Topic: Work Family Conflict: Presented By: 1. Muhammad Ali Baqir Cms 22912 2. Muhammad Ali Asghar Cms 22911
Topic: Work Family Conflict: Presented By: 1. Muhammad Ali Baqir Cms 22912 2. Muhammad Ali Asghar Cms 22911
Topic: Work Family Conflict: Presented By: 1. Muhammad Ali Baqir Cms 22912 2. Muhammad Ali Asghar Cms 22911
Presented by:
Nancy P. Rothbard.
The University of Pennsylvania
risk taking
work–family conflict
The relationship between work-family conflict, stress, and work
Edna Rabenu, (School of Behavioral Science, Netanya Academic
College, Netanya, Israel).
The purpose of this paper is to put forward a wide theoretical
framework that encompasses the relationships between
organizational justice, organizational citizenship behavior
(OCB), job stress, and the work-family conflict. The authors
suggest an explanatory model that associates those
Emerald Publishing Limited
28 February 2014
26 March 2015, 18 May 2015
18 July 2015
organizational justice was found to relate positively to OCB,
and stress was found to relate positively to the work-family
conflict. However, contrary to the hypotheses, OCB was found
to relate negatively to job stress and work-family conflict.
Namely, the higher the OCB, the lower the jobs stress.
When Job Performance is All Relative: How Family Motivation
Energizes Effort and Compensates for Intrinsic Motivation
WHU–Otto Beisheim School of Management
Jochen I. Menges
Danielle V. Tussing
Andreas Wihler
Adam M. Grant
Jochen I. Menges
University of Pennsylvania
Andreas Wihler
University of Bonn
Adam M. Grant
University of Pennsylvania
Danielle V. Tussing
Yu Ru Hsu (Department of Business Administration, Chang Jung
Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan)
– This study aims to examine the moderating effects of
perceived supervisor support (workenvironment variable) and
internal locus of control (personality variable) on the relationship
of work‐family conflict with job satisfaction.
Results show that work‐family conflict has a negative effect on job
satisfaction. Perceived supervisor support and internal locus of
control not only have direct effects on job satisfaction but also
significantly moderate the relationship
between work‐family conflict and job satisfaction.
Pavitra Mishra (a1), Jyotsna Bhatnagar (a2), Rajen Gupta (a3) and
Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth (a4)
This inter-human resource (HR) systems research investigates whether,
how, and when different types of employee-experienced HR systems
jointly influence employee creativity.
The role of person–organization fit and perceived organizational
support in the relationship between workplace ostracism and
behavioral outcomes
With the escalating influence of workplace environment on
organizational behavior, this study examined the relationships
between workplace ostracism, person–organization fit, perceived
organizational support, organizational citizenship behavior, and
deviant behavior.
This study investigated the mediating effects of person–organization
fit and the moderating effects of perceived organizational support
between person–organization fit with organizational citizenship
behavior and deviant behavior.
When More Is Not Enough
Executive Greed and Its Influence on Shareholder Wealth
The concept of greed is one of the oldest social constructs;
however, greed as a managerial attribute that affects firm
outcomes has yet to attract scholarly attention in management.
In this study, the relationship of CEO greed to shareholder wealth
has been examined.
Violating Work-Family Boundaries
Reactions to Interruptions at Work and Home
Journal of Management
(1) Tease apart boundary violations at work and at home from the
established construct of work-family conflict,
The contributions of this study, which include refining our
understanding of self-interest and opportunism, developing the greed
construct, and illustrating its impact on shareholder wealth, are
intended to open a new line of inquiry in the management literature.
As predicted, greed has a negative relationship with shareholder
return, but this relationship is moderated by the presence of a
powerful, independent board, managerial discretion, and CEO