a proportion is prevalence (e.g., 27 of 100
at risk have hay fever). This number indicates how many of a population at risk have a condition at a
particular time (here, 27%); as documentation of new cases over time is not involved, prevalence is
more properly considered a proportion than a rate.
Although all rates and proportions are ratios, the opposite is not true. In some ratios, the numer-
ator is not included in the denominator. The most notorious example may be the venerable maternal
mortality ratio. The definition includes women who die of pregnancy-related causes in the numer-
ator, and women with live births (usually 100,000) in the denominator. However, not all those in
the numerator are included in the denominator (e.g., a woman who dies of an ectopic pregnancy at
7 weeks’ gestation cannot be in the denominator). Thus this ‘rate’ is actually a ratio, not a rate, a fact
still not widely understood.49
and vice versa. For relative risks and odds ratios, when the 95% CI does not include 1.0, the dif-
ference is significant at the usual 0.05 level. However, use of this feature of confidence intervals as a
back-door means of hypothesis testing is inappropriate.51
Understanding what kind of study has been done is a prerequisite to thoughtful reading of research.
Clinical research can be divided into experimental and observational; observational studies are fur-
ther categorised into those with and without a comparison group. Only studies with comparison
groups allow investigators to assess possible causal associations, a fact often forgotten or ignored.
Dichotomous outcomes of studies should be reported as measures of association with confidence
intervals; testing null hypotheses at arbitrary p values of 0.05 has no basis in medicine.
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