Afa Majorship (Fishery)
Afa Majorship (Fishery)
Afa Majorship (Fishery)
-is the business of catching, handling, taking, marketing and
preserving of fish and other fishery products.
1. Gill Cover (Operculum)- parts of the fish that covers the gills.
2. Scales- part of the fish that cover the body.
3. Lateral Lines- lines along the body of the fish used to help the fish
adapt itself to its new environment.
4. Fins- part of the fishing that is used for swimming, balancing and
propelling in water.
5. Eyes- parts of the fish that used for seeing.
6. Mouth- part of the fish that used for swallowing objects,
particularly food.
7. Anus- part of the fish that serves as an excretory organ of the fish
where the waste matter coming from the body of fish passes out.
8. Nostril- part of the that is used for smelling.
Internal Parts of Fish and their Functions:
1. Spine- the primary structural framework upon which the fish’s body is built. It
connects to the skull at the front of the fish and the tail at the rear. The spine is
made up of numerous vertebrae, which are hollow and which protect the
delicate spinal cord.
2. Spinal Cord- the part that connects the brain to the rest of the body and relays
sensory information from the body to the brain, as well as the instruction from the
brain to the rest of the body.
3. Brain- the control center of the fish where both automatic functions and higher
behavior occur. All sensory information is processed here.
4. Lateral Line- one of the fish’s primary sense organs. It detects underwater
vibration and is capable of determining the direction of their source.
5. Swim or Air Bladder- a hollow, gas-filled balance organ that allows a fish to
conserve energy by maintaining neutral buoyancy in water.
6. Kidney- filters liquid waste materials from the blood. These waste are then
passed out the body.
7. Stomach and Intestines- break down food and absorb nutrients.
8. Pyloric Caeca- finger like projection located near the functions of the stomach
and the intestine. It known to secrete enzymes and the aid digestion. It may also
function to absorb digested food or do both.
9. Liver- it assists digestion by secreting enzymes that break down fats and also
serves as a storage area for fats and carbohydrates.
10. Heart- circulates blood throughout the body.
11. Muscle- provide movement and locomotion. These are parts of the fish
that are usually eaten. They compose the fillet of the fish.
12. Gonad- hormone-secreting sexual gland of a fish.
Parts of Gills:
1. Gill Filament- used for exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
2. Gill Arch- used for support and for passing blood to and the gill filaments.
3. Gill Rakers- used for straining food from the water.
Phases or Aspects of Fish Culture:
1. Fish Cultivation- the rearing of fish under controlled or semi-
controlled condition.
2. According to purpose:
a. For commerce or for business
b. For recreation or for enjoyment
c. For educational and cultural or scientific pursuit
d. For food production
3. According to design:
a. Natural pond
b. Artificial pond
4. According to state of water:
a. Still water
b. Running water
5. According to salinity:
a. Freshwater
b. brackish-water
c. Marine or saltwater.
6. According to temperature:
a. Warm water or hot water
b. Cold water
1. Fish should be palatable and good tasting- the must have a delicate
2. Fish must be a fast grower- the fish must be able to grow rapidly or can
give a possibility of four or more harvests a year.
3.Fish should be resistant to pests, diseases and parasites- the fish should
not succumb to abrupt changes in temperature or salinity and can tolerate
such conditions in all its existence.
4. Fish should not be a universal feeder- the culture fish require food which
can be grown easily and abundantly under favorable conditions.
5. Fish should have high market demand- the fish must command a high
price to recover the expenses incurred.
6. Fish should not be destructive in confinement, either to its kind or to other
species or to its environment- the fish should be prolific which means that
reproduce very often to have a continuous supply of fry or stocks.
Basic Classification of Philippine Fishing Methods and Gears, and Safety
c. Riffle- baril.
5. Barriers and Traps
5. Barriers and Trap
6. Fishing with Lines
6. Fishing with Lines
6. Fishing with Lines
7. Falling Gear
8. Fish Impounding Nets
8. Fish Impounding Nets
9. Scooping Nets
9. Scooping Nets
9. Scooping Nets
9. Scooping Nets
9. Scooping Nets
10. Drive-in Gear- a gear that uses a scarce line or other devices
to frighten the fish toward the net. The harvest of the fish is
affected by the lifting process of the nets.
11. Dragged Gear
11. Dragged Gear
12. Seine Nets
12. Seine Nets
13. Sorrounding Nets
13. Sorrounding Nets
14. Gill Nets
14. Gill Nets
14. Gill Nets
14. Gill Nets
FISH PRESERVATION- is any operation that can prevent or inhibit the
natural process of breakdown or decomposition taking place in the fish.
It is known as fish processing.
1. Microorganisms
Types of Enzymes:
1. Lipolytic- enzyme that acts as fats.
2. Proteolytic- enzyme that acts on proteins.
3. Amylolitic- enzyme that acts on carbohydrates.
Methods of Fish Preservation
1. Fish Curing
2. Canning or Bottling
3. Refrigeration and Cold Storage
4. Utilization of Fish By Products
1. Fish Curing- includes all the methods 0f fish preservation except
refrigeration and canning. It is the process of preservation by the use
of preservatives and other chemicals for the purpose of keeping fish
and other fishery products fresh for future use.
1. Composition of Salt
a. Pure Salt- fish salted with pure salt is of better quality. It is soft and flabby and has
yellowish white color.
b. Impure Salt- fish salted with impure salt is firm and rusty in color.
3. Size- small sized of fish is salted faster than larger size of fish.
B. Drying and Dehydration- lowering the water content of the fish with the
aid of heat.
*Drying- known as natural drying.
*Dehydration- used of chemical devices to provide official heat of drying.
Types of Smoking:
1. Hot Smoking or Barbecuing- a slow type of broiling that places the
product in close proximity to the fire. The food is cooked and smoked in
temperature ranging 150F to 190F.
2. Cold Smoking- method of smoking in which the fish are hung at some
distance from a low smoldering fire and cured at temperatures ranging
from 90F to 110F.
D. Pickling- preservation of food by the use of vinegar and other
spices. Pickling of fish as a method of preservation is not
commercially done in the Philippines because the preservative
action of vinegar is short. Pickling has the some digestive action in
fish which renders it softer and pastier. Pickled fish is usually used as
appetizer so preservation by this method is recommended for use
at home.
2. Canning- application of heat to food in hermetically sealed
container at a temperature and for a period of time sufficient to
destroy microorganisms and to render any bacterial cell for a definite
period of time.