Nearsightedness: What Are Some Common Vision Problems?

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Happens when a
person’s eye is too long or
their cornea is curved
steeply. Nearsighted eyes
produce an image in front
of the retina rather than
on the retina. A
nearsighted person can
see something clearly
• Happens when a only if it is nearby.
person’s eye is too Faraway objects look
short or the cornea is blurry.
not curved enough.
Farsighted eyes see
distant objects most
clearly. Things that WHAT ARE SOME
nearby look blurry to COMMON VISION
a person who is

By: Salma Omar

With contact How can vision With corrective
lenses or surgery problems be lenses
Contact lenses correct corrected? Nearsightedness can be
vision by changing the corrected with a concave
shape of the cornea. lens. Light bends away
Corrective eye surgery from the thin center of a
also works by reshaping concave lens, and the
the patient’s cornea. image moves back to the
Reshaping the cornea retina. Farsightedness can
changes how light is be corrected with a
focused on the retina. convex lens. Light bends
During surgery, a thin flap toward the wide middle
is folded back from the of a convex lens, and the
surface of the eye. The image moves forward to
cornea is then reshaped the retina.
with a laser so the patient
gains perfect or nearly
perfect vision.

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