Refractive Errors
Refractive Errors
Refractive Errors
Gyan Of Ayurveda
How are refractive errors diagnosed? If you have certain eye conditions, you may not
An eye care professional can be able to wear contact lenses. Discuss this matter
diagnose refractive errors with your eye care professional.
during a comprehensive
dilated eye examination. Refractive Surgery aims
People with a refractive error to change the shape of
often visit their eye care the cornea permanently.
professional with complaints of visual discomfort This change in eye shape
or blurred vision. However, some people don’t restores the focusing power
know they aren’t seeing as clearly as they could. of the eye by allowing
the light rays to focus precisely on the retina for
How are refractive errors corrected? improved vision. There are many types of refractive
Refractive errors can be corrected with eyeglasses, surgeries. Your eye care professional can help you
contact lenses, or refractive surgery. decide if surgery is an option for you.
Eyeglasses are the simplest For more information about refractive errors and eye
and safest way to correct health, visit
refractive errors. Your eye care
professional can prescribe
appropriate lenses to correct
your refractive error and give
you optimal vision.
Gyan Of Ayurveda